
Overview Copied

ActiveMQ monitoring is a Gateway configuration file that enables monitoring of ActiveMQ through a set of samplers with customised JMX plug-in settings.

Track the following key areas when using ActiveMQ monitoring:

Key Area Description
Broker Shows the memory usage of the broker metrics.
Queue Monitors the queue size and provides information on the messages being processed in the queue.
Topic Tracks the number of consumers and topics that are existing within the broker.

Intended audience Copied

This guide is intended for users who are setting up, configuring, troubleshooting and maintaining this integration. Once the integration is set up, the samplers providing the dataviews become available to that Gateway.

As a user, you should be familiar with Java, Unix, or any other database, and with the administration of the ActiveMQ services.

Prerequisites Copied

The following requirements must be met before the installation and setup of the template:

Installation procedure Copied

Ensure that you have read and can follow the system requirements prior to installation and setup of this integration template.

  1. Download the integration package geneos-integration-activemq-<version>.zip from the Downloads site.
  2. Open Gateway Setup Editor.
  3. In the Navigation panel, click Includes to create a new file.
  4. Enter the location of the file to include in the Location field. In this example, it is the include/ActiveMQMonitoring.xml.
  5. Update the Priority field. This can be any value except 1. If you input a priority of 1, the Gateway Setup Editor returns an error.
  6. Expand the file location in the Include section.
  7. Select Click to load.
  8. Click Yes to load the new ActiveMQ include file.

  1. Click Managed entities in the Navigation panel.
  2. Add the ActiveMQ-Monitoring type to the Managed Entity section that you will use to monitor ActiveMQ.
  3. Click Validate current document to check your configuration.
  4. Click Save current document to apply the changes.

Set up the samplers Copied

These are the pre-configured samplers available to use in ActiveMQMonitoring.xml.

Configure the required fields by referring to the table below:


Set up the variables Copied

The ActiveMQMonitoring.xml template provides the following variables that are set in the Environments section.

Variable Description
ACTIVEMQ_JMX_HOST IP/Hostname to be accessed using JMX plug-in.
ACTIVEMQ_JMX_PORT Port to be accessed using JMX.
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER Name of the Broker to monitor.
ACTIVEMQ_GROUP Sampler group name.


The default values can be changed by providing an environment with the same name with a higher priorty in the set-up file, or by using an environment in the Managed entity where the type is defined.

Set up the rules Copied

The ActiveMQMonitoring-SampleRules.xml template also provides a separate sample rules that you can use to configure the Gateway Setup Editor.

Your configuration rules must be set in the Includes section. In the Navigation panel, click Rules.

The included ActiveMQ-MemoryUsage rule set-up in the configuration file checks the Broker’s memory usage.

Metrics and dataviews Copied

The sections below list metrics and example dataviews available with the ActiveMQ integration.

ActiveMQ broker Copied

ActiveMQ Broker dataview

Column Name Description
BrokerName Name of the broker used.
StorePercentUsage Percent of store limit used.
TempPercentUsage Percent of temp limit used.
MemoryPercentUsage Percent of memory limit used.

ActiveMQ queues Copied

Column Name Description
Name Name of the current queue.
ConsumerCount Number of consumers subscribed to this destination.
ProducerCount Number of producers attached to this destination.
MaxEnqueueTime The longest time a message was held on this destination.
MinEnqueueTime The shortest time a message was held on this destination.
AvgEnqueueTime Average time a message was held on this destination.
MemoryPercentUsage The percentage of the memory limit used.
Size Number of messages on this destination, including any that have been dispatched but not acknowledged.
DequeueCount Number of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination.
DispatchCount Number of messages that have been delivered to consumers, including those not acknowledged.
EnqueueCount Number of messages that have been sent to the destination.
ExpiredCount Number of messages that have expired.
InFlightCount Number of messages that have been dispatched to, but not acknowledged by, consumers.

ActiveMQ topics Copied

ActiveMQ Topics dataview

Column Name Description
Name Name of the current topic.
ConsumerCount Number of consumers subscribed to this destination.
EnqueueCount Number of messages that have been sent to the destination.
DequeueCount Number of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination.
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