
An issue/error is an unexpected behavior in a system that has a documented root cause and a workaround/solution.

Name of the error/issue Copied

Provide a descriptive title that summarizes the whole error.

# Unable to load Active Console

Problem Copied

Describe how the issue or error happened. If applicable, you can include a screenshot of the error.

## Problem
Upon initiating the Active Console, it either displays error messages or gets stuck on the start-up screen. 

![alt text](/[project-folder]/images/[file-name])

Cause Copied

Answers the following questions:

## Cause

If there is only one cause, explain the cause here. 

If there are multiple causes, consider listing them.

- Cause 1
- Cause 2
- Cause 3

Solution Copied

Detail the steps on how to solve the issue/error.

## Solution

1. Write the step here. Start with an action word.

- Optional: Include screenshots. See 
- Optional: Insert notes, tips or warnings to highlight any important information that users must know about. See
- Optional: Include code sample. See

2. Write the step here. Start with an action word.

- Optional: Include screenshots. See 
- Optional: Insert notes, tips or warnings to highlight any important information that users must know about. See
- Optional: Include code sample. See

If there is more than one solution, consider listing them.

- Solution 1
- Solution 2
- Solution 3

Provide links to related documents.

## Related Resources

For more information, see related articles:
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3

Contact us Copied

Provide a link to contact the Support Team.

## Contact us
If the issue persists, reach out to us by:
- Submitting a ticket through our [Support portal](s
- Using the chat service box available across our website.
["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Gateway"] ["User Guide"]

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