Reconfiguration overview


This information refers to the previous helm install method for the Obcerv Platform. If you are looking to install using the more streamlined Kubernetes Off-the-Shelf (KOTS) method, see the updated installation overview.

Certain parameters can be updated on existing instances without having to uninstall/reinstall the entire application.

To do this, you can modify the Helm configuration file that was used during installation with new parameters then run helm upgrade using this file to redeploy with the updated parameters.

helm upgrade -f obcerv.yaml <instance> itrs/obcerv -n <namespace> --version <currently-installed-version> 


The helm upgrade command will upgrade the chart version if a new one exists. To avoid this, manually specify the chart --version to be the same as what is currently installed.


A number of installation parameters are immutable, which means that an Obcerv instance cannot be reconfigured if you change any of these parameters.

Parameters that cannot be updated will be reported and the instance will not be updated. To check the full list of immutable parameters, run helm show values.


When changing disk sizes, it is important to note that all disk size parameters define the initial size of a PVC. This value is used when the PVC is created. If it needs to be expanded later, modify the PVC directly instead of changing the disk size parameter.

The Operator will handle updating the necessary workloads based on the updated parameters. You can check the progress of the update by running:

kubectl describe obcerv <instance> -n <namespace>
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