Collection Agent configuration reference

Overview Copied

Collection Agent configuration reference contains details about setting up collectors, reporters, workflows and plugins.


Make sure to read Upgrading Collection Agent, which outlines the breaking changes that may have an impact on your upgrade, before you upgrade to the latest version of Geneos and Collection Agent.

Configuration reference Copied

Below is an example YAML file which may require some changes for your project’s configuration:

# Collection Agent Configuration Reference

# Directory containing plugin artifacts. Required.
pluginDirectory: /usr/local/lib/geneos/plugins

# Agent monitoring and selfMetrics.
# This section is optional.

  # Optional. Defaults to true.
  enabled: true

  # Health and metrics reporting interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds.
  reportingInterval: 10000

  # The agent will listen on an HTTP port so that an external system can probe its health.
  # In Kubernetes, this can be used in conjunction with the readiness/liveness probes.
  # 200 is returned if the agent is started, 500 otherwise.

    # Optional. Defaults to true.
    enabled: true

    # HTTP listen port, defaults to 8080.
    listenPort: 8080

  # Agent selfMetrics.

    # Whether to enable self metric collection (optional, defaults to true).
    enabled: true

    # Dimensions to add to all selfMetrics from this agent (optional).
      custom: value

# A collector creates data points and submits them to the workflow.

  # Collector type (all collectors are of type 'plugin').
  - type: plugin

    # Optional. Defaults to true.
    enabled: true

    # Optional name used in logging.  If omitted, an auto-generated name will be assigned.
    name: statsd

    # Fully qualified or simple className of the collector in the plugin jar.
    className: StatsdServer

    # Data point processors applied to data points published from this collector.
    # This optional processing chain allows for manipulating and/or filtering data points prior
    # to workflow publication. This is the recommended way to perform edge processing, when applicable, so that
    # unneeded data can be dropped before incurring workflow overhead.
      # For example, drop all events collected from statsd.  See "workflow -> common -> processors" section for
      # details on each type of processor.
      - type: drop-filter
          - type: kind
            kind: generic-event

    # Additional properties are specific to each collector type.  See plugin's configuration reference for details.
    listenPort: 8125

# A reporter receives data points from the workflow and sends them to a remote target.
# At least one reporter must be configured.

  # Each reporter has these common configuration settings:
  - type: [ logging | tcp | routing | plugin ]

    # Optional. Defaults to true.
    enabled: true

    # Reporter name. Referenced from a pipeline's 'reporter' setting.
    name: myReporterName

    # Persist all data points sent to this reporter.  It's intended for testing purposes only
    # and is disabled by default.
      enabled: false

      # Directory where the recording is saved.  If undefined, a directory with the name of the reporter
      # will be created in the current working directory.
      directory: /var/lib/geneos/recording

      # Maximum number of data points to record.  Recording will stop when capacity is reached.
      # Default value shown.
      capacity: 1000000

    # Optional: Enabled store and forward based reporting.
    # This is typically only used when a reporter is being used as a routing reporter destination.
      # Mandatory. Root directory for store and forward persisted messages.
      directory: /var/lib/geneos/collection-agent
      # Optional. Store capacity. Defaults to 8192 (8 Ki messages).
      capacity: 8192
      # Optional. Max store file length in bytes. Defaults to 16777216 (16 MiB).
      maxFileLength: 16777216

  # Logging reporter that simply logs each data point to stdout.  This is intended for testing purposes only.
  - type: logging
    name: logging

    # Log level at which each data point is logged.  Can be: error, info (default), warn, debug or trace.
    level: info

  # TCP reporter that sends data points over a TCP connection.
  - type: tcp
    name: myTcpReporter

    # The TCP server hostname. Default value shown.
    hostname: localhost

    # The TCP server port. Default value shown.
    port: 7137

    # The TCP server connection timeout in milliseconds. Default value shown.
    connectionTimeoutMillis: 10000

    # The TCP server write timeout in milliseconds. Default value shown.
    writeTimeoutMillis: 10000

    # Optional. The TCP server TLS configuration.

      # Whether to enforce server authentication or not. Optional. Defaults to false (server authentication is enforced).
      # If set to true, the trust chain file setting is ignored.
      insecure: false

      # The system default is used when not set.
      trustChainFile: ${env:TCP_TRUST_CHAIN_FILE}

      # The client key. Optional. Used only for mTLS (client authentication).
      keyFile: ${env:TCP_KEY_FILE}

      # The client certificate. Optional. Used only for mTLS (client authentication).
      certFile: ${env:TCP_CERT_FILE}

      # The list of TLS protocols to enable. Optional. Defaults to TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2 only.
      protocols: [ TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2 ]

  # Routing reporter which can be used to route data points via 1 of N other reporters based on matching criteria.
  # Note that for other reporters to be valid routing destinations they must:
  # - appear in the configuration before this reporter
  # - have a 'name' attribute by which they can be referenced.
  - type: routing
    # Optional but recommended component name.
    name: router
    # Optional. Route eviction timeout. Default is 2 seconds.
    # The router automatically evicts slow routes from the list of alternatives when routing messages for the duration
    # of the 'routeRestorationTimeout'. This is to minimise the impact of slow routes on the system as a whole.
    # It is possible, on a per-route basis, to override this such that specific routes are not evicted regardless of
    # their timing characteristics.
    # A value of 0 disables automatic route eviction completely.
    routeEvictionTimeout: 2000
    # Optional. Timeout for automatically restoring an evicted route. Defaults to 60 seconds.
    routeRestorationTimeout: 60000
    # Optional. Route restoration timeout. Default is 60 seconds.
    # Optional. Do not reject data points that don't match any route. Defaults to false.
    ignoreNoMatchingRoute: false
    # Optional. Routing type: [ first (route only via first matching route) | all (route via all matching routes)].
    # Defaults to 'first'.
    routeType: first
    # List of possible routes.
    # The routes are searched in the order specified for the first match.
      # Mandatory. Destination reporter name.
      - reporter: destination-reporter-1
        # Optional. Manually enable/disable this route. Defaults to true.
        enabled: true
        # Optional. Specify that this route is never to be evicted. Defaults to false.
        doNotEvict: false
        # Optional. Set the 'ca_deliver_to_name' property on all data points on all matched routes, which is carried on
        # the wire, that is designed to be used in the multi-hop routing case.
        deliverTo: multihop-reporter
        # Optional. Match condition type: 'any' (logical OR) | 'all' (logical AND) over the list of matchers.
        # Defaults to 'any'.
        match: any
        # Mandatory. List of matchers.
          # Mandatory. The data point field to be matched: [ name | namespace | dimension | property ].
          # If the match type is 'dimension' or 'property' then the 'key' attribute is also required.
          - type: name
            # Matching regular expression.
            pattern: promtest.*
          - type: dimension
            # Mandatory when type is 'dimension' or 'property'. Specifies dimension key containing value to match.
            key: dimension_key
            pattern: dimension_value
      - reporter: destination-reporter-2
        match: any
          - type: name
            pattern: jvm.*
      - reporter: destination-reporter-3
        match: all
          # Will match any data point, to this can be used as a catch-all for any previously unmatched data points.
          - type: name
            pattern: .*
          # Except any that are explicitly excluded (note that match type above is 'all', i.e. logical AND).
          - type: name
            pattern: not_me
            # It is possible to set any matcher to be an exclusive matcher instead of (the default) an inclusive matcher.
            exclude: true
      - reporter: destination-reporter-4
        match: all
          # Match all data points collected by the 'statsd' collector ...
          - type: property
            # The special property 'ca_collector_name' is guaranteed to be available and populated with the name of
            # the CA collector.
            key: ca_collector_name
            pattern: statsd
          # ... Except for internal self-monitoring data points.
          - type: property
            key: ca_collector_name
            # The special collector name 'ca_internal' applies to data points generated internally by the CA itself
            # for selfMonitoring.
            pattern: ca_internal
            exclude: true
      - reporter: destination-reporter-5
        match: any
          # Match any data point of the specified types.
          # Valid data types are:
          #   [entity_attribute | counter | gauge | generic_event | generic_histogram | log_event | status_metric |
          #    signal_event | snooze_event | entity_attribute_group_snapshot | open_telemetry_span_group]
          - type: data-type
            pattern: status_metric
          - type: data-type
            pattern: counter
          - type: data-type
            pattern: gauge

  # Example configuration of a multihop router (i.e. the intermediate link) which matches the 'ca_deliver_to_name'
  # property to route.
  - type: routing
    name: multihop-router
    routeType: first
      # By convention, if the reporter name matches the value assigned to the 'ca_deliver_to_name' then it is erased
      # before being delivered to the target reporter and therefore will not appear on the wire.
      - reporter: multihop-reporter
        match: all
          - type: property
            key: ca_deliver_to_name
            pattern: multihop-reporter

  # Target reporter corresponding to the final link in a multihop route (can be any type).
  - type: logging
    name: multihop-reporter

  # External/custom reporters are defined using the 'plugin' type.
  - type: plugin
    name: myCustomReporter

    # Fully qualified or simple class name of the reporter in the plugin jar.
    className: custom-reporter

    # Additional properties are specific to each reporter type.  See plugin's configuration reference for details.
    customProp: asdf

# Workflow settings for controlling the flow of data points from plugins to reporters.
# This section is optional - default settings are used if omitted.
  # Directory to store pipeline persistence.
  # Required only if at least one pipeline uses 'disk' store type.
  # The directory must be writable.
  storeDirectory: /var/lib/geneos/collection-agent

  # Optionally override the default validations applied to all data points before ingesting.
  # Validation runs after all configured processors have been applied and just before writing the data point to the
  # pipeline store.
  # The class must implement the WorkflowDataPointValidator interface and may extend DefaultWorkflowDataPointValidator
  # in order to retain the defaults.
  # The value can be the fully qualified or simple class name.
  validatorClass: com.example.MyValidator

  # Pipelines.
  # A pipeline exists for each class of data (metrics/logs/events/attributes/traces)
  # Each pipeline is enabled by default if omitted from the configuration.
  # At least one pipeline must be enabled.  A runtime error will occur if a plugin attempts delivery to a pipeline
  # that is not configured.

  # Metrics pipeline.

    # Reporter to which all data points on this pipeline are sent.
    # This property is optional if there is only one reporter configured.  Otherwise the value is required and
    # must correspond to the 'name' of a reporter defined above.
    reporter: logging

    # Optional. Defaults to true.
    enabled: true

    # Optional. Whether internal resources are pooled or not. Defaults to false. Does not apply in pass-through mode.
    # Resource pools consume more static memory but result in less garbage collection and therefore less CPU load.
    pooling: false

    # Optional. Whether to use file level locking to prevent multiple processes operating over a single persistence
    # store. Defaults to false.
    # When this option is set a second collection agent misconfigured to load the same persistence store as an
    # already running collection agent will fail to start.
    # Lock files are cleared on termination except in the case of abrupt termination (e.g. via SIGKILL) in which case
    # there is a possibility of stale lock files remaining beyond process exit. This situation requires manual
    # intervention to remove the lock files, or the disabling of this option, prior to the next instance being started.
    fileLocking: false

    # Number of retries after initial delivery fails.  Defaults to 3.  For infinite retries set to -1.
    # The interval between consecutive retries for the same message increases from 1 second up to 120 seconds.
    maxRetries: 3

    # Optional pass through mode configuration (disabled by default).
    # In pass through mode, there is no buffering between collectors and the pipeline - data points pass through the
    # pipeline on the thread of the collector. This means that collector threads are directly coupled to the behavior of
    # the eventual reporter. The nature of the coupling is determined by whether the reporter is synchronous or
    # asynchronous and whether pipeline retries are enabled. It is therefore possible the a collector thread becomes
    # blocked awaiting reporter completion.
      # Optional. Defaults to false.
      enabled: false

      # Optional. Enable fire and forget mode (disabled by default) on this pipeline.
      # Only applicable when passThrough mode is enabled and maxRetries is 0.
      # This option can be used to achieve higher throughput when best effort reporting (i.e. no failure notifications
      # or retries) is an acceptable tradeoff.
      fireAndForget: false

      # Optional. Only applies when the workflow is in 'passThrough' mode. Defaults to 'parallel'.
      # Defines whether multiple threads are allowed to enter the pipeline concurrently or not.
      # Serial mode can be used in the case of stateful pipeline processors.
      concurrency: [ parallel | serial ]

    # Store settings.
    # Data points are stored either in memory or on disk before delivery to a reporter.
    # If a reporter's target becomes unavailable, data points are queued until either the store is full or
    # the reporter target becomes available again.
    # Plugins are informed when a store becomes full and are free to handle the situation in a way that makes
    # sense for that plugin (i.e. dropping the message if not critical, or waiting for the store to re-open before
    # collecting any more data).

      # Store type.
      # Permitted values:
      # 'memory':  A circular, fixed-size, in-memory store that provides no persistence.  The oldest data point
      #            is removed when adding to a full store, therefore this store never rejects new data points
      #            and will begin to drop data if a slow reporter cannot keep up.
      # 'disk':    A fixed-size store that is persisted to disk.  Requires the workflow 'storeDirectory' setting
      #            to be configured.
      # For the metrics pipeline, it is recommended (and the default) to use a memory store, as metric data is
      # generally non-critical and loses relevance if delayed.
      type: memory

      # Maximum number of data points to hold before the store is considered full and new data points are rejected.
      # The default capacity for a memory store is 8192 data points and 10,000,000 data points for a disk store.
      capacity: 8192

    # Custom processing of data points on this pipeline.  Processors can manipulate, enrich and/or filter
    # data points before reporting.
    # See the 'common' pipeline for more details.
      - type: enrichment
        name: metrics-enricher
          custom_dimension: value

  # Logs pipeline.
    reporter: logging
      # For logs, it is recommended (and the default) to use a disk store if data loss is not tolerable.
      type: disk

      # Maximum size (in bytes) of one store file. Only applicable when store type is "disk".
      # The value must be a multiple of 4096.
      # Optional - default value is 128MB for logs and 16MB for events.
      maxFileLength: 134217728

    # For logs, it is recommended (and the default) to retry infinitely if data loss is not tolerable.
    maxRetries: -1

  # Events pipeline.
    reporter: logging
      # For events, it is recommended (and the default) to use a disk store if data loss is not tolerable.
      type: disk

    # For events, it is recommended (and the default) to retry infinitely if data loss is not tolerable.
    maxRetries: -1

  # Attributes pipeline.
    reporter: logging
      # For attributes, it is recommended (and the default) to use a disk store if data loss is not tolerable.
      type: disk

    # For attributes, it is recommended (and the default) to retry infinitely if data loss is not tolerable.
    maxRetries: -1

  # Traces pipeline.
  # Note: This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is not yet generally compatible with most reporters.
    reporter: logging
      # For attributes, it is recommended (and the default) to use a disk store if data loss is not tolerable.
      type: disk

    # For attributes, it is recommended (and the default) to retry infinitely if data loss is not tolerable.
    maxRetries: -1

  # Common pipeline.
  # This is a unique pipeline that only has dataPoint processors (there is no reporter). The processors are applied
  # to data points on all pipelines, before any pipeline-specific processors are applied.
    # Optional. As for the 'pooling' option for the individual pipelines.
    # Can be used as a shortcut to apply to all pipelines.
    # Can also be overridden by individual pipelines.
    pooling: false

    # Optional. As for the 'fileLocking' option for the individual pipelines.
    # Can be used as a shortcut to apply to all pipelines.
    # Can also be overridden by individual pipelines.
    fileLocking: false

    # dataPoint processors.
    # Processors can manipulate, enrich and/or filter data points before reporting.  They are applied before
    # a data point is saved in the pipeline's store.

      # Enrichment processor.  Adds dimensions and/or properties to all data points.
      - type: enrichment

        # Optional. Defaults to true.
        enabled: true

        # Optional name used in logging.  If omitted, an auto-generated name will be assigned.
        name: enricher

        # Whether to overwrite an existing dimension or property with the same name (defaults to false)
        overwrite: false

        # Dimensions to add
          node_name: ${env:NODE_NAME}

        # Properties to add
          prop: value

      # Translation processor.
      # Translates:
      # - data point names
      # - dimension and/or property key/values
      - type: translation

        # Translate data point name via a search and replace operation (optional).
          # The search regular expression.
          # The name is not modified unless it matches this pattern.
          # The pattern may contain group captures which may be reference in the 'replace' pattern.
          search: search-pattern

          # The replace regular expression.
          # May contain group references from the 'search' pattern.
          replace: replace-pattern

        # List of dimension and/or property key/value translators (optional).

          # First translator.
          # The source key/value.
          - from:
              # Either 'dimension' or 'property'.
              type: dimension

              # Source dimension or property name.
              name: dim1

              # Optional source value search pattern.
              search: search-pattern

              # Whether or not to delete the source key/value (default is true).
              delete: true

            # The target key/value.
            # If the 'from' specifies 'delete' then the 'to' section may be omitted.
              # Either 'dimension' or 'property'.
              type: property

              # Target dimension or property name.
              name: prop1

              # Optional target value replace pattern
              replace: replace-pattern

              # Whether or not to overwrite the target if it already exists (default is true).
              overwrite: true

          # Second translator.
          - from:
              type: dimension
              name: dim2
              delete: true
              type: property
              name: prop2
              overwrite: true

      # Drop filter processor.  Drops data points that match the configured criteria.
      - type: drop-filter

        # One or more match criteria.
        # For a data point to be dropped, all configured criteria must match, otherwise the data point
        # will be forwarded. If no matchers are configured, all data points will be forwarded.

          # Match by data point name, either exactly or via regex.
          - type: name

            # Exact match
            name: kubernetes_node_cpu_usage

            # Regex match (only one of 'name' or 'namePattern' can be configured)
            namePattern: kubernetes_.*

          # Match by data point dimension key and either an exact value or a regex pattern.
          - type: dimension
            key: namespace

            # Exact value match
            value: finance

            # Regex match (only one of 'value' or 'valuePattern' can be configured)
            valuePattern: ns.*

          # Match by data point property key and either an exact value or a regex pattern.
          - type: property
            key: someProperty

            # Exact value match
            value: someValue

            # Regex match (only one of 'value' or 'valuePattern' can be configured)
            valuePattern: value.*

          # Match by data point type. Value kinds are: [attribute|counter|gauge|generic-event|log-event|histogram]
          - type: kind
            kind: counter

      # Forward filter processor.  Forwards data points that match the configured criteria.
      # This behaves inversely to "dropFilter" above but is configured identically.
      - type: forward-filter

        # One or more match criteria.
        # For a data point to be forwarded, all configured criteria must match, otherwise the data point
        # will be dropped.  If no matchers are configured, all data points will be dropped.
        # See "dropFilter" for details on each type of matcher.
          - type: name
            pattern: myCounter

      # Normalize processor.  Normalizes dimension names for consistency in subsequent processing and reporting.
      - type: normalize

        # Optional name used in logging.  If omitted, an auto-generated name will be assigned.
        name: normalize

        # Dimension normalization settings.

          # Default overwrite behavior, can be overridden per mapping.  Defaults to false.
          overwrite: false

          # Dimension mappings.

            # Old dimension name.
            - from: project

              # New dimension name.
              to: namespace

              # Whether to overwrite if a dimension already exists with the same name.  Defaults to parent setting.
              overwrite: false

      # Simple statistics processor. Logs simple statistics on data points received on this workflow pipeline.
      - type: statistics

        # Processor name. Recommended to use a name representative of the pipeline on which the processor is configured.
        name: metric-stats

        # Optional. Forward data points as normal or drop them. Default is false (drop).
        forward: false

        # Optional. Reporting interval in milliseconds. Default is 10000ms.
        reportingInterval: 10000

      # External/custom processors are defined using the 'plugin' type.
      - type: plugin

        # Optional name used in logging.  If omitted, an auto-generated name will be assigned.
        name: kube-enricher

        # Fully qualified or simple class name of the processor in the plugin jar.
        className: KubernetesEnricher

        # Additional properties are specific to each processor type.  See plugin's configuration reference for details.
        customProp: abc
["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["Technical Reference", "Configuration"]

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