

This information refers to the previous helm install method. For the streamlined Kubernetes Off-the-Shelf (KOTS) method, you can select the apps you want to install during Platform installation.

To install the Ingestion app:

  1. Create a chart config file, such as app.yaml with content similar to the following:

        annotations: "nginx" "minion"

    Your ingress controller may require custom annotations on the ingress (this example is for ingress-nginx).

  2. Install the chart:

    helm install -f app.yaml obcerv-app-ingestion itrs/obcerv-app-ingestion \
              --version <version number> -n <namespace> --wait

Uninstall Copied

helm uninstall obcerv-app-ingestion -n itrs

Upgrade Copied

To upgrade the app, first uninstall and then install it again using the new version.

["ITRS Analytics"] ["ITRS Analytics > Ingestion"] ["User Guide"]

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