Google Cloud Platform logging resources

Monitored GCP logging resource types Copied

The following table lists all the Cloud Logging monitored resource types.

Resource type Display name Dimension Description
app_script_function Apps Script Function project_id, invocation_type, function_name An Apps Script function.
assistant_action Google Assistant Action project_id, version_id, action_id An Action in a Google Assistant App.
audited_resource Audited Resource project_id, service, method A Google Cloud resource that produces an audit log.
aws_alb_load_balancer Amazon ALB Load Balancer project_id, name, region, aws_account A load balancer in Amazon ALB.
aws_cloudfront_distribution Amazon CloudFront CDN project_id, distribution_id, region, aws_account A CloudFront content distribution network.
aws_dynamodb_table Amazon DynamoDB Table project_id, table, region, aws_account A table in Amazon DynamoDB.
aws_ebs_volume Amazon EBS Volume project_id, volume_id, region, aws_account An Amazon EC2 Elastic Block Storage volume.
aws_elasticache_cluster Amazon Elasticache Cluster project_id, cluster_id, region, aws_account A cache cluster in Amazon Elasticache.
aws_elb_load_balancer Amazon Elastic Load Balancer project_id, region, name, aws_account A load balancer in Amazon Elastic Load Balancer.
aws_emr_cluster Amazon EMR Cluster project_id, cluster_id, region, aws_account A cluster in Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
aws_kinesis_stream Amazon Kinesis Stream project_id, stream_name, region, aws_account A stream in Amazon Kinesis.
aws_lambda_function Amazon Lambda Function project_id, function_name, region, aws_account A function in Amazon Lambda.
aws_rds_database Amazon RDS Database project_id, name, region, aws_account A database in Amazon Relational Database Service.
aws_redshift_cluster Amazon Redshift Cluster project_id, cluster_identifier, region, aws_account A cluster in Amazon Redshift.
aws_s3_bucket Amazon S3 Bucket project_id, bucket_name, region, aws_account A bucket in Amazon S3.
aws_ses Amazon SES Region project_id, region, aws_account An Amazon region with Amazon Simple Email Service enabled.
aws_sns_topic Amazon SNS Topic project_id, topic, region, aws_account A topic in Amazon SNS.
aws_sqs_queue Amazon SQS Queue project_id, queue, region, aws_account A queue in Amazon Simple Queue Service.
bigquery_biengine_model BigQuery BI Engine Model project_id, location, model_id BigQuery BI Engine Model.
bigquery_dataset BigQuery Dataset project_id, dataset_id A dataset in BigQuery.
bigquery_project BigQuery Project project_id, location BigQuery Project.
build Cloud Build project_id, build_id, build_trigger_id A build in Cloud Build. Certificate Manager project resource_container, location Certificate Manager project.
cloud_dataproc_cluster Cloud Dataproc Cluster [project_id, cluster_name, cluster_uuid, region] A Dataproc cluster with separate cluster name and id labels.
cloud_dataproc_job Cloud Dataproc Job [project_id, region, job_id, job_uuid] A Dataproc job execution.
cloud_function Cloud Function project_id, function_name, region A function in Google Cloud Functions.
cloud_run_job Cloud Run Job project_id, job_name, location A job in Cloud Run.
cloud_run_revision Cloud Run Revision [project_id, service_name, revision_name, location, configuration_name] A revision in Cloud Run.
cloud_scheduler_job Cloud Scheduler Job project_id, location, job_id A Cloud Scheduler Job.
cloud_tasks_queue Cloud Tasks Queue project_id, queue_id, target_type, location A queue in Cloud Tasks. Cloud Deploy Delivery Pipeline resource_container, location, pipeline_id A Cloud Deploy Delivery Pipeline.
cloudiot_device Cloud IoT Device project_id, device_num_id, device_registry_id, location A Device in Google Cloud IoT.
cloudiot_device_registry Cloud IoT Registry project_id, device_registry_id, location A Device Registry in Google Cloud IoT.
cloudml_job Cloud ML Job project_id, job_id, region A Google Cloud ML job.
cloudml_model_version Cloud ML Model Version project_id, model_id, version_id, region A Google Cloud ML model version.
cloudsql_database Cloud SQL Database project_id, database_id, region A database hosted in Google Cloud SQL.
consumed_api Consumed API project_id, service, method, version, location, credential_id An API used by customers.
csr_repository Cloud Source Repository project_id, name A repository in Google Cloud Source Repositories.
dell_emc_cloud_onefs_cluster Dell EMC Cloud OneFS Cluster project_id, location, cluster_id Multi-protocol access to files and directories on GCP, Isilon Cloud OneFS clusters with SMB for Windows, and NFS for UNIX file systems.
dns_managed_zone Managed DNS Zone project_id, zone_name, location A ManagedZone in the Google Cloud DNS service.
dns_policy Cloud DNS Policy project_id, policy_name, location A Policy in the Google Cloud DNS service.
firebase_auth Firebase Auth Project project_id A Firebase Auth Project.
firebase_domain Firebase Hosting Site Domain project_id, site_name, domain_name A domain from which a Firebase Hosting site is serving traffic.
firebase_namespace Firebase Realtime Database project_id, table_name, location A Firebase Realtime Database. Fleet Engine Last Mile Fleet Solution resource_container, location A top-level resource for Fleet Engine Last Mile Fleet Solution metrics and logs. Fleet Engine On Demand Rides and Deliveries resource_container, location A top-level resource for Fleet Engine On Demand Rides and Deliveries metrics and logs.
gae_app GAE Application project_id, module_id, version_id, zone An application running in Google App Engine (GAE).
gateway_scope Gateway Scope project_id, location, scope GatewayScope represents a set of Gateways with the same merged configs.
gce_backend_service Cloud Load Balancing Backend Service project_id, backend_service_id, location A Compute Engine backend service.
gce_disk Disk project_id, disk_id, zone A disk belonging to a Compute Engine instance.
gce_instance VM Instance project_id, instance_id, zone A virtual machine instance hosted in Compute Engine.
gce_node_group Node Group project_id, node_group_id, zone A Compute Engine node group.
gce_node_template Node Template project_id, node_template_id, region A Compute Engine node template.
gce_resource_policy Resource Policy project_id, resource_policy_id, region A Compute Engine resource policy.
gce_service_attachment Service Attachment project_id, region, service_attachment_id A Private Service Connect Service Attachment.
gcs_bucket GCS Bucket [project_id, bucket_name, location] A Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.
generic_node Generic Node project_id, location, namespace, node_id A generic node identifies a machine or other computational resource for which no more specific resource type is applicable. The label values must uniquely identify the node.
generic_task Generic Task project_id, location, namespace, job, task_id A generic task identifies an application process for which no more specific resource is applicable, such as a process scheduled by a custom orchestration system. The label values must uniquely identify the task. GKE Backup Plan resource_container, location, backup_plan_id A backup plan provides configuration, location, and management functions for a sequence of backups. GKE Restore Plan resource_container, location, restore_plan_id A restore plan defines the configuration of a series of restore operations to be performed against backups which belong to the specified backup plan.
http_external_regional_lb_rule Regional External Application Load Balancer Rule project_id, network_name, region, url_map_name, forwarding_rule_name, target_proxy_name, matched_url_path_rule, backend_target_name, backend_target_type, backend_name, backend_type, backend_scope, backend_scope_type A resource descriptor for regional external Application Load Balancer behavior.
identitytoolkit_project Project project_id An Identity Toolkit project.
identitytoolkit_tenant Identity Toolkit Tenant project_id, tenant_name An Identity Toolkit tenant.
internal_http_lb_rule Internal Application Load Balancer Rule project_id, network_name, region, url_map_name, forwarding_rule_name, target_proxy_name, matched_url_path_rule, backend_target_name, backend_target_type, backend_name, backend_type, backend_scope, backend_scope_type A resource descriptor for internal Application Load Balancer behavior.
k8s_container Kubernetes Container project_id, location, cluster_name, namespace_name, pod_name, container_name A Kubernetes container instance.
k8s_node Kubernetes Node project_id, location, cluster_name, node_name A Kubernetes node instance.
k8s_service Kubernetes Service project_id, location, cluster_name, namespace_name, service_name A Kubernetes Service instance.
l4_proxy_rule Proxy Network Load Balancer Rule project_id, network_name, region, load_balancing_scheme, protocol, forwarding_rule_name, target_proxy_name, backend_target_name, backend_target_type, backend_name, backend_type, backend_scope, backend_scope_type A resource descriptor for proxy Network Load Balancer behavior. External Passthrough Network Load Balancer Rule project_id, region, backend_network_name, backend_target_type, backend_service_name, primary_target_pool, target_pool, forwarding_rule_name, backend_group_name, backend_group_type, backend_group_scope, backend_subnetwork_name, backend_zone A set of definitions for multi protocol network load balancing behavior. Internal Passthrough Network Load Balancer Rule project_id, region, backend_network_name, backend_service_name, forwarding_rule_name, backend_group_name, backend_group_type, backend_group_scope, backend_subnetwork_name A set of definitions for multi protocol internal load balancing behavior.
logging_exclusion Log Exclusion project_id, name An exclusion in Cloud Logging.
logging_sink Logging export sink project_id, name, destination An export sink in Cloud Logging.
mesh Mesh project_id, location, mesh A mesh serves as the “key” to deliver configuration to data plane proxy instances. Dataproc Metastore Federation resource_container, location, federation_id A Dataproc Metastore Federation. Dataproc Metastore Service resource_container, location, service_id A Dataproc Metastore Service.
metric Metric Type project_id, name A Stackdriver Monitoring metric type. Google Maps Platform - Mobility Billing resource_container, location A top-level resource for Mobility Billing metrics and logs.
nat_gateway Cloud NAT Gateway project_id, region, router_id, gateway_name A Cloud NAT Gateway. Gateway resource_container, location, network_name, gateway_type, gateway_name A Gateway represents a single gateway resource.
produced_api Produced API with consumer dimension project_id, service, method, version, location, consumer_id An API provided by the producer with consumer dimension.
pubsub_snapshot Cloud Pub/Sub Snapshot project_id, snapshot_id A snapshot in Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
pubsub_subscription Cloud Pub/Sub Subscription project_id, subscription_id A subscription in Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
pubsub_topic Cloud Pub/Sub Topic project_id, topic_id A topic in Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
recommender_insight_type InsightType project_id, insight_type_id, location An InsightType represents a grouping of similar insights.
recommender Recommender project_id, recommender_id, location A Recommender represents a grouping of similar recommendations.
spanner_instance Cloud Spanner Instance project_id, instance_id, location, instance_config A Cloud Spanner instance.
tcp_ssl_proxy_rule Global External Proxy Network Load Balancer Rule project_id, region, backend_target_name, backend_target_type, forwarding_rule_name, target_proxy_name, backend_name, backend_type, backend_scope, backend_scope_type A set of definitions for TCP/SSL proxy behavior.
threat_detector Threat Detector project_id, detector_name A detector in the Threat Detection service.
uptime_url Uptime Check URL project_id, host An Uptime Monitoring check against a custom URL.
vpn_gateway Cloud VPN Gateway project_id, gateway_id, region A Cloud VPN gateway.
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