
Overview Copied

The Notifier controls the notifications that are generated by the Active Console.

To access the Notifier, you can either:

The Notifier has three main settings:

The notification filters within the Active Console and Gateway follow this workflow:

  1. The Gateway tells the Active Console when its state changes, including what data item has changed.
  2. The Active Console informs the Notifier of the changes in state, and the data item that caused it.
  3. The Notifier finds out if any of the paths on its filters match the changed item.
  4. The first filter that has a path which matches the changed item generated a notification (if no paths match, then it does not generate a notification).

Notifier general settings Copied

The General Settings define the default values for notifications (that can be overridden on a filter by filter basis), as well as the details of when notifications should be removed.

When you double-click the notifications displayed in the row, cell, sampler, or dataview paths, this opens the Metrics view with the corresponding managed entity and selected sampler.

Here are the options and fields you can modify:


The Active Console uses the Java sound system to support playback. Java sound supports the following audio file formats such as the, AIFF, AU and WAV. It also supports the following MIDI-based song file formats, such as, SMF type 0 (Standard MIDI File, aka .mid files), SMF type 1, and RMF.

Notifier layout settings Copied

The Layout Settings define the default layout for notifications that include the details to be displayed in Active Console. Layouts can be overridden on a filter by filter basis.

The default notification container uses the hard-coded layouts that contains the:

To edit this layout:

  1. Go to Tools > Notifier > Layout Settings.
  2. Double-click the notification container. The Notification Editor appears on the screen. See Notification editor.
  3. Drag and drop the data items or variables from the toolbar that you want to display in the container.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

Consider the following behaviours when editing the layout of your notification container:

Notifier filter table Copied

The Filter Table displays the list of active filters in Active Console

Each filter has a priority, name, description, layout and whether it is active or not. From this list, you can create new filters, remove existing filters, or modifying existing ones. You can also directly change the active status of the filters and make them inactive.

In a new workspace, the default active filters are:

To add a new filter:

  1. Go to Notifier > Filter Table settings.
  2. Click Add . A new filter row appears in the filter table list.
  3. Double click the new filter row to set filter paths. The Filter Configuration screen appears.
  4. Configure the filter paths’ general settings, layout, paths, and properties. See Configure the filter table.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Consider these information when adding or editing a filter:

Configure the filter table Copied

This section walks you through the detailed steps to configure the filter paths in the Filter Configuration settings.

This allows you to modify the following settings:

Filter general settings Copied

The General Settings contains the following fields that you can modify:

Field Description

Name of the filter.

This setting is purely cosmetic and exists as a user-friendly way to distinguish between filters.


Description for the notification filter. When added, all notifications generated by this filter contain this description.

Options: Automatic, Custom

Sound Sets the sound defined in the Notifier Manager or override it with a custom sound for this specific filter.
Timeout Uses the timeout value defined in the Notifier Manager or to override it with a custom timeout for this specific filter.

Filter layout settings Copied

By default, when notifications are created by a filter, these follow the layout defined in the Notifier.

However, you can create a custom layout for the filter through this setting.

Paths and properties Copied

This list allows you to specify the paths that are used to decide whether to display a notification or not.


Beginning Active Console 5.5.x, the Managed Entity display name is used in the user readable path.

To add or edit a path:

  1. Go to Tools > Notifier > Filter Table > Filter Configuration settings.
  2. Click Add . A new path appears in the list.
  3. Select the row and click the ellipsis button to edit the path.
  4. Modify the path that includes Geneos URLs, relative path, and data item elements.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Notification editor Copied

The Notification Editor allows you to configure the layout of notifications.

It can be accessed when you edit the layout settings through:

The editor is used to configure the content and layout of a notification, as well as its aesthetic properties. It has two main sections:

The container represents the frame of the actual notification. The elements are placeholder for the information that the notification displays.

Editor view Actual notification
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Arrange container elements Copied

Right-click the notification container to configure the layout and arrangement of elements:

Field Description

Allows you to display or disable the notifications.

These are the options:

  • Disabled — disables the notifications.
  • Always Enabled — enables the notifications.
  • Enabled when Minimised — only enable the notifications if the main Active Console is minimised.
Replacement Strategy

Decides what to do if the maximum number of displayable notifications is reached and if a new notification needs to be displayed.

These are the options :

  • Lowest Priority — replaces the notification with the lowest priority with the new notification (assuming the new notification has a higher priority than those that are showing, otherwise it will not be shown).
  • Lowest Severity — replaces the notification with the lowest severity with the new notification (assuming the new notification is equal or higher severity, otherwise it will not be shown). If all severities are equal then the replacement strategy will fall back to the Oldest First strategy
  • Oldest First — replaces the oldest on screen notification with the new notification.

Notification Location

Sets where on the screen to display the notifications.

Options: North-West, North-East, South-East, South-West


Sets the duration time when displaying notifications (in seconds) in the screen before the system removes them.

If this setting is set to 0, the system never removes the notifications, unless a replacement strategy forces them to be removed.

Default: 10

Max Notifications

Sets the maximum number of displayable notifications in the screen at a given time.

If this is set to 0, there is no limit to the number of notifications to be displayed.

Play Sound Sets an audible warning when the system displays the notification.
Alert Sound

Decides whether the default sound should be played or a user-defined custom sound.

The options are:

  • Default — default alert sound in the Active Console.
  • Custom — allows you to select your own alert sound. The sound must be in .wav format.
["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Active Console"] ["User Guide"]

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