

Before upgrading to Ingestion 1.1.0, you must first uninstall all ITRS Analytics apps. Due to a breaking change in a core library (Spring Boot), you need to upgrade all ITRS Analytics apps at the same time. Make sure that you reinstall the latest mutually compatible versions of ITRS Analytics apps. See the ITRS Analytics Compatibility Matrix.

To install the Ingestion app:

  1. Create a chart config file, such as app.yaml with content similar to the following:

        annotations: "nginx" "minion"

    Your ingress controller may require custom annotations on the ingress (this example is for ingress-nginx).

  2. Install the chart:

    helm install -f app.yaml obcerv-app-ingestion itrs/obcerv-app-ingestion \
              --version 1.1.0 -n <namespace> --wait

Uninstall Copied

helm uninstall obcerv-app-ingestion -n itrs

Upgrade Copied

To upgrade the app, first uninstall and then install it again using the new version.

["Obcerv"] ["Obcerv > Ingestion"] ["Technical Reference"]

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