Downloadable files
You can download the following ITRS-provided configuration files and scripts for ITRS Analytics.
Sample configuration files for the ITRS Analytics instance Copied
When planning to install the ITRS Analytics instance, you can reference the following sample configurations:
- Sample configuration for AWS EC2 handling 100k metrics/sec (large)
- Sample configuration for AWS EC2 handling 50k metrics/sec (medium)
- Sample configuration for AWS EC2 handling 10k metrics/sec (small)
- Sample configuration for AWS EC2 with ALB Ingress controller (micro)
- Sample configuration for micro sized cluster with NGINX Ingress controller (micro, no HA)
Downloadable scripts Copied
This information refers to the previous helm install method for the ITRS Analytics Platform. If you are looking to install using the more streamlined Kubernetes Off-the-Shelf (KOTS) method, see the updated installation overview.
["ITRS Analytics"]
["Technical Reference"]