AWS Plugin services
Overview Copied
The AWS plugin is a Collection Agent plugin that gathers metrics through AWS CloudWatch. This plugin also provides an API Destination that can interact with AWS services, such as EventBridge and SNS.
Monitored AWS services Copied
The AWS plugin can also get CloudWatch metrics from the following AWS services. See the Required AWS plugin permissions for each service.
AWS/ApplicationELB Copied
The AWS/ApplicationELB
service collects metrics from Application Load Balancers.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActiveConnectionCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of concurrent TCP connections active from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets. | |
AvailabilityZones | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Subnets for the load balancer. | |||
ClientTlsNegotiationErrorCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of TLS connections initiated by the client that did not establish a session with the load balancer due to a TLS error. Possible causes include a mismatch of ciphers or protocols or the client failing to verify the server certificate and closing the connection. | |
ConsumedLCUs | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. | |
CreatedTime | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Date and time the load balancer was created. | |||
DesyncmitigationmodeNoncompliantRequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of requests that do not comply with RFC 7230. | |
DnsName | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Public DNS name of the load balancer. | |||
DroppedInvalidHeaderRequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of requests where the load balancer removed HTTP headers with header fields that are not valid before routing the request. The load balancer removes these headers only if the |
ELBAuthError | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of user authentications that could not be completed because an authenticate action was misconfigured, the load balancer cannot establish a connection with the IdP, or the load balancer cannot complete the authentication flow due to an internal error. | |
ELBAuthFailure | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of user authentications that could not be completed because the IdP denied access to the user or an authorisation code was used more than once. | |
ELBAuthLatency | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Time elapsed, in milliseconds, to query the IdP for the ID token and user info. If one or more of these operations fail, this is the time to failure. | |
ELBAuthRefreshTokenSuccess | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times the load balancer successfully refreshed user claims using a refresh token provided by the IdP. | |
ELBAuthSuccess | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of authenticate actions that were successful. | |
ELBAuthUserClaimsSizeExceeded | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times that a configured IdP returned user claims that exceeded 11K bytes in size. | |
ForwardedInvalidHeaderRequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of requests routed by the load balancer that had HTTP headers with header fields that are not valid. The load balancer forwards requests with these headers only if the |
GrpcRequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of gRPC requests processed over IPv4 and IPv6. | |
HealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of targets that are considered healthy. | |
HealthyStateDNS | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of zones that meet the DNS healthy state requirements. | |
HealthyStateRouting | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of zones that meet the routing healthy state requirements. | |
HTTP_Fixed_Response_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of fixed-response actions that were successful. | |
HTTP_Redirect_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of redirect actions that were successful. | |
HTTP_Redirect_Url_Limit_Exceeded_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of redirect actions that cannot be completed. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_3XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 3XX redirection codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include response codes generated by targets. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_4XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 4XX redirection codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include response codes generated by targets. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_500_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 500 error codes that originate from the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_502_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 502 error codes that originate from the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_503_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 503 error codes that originate from the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_504_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 504 error codes that originate from the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 5XX redirection codes that originate from the load balancer. This count does not include response codes generated by targets. | |
HTTPCode_Target_2XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 2XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_Target_3XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 3XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_Target_4XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 4XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. | |
HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP 5XX response codes generated by the targets. This does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. | |
IpAddressType | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. | |||
Ipv6ProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by the load balancer over IPv6. This count is included in ProcessedBytes . |
Ipv6RequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of IPv6 requests received by the load balancer. | |
LambdaInternalError | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of requests to a Lambda function that failed because of an issue internal to the load balancer or AWS Lambda. To get the error reason codes, check the error_reason field of the access log. |
LambdaTargetProcessedBytes | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by the load balancer for requests to and responses from a Lambda function. | |
LambdaUserError | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of requests to a Lambda function that failed because of an issue with the Lambda function. | |
NewConnectionCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of new TCP connections established from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets. | |
NonStickyRequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of requests where the load balancer chose a new target because it couldn’t use an existing sticky session. For example, the request was the first request from a new client and no stickiness cookie was presented, a stickiness cookie was presented but it did not specify a target that was registered with this target group, the stickiness cookie was malformed or expired, or an internal error prevented the load balancer from reading the stickiness cookie. |
ProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by the load balancer over IPv4 and IPv6. This count includes traffic to and from clients and Lambda functions, and traffic from an Identity Provider (IdP) if user authentication is enabled. |
RejectedConnectionCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of connections that were rejected because the load balancer had reached its maximum number of connections. | |
RequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of requests processed over IPv4 and IPv6. This metric is only incremented for requests where the load balancer node was able to choose a target. Requests rejected before a target is chosen (for example, HTTP 460, HTTP 400, some kinds of HTTP 503 and 500) are not reflected in this metric. |
RequestCountPerTarget | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Average number of requests received by each target in a target group. You must specify the target group using the |
RuleEvaluations | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of rules processed by the load balancer given a request rate averaged over an hour. | |
Scheme | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer that have public IP addresses. | |||
State | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | State of the load balancer. | |||
TargetConnectionErrorCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of connections that were not successfully established between the load balancer and target. This metric does not apply if the target is a Lambda function. |
TargetResponseTime | gauge | seconds | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Time elapsed, in seconds, after the request leaves the load balancer until a response from the target is received. This is equivalent to the target_processing_time field in the access logs. |
TargetTlsNegotiationErrorCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of TLS connections initiated by the load balancer that did not establish a session with the target. Possible causes include a mismatch of ciphers or protocols. This metric does not apply if the target is a Lambda function. |
UnHealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of targets that are considered unhealthy. | |
UnhealthyRoutingRequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of requests that are routed using the routing failover action (fail open). | |
UnhealthyStateDNS | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of zones that do not meet the DNS healthy state requirements and therefore were marked unhealthy in DNS. | |
UnhealthyStateRouting | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of zones that do not meet the routing healthy state requirements, and therefore the load balancer distributes traffic to all targets in the zone, including the unhealthy targets. | |
VpcId | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | ID of the VPC for the load balancer. |
AWS/Billing Copied
The AWS/Billing
service collects billing metrics, including a breakdown of estimated charges by service.
To get these metrics, you need to enable the AWS Billing collector configuration, AwsBillingCollector
, in the Collection Agent YAML file. See Configure Geneos to deploy AWS CloudWatch plugin in AWS.
service is only available through theAwsBillingCollector
and not as a service underAwsCollector
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActualSpend | gauge | USD | BudgetName, Namespace, Region | average | 21600 | Actual spending costs for your budget period. |
BudgetLimit | gauge | USD | BudgetName, Namespace, Region | average | 21600 | Spending limit for your budget period. |
BudgetType | attribute | BudgetName, Namespace, Region | Specifies if the budget tracks costs, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage. | |||
EstimatedCharges | gauge | USD | Currency, Namespace, Region, ServiceName | average | 21600 | Estimated charges for your AWS usage. |
ForecastedSpend | gauge | USD | BudgetName, Namespace, Region | average | 21600 | Forecasted spending costs for your budget period. |
AWS/AutoScaling Copied
The AWS/AutoScaling
service collects metrics from Auto-scaling groups.
Metric name | Metric type | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
GroupAndWarmPoolDesiredCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group and the warm pool combined. |
GroupAndWarmPoolTotalCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total capacity of the Auto Scaling group and the warm pool combined. |
GroupDesiredCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of instances that the Auto Scaling group attempts to maintain. |
GroupInServiceCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of capacity units that are running as part of the Auto Scaling group. |
GroupInServiceInstances | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of instances that are running as part of the Auto Scaling group. |
GroupMaxSize | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Maximum size of the Auto Scaling group. |
GroupMinSize | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Minimum size of the Auto Scaling group. |
GroupPendingCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of capacity units that are pending. |
GroupPendingInstances | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of instances that are pending. |
GroupStandbyCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of capacity units that are in a Standby state. |
GroupStandbyInstances | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of instances that are in a Standby state. |
GroupTerminatingCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of capacity units that are in the process of terminating. |
GroupTerminatingInstances | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of instances that are in the process of terminating. |
GroupTotalCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of capacity units in the Auto Scaling group. |
GroupTotalInstances | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of instances in the Auto Scaling group. |
WarmPoolDesiredCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of capacity that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling attempts to maintain in the warm pool. |
WarmPoolMinSize | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Minimum size of the warm pool. |
WarmPoolPendingCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of capacity in the warm pool that is pending. |
WarmPoolTerminatingCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of capacity in the warm pool that is in the process of terminating. |
WarmPoolTotalCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total capacity of the warm pool, including instances that are running, stopped, pending, or terminating. |
WarmPoolWarmedCapacity | gauge | AutoScalingGroupName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of capacity available to enter the Auto Scaling group during scale out. |
AWS/CertificateManager Copied
The AWS/CertificateManager
service collects metrics from available certificates in ACM.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
DaysToExpiry | gauge | days | CertificateArn, Namespace, Region | minimum | 86400 | Number of remaining days until the certificate expires. |
DomainName | attribute | CertificateArn, Namespace, Region | Domain name defined in the certificate. | |||
InUse | attribute | CertificateArn, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the certificate is in use by another AWS service. Possible values are |
RenewalEligibility | attribute | CertificateArn, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the certificate is eligible for renewal. | |||
Status | attribute | CertificateArn, Namespace, Region | Certificate status (EXPIRED , FAILED , INACTIVE , ISSUED , PENDING_VALIDATION , REVOKED , VALIDATION_TIMED_OUT , or UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION ). |
Type | attribute | CertificateArn, Namespace, Region | Certificate type (AMAZON_ISSUED , IMPORTED , PRIVATE , or UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION ). |
AWS/DynamoDB Copied
The AWS/DynamoDB
service collects metrics from DynamoDB tables.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
AccountMaxReads | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Maximum number of read capacity units that can be used by an account. This limit does not apply to on-demand tables or global secondary indexes. | |
AccountMaxTableLevelReads | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Maximum number of read capacity units that can be used by a table or global secondary index of an account. For on-demand tables this limit caps the maximum read request units a table or a global secondary index can use. | |
AccountMaxTableLevelWrites | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Maximum number of write capacity units that can be used by a table or global secondary index of an account. For on-demand tables this limit caps the maximum write request units a table or a global secondary index can use. | |
AccountMaxWrites | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Maximum number of write capacity units that can be used by an account. This limit does not apply to on-demand tables or global secondary indexes. | |
AccountProvisionedReadCapacityUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Sum of read capacity units provisioned for all tables and global secondary indexes of an account. | |
AccountProvisionedReadCapacityUtilization | gauge | percent | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of provisioned read capacity units utilized by an account. |
AccountProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Sum of write capacity units provisioned for all tables and global secondary indexes of an account. | |
AccountProvisionedWriteCapacityUtilization | gauge | percent | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of provisioned write capacity units utilized by an account. |
AgeOfOldestUnreplicatedRecord | gauge | milliseconds | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Elapsed time since a record yet to be replicated to the Kinesis data stream first appeared in the DynamoDB table. |
ConditionalCheckFailedRequests | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of failed attempts to perform conditional writes. The If this condition evaluates to |
ConsumedChangeDataCaptureUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of consumed change data capture units. | |
ConsumedReadCapacityUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of read capacity units consumed over the specified time period, so you can track how much of your provisioned throughput is used. You can retrieve the total consumed read capacity for a table and all of its global secondary indexes, or for a particular global secondary index. |
ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of write capacity units consumed over the specified time period, so you can track how much of your provisioned throughput is used. You can retrieve the total consumed write capacity for a table and all of its global secondary indexes, or for a particular global secondary index. |
Encryption | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is KMS if encryption is defined. | |||
FailedToReplicateRecordCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records that DynamoDB failed to replicate to your Kinesis data stream. | |
Indexes | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Sum of the global secondary indexes and the local secondary indexes. | |||
ItemCount | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Number of items in a table. | |||
MaxProvisionedTableReadCapacityUtilization | gauge | percentage | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Percentage of provisioned read capacity utilized by the highest provisioned read table or global secondary index of an account. |
MaxProvisionedTableWriteCapacityUtilization | gauge | percentage | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Percentage of provisioned write capacity utilized by the highest provisioned write table or global secondary index of an account. |
OnlineIndexConsumedWriteCapacity | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of write capacity units consumed when adding a new global secondary index to a table. If the write capacity of the index is too low, the incoming write activity during the backfill phase might be throttled. This can increase the time it takes to create the index. You should monitor this statistic while the index is being built to determine whether the write capacity of the index is underprovisioned. |
OnlineIndexPercentageProgress | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of completion when a new global secondary index is being added to a table. DynamoDB must first allocate resources for the new index, and then backfill attributes from the table into the index. For large tables, this process might take a long time. You should monitor this statistic to view the relative progress as DynamoDB builds the index. |
OnlineIndexThrottleEvents | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of write throttle events that occur when adding a new global secondary index to a table. These events indicate that the index creation will take longer to complete, because incoming write activity is exceeding the provisioned write throughput of the index. | |
PartitionKey | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Value of the defined partition key. | |||
PendingReplicationCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Metric is for DynamoDB global tables. The number of item updates that are written to one replica table, but that have not yet been written to another replica in the global table. | |
ProvisionedReadCapacityUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of provisioned read capacity units for a table or a global secondary index. | |
ProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of provisioned write capacity units for a table or a global secondary index. | |
ReadCapacityMode | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Read capacity can either be On-Demand or Partitioned depending on the read capacity settings. | |||
ReadThrottleEvents | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Requests to DynamoDB that exceed the provisioned read capacity units for a table or a global secondary index. | |
Replicas | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Number of times the given table has been replicated in other regions. | |||
ReplicationLatency | gauge | milliseconds | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Metric is for DynamoDB global tables. The elapsed time between an updated item appearing in the DynamoDB stream for one replica table, and that item appearing in another replica in the global table. |
ReturnedBytes | gauge | bytes | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes returned by GetRecords operations (Amazon DynamoDB Streams) during the specified time period. |
ReturnedItemCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of items returned by Query, Scan or ExecuteStatement (select) operations during the specified time period. |
ReturnedRecordsCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of stream records returned by GetRecords operations (Amazon DynamoDB Streams) during the specified time period. |
Size | attribute | bytes | TableName, Namespace, Region | Total size of the specified table, in bytes. DynamoDB updates this value approximately every six hours. Recent changes might not be reflected in this value. | ||
SortKey | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Value of the sort key if sort key has been defined. | |||
SuccessfulRequestLatency | gauge | milliseconds | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Successful requests to DynamoDB or Amazon DynamoDB Streams during the specified time period. SuccessfulRequestLatency can provide two different kinds of information: the elapsed time for successful requests (Minimum , Maximum , Sum , or Average ) or the number of successful requests (SampleCount ). SuccessfulRequestLatency reflects activity only within DynamoDB or Amazon DynamoDB Streams, and does not take into account network latency or client-side activity. |
SystemErrors | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Requests to DynamoDB or Amazon DynamoDB Streams that generate an HTTP 500 status code during the specified time period. An HTTP 500 usually indicates an internal service error. | |
TableClass | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | The table class of the specified table. Valid values are STANDARD and STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS . |
TableCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of active tables of an account. | |
TableStatus | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Current state of the table. | |||
ThrottledPutRecordCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records that were throttled by the Kinesis data stream due to insufficient Kinesis Data Streams capacity. | |
ThrottledRequests | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Requests to DynamoDB that exceed the provisioned throughput limits on a resource (such as a table or an index).
TimeToLiveDeletedItemCount | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of items deleted by Time to Live (TTL) during the specified time period. This metric helps you monitor the rate of TTL deletions on the table. | |
TransactionConflict | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Rejected item-level requests due to transactional conflicts between concurrent requests on the same items. | |
UserErrors | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Requests to DynamoDB or Amazon DynamoDB Streams that generate an HTTP 400 status code during the specified time period. An HTTP 400 usually indicates a client-side error, such as an invalid combination of parameters, an attempt to update a non-existent table, or an incorrect request signature. | |
WriteCapacityMode | attribute | TableName, Namespace, Region | Write capacity can either be On-Demand or Partitioned depending on the write capacity settings. | |||
WriteThrottleEvents | gauge | TableName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Requests to DynamoDB that exceed the provisioned write capacity units for a table or a global secondary index. |
AWS/EBS Copied
service collects metrics from non-deleted and non-error EBS volumes.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
AttachedInstances | attribute | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | List of instance IDs attached to this volume. | |||
BurstBalance | gauge | percent | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Provides information about the percentage of I/O credits (for gp2) or throughput credits (for st1 and sc1) remaining in the burst bucket. |
CreateTime | attribute | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | Time when the volume creation was initiated. | |||
FastSnapshotRestoreCreditsBalance | gauge | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of volume create credits available. This metric is reported per snapshot per Availability Zone. | |
FastSnapshotRestoreCreditsBucketSize | gauge | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Maximum number of volume create credits that can be accumulated. This metric is reported per snapshot per Availability Zone. | |
Size | attribute | gibibyte | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Size of the volume in GiBs. |
VolumeConsumedReadWriteOps | gauge | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Used with Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes only. The total amount of read and write operations (normalized to 256K capacity units) consumed in a specified period of time. | |
VolumeIdleTime | gauge | seconds | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of seconds in a specified period of time when no read or write operations were submitted. |
VolumeQueueLength | gauge | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of read and write operation requests waiting to be completed in a specified period of time. | |
VolumeReadBytes | gauge | bytes | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Provides information on the read operations in a specified period of time. |
VolumeReadOps | gauge | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of read operations in a specified period of time. Note that read operations are counted on completion. | |
VolumeThroughputPercentage | gauge | percent | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Used with Provisioned IOPS SSD volumes only. The percentage of I/O operations per second (IOPS) delivered of the total IOPS provisioned for an Amazon EBS volume. |
VolumeTotalReadTime | gauge | seconds | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of seconds spent by all read operations that completed in a specified period of time. |
VolumeTotalWriteTime | gauge | seconds | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of seconds spent by all write operations that completed in a specified period of time. |
VolumeType | attribute | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | Type of the volume. | |||
VolumeWriteBytes | gauge | bytes | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Provides information on the write operations in a specified period of time. |
VolumeWriteOps | gauge | VolumeId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of write operations in a specified period of time. Note that write operations are counted on completion. |
AWS/EC2 Copied
service collects metrics from non-stopped and non-terminated EC2 instances.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
Architecture | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Architecture of the image. | |||
CPUCreditBalance | gauge | minutes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started. For T2 Standard, the |
CPUCreditUsage | gauge | minutes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilisation. One CPU credit equals one vCPU running at 100% utilisation for one minute, or an equivalent combination of vCPUs, utilisation, and time (for example, one vCPU running at 50% utilisation for two minutes or two vCPUs running at 25% utilisation for two minutes). |
CPUSurplusCreditBalance | gauge | minutes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of surplus credits that have been spent by an unlimited instance when its CPUCreditBalance value is zero. |
CPUSurplusCreditsCharged | gauge | minutes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of spent surplus credits that are not paid down by earned CPU credits, and which thus incur an additional charge. |
CPUUtilization | gauge | percent | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of the allocated EC2 compute units that are currently in use on the instance. This metric identifies the processing power required to run an application on a selected instance. |
CidrIpv4 | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Range of IPv4 CIDR. | |||
CidrIpv6 | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Range of IPv6 CIDR. | |||
DedicatedHostCPUUtilization | gauge | percent | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of allocated compute capacity that is currently in use by the instances running on the dedicated host. |
DiskReadBytes | gauge | bytes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Bytes read from all instance store volumes available to the instance. |
DiskReadOps | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Completed read operations from all instance store volumes available to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
DiskWriteBytes | gauge | bytes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Bytes written to all instance store volumes available to the instance. |
DiskWriteOps | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Completed write operations to all instance store volumes available to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
EBSByteBalance% | gauge | percent | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Provides information about the percentage of throughput credits remaining in the burst bucket. This metric is only available for basic monitoring. |
EBSIOBalance% | gauge | percent | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Provides information about the percentage of I/O credits remaining in the burst bucket. This metric is available for basic monitoring only. |
EBSReadBytes | gauge | bytes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Bytes read from all EBS volumes attached to the instance in a specified period of time. |
EBSReadOps | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Completed read operations from all Amazon EBS volumes attached to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
EBSWriteBytes | gauge | bytes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Bytes written to all EBS volumes attached to the instance in a specified period of time. |
EBSWriteOps | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Completed write operations to all EBS volumes attached to the instance in a specified period of time. | |
GroupId | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | ID of the security group. | |||
GroupOwnerId | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the security group. | |||
Groups | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Security groups. | |||
InstanceType | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Instance type. | |||
InterfaceType | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Type of the network interface. | |||
IpProtocol | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | IP protocol name (TCP , UDP , ICMP , ICMPv6 , all ) or number. |
IpV4Prefixes | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Delegated IPv4 prefixes assigned to the network interface. | |||
IpV6Prefixes | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Delegated IPv6 prefixes assigned to the network interface. | |||
Ipv6Addresses | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | IPv6 addresses associated with the network interface. | |||
IsEgress | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the security group rule is an outbound rule. | |||
LaunchTime | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Time when the instance was launched. | |||
MacAddress | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | MAC address. | |||
MetadataNoToken | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of times the instance metadata service was successfully accessed using a method that does not use a token. | |
NetworkIn | gauge | bytes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes received by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of incoming network traffic to a single instance. |
NetworkInterfaceDescription | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Description of the network interface. | |||
NetworkOut | gauge | bytes | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes sent out by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing network traffic from a single instance. |
NetworkPacketsIn | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets received by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of incoming traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance. |
NetworkPacketsOut | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets sent out by the instance on all network interfaces. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing traffic in terms of the number of packets on a single instance. |
OwnerId | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | ID of the AWS account that created the network interface. | |||
PortRange | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Start and end of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP/ICMPv6 type and code. | |||
PrefixListId | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | ID of the prefix list. | |||
PrivateDnsName | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Private DNS name. | |||
PrivateIp | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Private IPv4 address assigned to the instance. | |||
PrivateIpAddress | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | IPv4 address of the network interface within the subnet. | |||
PrivateIpAddresses | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Private IPv4 addresses associated with the network interface. | |||
ResourceCount | gauge | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of the specified resources running in your account. The resources are defined by the dimensions associated with the metric. | |
SecurityGroupRuleDescription | attribute | SecurityGroupRuleId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Description of the security group rule. | |||
State | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | Current state of the instance. | ||
Status | status metric | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | Status of the network interface. | |||
StatusCheckFailed | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Status checks for instances and systems. | |
StatusCheckFailedInstance | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Instance status checks monitor the software and network configuration of your individual instance. | |
StatusCheckFailedSystem | attribute | InstanceId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | System status checks monitor the AWS systems on which your instance runs. | |
SubnetId | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | ID of the subnet. | |||
VpcId | attribute | NetworkInterfaceId, InstanceId, Namespace, Region | ID of the VPC. |
AWS/ECS Copied
service collects metrics from non-failed and non-inactive ECS clusters.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActiveConnectionCount | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of concurrent active connections from clients to Amazon ECS Service Connect proxies running in tasks that share the selected DiscoveryName. | |
CpuReservation | gauge | percent | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of CPU units that are reserved by running tasks in the cluster. |
CpuUtilization | gauge | percent | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of CPU units that are used in the cluster. |
CpuUtilization | gauge | percent | ClusterName, ServiceName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of CPU units that are used in the service. |
GpuReservation | gauge | percent | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of total available GPUs that are reserved by running tasks in the cluster. |
GrpcRequestCount | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of gRPC inbound traffic requests processed by the Service Connect proxies. | |
HTTPCode_Target_2XX_Count | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP response codes with numbers 200 to 299 generated by the applications in these tasks. |
HTTPCode_Target_3XX_Count | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP response codes with numbers 300 to 399 generated by the applications in these tasks. |
HTTPCode_Target_4XX_Count | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP response codes with numbers 400 to 499 generated by the applications in these tasks. |
HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of HTTP response codes with numbers 500 to 599 generated by the applications in these tasks. |
MemoryReservation | gauge | percent | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of memory that is reserved by running tasks in the cluster. |
MemoryUtilization | gauge | percent | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of memory that is used in the cluster. |
MemoryUtilization | gauge | percent | ClusterName, ServiceName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of memory that is used in the service. |
NewConnectionCount | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of new connections established from clients to Amazon ECS Service Connect proxies running in tasks that share the selected DiscoveryName. | |
ProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of bytes of inbound traffic processed by the Service Connect proxies. |
RequestCount | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of inbound traffic requests processed by the Service Connect proxies. | |
RequestCountPerTarget | gauge | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Average number of requests received by each target that share the selected DiscoveryName. | |
Status | attribute | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | Status of the cluster. | ||
TargetProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by the Service Connect proxies. |
TargetResponseTime | gauge | milliseconds | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of the application request processing. |
AWS/ECS/ManagedScaling Copied
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
CapacityProviderReservation | gauge | percent | CapacityProviderName, ClusterName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percent of cluster container instances used for a specific capacity provider. |
AWS/EFS Copied
service collects metrics from non-deleted and non-error elastic file systems.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
BurstCreditBalance | gauge | bytes | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of burst credits that a file system has. |
ClientConnections | gauge | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of client connections to a file system. | |
DataReadIOBytes | gauge | bytes | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes for each file system read operation. |
DataWriteIOBytes | gauge | bytes | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes for each file write operation. |
LifeCycleState | attribute | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Lifecycle phase of the file system. | |
MetadataIOBytes | gauge | bytes | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes for each metadata operation. |
MeteredIOBytes | gauge | bytes | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of metered bytes for each file system operation, including data read, data write, and metadata operations, with read operations metered at one-third the rate of other operations. |
PercentIOLimit | gauge | percent | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Shows how close a file system is to reaching the I/O limit of the General Purpose performance mode. |
PermittedThroughput | gauge | bytes_per_second | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Maximum amount of throughput that a file system can drive. |
StorageBytes | gauge | bytes | file_system_id, storage_class, namespace, region | sum | 300 | Size of the file system in bytes, including the amount of data stored in the EFS Standard and EFS Standard–Infrequent Access (EFS Standard-IA) storage classes. |
TimeSinceLastSync | gauge | seconds | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Shows the amount of time that has passed since the last successful sync to the destination file system in a replication configuration. |
TotalIOBytes | gauge | bytes | FileSystemId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes for each file system operation, including data read, data write, and metadata operations. |
AWS/EKS Copied
service collects metrics from non-failed EKS clusters.
Metric name | Metric type | Dimension | Description |
Status | attribute | ClusterName, Namespace, Region | Current status of the cluster. |
Status | attribute | ClusterName, NodeGroupName, Namespace, Region | Current status of the managed node group. |
AWS/ElastiCache Copied
The AWS/ElastiCache
service collects metrics from non-deleted Amazon ElastiCache clusters.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActiveDefragHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of value reallocations per minute performed by the active defragmentation process. | |
AuthenticationFailures | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of failed attempts to authenticate to Redis using the AUTH command. |
BytesReadFromDisk | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of bytes read from disk per minute. |
BytesReadIntoMemcached | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes that have been read from the network by the cache node. |
BytesUsedForCache | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of bytes allocated by Redis for all purposes, including the dataset, buffers, and so on. |
BytesUsedForCacheItems | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes used to store cache items. |
BytesUsedForHash | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes currently used by hash tables. | |
BytesWrittenOutFromMemcached | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes that have been written to the network by the cache node. |
BytesWrittenToDisk | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of bytes written to disk per minute. |
CacheClusterCreateTime | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Date and time when the cluster was created. | |||
CacheHitRate | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Indicates the usage efficiency of the Redis instance. |
CacheHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of successful read-only key lookups in the main dictionary. | |
CacheMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of unsuccessful read-only key lookups in the main dictionary. | |
CacheNodeType | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Name of the compute and memory capacity node type for the cluster. | |||
CacheParameterGroupName | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Name of the cache parameter group. | |||
CacheSubnetGroupName | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Name of the cache subnet group associated with the cluster. | |||
CasBadval | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of CAS (check and set) requests the cache has received where the CAS value did not match the CAS value stored. | |
CasHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of CAS requests the cache has received where the requested key was found and the CAS value matched. | |
CasMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of CAS requests the cache has received where the key requested was not found. | |
ClusterBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are cluster-based. | |
ClusterBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of cluster-based commands. |
CmdConfigGet | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Cumulative number of config get requests. | |
CmdConfigSet | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Cumulative number of config set requests. | |
CmdFlush | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of flush commands the cache has received. | |
CmdGet | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of get commands the cache has received. | |
CmdSet | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of set commands the cache has received. | |
CmdTouch | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Cumulative number of touch requests. | |
CommandAuthorizationFailures | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of failed attempts by users to run commands they do not have permission to call. | |
CPUCreditBalance | gauge | minutes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started. |
CPUCreditUsage | gauge | minutes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization. |
CPUUtilization | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of CPU utilization for the entire host. |
CurrConfig | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Current number of configurations stored. | |
CurrConnections | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For Redis, this is the number of client connections, excluding connections from read replicas. For Memcached, this is a count of the number of connections connected to the cache at an instant in time. |
CurrItems | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For Redis and Memcached, this is the number of items in the cache. | |
CurrVolatileItems | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of keys in all databases that have a TTL set. | |
DatabaseCapacityUsageCountedForEvictPercentage | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of the total data capacity for the cluster that is in use, excluding the memory used for overhead and COB. |
DatabaseCapacityUsagePercentage | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of the total data capacity for the cluster that is in use. |
DatabaseMemoryUsageCountedForEvictPercentage | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of the total data capacity for the cluster that is in use, excluding the memory used for overhead and COB. |
DatabaseMemoryUsagePercentage | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of the memory available for the cluster that is in use. |
DB0AverageTTL | gauge | milliseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Exposes avg_ttl of DBO from the keyspace statistic of the Redis INFO command. |
DecrHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of decrement requests the cache has received where the requested key was found. | |
DecrMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of decrement requests the cache has received where the requested key was not found. | |
DeleteHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of delete requests the cache has received where the requested key was found. | |
DeleteMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of delete requests the cache has received where the requested key was not found. | |
Endpoint | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Represents a Memcached cluster endpoint which can be used by an application to connect to any node in the cluster. | |||
Engine | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Name of the cache engine (Memcached or Redis) to be used for this cluster. | |||
EngineCPUUtilization | gauge | percent | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Provides CPU utilization of the Redis engine thread. |
EngineVersion | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Version of the cache engine that is used in this cluster. | |||
EvalBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands for eval-based commands. | |
EvalBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of eval-based commands. |
EvictedUnfetched | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of valid items evicted from the least recently used cache (LRU) which were never touched after being set. | |
Evictions | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For Redis, this is the number of keys that have been evicted due to the For Memcached, this is the number of non-expired items the cache evicted to allow space for new writes. |
ExpiredUnfetched | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of expired items reclaimed from the LRU which were never touched after being set. | |
FreeableMemory | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of free memory available on the host. |
GeoSpatialBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands for geospatial-based commands. | |
GeoSpatialBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of geospatial-based commands. |
GetHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of get requests the cache has received where the key requested was found. | |
GetMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of get requests the cache has received where the key requested was not found. | |
GetTypeCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of read-only type commands. | |
GetTypeCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of read commands. |
GlobalDatastoreReplicationLag | gauge | seconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Lag between the secondary region’s primary node and the primary region’s primary node. |
HashBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are hash-based. | |
HashBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of hash-based commands. |
HyperLogLogBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of HyperLogLog-based commands. | |
HyperLogLogBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of HyperLogLog-based commands. |
IamAuthenticationExpirations | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of expired IAM-authenticated Redis connections. | |
IamAuthenticationThrottling | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of throttled IAM-authenticated Redis AUTH or HELLO requests. | |
IncrHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of increment requests the cache has received where the key requested was found. | |
IncrMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of increment requests the cache has received where the key requested was not found. | |
IsMaster | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the node is the primary node of current shard/cluster. The metric can be either 0 (not primary) or 1 (primary). |
JsonBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of JSON commands, including both read and write commands. | |
JsonBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of all JSON commands, including both read and write commands. |
JsonBasedGetCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of JSON read-only commands. | |
JsonBasedGetCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of JSON read-only commands. |
JsonBasedSetCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of JSON write commands. | |
JsonBasedSetCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of JSON write commands. |
KeyAuthorizationFailures | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of failed attempts by users to access keys they do not have permission to access. | |
KeyBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are key-based. | |
KeyBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of key-based commands. |
KeysTracked | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of keys being tracked by Redis key tracking as a percentage of tracking-table-max-keys . |
ListBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are list-based. | |
ListBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of list-based commands. |
MasterLinkHealthStatus | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | This status has two values: 0 or 1 . The value 0 indicates that data in the ElastiCache primary node is not in sync with Redis on EC2. The value of 1 indicates that the data is in sync. |
MemoryFragmentationRatio | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Indicates the efficiency in the allocation of memory of the Redis engine. | |
NetworkBandwidthInAllowanceExceeded | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets shaped because the inbound aggregate bandwidth exceeded the maximum for the instance. | |
NetworkBandwidthOutAllowanceExceeded | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets shaped because the outbound aggregate bandwidth exceeded the maximum for the instance. | |
NetworkBytesIn | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes the host has read from the network. |
NetworkBytesOut | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. |
NetworkConntrackAllowanceExceeded | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets shaped because connection tracking exceeded the maximum for the instance and new connections could not be established. | |
NetworkLinkLocalAllowanceExceeded | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets shaped because the PPS of the traffic to local proxy services exceeded the maximum for the network interface. | |
NetworkMaxBytesIn | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId,Namespace,Region | max | 300 | Maximum burst of received bytes within each minute. |
NetworkMaxBytesOut | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId,Namespace,Region | max | 300 | Maximum burst of transmitted bytes within each minute. |
NetworkMaxPacketsIn | gauge | CacheClusterId,Namespace,Region | max | 300 | Maximum burst of received packets within each minute. | |
NetworkMaxPacketsOut | gauge | CacheClusterId,Namespace,Region | max | 300 | Maximum burst of transmitted packets within each minute. | |
NetworkPacketsIn | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets received on all network interfaces by the instance. | |
NetworkPacketsOut | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. | |
NetworkPacketsPerSecondAllowanceExceeded | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets shaped because the bidirectional packets per second exceeded the maximum for the instance. | |
NewConnections | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For Redis, this is the total number of connections that have been accepted by the server during this period. For Memcached, this is the number of new connections the cache has received. |
NewItems | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of new items the cache has stored. | |
NonKeyTypeCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of commands that are not key-based. | |
NonKeyTypeCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of non-key-based commands. |
NumCacheNodes | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Number of cache nodes in the cluster. | |||
NumItemsReadFromDisk | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of items retrieved from disk per minute. | |
NumItemsWrittenToDisk | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of items written to disk per minute. | |
PreferredAvailabilityZone | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Name of the Availability Zone in which the cluster is located or “Multiple” if the cache nodes are located in different Availability Zones. | |||
PreferredMaintenanceWindow | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Specifies the weekly time range during which maintenance on the cluster is performed. | |||
PubSubBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands for pub and sub functionality. | |
PubSubBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of pub and sub-based commands. |
Reclaimed | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For Redis, this is the total number of key expiration events. For Memcached, this is the number of expired items the cache evicted to allow space for new writes. |
ReplicationBytes | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For nodes in a replicated configuration, ReplicationBytes reports the number of bytes that the primary is sending to all of its replicas. |
ReplicationGroupId | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Replication group to which this cluster belongs. | |||
ReplicationLag | gauge | seconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | This metric is only applicable for a node running as a read replica. It represents how far behind, in seconds, the replica is in applying changes from the primary node. |
SaveInProgress | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | This binary metric returns 1 whenever a background saved (forked or forkless) is in progress, and 0 otherwise. |
SetBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are set-based. | |
SetBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of set-based commands. |
SetTypeCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of write types of commands. | |
SetTypeCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of write commands. |
SlabsMoved | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of slab pages that have been moved. | |
SnapshotRetentionLimit | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Number of days for which ElastiCache retains automatic cluster snapshots before deleting them. |
SnapshotWindow | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache begins taking a daily snapshot of your cluster. |
SortedSetBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are sorted set-based. | |
SortedSetBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of sorted-based commands. |
State | attribute | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | Current state of this cluster. Possible values: |
StreamBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are stream-based. | |
StreamBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of stream-based commands. |
StringBasedCmds | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of commands that are string-based. | |
StringBasedCmdsLatency | gauge | microseconds | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Latency of string-based commands. |
SwapUsage | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of swap used on the host. |
TouchHits | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of keys that have been touched and were given a new expiration time. | |
TouchMisses | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of items that have been touched. | |
TrafficManagementActive | gauge | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Indicates whether ElastiCache for Redis is actively managing traffic by adjusting traffic allocated to incoming commands, monitoring, or replication. | |
UnusedMemory | gauge | bytes | CacheClusterId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of memory not used by data. |
AWS/ELB Copied
service collects metrics from classic elastic load balancers.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
BackendConnectionErrors | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of connections that were not successfully established between the load balancer and the registered instances. Since the load balancer retries the connection when there are errors, this count can exceed the request rate. Note that this count also includes any connection errors related to health checks. |
DesyncMitigationMode_NonCompliant_Request_Count | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of requests that do not comply with RFC 7230. | |
DnsName | attribute | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | DNS name of the load balancer. | |||
EstimatedALBActiveConnectionCount | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Estimated number of concurrent TCP connections active from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets. | |
EstimatedALBConsumedLCUs | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Estimated number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by an Application Load Balancer. You pay for the number of LCUs that you use per hour. | |
EstimatedALBNewConnectionCount | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Estimated number of new TCP connections established from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets. | |
EstimatedProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Estimated number of bytes processed by an Application Load Balancer. |
HealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of healthy instances registered with the load balancer. A newly registered instance is considered healthy after it passes the first health check. If cross-zone load balancing is enabled, the number of healthy instances for the |
HTTPCode_Backend_2XX | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of HTTP 2XX response codes generated by registered instances. This count does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. |
HTTPCode_Backend_3XX | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of HTTP 3XX response codes generated by registered instances. This count does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. |
HTTPCode_Backend_4XX | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of HTTP 4XX response codes generated by registered instances. This count does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. |
HTTPCode_Backend_5XX | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of HTTP 5XX response codes generated by registered instances. This count does not include any response codes generated by the load balancer. |
HTTPCode_ELB_4XX | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of HTTP 4XX client error codes generated by the load balancer. Client errors are generated when a request is malformed or incomplete. |
HTTPCode_ELB_5XX | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | HTTP listener: Number of HTTP 5XX server error codes generated by the load balancer. This count does not include any response codes generated by the registered instances. The metric is reported if there are no healthy instances registered to the load balancer, or if the request rate exceeds the capacity of the instances (spillover) or the load balancer. |
Latency | gauge | seconds | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | HTTP listener: Total time elapsed, in seconds, from the time the load balancer sent the request to a registered instance until the instance started to send the response headers. TCP listener: Total time elapsed, in seconds, for the load balancer to successfully establish a connection to a registered instance. |
RequestCount | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of requests completed or connections made during the specified interval (1 or 5 minutes). HTTP listener: Number of requests received and routed, including HTTP error responses from the registered instances. TCP listener: Number of connections made to the registered instances. |
Scheme | attribute | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | Type of load balancer. Valid only for load balancers in a VPC. | |||
SpilloverCount | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of requests that were rejected because the surge queue is full. HTTP listener: Load balancer returns an HTTP 503 error code. TCP listener: Load balancer closes the connection. |
SurgeQueueLength | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Total number of requests (HTTP listener) or connections (TCP listener) that are pending routing to a healthy instance. The maximum size of the queue is |
UnHealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of unhealthy instances registered with your load balancer. An instance is considered unhealthy after it exceeds the unhealthy threshold configured for health checks. An unhealthy instance is considered healthy again after it meets the healthy threshold configured for health checks. |
VpcId | attribute | LoadBalancerName, Namespace, Region | ID of the VPC for the load balancer. |
AWS/Events Copied
The AWS/Events
service collects EventBridge metrics.
Metric name | Metric type | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
DeadLetterInvocations | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times a rule’s target is not invoked in response to an event. This includes invocations that would result in running the same rule again, causing an infinite loop. |
EventPattern | attribute | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | Event pattern that triggers this rule. | ||
Events | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of partner events ingested by EventBridge. |
FailedInvocations | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of invocations that failed permanently. This does not include invocations that are retried or invocations that succeeded after a retry attempt. It also does not count failed invocations that are counted in |
IngestionToInvocationStartLatency | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Time to process events measured from when they are ingested by EventBridge to the first invocation of a target in the rules. |
Invocations | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times a target is invoked by a rule in response to an event. This includes successful and failed invocations, but does not include throttled or retried attempts until they fail permanently. It does not include EventBridge only sends this metric to CloudWatch if it is not zero. |
InvocationsFailedToBeSentToDlq | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of invocations that cannot be moved to a dead-letter queue. Dead-letter queue errors occur due to permissions errors, unavailable resources, or size limits. EventBridge only sends this metric to CloudWatch if it isn’t zero. |
InvocationsSentToDlq | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of invocations that are moved to a dead-letter queue. EventBridge only sends this metric to CloudWatch if it is not zero. |
MatchedEvents | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of events that matched with any rule. |
ScheduleExpression | attribute | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | Rule is triggered based on the specified schedule expression. | ||
State | attribute | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | Indicates if a rule is enabled or disabled. | ||
ThrottledRules | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of rules that have tried to run but are being throttled. |
TriggeredRules | gauge | RuleName, EventBusName, Namespace, Region | 300 | Number of rules that have run and matched with any event. You cannot see this metric in CloudWatch until a rule is triggered. |
AWS/GatewayELB Copied
The AWS/GatewayELB
service collects metrics from Gateway Load Balancers.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActiveFlowCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of concurrent flows (or connections) from clients to targets. | |
AvailabilityZones | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Subnets for the load balancer. | |||
ConsumedLCUs | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by the load balancer. | |
CreatedTime | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Date and time the load balancer was created. | |||
DnsName | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Public DNS name of the load balancer. | |||
HealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of targets that are considered healthy. | |
IpAddressType | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Type of IP addresses used by the subnets for the load balancer. | |||
NewFlowCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of new flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period. | |
ProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by the load balancer. |
Scheme | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Nodes of an internet-facing load balancer that have public IP addresses. | |||
State | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | State of the load balancer. | |||
UnHealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of targets that are considered unhealthy. | |
VpcId | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | ID of the VPC for the load balancer. |
AWS/Kinesis Copied
The AWS/Kinesis
service collects metrics from Kinesis streams.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
EncryptionType | attribute | StreamName, Namespace, Region | Server-side encryption type used on the stream. Possible values: NONE or KMS . |
GetRecords.Bytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes retrieved from the Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period. |
GetRecords.IteratorAgeMilliseconds | gauge | milliseconds | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Age of the last record in all Age is the difference between the current time and when the last record of the |
GetRecords.Latency | gauge | milliseconds | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Time taken per GetRecords operation, measured over the specified time period. |
GetRecords.Records | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period. | |
GetRecords.Success | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of successful GetRecords operations per stream, measured over the specified time period. |
IncomingBytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes successfully put to the Kinesis stream over the specified time period. This metric includes bytes from PutRecord and PutRecords operations. |
IncomingBytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes successfully put to the shard over the specified time period. This metric includes bytes from PutRecord and PutRecords operations. |
IncomingRecords | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records successfully put to the Kinesis stream over the specified time period. This metric includes bytes from PutRecord and PutRecords operations. |
IncomingRecords | gauge | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records successfully put to the shard over the specified time period. This metric includes record counts from PutRecord and PutRecords operations. |
IteratorAgeMilliseconds | gauge | milliseconds | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Age of the last record in all Age is the difference between the current time and when the last record of the |
OutgoingBytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period. |
OutgoingRecords | gauge | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period. | |
PutRecord.Bytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes put to the Kinesis stream using the PutRecord operation over the specified time period. |
PutRecord.Latency | gauge | milliseconds | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Time taken per PutRecord operation, measured over the specified time period. |
PutRecord.Success | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of successful PutRecord operations per Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period. Average reflects the percentage of successful writes to a stream. |
PutRecords.Bytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes put to the Kinesis stream using the PutRecords operation over the specified time period. |
PutRecords.FailedRecords | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. Occasional internal failures are to be expected and should be retried. |
PutRecords.Latency | gauge | milliseconds | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Time taken per PutRecords operation, measured over the specified time period. |
PutRecords.Success | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of successful PutRecords operations per Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period. Average reflects the percentage of successful writes to a stream. |
PutRecords.SuccessfulRecords | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. |
PutRecords.ThrottledRecords | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. |
PutRecords.TotalRecords | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, measured over the specified time period. |
ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream over the specified time period. |
ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded | gauge | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of GetRecords calls throttled for the shard over the specified time period. This exception count covers all dimensions of the following limits: 5 reads per shard per second or 2 MB per second per shard. |
RetentionPeriodHours | attribute | StreamName, Namespace, Region | Current retention period, in hours. The minimum value is 24 , while its maximum value is 168 . |
State | attribute | StreamName, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the stream is being created, active, updating or being deleted. | |||
SubscribeToShard.RateExceeded | gauge | StreamName, ConsumerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | This metric is emitted when a new subscription attempt fails because there already is an active subscription by the same consumer, or if the exceed the number of calls per second allowed for this operation. | |
SubscribeToShard.Success | gauge | StreamName, ConsumerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | This metric records whether the SubscribeToShard subscription was successfully established. The subscription only lives for at most 5 minutes. Therefore, this metric gets emitted at least once every 5 minutes. |
SubscribeToShardEvent.Bytes | gauge | bytes | StreamName, ConsumerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes received from the shard, measured over the specified time period.
SubscribeToShardEvent.MillisBehindLatest | gauge | milliseconds | StreamName, ConsumerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Difference between the current time and when the last record of the SubscribeToShard event was written to the stream. |
SubscribeToShardEvent.Records | gauge | StreamName, ConsumerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records received from the shard, measured over the specified time period.
SubscribeToShardEvent.Success | gauge | StreamName, ConsumerName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | This metric is emitted every time an event is published successfully. It is only emitted when there is an active subscription. | |
WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded | gauge | StreamName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records rejected due to throttling for the stream over the specified time period. This metric includes throttling from |
WriteProvisionedThroughputExceeded | gauge | StreamName, ShardId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of records rejected due to throttling for the shard over the specified time period. This metric includes throttling from PutRecord and PutRecords operations and covers all dimensions of the following limits: 1,000 records per second per shard or 1 MB per second per shard. |
AWS/KMS Copied
service collects metrics from non-deleted KMS keys.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
Aliases | attribute | KeyId, Namespace, Region | Alternative names for the key in CSV. | |||
ExternalKeyStoreThrottle | gauge | KeyId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of requests for cryptographic operations on KMS keys in each external key store that AWS KMS throttles (responds with a ThrottlingException ). |
KeySpec | attribute | KeyId, Namespace, Region | Represents the cryptographic configuration of the KMS key. | |||
KeyUsage | attribute | KeyId, Namespace, Region | Indicates the purpose of the key. The value can be either Encrypt and decrypt or Sign and verify . |
SecondsUntilKeyMaterialExpiration | gauge | seconds | KeyId, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of seconds remaining until the imported key material expires. |
Status | attribute | KeyId, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the key is enabled, disabled or pending deletion. | |||
XksExternalKeyManagerStates | gauge | KeyId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Count of the number of external key manager instances in each of the following health states: Active, Degraded, and Unavailable. | |
XksProxyCertificateDaysToExpire | gauge | days | KeyId, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of days until the TLS certificate for your external key store proxy endpoint (XksProxyUriEndpoint) expires. |
XksProxyCredentialAge | gauge | days | KeyId, Namespace, Region | minimum | 300 | Number of days since the current external key store proxy authentication credential (XksProxyAuthenticationCredential) was associated with the external key store. |
XksProxyErrors | gauge | KeyId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of exceptions related to AWS KMS requests to your external key store proxy. | |
XksProxyLatency | gauge | milliseconds | KeyId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of milliseconds it takes for an external key store proxy to respond to an AWS KMS request. |
AWS/Lambda Copied
The AWS/Lambda
service collects metrics from Lambda functions.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
AsyncEventAge | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | The time between when Lambda successfully queues the event and when the function is invoked. | |
AsyncEventsDropped | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | The number of events that are dropped without successfully executing the function. | |
AsyncEventsReceived | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | The number of events that Lambda successfully queues for processing. | |
CodeSize | attribute | bytes | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | Size of the function’s deployment package, in bytes. | ||
ConcurrentExecutions | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of function instances that are processing events. If this number reaches the concurrent executions quota for the region, or the reserved concurrency limit that you configured on the function, the Lambda throttles additional invocation requests. | |
DeadLetterErrors | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | For asynchronous invocation, the number of times that Lambda attempts to send an event to a dead-letter queue but fails. Dead-letter errors can occur due to permissions errors, misconfigured resources, or size limits. | |
Description | attribute | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | Function’s description. | |||
DestinationDeliveryFailures | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | For asynchronous invocation, the number of times that Lambda attempts to send an event to a destination but fails. Delivery errors can occur due to permissions errors, misconfigured resources, or size limits. | |
Duration | gauge | milliseconds | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of time that the function code spends processing an event. The billed duration for an invocation is the value of duration rounded up to the nearest millisecond. |
Errors | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of invocations that result in a function error. Function errors include exceptions that your code throws and exceptions that the Lambda runtime throws. The runtime returns errors for issues such as timeouts and configuration errors. | |
Invocations | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times that your function code is invoked, including successful invocations and invocations that result in a function error. Invocations aren’t recorded if the invocation request is throttled or otherwise results in an invocation error. This equals the number of requests billed. | |
IteratorAge | gauge | milliseconds | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For event source mappings that read from streams, the age of the last record in the event. The age is the amount of time between when a stream receives the record and when the event source mapping sends the event to the function. |
LastModified | attribute | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | Date and time that the function was last updated, in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD ). |
OffsetLag | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | For self-managed ApacheKafka and Amazon Managed Streaming for ApacheKafka (Amazon MSK) event sources, the difference in offset between the last record written to a topic and the last record that your Lambda function processed. Though a Kafka topic can have multiple partitions, this metric measures the offset lag at the topic level. | |
OversizedRecordCount | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | For Amazon DocumentDB event sources, the number of events your function receives from your change stream that are over 6 MB in size. | |
PackageType | attribute | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | Type of deployment package. Possible value can be either: ZIP or IMAGE . |
PostRuntimeExtensionsDuration | gauge | milliseconds | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Cumulative amount of time that the runtime spends running code for extensions after the function code has completed. |
ProvisionedConcurrencyInvocations | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times that the function code is invoked on provisioned concurrency. | |
ProvisionedConcurrencySpilloverInvocations | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times that the function code is invoked on standard concurrency when all provisioned concurrency is in use. | |
ProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | For a version or alias, the value of ProvisionedConcurrentExecution divided by the total amount of provisioned concurrency allocated. For example, .5 indicates that 50 percent of allocated provisioned concurrency is in use. |
ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of function instances that are processing events on provisioned concurrency. For each invocation of an alias or version with provisioned concurrency, Lambda emits the current count. | |
RecursiveInvocationsDropped | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times that Lambda has stopped invocation of your function because it is detected that your function is part of an infinite recursive loop. | |
Runtime | attribute | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | Runtime environment for the Lambda function. | |||
State | status | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | Current state of the function. | |||
Throttles | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of invocation requests that are throttled. When all function instances are processing requests and no concurrency is available to scale up, Lambda rejects additional requests with a TooManyRequestsException error. Throttled requests and other invocation errors do not count as invocations or errors. |
UnreservedConcurrentExecutions | gauge | FunctionName, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | For a region, the number of events that functions without reserved concurrency are processing. |
AWS/Logs Copied
The AWS/Logs
service collects metrics from log groups and their subscription filters.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
CallCount | gauge | LogGroupName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of specified API operations performed in your account. | |
DeliveryErrors | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of log events for which CloudWatch Logs received an error when forwarding data to the subscription destination. | |
DeliveryThrottling | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of log events for which CloudWatch Logs was throttled when forwarding data to the subscription destination. | |
Destination | attribute | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | Destination set for this log group. | |||
EMFParsingErrors | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of parsing errors encountered while processing embedded metric format logs. These errors happen when logs are identified as embedded metric format but do not follow the correct format. | |
EMFValidationErrors | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of validation errors encountered while processing embedded metric format logs. These errors occur when metric definitions within embedded metric format logs do not adhere to the embedded metric format and MetricDatum specifications. | |
ErrorCount | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of API operations performed in your account that resulted in errors. | |
FilterPattern | attribute | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | Sets the FilterPattern property for this object. |
ForwardedBytes | gauge | bytes | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Volume of log events in compressed bytes forwarded to the subscription destination. |
ForwardedLogEvents | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of log events forwarded to the subscription destination. | |
IncomingBytes | gauge | bytes | LogGroupName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Volume of log events in uncompressed bytes uploaded to CloudWatch Logs. |
IncomingLogEvents | gauge | LogGroupName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of log events uploaded to CloudWatch Logs. | |
LogEventsWithFindings | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of log events that matched a data string that you are auditing using the CloudWatch Logs data protection feature. | |
SubscriptionFilterCount | attribute | LogGroupName, Namespace, Region | Number of subscription filters for this log group. | |||
ThrottleCount | gauge | LogGroupName, DestinationType, FilterName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of API operations performed in your account that were throttled because of usage quotas. |
AWS/NATGateway Copied
The AWS/NATGateways
service collects metrics from non-deleted NAT Gateways.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActiveConnectionCount | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Total number of concurrent active TCP connections through the NAT gateway. | |
BytesInFromDestination | gauge | bytes | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from the destination. |
BytesInFromSource | gauge | bytes | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC. |
BytesOutToDestination | gauge | bytes | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of bytes sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination. |
BytesOutToSource | gauge | bytes | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of bytes sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC. |
ConnectionAttemptCount | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of connection attempts made through the NAT gateway. | |
ConnectionEstablishedCount | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of connections established through the NAT gateway. | |
ConnectivityType | attribute | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | Indicates whether the NAT gateway supports public or private connectivity. | |||
ElasticIpAddress | attribute | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | Public NAT gateway only: Elastic IP address associated with the NAT gateway. | |||
ErrorPortAllocation | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of times the NAT gateway could not allocate a source port. | |
IdleTimeoutCount | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of connections that transitioned from the active state to the idle state. | |
PacketsDropCount | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets dropped by the NAT gateway. | |
PacketsInFromDestination | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets received by the NAT gateway from the destination. | |
PacketsInFromSource | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC. | |
PacketsOutToDestination | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination. | |
PacketsOutToSource | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC. | |
PeakBytesPerSecond | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Reports the highest 10-second bytes per second average in a given minute. | |
PeakPacketsPerSecond | gauge | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Calculates the average packet rate (packets processed per second) every 10 seconds for 60 seconds and then reports the highest average packet rate among the six rates. | |
PrivateIpAddress | attribute | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | Private IP address associated with the NAT gateway. | |||
State | attribute | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | State of the NAT gateway. | |||
StateMessage | attribute | NatGatewayId, Namespace, Region | If the NAT gateway could not be created, this specifies the error message for the failure that corresponds to the error code. |
AWS/NetworkELB Copied
The AWS/NetworkELB
service collects metrics from Network Load Balancers.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
ActiveFlowCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of concurrent flows (or connections) from clients to targets. | |
ActiveFlowCount_TCP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of concurrent TCP flows (or connections) from clients to targets. | |
ActiveFlowCount_TLS | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of concurrent TLS flows (or connections) from clients to targets. | |
ActiveFlowCount_UDP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total number of concurrent UDP flows (or connections) from clients to targets. | |
AvailabilityZones | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Subnets for the load balancer. | |||
ClientTLSNegotiationErrorCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of TLS handshakes that failed during negotiation between a client and a TLS listener. | |
ConsumedLCUs | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by the load balancer. | |
ConsumedLCUs_TCP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by the load balancer for TCP. | |
ConsumedLCUs_TLS | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by the load balancer for TLS. | |
ConsumedLCUs_UDP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of load balancer capacity units (LCU) used by your load balancer for UDP. | |
CreatedTime | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Date and time the load balancer was created. | |||
DnsName | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Public DNS name of the load balancer. | |||
HealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of targets that are considered healthy. | |
IpAddressType | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Type of IP addresses used by the subnets for your load balancer. | |||
NewFlowCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | The total number of new flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period. | |
NewFlowCount_TCP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of new TCP flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period. | |
NewFlowCount_TLS | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of new TLS flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period. | |
NewFlowCount_UDP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of new UDP flows (or connections) established from clients to targets in the time period. | |
PeakBytesPerSecond | gauge | bytes per second | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Highest average throughput (bytes per second), calculated every 10 seconds during the sampling window. |
PeakPacketsPerSecond | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Highest average packet rate (packets processed per second), calculated every 10 seconds during the sampling window. | |
PortAllocationErrorCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of ephemeral port allocation errors during a client IP translation operation. | |
ProcessedBytes | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by the load balancer, including TCP/IP headers. |
ProcessedBytes_TCP | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by TCP listeners. |
ProcessedBytes_TLS | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by TLS listeners. |
ProcessedBytes_UDP | gauge | bytes | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of bytes processed by UDP listeners. |
ProcessedPackets | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of packets processed by the load balancer. | |
Scheme | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | Nodes of an Internet-facing load balancer that have public IP addresses. | |||
SecurityGroupBlockedFlowCount_Inbound_ICMP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of new ICMP messages rejected by the inbound rules of the load balancer security groups. | |
SecurityGroupBlockedFlowCount_Inbound_TCP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of new TCP flows rejected by the inbound rules of the load balancer security groups. | |
SecurityGroupBlockedFlowCount_Inbound_UDP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of new UDP flows rejected by the inbound rules of the load balancer security groups. | |
SecurityGroupBlockedFlowCount_Outbound_ICMP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of new ICMP messages rejected by the outbound rules of the load balancer security groups. | |
SecurityGroupBlockedFlowCount_Outbound_TCP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of new TCP flows rejected by the outbound rules of the load balancer security groups. | |
SecurityGroupBlockedFlowCount_Outbound_UDP | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of new UDP flows rejected by the outbound rules of the load balancer security groups. | |
State | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | State of the load balancer. | |||
TCP_Client_Reset_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of reset (RST) packets sent from a client to a target. | |
TCP_ELB_Reset_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of reset (RST) packets generated by the load balancer. | |
TCP_Target_Reset_Count | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of reset (RST) packets sent from a target to a client. | |
TargetTLSNegotiationErrorCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of TLS handshakes that failed during negotiation between a TLS listener and a target. | |
UnHealthyHostCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of targets that are considered unhealthy. | |
UnhealthyRoutingFlowCount | gauge | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | max | 300 | Number of flows or connections that are routed using the routing failover action (fail open). | |
VpcId | attribute | LoadBalancer, Namespace, Region | ID of the VPC for the load balancer. |
AWS/NetworkFirewall Copied
The AWS/NetworkFirewall
service collects metrics from VPC firewalls.
Metric name | Metric type | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
DroppedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets dropped by the Network Firewall firewall. |
InvalidDroppedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets dropped for failing packet validation due to issues with the packet. |
OtherDroppedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets dropped due to reasons other than those described by InvalidDroppedPackets or DroppedPackets. |
Packets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets inspected for a firewall policy or stateless rulegroup for which a custom action is defined. |
PassedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets that the Network Firewall firewall allowed through to their destinations. |
ReceivedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets received by the Network Firewall firewall. |
RejectedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets rejected due to Reject stateful rule actions. |
StreamExceptionPolicyPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets matching the firewall policy’s stream exception policy. |
TLSDroppedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets dropped by Network Firewall while inspecting SSL/TLS packets. |
TLSErrors | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of errors observed by Network Firewall while inspecting SSL/TLS packets. |
TLSPassedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets passed by Network Firewall while inspecting SSL/TLS packets. |
TLSReceivedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of SSL/TLS packets received by the Network Firewall firewall. |
TLSRejectedPackets | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of packets rejected by Network Firewall while inspecting SSL/TLS packets. |
TLSRevocationStatusOKConnections | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of SSL/TLS connections to TLS servers whose certificates have been confirmed as not revoked. |
TLSRevocationStatusRevokedConnections | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of SSL/TLS connections to TLS servers whose certificates have been confirmed as revoked. |
TLSRevocationStatusUnknownConnections | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of SSL/TLS connections to TLS servers whose certificates revocation status is unknown or could not be determined by the firewall. |
TLSTimedOutConnections | gauge | FirewallName, AvailabilityZone, Engine, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of SSL/TLS connections that timed out during SSL/TLS inspection by Network Firewall. |
VpcId | attribute | FirewallName, Namespace, Region | Unique identifier of the VPC where the firewall is in use. |
AWS/RDS Copied
service collects metrics from non-failed Amazon relational databases.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
AuroraVolumeBytesLeftTotal | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Remaining available space for the cluster volume. |
BackupRetentionPeriodStorageUsed | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total amount of backup storage used to support the point-in-time restore feature within the Aurora DB cluster’s backup retention window. |
BinLogDiskUsage | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of disk space occupied by binary logs. If automatic backups are enabled for MySQL and MariaDB instances, including read replicas, binary logs are created. |
BurstBalance | gauge | percent | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. |
CPUCreditBalance | gauge | minutes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | T2 instances: Number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started. For T2 Standard, the |
CPUCreditUsage | gauge | minutes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | T2 instances: Number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization. One CPU credit equals one vCPU running at 100 percent utilization for one minute, or an equivalent combination of vCPUs. |
CPUUtilization | gauge | percent | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of CPU utilization. |
CheckpointLag | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of time since the most recent checkpoint. | |
ConnectionAttempts | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of attempts to connect to an instance, whether successful or not. | |
DBClusterIdentifier | attribute | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | Determines if the DB instance is a member of a DB cluster. | |||
DBInstanceStatus | attribute | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | Specifies the current state of this database. | |||
DBLoadCPU | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of active sessions where the wait event type is CPU. | |
DBName | attribute | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | The meaning of this parameter differs according to the database engine you use. This can be the database name or the database ID. | |||
DatabaseClass | attribute | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | Contains the name of the compute and memory capacity class of the DB instance. | |||
DatabaseConnections | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of client network connections to the database instance. | |
DiskQueueDepth | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of outstanding I/Os (read and write requests) waiting to access the disk. | |
EBSByteBalance% | gauge | percent | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of throughput credits remaining in the burst bucket of your RDS database. This metric is available for basic monitoring only. |
EBSIOBalance% | gauge | percent | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Percentage of I/O credits remaining in the burst bucket of your RDS database. This metric is available for basic monitoring only. |
EngineName | attribute | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | Name of the database engine to be used for this DB instance. | |||
FailedSQLServerAgentJobsCount | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of failed MicrosoftSQL Server Agent jobs during the last minute. | |
FreeStorageSpace | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of available storage space. |
FreeableMemory | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of available random access memory. |
MaximumUsedTransactionIDs | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Maximum transaction IDs that have been used. This applies to Postgresql. | |
NetworkReceiveThroughput | gauge | bytes_per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Incoming (receive) network traffic on the DB instance. |
NetworkTransmitThroughput | gauge | bytes_per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Outgoing (transmit) network traffic on the DB instance. |
OldestReplicationSlotLag | gauge | byes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Lagging size of the replica lagging the most in terms of write-ahead log (WAL) data received. This applies to Postgresql. |
ReadIOPS | gauge | per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Average number of disk read I/O operations per second. |
ReadLatency | gauge | seconds | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation. |
ReadThroughput | gauge | bytes_per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Average number of bytes read from disk per second. |
ReplicaLag | gauge | seconds | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of time a read replica DB instance lags behind the source DB instance. This applies to MySQL. |
ReplicationSlotDiskUsage | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Disk space used by replication slot files. This applies to Postgresql. |
SnapshotStorageUsed | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Total amount of backup storage consumed by all Aurora snapshots for an Aurora DB cluster outside its backup retention window. |
SwapUsage | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of swap space used on the DB instance. This metric is not available for SQL Server. |
TransactionLogsDiskUsage | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Disk space used by transaction logs. This applies to Postgresql. |
TransactionLogsGeneration | gauge | bytes_per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Size of transaction logs generated per second. This applies to Postgresql. |
VolumeBytesUsed | gauge | bytes | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Amount of storage used by your Aurora DB instance. |
VolumeReadIOPs | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of billed read I/O operations from a cluster volume within a 5-minute interval. | |
VolumeWriteIOPs | gauge | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of write disk I/O operations to the cluster volume, reported at 5-minute intervals. | |
WriteIOPS | gauge | per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Average number of disk write I/O operations per second. |
WriteLatency | gauge | seconds | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation. |
WriteThroughput | gauge | bytes_per_second | DBInstanceIdentifier, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Average number of bytes written to disk per second. |
AWS/S3 Copied
The AWS/S3
service collects storage metrics and replication metrics (if any) from the S3 buckets.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
4xxErrors | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Number of HTTP 4xx client error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1. | |
5xxErrors | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Number of HTTP 5xx server error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1. | |
AllRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Total number of HTTP requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket regardless of type. | |
BucketSizeBytes | gauge | bytes | BucketName, StorageType, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Amount of data in bytes stored in a bucket in the STANDARD storage class, INTELLIGENT_TIERING storage class, Standard-Infrequent Access (STANDARD_IA) storage class, OneZone-Infrequent Access (ONEZONE_IA), Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) class, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval storage class, Deep Archive Storage (S3 Glacier Deep Archive) class or, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval (GLACIER) storage class. |
BytesDownloaded | gauge | bytes | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Number of bytes downloaded for requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket. |
BytesPendingReplication | gauge | bytes | RuleId, Namespace, Region, DestinationBucket, SourceBucket | max | 300 | Total number of bytes of objects pending replication for a given replication rule. |
BytesUploaded | gauge | bytes | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Number of bytes uploaded that contain a request body. |
CreationDate | attribute | BucketName, Namespace, Region | average | Date the bucket was created. | ||
DeleteRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of HTTP DELETE requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. | |
FirstByteLatency | gauge | milliseconds | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Per-request time from the complete request being received by an Amazon S3 bucket to when the response starts to be returned. |
GetRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of HTTP GET requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. | |
HeadRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of HTTP HEAD requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket. | |
ListRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of HTTP requests that list the contents of a bucket. | |
NumberOfObjects | gauge | BucketName, StorageType, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Total number of objects stored in a bucket for all storage classes. | |
OperationsPendingReplication | gauge | bytes | RuleId, Namespace, Region, DestinationBucket, SourceBucket | max | 300 | Number of operations pending replication for a given replication rule. |
PostRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of HTTP POST requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket. | |
PutRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of HTTP PUT requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. | |
ReplicationLatency | gauge | seconds | RuleId, Namespace, Region, DestinationBucket, SourceBucket | max | 300 | Maximum number of seconds by which the replication destination Region is behind the source Region for a given replication rule. |
SelectBytesReturned | gauge | bytes | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of bytes of data returned with Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests in an Amazon S3 bucket. |
SelectBytesScanned | gauge | bytes | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of bytes of data scanned with Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests in an Amazon S3 bucket. |
SelectRequests | gauge | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | sum | 86400 | Number of Amazon S3 SELECT Object Content requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. | |
Status | attribute | RuleId, Namespace, Region | Specifies if the rule is enabled. | |||
TotalRequestLatency | gauge | milliseconds | BucketName, FilterId, Namespace, Region | average | 86400 | Elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to an Amazon S3 bucket. |
AWS/SDKUsage Copied
The AWS/SDKUsage
service collects metrics from SDK Usage metrics.
To get these metrics, you need to enable the AWS SDK Usage metrics collector configuration, AwsSdkUsageMetricsCollector
, in the Collection Agent YAML file. See AWS SDK Usage metrics collector.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
avgApiCallDurationLast5Min | gauge | milliseconds | Namespace, ServiceId, OperationName, Region | average | 300 | Average API call duration from the last 5-minute window. |
avgRetryCountLast5Min | gauge | Namespace, ServiceId, OperationName, Region | average | 300 | Average retry count from the last 5-minute window. | |
failedApiCallLast5Min | gauge | Namespace, ServiceId, OperationName, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of failed API calls from the last 5-minute window. | |
successfulApiCallLast5Min | gauge | Namespace, ServiceId, OperationName, Region | sum | 300 | Total number of successful API calls from the last 5-minute window. |
AWS/SNS Copied
service collects metrics from SNS Topics.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
DisplayName | attribute | TopicName, Namespace, Region | Human-readable name used in the From field for notifications to email and email-json endpoints. |
NumberOfMessagesPublished | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages published to the Amazon SNS topics. | |
NumberOfNotificationsDelivered | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages successfully delivered from the Amazon SNS topics to subscribing endpoints. | |
NumberOfNotificationsFailed | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages that Amazon SNS failed to deliver. | |
NumberOfNotificationsFailedToRedriveToDlq | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages that could not be moved to a dead-letter queue. | |
NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies. A filter policy rejects a message when the message attributes do not match the policy attributes. |
NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut-InvalidAttributes | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies because the messages’ attributes are invalid. For example, the attribute JSON was formatted incorrectly. | |
NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut-NoMessageAttribute | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies because the messages have no attributes. | |
NumberOfNotificationsRedrivenToDlq | gauge | TopicName, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of messages that have been moved to a dead-letter queue. | |
Owner | attribute | TopicName, Namespace, Region | Amazon Web Services account ID of the topic’s owner. | |||
PublishSize | gauge | bytes | TopicName, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Size of messages being published. |
AWS/TransitGateway Copied
The AWS/TransitGateways
service collects metrics from non-deleted Transit Gateways.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
BytesDropCountBlackhole | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes dropped because they matched a blackhole route. |
BytesDropCountBlackhole | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes dropped because they matched a blackhole route on the transit gateway attachment. |
BytesDropCountNoRoute | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes dropped because they did not match a route. |
BytesDropCountNoRoute | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes dropped because they did not match a route on the transit gateway attachment. |
BytesIn | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes received by the transit gateway. |
BytesIn | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes received by the transit gateway from the attachment. |
BytesOut | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes sent from the transit gateway. |
BytesOut | gauge | bytes | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of bytes sent from the transit gateway to the attachment. |
Description | attribute | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | Description of the transit gateway. | |||
OwnerId | attribute | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | ID of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the transit gateway. | |||
PacketDropCountBlackhole | gauge | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets dropped because they matched a blackhole route. | |
PacketDropCountBlackhole | gauge | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets dropped because they matched a blackhole route on the transit gateway attachment. | |
PacketDropCountNoRoute | gauge | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets dropped because they did not match a route. | |
PacketDropCountNoRoute | gauge | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets dropped because they did not match a route on the transit gateway attachment. | |
PacketsIn | gauge | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets received by the transit gateway. | |
PacketsIn | gauge | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets received by the transit gateway from the attachment. | |
PacketsOut | gauge | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets sent by the transit gateway. | |
PacketsOut | gauge | TransitGateway, TransitGatewayAttachment, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | Number of packets sent by the transit gateway to the attachment. | |
State | attribute | TransitGateway, Namespace, Region | State of the transit gateway. |
AWS/Usage Copied
The AWS/Usage
service collects service quota usage metrics.
Metric name | Metric type | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
CallCount | gauge | Resource, Service,Type, Class, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Number of specified operations performed in your account. |
ErrorCount | gauge | Resource, Service,Type, Class, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | |
ResourceCount | gauge | Resource, Service,Type, Class, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | |
ThrottleCount | gauge | Resource, Service,Type, Class, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 |
AWS/VPN Copied
service collects metrics from non-deleted Virtual Private Networks.
Metric name | Metric type | Unit name | Dimension | Statistic | Period(s) | Description |
Category | attribute | VpnId, Namespace, Region | Category of the VPN connection. | |||
CustomerGatewayId | attribute | VpnId, Namespace, Region | ID of the customer gateway at your end of the VPN connection. | |||
State | attribute | VpnId, Namespace, Region | Current state of the VPN connection. | |||
TransitGatewayId | attribute | VpnId, Namespace, Region | ID of the transit gateway associated with the VPN connection. | |||
TunnelDataIn | gauge | bytes | VpnId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Bytes received on the AWS side of the connection through the VPN tunnel from a customer gateway. Each metric data point represents the number of bytes received after the previous data point. |
TunnelDataOut | gauge | bytes | VpnId, Namespace, Region | sum | 300 | Bytes sent from the AWS side of the connection through the VPN tunnel to the customer gateway. Each metric data point represents the number of bytes sent after the previous data point. |
TunnelState | gauge | bytes | VpnId, Namespace, Region | average | 300 | State of the tunnels. For static VPNs, For BGP VPNs, For both types of VPNs, values between |
Type | attribute | VpnId, Namespace, Region | Type of VPN connection. | |||
VpnGatewayId | attribute | VpnId, Namespace, Region | ID of the virtual private gateway at the Amazon Web Services side of the VPN connection. |
Required AWS plugin permissions Copied
Service | Permission |
All Services | cloudwatch:GetMetricData |
All Services | cloudwatch:ListMetrics |
AWS/ApplicationELB | elasticloadbalancingv2:DescribeLoadBalancers |
AWS/ApplicationELB | elasticloadbalancingv2:DescribeTags |
AWS/AutoScaling | autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups |
AWS/Billing | budgets:ViewBudget |
AWS/Billing | Billing Services |
AWS/CertificateManager | acm:ListCertificates |
AWS/CertificateManager | acm:DescribeCertificate |
AWS/CertificateManager | acm:ListTagsForCertificate |
AWS/DynamoDB | dynamodb:DescribeTable |
AWS/DynamoDB | dynamodb:DescribeTable |
AWS/EBS | ebs:DescribeVolumes |
AWS/EC2 | ec2:DescribeInstances |
AWS/ECS | ecs:DescribeClusters |
AWS/ECS | ecs:ListClusters |
AWS/ECS | ecs:ListTagsForResource |
AWS/EFS | elasticfilesystem:DescribeFileSystems |
AWS/EKS | eks:DescribeClusters |
AWS/EKS | eks:DescribeNodegroup |
AWS/EKS | eks:ListClusters |
AWS/EKS | eks:ListNodegroups |
AWS/ElastiCache | elasticache:DescribeCacheClusters |
AWS/ElastiCache | elasticache:ListTagsForResource |
AWS/ELB | elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers |
AWS/ELB | elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags |
AWS/Events | eventbridge:ListEventBuses |
AWS/Events | eventbridge:ListRules |
AWS/Events | eventbridge:ListTagsForResource |
AWS/GatewayELB | elasticloadbalancingv2:DescribeLoadBalancers |
AWS/GatewayELB | elasticloadbalancingv2:DescribeTags |
AWS/Kinesis | kinesis:ListStreams |
AWS/Kinesis | kinesis:DescribeStream |
AWS/Kinesis | kinesis:ListTagsForStream |
AWS/KMS | kms:ListKeys |
AWS/KMS | kms:ListAliases |
AWS/KMS | kms:ListResourceTags |
AWS/Lambda | lambda:ListFunctions |
AWS/Lambda | lambda:ListTags |
AWS/Logs | logs:DescribeLogGroups |
AWS/Logs | logs:DescribeSubscriptionFilters |
AWS/Logs | logs:ListTagsLogGroup |
AWS/NATGateway | ec2:DescribeNatGateways |
AWS/NetworkELB | elasticloadbalancingv2:DescribeLoadBalancers |
AWS/NetworkELB | elasticloadbalancingv2:DescribeTags |
AWS/NetworkFirewall | network-firewall:ListFirewalls |
AWS/NetworkFirewall | network-firewall:DescribeFirewall |
AWS/RDS | rds:DescribeDBInstances |
AWS/S3 | s3:GetBucketTagging |
AWS/S3 | s3:ListBucket |
AWS/S3 | s3:ListAllMyBuckets |
AWS/S3 | s3:GetBucketLocation |
AWS/SNS | sns:ListTopics |
AWS/SNS | sns:GetTopicAttributes |
AWS/SNS | sns:ListTagsForResource |
AWS/TransitGateway | ec2:DescribeTransitGateways |
AWS/VPN | ec2:DescribeVpnConnections |
Endpoints accessed by AWS plugin Copied
Service | Endpoint | Description |
AWS/AutoScaling | autoscaling.<region> |
AWS/Billing | | |
AWS/Billing | | For identity purposes |
AWS/CertificateManager | acm.<region> |
AWS/DynamoDB | dynamodb.<region> |
AWS/EC2 | ec2.<region> |
AWS/ECS | ecs.<region> |
AWS/EFS | elasticfilesystem.<region> |
AWS/EKS | eks.<region> |
AWS/ElastiCache | elasticache.<region> |
AWS/ELB, AWS/GatewayELB, AWS/NetprobeELB, AWS/ApplicationELB | elasticloadbalancing.<region> |
AWS/Events | events.<region> |
AWS/Kinesis | kinesis.<region> |
AWS/KMS | kms.<region> |
AWS/Lambda | lambda.<region> |
AWS/Logs | logs.<region> |
AWS/NetworkFirewall | network-firewall.<region> |
AWS/RDS | rds.<region> |
AWS/S3 | s3.<region> |
AWS/S3 | <bucket_name> .s3.<region> |
AWS/SNS | sns.<region> |
Cloudwatch Monitoring | monitoring.<region> |
For accessing metrics via Cloudwatch |