Effective 30 April 2017, TIB GSM reached end of life. This documentation is archived and will no longer be updated.


This plug-in is deprecated and is no longer supported by Geneos. We recommend that you not use any deprecated features, as these may be removed in future releases.

For more information, see Geneos Compatibility Matrix.

Introduction Copied

GENEOS TIB GSM Plug-in monitors TIB General Service Manager parameters.


The plug-in needs to run with sufficient privileges to allow it to send a signal to the TIB GSM process, and to be able to read the gsmdump file.

Views Copied

The TIB GSM Plug-in produces three views, SUMMARY, DETAIL and STATUS.

SUMMARY View Copied

Shows the list of services as “seen” by the GSM

SUMMARY Table Legend

Name Description
Name The name of the service.
Feed Count The number of Feed Handlers that are providing the service.
Max Cache A combined total of the page and record cache sizes of all the feeds providing this service.
Iitems subscribed A combined total of the page and record items that are currently being subscribed to.
% Cache Used Displays the percentage of the total page and record cache sizes.
Max Page Cache The combined total of the page cache sizes of all the feeds providing the service.
Pages Subscribed The combined total of the page items that are currently being subscribed to.
% Page Cache Used The percentage of the total page cache used.
Items Waiting The number of items (pages and records) that are waiting for subscription.
Balance Delta The difference of cache utilisation between the most heavily and the least heavily loaded Feed Handlers that provide this service. This is an indicator of the health of the load balancing mechanism.

DETAIL View Copied

Shows the breakdown of each of the services into the actual Feed Handlers

DETAIL Table Legend

Name Description
Name The name of the service and the host where the feed is running. If the configuration parameter useName is set to "True" for that service then the process name is also appended. This is useful if multiple feeds of the same type are running on the same server.
Max Cache The total of the page and record cache sizes of the feed.
Items Subscribed The number of page and record items that are currently being subscribed to, from this feed.
% Cache Used Displays the percentage of the total page and record cache used.
Max Page Cache The page cache size of this particular feed.
Pages Subscribed The number of page items that are currently being subscribed to.
% Page Cache Used The percentage of the page cache used.
State The state of the feed.
Throttle An indication of the Feed Handler throttling.
Load Factor The load factor of the feed.
Q Factor The quality factor of the feed.

STATUS View Copied

Shows the primary / secondary status of the GSM, and also gives an indication of the Geneos GSM sampling status.

STATUS Table Legend

Name Description
Fault Tolerant
The GSM status (Primary or Secondary).
If Secondary, the Summary and Detail windows will normally be blank.
Sampling Indicates the status of the GSM sampling by the Geneos probe.

Plug-in Configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

processName Copied

The name of the running GSM process.

Mandatory: No

Default: gsm

duration Copied

The number of seconds the plug-in will wait, after sending the GSM a signal, before trying to check the dump file.

Mandatory: No

Default: 10

dumpfile Copied

The full path to the GSM dump file.

Mandatory: Yes

dumpCheckInterval Copied

The number of seconds the plug-in will wait between successive checks for the file size to stabilise.

Mandatory: No

Default: 2

dumpMaxWait Copied

The number of seconds to run the dump file size check before giving up.

Mandatory: No

Default: 30

services Copied

This section is optionally used to add the process name to the name of the service in the details view. This is useful when more than one feed handler of the same type are running on the host.

Mandatory: No

services > service > name Copied

Name of the service.

Mandatory: Yes

services > service > useName Copied

If true, the plug-in will append the process name to the end of the service name.

Mandatory: Yes

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["Technical Reference"] "1"

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