Effective 30 April 2017, SWX and Virt-X reached end of life. This documentation is archived and will no longer be updated.

SWX and Virt-X

Introduction Copied

GENEOS SWX Plug-in monitors the connections to the SWX & VIRT-X exchange and the services provided.

Views (for multiple views) Copied

SERVER View Copied

Shows the current status of the SWX & Virt-X server.


SERVER Headline Legend

Name Description
systemStatus The status of the server - UP or DOWN
systemState Whether the service is running as primary or secondary on this server.
serverName The name of the server
isisProcess State of the ISIS process group.
sybaseProcess State of the Sybase process group.

SERVER Table Legend

Name Description
serverName Name of monitored server.
status State of each detected server, UP or DOWN
remote/local Reports is this is a local or remote connection.

SERVICES View Copied

Shows the current status of the SWX & Virt-X services.


SERVICES Headline Legend

Name Description
totalServices Current number of services that are being monitored.
primaryService Total number of services running on the primary box.
secondaryServices Total number of services running on the secondary box.
totalServicesDown Total number of failed services.
primaryServicesDown Total number of failed services on the primary box.
secondaryServicesDown Total number of failed services on the secondary box.

SERVICES Table Legend

Name Description
serviceName Name of the monitored service.
status The phase the service process is currently in.
role Whether the service is running as primary or secondary on this server.
primaryHost Hostname configured as primary server for running the service process.
secondaryHost Hostname configured as secondary server in case the primary fails.


Shows the state of SWX & VirtX Connections to exchange gateways in the current environment. Hosts typically connect to two gateways for load balancing and resilience.


CONNECTIONS Headline Legend

Name Description
totalGateway Total number of the Gateways


Name Description
gateway The name of the gateway being monitored.
status Status of network connectivity for RPC requests.
role The role of the gateway connection, active or passive.
connectCount Number of currently established connections to gateway services (should be 2).
errorCount Number of failed gateway connection attempts.
transactionHandlerport The tcp port number on which the transaction handler service is running.
feedHandlerPort The tcp port number on which the feed handler service is running.

USERS View Copied

Shows the users of the of SWX & VirtX servers


USERS Headline Legend

Name Description
totalUsers Total number of users

USERS Table Legend

Name Description
userName Account name being used for this connection
client The mnemonic being used by this user
host The host machine where the client application is running
isisAddress The isis address and port being used for this connection.
timestamp Date and time of connection
description User description

Plug-in Configuration Copied

Sample Configuration:

sysmanPath = /usr/swx/bin
environment = swxprod

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

sysmanPath Copied

Full path to the directory containing the ebs_smitty command line executable.

Mandatory: Yes

environment Copied

Name of the environment that SWX and Virt-X executes under. This is the same as the environment parameter passed to the ebs or ebs_smitty command.

Mandatory: Yes

isisProcessToken Copied

The string to identify the ISIS processes ( in the ‘ps’ listing ) that are relevant to this SWX environment. Two ISIS processes must be running for the isisProcess headline variable in the ‘Server’ view to show OK.

Mandatory: No

Default: isis

sybProcessToken Copied

The string to identify the Sybase processes ( in the ‘ps’ listing ) that are relevant to this SWX environment. Five Syb processes must be running for the sybaseProcess headline variable in the ‘Server’ view to show OK.

Mandatory: No

Default: syb

numSybaseProcs Copied

Expected number of Sybase processes.

Mandatory: No

Default: 5

numIsisProcs Copied

Expected number of Isis processes.

Mandatory: No

Default: 2

overrideCommand Copied

Full path to a script or executable command to use instead of the ebs_smitty command. This is useful for testing purposes.

Mandatory: No

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["Technical Reference"] "1"

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