Effective 30 April 2017, Effix Status reached end of life. This documentation is archived and will no longer be updated.

Effix Status

Introduction Copied

The Effix Status plug-in provides a view of the status webpage generated by an Effix (ELSD) server. Once this information is published as a view it is then available to the rest of the Geneos system, and can be used to trigger rules or fire alerts.

Each instance of the plug-in will produce up to five views for the configured server. Multiple servers can be monitored by running multiple plug-in instances - one plug-in per server required.

Views Copied

Applications View Copied

The applications view shows information about the applications connecting to the license server and the number of licences they have requested. An example view is shown below.


Applications Headline Legend

Name Description
pageURL The URL of the webpage the data is collected from.
numConnectedApplications The number of applications connected to the license server.

Applications Table Legend

Name Description
application The application name.
userFullName The full username the application connected with.
userName The username the application connected with.
host The host the application connected from.
position The application position (host and process name).
reservationKey Key for reserved licenses for this application.
subLicenses Number of license keys requested.

Licenses-Used View Copied

This licenses-used (or used licenses) view displays the licenses managed by the Effix server which are currently in use by a user or application. An example view is shown below.


Licenses-Used Headline Legend

Name Description
pageURL The URL of the webpage the data is collected from.

Licenses-Used Table Legend

Name Description
license The license name.
vendor The license vendor.
version The license version.
expirationDate The date that the license expires.
used Number of licenses used.
maximum Maximum number of licenses.
remaining Number of licenses remaining.
percentUsed Percentage of licenses used.

Licenses-All View Copied

The licenses-all (or all licenses) view displays all of the licenses managed by the Effix sever, whether they are in use or not. An example view is shown below.


Licenses-All Headline Legend

Name Description
pageURL The URL of the webpage the data is collected from.

Licenses-All Table Legend

Name Description
license The license name.
vendor The license vendor.
version The license version.
expirationDate The date that the license expires.
used Number of licenses used.
maximum Maximum number of licenses.
remaining Number of licenses remaining.
percentUsed Percentage of licenses used.

Config View Copied

The config view displays various configuration settings of the Effix server. An example view is shown below.


Config Headline Legend

Name Description
pageURL The URL of the webpage the data is collected from.

Config Table Legend

Name Description
parameter The name of the configuration parameter.
value The value the parameter has been set to.

Log View Copied

The log view displays a view of the Effix log file, which can be used to detect errors reported by Effix. An example view is shown below.


Log Headline Legend

Name Description
pageURL The URL of the webpage the data is collected from.

Log Table Legend

Name Description
date The date and time that the message was logged.
level The log level.
priority The log priority.
message The log message text.

Date Interpretation

The log view has the facility to convert the date read from the log webpage to a user-specified date format. This feature exists primarily to allow dates to be presented in a sort-able format, so they are displayed in time order in ActiveConsole.

Conversion is specified by configuring the logDateFormat and outDateFormat plug-in settings. The logDateFormat setting specifies how to parse the date from the log webpage, and the outDateFormat specifies how the date will be output to the view. Both settings take a string containing a number of formatting codes, which are described below:

Code Description
%% A single % character.
%a The day of the week, using the abbreviated day name. (i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed, …)
%A The day of the week using the full name. (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, …)
%b The month of the year, using the abbreviated month name. (i.e. Jan, Feb, …)
%B The month of the year using the full name. (e.g. January, February, …)
%c Short specifier for the format "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y".
%C The century as a decimal number [00-99].
%d The day of the month as a decimal number [01-31].
%D Short specifier for the date format "%m/%d/%y".
%e The day of the month as a decimal number, with single digits preceded by a space [1-31].
%h The same as %b.
%H The hour in 24-hour clock [00-23].
%I The hour in 12-hour clock [01-12].
%j The day of the year as a decimal number [1-366].
%m The month of the year as a decimal number [1-12].
%M The minutes of the hour [00-59].
%p AM or PM.
%r Short specifier for the time in 12-hour clock, "%I:%M:%S %p".
%R Short specifier for the time in 24-hour clock, "%H:%M:%S".
%S The seconds of the minute [00-60].
%T Same as %R.
%U The week number of the year, with Sunday the first day of the week [00-53].
%w The weekday as a decimal number, with Sunday as 0 [0-6].
%W The week number of the year, with Monday the first day of the week [00-53].
%x Locale specific date format.
%X Locale specific time format.
%y The year within the century (i.e. 2 digits long). When the century is not specified values 66-99 refer to the 20th century (1966-1969) and 00-68 refer to the 21st century (2000-2068).
%Y The year including the century (i.e. 4 digits long). E.g. 1997.

For example, using the following settings:

logDateFormat = "%a %b %e %Y %H:%M:%S"

outDateFormat = "%Y%m%d - %T"

The date “Fri Apr 29 2007 18:37:55” would be converted to “20070429 - 18:37:55”.

Plug-in Configuration Copied

effixURL Copied

This parameter specifies the base URL for the Effix server. This base is used to construct the individual URLs for each view, by post-fixing the relevant page names onto the base as defined internally by the plug-in. If any of these URLs are incorrect, they can be overridden manually by using the appropriate xxxxURL setting.

E.g. Using the effixURL value:


The URLs for each view then become:

View Generated URL
Applications http://effixhost:port/apps
Licenses-Used http://effixhost:port/lics_used_only
Licenses-All http://effixhost:port/lics
Config http://effixhost:port/server_configuration
Log http://effixhost:port/log

Mandatory: Yes

applicationsURL Copied

Allows users to override the default plug-in generated URL for the data webpage, and specify their own URL for the applications view.

Mandatory: No

licensesUsedURL Copied

Allows users to override the default plug-in generated URL for the data webpage, and specify their own URL for the licenses-used view.

Mandatory: No

licensesAllURL Copied

Allows users to override the default plug-in generated URL for the data webpage, and specify their own URL for the licenses-all view.

Mandatory: No

configURL Copied

Allows users to override the default plug-in generated URL for the data webpage, and specify their own URL for the configuration view.

Mandatory: No

logURL Copied

Allows users to override the default plug-in generated URL for the data webpage, and specify their own URL for the log view.

Mandatory: No

logDateFormat Copied

Specifies the date format to read dates from the log webpage. This date will then be output to the dataview using the format specified by outDateFormat. See the description on date interpretation for details on how to specify this setting.

Mandatory: No

outDateFormat Copied

Specifies the date format to output dates in the log view. Dates are read from the log webpage input using the format specified by the logDateFormat setting. See the description on date interpretation for details on how to specify this setting.

Mandatory: No

Default: “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”

disabledViews Copied

Specifies a list of views to disable. Disabled views will not be published by the plug-in, and so will not be available on gateway for rules or alerts.

Mandatory: No

disabledViews > disabledView Copied

Specifies a view to disable. Valid values include the following:

Mandatory: No

View name

private Copied

Private settings used for debugging this plug-in. Please contact ITRS Support if you require assistance with this plug-in.

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["Technical Reference"] "1"

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