Upgrading the Collection Agent

Overview Copied

Before upgrading the Collection Agent, take note of the following:

Upgrading the Collection Agent from 3.x to 4.x Copied

When upgrading the Collection Agent from 3.x to 4.x, take note that Collection Agent 4.x is only compatible and packaged with Netprobe 6.7.x and higher, and requires Java 17. Additionally, refer to the following for the latest Collection Agent plugins configuration:


You can still use the Azure Monitor V3, Collection Agent V3, and Prometheus V3 built in mappings when configuring Collection Agent 4.x since these mappings have not been changed.

Upgrading the Collection Agent from 2.x to 3.x Copied

When upgrading the Collection Agent from 2.x to 3.x, take note of the following configuration changes related to the monitoring (self-monitoring) configuration:

Below is an example of a valid self-monitoring configuration:


  # Optional. Defaults to true.
  enabled: true

  # Health and metrics reporting interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds.
  reportingInterval: 10000

  # The agent will listen on an HTTP port so that an external system can probe its health.
  # In Kubernetes, this can be used in conjunction with the readiness/liveness probes.
  # 200 is returned if the agent is started, 500 otherwise.

    # Optional. Defaults to true.
    enabled: true

    # HTTP listen port, defaults to 8080.
    listenPort: 8080

  # Agent self metrics.

    # Whether to enable self metric collection (optional, defaults to true).
    enabled: true

    # Dimensions to add to all self metrics from this agent (optional).
      custom: value

The Collection Agent self-monitoring dimension app_name is changed to app. Ensure the Dynamic Entity mapping settings in your Gateway configuration are updated to reflect this change in dimension name.

A new built-in mapping called Collection Agent V3 is now available in the Gateway Setup Editor. This also changes the naming of Geneos data items such as entities, samplers, and dataviews. Ensure all x-paths that refer to Collection Agent self-monitoring data items in Geneos are correct and updated properly.

All Collection Agent plugins Copied

All Collection Agent plugins remove the data_kind and itrs_source dimensions, and replace them with the new __itrs_namespace__ dimension.

For the Azure plugin, for example, you have a dimension __itrs_namespace__ with the value itrsgroup.com/c2/azure-plugin:

Kubernetes plugin Copied

If you deployed Netprobe and Collection Agent in Kubernetes using the ITRS Helm chart, then you must upgrade to the latest Helm chart as needed. For more information about Helm, see Installation using Helm. This ensures both Netprobe and Collection Agent are upgraded with the correct configuration.

If you deployed Netprobe and Collection Agent manually using manifests, then you must ensure the Collection Agent configuration is updated and take note of these changes:

AWS plugin Copied

Previously, AWS plugin metric names and dimension names followed this format: cpu_utilization, region. In this version, this is changed to be consistent with the AWS format, for example, CPUUtilization, Region.

Ensure the Dynamic Entity mapping settings in your Gateway configuration are updated to reflect this change in dimension name. This changes the naming of Geneos data items such as entities, samplers, dataviews, rows, and columns. Ensure all x-paths that refer to the AWS plugins generated data are checked and updated properly.

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