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Geneos Collection Agent Plugin User Guide

This is the documentation template for a new Collection Agent plugin. Instructions or information about each section of this template are written in plain text like this. You may tweak the sections of the template as necessary.

Overview Copied

Prerequisites Copied

Geneos environment Copied

Set up your Collection Agent plugin Copied

List down detailed steps/procedures for setting up the CA plugin. Screenshots/demos can complement these topics. For example:

Set up your collector in the Gateway Setup Editor by adding the following configuration in Dynamic Entities > Collectors. For more information, see Collectors in Dynamic Entities.

Configuration reference Copied

Add sample configuration file/s. This is usually in YAML format.

Below is an example YAML file which may require some changes for your project’s configuration:
 - type: plugin
   className: FluentdForwardCollector
   # Required. Port on which to receive TCP (+ TLS/SSL) messages and UDP heartbeats.
   port: 24224

   # Acceptor thread pool size (default = 1)
   acceptorThreadPoolSize: 1

   # Worker thread pool size (default = 1)
   workerThreadPoolSize: 1
   # Optional TLS configuration.
     # Required when tlsConfig is configured.
     # Server key - required to enable TLS
     keyFile: /path/to/private_key.pem
     # Required when tlsConfig is configured.
     # Server certificate - required to enable TLS.
     certFile: /path/to/cert_file.pem
     # Client trust chain - only required for client authentication.
     trustChainFile: /path/to/trust_chain.pem

   # Required. Name of event data key to use as the log event name.
   nameKey: ident
   # Optional tag mapping.
   # Every batch of messages contains a tag which may be mapped into log events.
   # Values:
   #   - none (default): ignored the tag
   #   - namespace: tag value is appended to the log event namespace
   #   - name: tag value is prepended to the log event name
   #   - dimension: tag value is added as a dimension
   tagMapping: none
   # Optional. Name of event data key to use to extract the log event message.
   # Default is 'message'.
   messageKey: message
   # Optional. Event data keys to use as dimension keys.
   # The key here is used as the search key in the event data and value (if any)
   # is inserted as a dimension with key mapped as specified.
     # If event data contains {} then it is mapped to a dimension {}.
     pid: pid.number
   # Optional. Event data key and optional mappings to extract severity from the event data.  
     # Event data key to use to extract severity value.
     key: level
     # Optional severity mapping value in case source system uses different values.
     # Supported target values are: [none, trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical]
       fatal: critical


Notes can also be added within the document for any supplemental information. This can be in different formats. See relevant resources.

Configure your mappings Copied

To show metrics and events in Geneos, dynamic mappings must be configured and attached to the Netprobe receiving the data from the Collection Agent. Select one of the options listed below to configure your dynamic mappings.

Choose a built in mapping in **Dynamic Entities** > **Mapping** or set up a custom mapping in **Dynamic Entities** > **Mapping**. For more information, see the [Mapping and mapping group in Dynamic Entities](__tcproject__/docs/geneos/current/processing/configuration/dynamic_entities/index.html#mapping-and-mapping-group) documentation.

Sample mappings are included in the Gateway package in `templates/vmware_mapping.xml`. This can be added as an include file in your Gateway.

Sample dataview Copied

Add a sample dataview if available.

Device IO dataview

You can also describe the headlines and columns in the dataview.

Headline legend Copied

Headline Description
Row 1 Row 1
Row 2 Row 2
Row 3 Row 3

Table legend Copied

Column Description
Row 1 Row 1
Row 2 Row 2
Row 3 Row 3

Sample metrics table Copied

Documentation for Collection Agent plugins normally include a list of metrics that is being measured by the plugin.

For example, the table below shows a set of metrics collected by the Kubernetes plugin.

Metric Type Unit Dimensions Description
kube_resource_quota_hard gauge millicores/bytes/none namespace, quota, resource Configured hard limit.
kube_resource_quota_used gauge millicores/bytes/none namespace, quota, resource Quota used amount.
kube_resource_quota_used_percent gauge % namespace, quota, resource Quota used percent.

Post-deployment activities / Troubleshooting Copied

Describe here activities that the users need to complete after deployment. This section can also talk about common troubleshooting issues and detailed steps on how to resolve them. Screenshots/demos can complement these topics.

Problem Copied

Describe how the issue or error happened. If applicable, you can include a screenshot of the error.

Cause Copied

Answer the following questions:

Solution Copied

Detail the steps on how to solve the issue/error. If there is more than one solution, consider listing them.

You can add diagrams, screenshots, and code samples to make each step clearer. In addition and if applicable, use notes, warnings, or tips to highlight any important information that users must know about.

Relevant resources Copied

For more information about writing in markdown, refer to the following resources:

Add additional topics as necessary to provide more information for the users. This can be in the form of screenshots of sample dataviews or links to external documentation relevant to the plugin. Refer to existing documentation on the docs website for further reference.

Heading Level 2 for main topics Copied

Heading Level 3 for subtopics Copied

Sample new heading level 2 Copied

Sample new heading level 3 Copied

["Geneos"] ["User Guide"]

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