Obcerv connection
Introduction Copied
The Obcerv Connection plugin monitors the state of the connection that publishes logs to Obcerv from a Netprobe. It is automatically added to Netprobe and FIX Analyser 2 Netprobe which publishes log data directly to Obcerv. The plugin has two dataviews:
- Summary
- Detail
The Publisher plugin creates its own connection to Obcerv and includes a dataview showing metrics for that connection. These metrics are separate from those shown by this plugin.
Summary Copied
The summary dataview provides general information regarding publishing from the Netprobe to Obcerv.
Table legend Copied
The table cells display the following data:
Name | Description |
accessTokenAvailable | Status of access tokens. |
accessTokenUser | Obcerv user associated with the access token used to connect to Obcerv.
byteRate | Transfer rate in bytes per second. |
connectionStatus | Shows the connection status. This can be either Statistics only , Idle , Ready , Connecting , Transient Failure , Shutdown , or No Adapter . |
dataviewsPublished | Number of dataviews published. |
dataviewsUnpublished | Number of dataviews unpublished. |
dataviewsWithErrors | Number of dataview with errors. |
enabled | The Obcerv connection can be either Enabled or Disabled . |
messageRate | Transfer rate per queue in messages per second. |
messagesDroppedPerSample | Average number of messages dropped per sampler. |
metricsChanged | Number of schemaless metrics which have been published as one type (String , Number , DateTime ), and subsequently the type published has changed to a different type. |
metricsDropped | Number of metrics which have been dropped due to type mismatches between data in the Geneos cells and their schema definition of data to publish. |
Detail dataview Copied
The detail dataview shows separate message statistics for the different types of messages that may be published.
Table legend Copied
Column Name | Description |
name |
The message type. Possible values include:
sendState |
The current state of the queue for the message type. Possible values include:
deliveryStatus |
The delivery status of the last message batch sent. Possible values include:
byteRate | Bytes per second published to Obcerv for this type of message. |
messageRate | The rate at which messages are sent to Obcerv, measured as the number of messages per second. |
maxBufferSize | Configured maximum number of messages that can be buffered. |
messagesInBuffer | Number of messages buffered in the queue for the message type. |
messagesDroppedPerSample | Number of messages dropped in the last sample. |
Commands Copied
Metrics issues Copied
The Metric Issues command allows the user to either show or clear the list of metric issues categorised under metricsChanged and metricsDropped.
Using the Show Command will show a list of metrics that have been dropped if run on the metricsDropped cell, or the metrics that have been changed if run on the metricsChanged cell.
Running the Clear command on either of the cells clears the lists and sets the count to zero.
List of metric issues dropped
List of metric issues changed
The lists are limited to 2000 entries. If the lists are full, no new entries will be added until the issues are fixed and the lists are cleared.