
Overview Copied

The CorvilNet integration enables Geneos to connect with the CorvilNet Engine (CNE). This integration makes available the network monitoring data from the CorvilNet Engine to Geneos. This integration is performed through the API plugin.

The set up, the integration, and its associated API plugin comprise the CorvilNet plugin (CNPI).

When you set up the CNPI for the first time, it produces three basic dataviews:

The CorvilNet monitoring statistics views appear when you configure the respective configuration (.cfg) files on the API sampler. These views are the main feature of the CorvilNet monitoring integration, as these show the monitoring statistics coming from the CNE:

If you are using the Latency Management Centre (LMC) to monitor your CNE, then your integration includes three additional views:

The CNPI receives monitoring statistics from the CNE through the Corvil API. The CNE also sends system event information through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

This guide discusses the steps to set up the CorvilNet plugin from its source integration files. Once the integration is set up, the dataviews become available through the API plugin.

Information related to setting up and administering the CNE or LMC is out of scope of this guide.

Intended audience Copied

This guide is directed toward experienced Geneos users who want to set up an integration between Geneos and the CorvilNet Engine (CNE). If the organisation uses the Corvil Latency Management Centre (LMC) to manage multiple instances of the CNE, then there are additional steps in the integration.

The CorvilNet monitoring integration requires a Linux machine. As a user, you should be familiar with general system administration on this platform.

Prerequisites Copied

The following requirements must be met before the installation and setup of the template:

CorvilNet Engine credentials Copied

When you configure the CorvilNet monitoring integration, you will need the following information from your CNE:

If you are using SNMP to connect the CNE to the CNPI, then you will need the following:

Connection structure Copied

Depending on your organisation, your CorvilNet monitoring integration could look like one of the following:

Connecting to a CorvilNet Engine Copied

Each instance of the CNPI communicates with a partner CNE. If you are monitoring multiple instances of the CNE, then you must set up a CNPI instance for each.

For each CNPI and partner CNE combination, you must configure the CNE with the network address or hostname of the machine where the CNPI is running, as well as the same port.

Supported versions of CNE API Copied

The web service of CNE API has two versions, and their support depends on the geneos-cnpi version.

Connecting to a Latency Management Centre Copied

If you are using the LMC, then the CNE and CNPI communicate through SNMP traps. In this integration, the SNMP traps are routed and forwarded by the trapFOD.

Each trapFOD communicates with an LMC. If you are monitoring multiple instances of the LMC, then you must set up a trapFOD instance for each.

Integrate CorvilNet Engine into Geneos Copied

The CorvilNet integration involves the following tasks:

  1. Download the integration files.
  2. Set up the API sampler.
  3. Associate the API plugin with a managed entity.
  4. Set up the CorvilNet start-up script.
  5. Run the CorvilNet start-up script.

Download the integration files Copied

  1. On the Downloads page, download the CorvilNet integration files.
  2. Save the files on the Linux machine where plan to run the CorvilNet integration.

The integration files include the following sub-folders:

Set up the API sampler Copied

  1. On the Gateway Setup Editor, create a new sampler by right-clicking the Samplers folder.
  2. Enter a name for this sampler. As a default, enter the name CNE in the Name field.
  3. On the drop-down list under the Plugin field, select api.
  4. Click Save current document to apply your changes.

Associate the API plugin with a managed entity Copied

  1. On the Gateway Setup Editor, create a new managed entity by right-clicking the Managed entities folder.
  2. Enter a name for this managed entity. As a default, enter the name CN in the Name field.
  3. In the Options field, select the probe on which you want the sampler to run.
  4. Under the Sampler field, click Add new.
  5. In the text field under Ref, type the name of the API sampler you had created. By default, this is CNE.
  6. Click Save current document to apply your changes.

Set up the CorvilNet start-up script Copied

  1. From the CorvilNet integration files you downloaded, go to the examples folder and locate the file named start_cnpi.
  2. Open start_cnpi in a text editor.
  3. Replace the values in brackets with the respective details from your system. For more information, see the CorvilNet plugin start-up script variables.

Run the CorvilNet start-up script Copied

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Enter the following command:
bash$ chmod u+x start_cnpi


After you run the integration script, the basic dataviews appear under the managed entity that you configured for CorvilNet. For more information on the basic dataviews, see the Default metrics and dataviews.

If you set the start script to have the --verbose setting, then you will see some initial information in the log file. Otherwise, the log file is empty.

Encryption utility Copied

The encryption utility, cnpi_crypt, is included in the integration files. Run this utility to encrypt your CNE password:

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Navigate to the Linux_x86_64 folder from the CorvilNet integration files.
  3. Enter the following command:
.\cnpi-crypt [your CNE password]


When you enter this command, the utility encrypts the password and displays its encrypted string on the Terminal.
  1. Copy the encrypted string and use this for the {EncryptedPassword} variable in the start-up script.

Shutdown script Copied

If you want to shut down the CNPI, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the PID file in the {LogLocation} you specified in CorvilNet start-up script variables.
  2. Open the Terminal.
  3. Enter the following command, specifying the {LogLocation} and the PID file on your system. For example:
bash$ kill $(cat /home/user/log/ )


This command kills the process associated with the CNPI.

Configure CorvilNet Engine statistics view Copied

Data from the CorvilNet Engine can be processed and displayed by Geneos to a dataview with rows for each measurement-point and columns for statistical values.

Prerequisites Copied

The location of each configuration file must be added to the Parameters section of the API sampler you created in Set up the API sampler. The configuration filename follows the CFGFILEnn format, where nn is a two-digit number. The filenames do not have to be added in order and succession.


The default value of nn is 10. If more configuration files are required, then the maximum value for nn may be changed using --max-cfg-files=number. For more information, see geneos-cnpi command synopsis.

Customise configuration file header Copied

Example of a configuration file header Copied

# Once per minute, no alerts
INTERVAL 1 minute
NODATA unchanged
Parameter Possible values Description
GENEOS_CNPI N/A All Geneos CorvilNet plugin configuration files must begin with this parameter.

number opt-unit


number — can be any whole number.

opt-unit — can be second, seconds, minute, minutes, hour, hours, day, or days.

Sets the interval between the updates in the Geneos dataview requested from the CNE.

If opt-unit is not specified, then the provided number becomes seconds.

The template default is 5 minutes.

The configured value of this parameter is displayed in the updateInterval headline in the dataview. The converted value set for this parameter in seconds is displayed in the updateIntervalSeconds headline in the dataview.

Note: No limit is enforced by the plugin. To handle long intervals, the plugin must be run continuously.

This parameter does not accept the CNE API Fixed period names such as 1-hour.

  • yes

  • no

Optionally embeds a summary of outstanding alerts per measurement-point.

The template default is no.

Note: The INTERVAL parameter does not affect the embedded alerts. Measurement-points with embedded alerts are updated immediately when an SNMP trap is received from the CNE.

  • unchanged — displays -1 and -2 for empty cell values for unchanged and uncomputed data, respectively.

  • blank — displays empty cell values as empty.

  • previous — displays empty cell value as the most recent non-empty value or as empty if no non-empty value was received.

Sets the value of cells with no data.

The template default is unchanged.

The configured value of this parameter is displayed on the dataview in the noDataDisplay headline.

Customise summary configuration file Copied

Example of a summary view configuration file Copied

# Daily summary statistics for London updated hourly
NODATA unchanged

NAME summary24HoursChannels
PERIOD 24-hours
FILTER channel*
Parameter Value Description
getSummary N/A Instructs the plugin to create a summary Geneos dataview and to interpret the lines following the specifications configured in the next parameters.
NAME view-name Sets the name of the Geneos dataview where the summary is displayed.
PERIOD one fixed period which can be 1-hour, 12-hours, 24-hours, 48-hours, 7-days, 30-days, or 60-days. Sets the period when the data is summarised.
FILTER filter-pattern that specifies a single Corvil fully-qualified object name or a wild-card pattern selecting multiple object names.

Selects the measurement-points for which summary statistics are displayed.

This parameter is optional. The default value is * which includes all measurement-points.

Customise stats configuration file Copied

The top-* range statistics Copied

The top-* range statistics only supply time-series graph data. These data do not naturally fit into the Geneos table structure, unlike the other 3-dimensional statistics. To display these statistics, Geneos creates a unique row key for each measurement-point or key combination. Additionally, measurement-point and key columns are also created in the dataview so that data elements can still be identified.

This conversion process has the following implications for views including the top-* statistics:

Examples of historical statistics view configuration file Copied

INTERVAL 1 minute
NODATA blank

NAME latency15Minutes
PERIOD 15 minutes

MP-MECH pnqm

INTERVAL 1 minute
NODATA blank


MP-PCRE "rt-class.*LSE-Infolect.*"

STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
STATS-LIST 99.99% e2e-jitter
CFG-STATS-LIST Orders, Fills, "Cancelled Orders", "Rejected Orders"
INTERVAL 1 minute
NODATA blank

NAME topConversations
PERIOD 15 minutes


STATS-LIST top-conversations
Parameter Value Description
getStats N/A Instructs the plugin to create a historical statistics Geneos dataview and to interpret the lines following the specifications configured in the next parameters.
NAME view-name which must be unique among the names of all views being created by the plugin. Sets the name of the Geneos dataview where the historical statistics are displayed.

Possible values for this parameter:

  • One fixed period which can be 1-hour, 12-hours, 24-hours, 48-hours, 7-days, 30-days, or 60-days;

  • A variable period specified as number unit, where unit can be second, minute, hour, or day; or

  • A business day specified as BUSINESS-DAY HH:MM HH:MM where each HH:MM is the hour and minute of a time of day in 24-hour format, the first being the time that the business day begins and the second being the time that it ends.

Sets the period when the statistics are calculated.

For fixed and variable periods, Geneos CNPI will request data from the CNE for the specified period immediately and display the results. The process will commence immediately upon plugin start-up. The data is requested and displayed every interval.

For a business day period, Geneos CNPI will request data from the CNE for the business day period and display the results. Data display will commence at the start time and will be updated every interval. The process will continue until the end time at which point the dataview will become static. The process will remain so until the start time of the next calendar day when the process begins again. If geneos-cnpi is restarted after the end time of the previous business day and before the start time of the current business day, then it will request and display statically the statistics for the previous business day. If it is started within the current business day, then it will commence displaying the data as normal.

Note: The Geneos CNPI has no business day calendar and will therefore consider every day to be a business day.

The start time and end time of the displayed data as reported by the CNE are displayed in the startTimestampMs, startTime, endTimestampMs, and endTime headlines in the dataview. The moment at which the data was last requested from the CNE is displayed in the lastUpdatedTime and lastUpdatedTimestampMS headlines.

MP-<value> Defines the measurement-points to be used in the dataview. For more information on configuring measurement-points, see Specify measurement-points.
STATS-<value> Defines the pre-defined statistics to be used in the dataview. For more information on configuring pre-defined statistics, see Specify pre-defined statistics.
CFG-STATS-LIST Defines the configurable statistics to be used in the dataview. For more information on configuring configurable statistics, see Specify configurable statistics.

Customise live stats configuration file Copied

Examples of live statistics view configuration file Copied

INTERVAL 1 minute
NODATA blank


  NAME latencyNow
INTERVAL 1 minute
NODATA blank


  NAME lseNow
  MP-PCRE "rt-class.*LSE-Infolect.*"
  STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
  STATS-LIST 99.99% e2e-jitter

  NAME chicagoNow
  MP-PCRE "rt-class.*Chicago.*"
  STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
  STATS-LIST 99.8% e2e-jitter

  NAME frankfurtNow
  MP-PCRE "rt-class.*Frankfurt.*"
  STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
  STATS-LIST 98% e2e-jitter

  NAME newJerseyNow
  MP-PCRE "rt-class.*NewJersey.*"
  STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
  STATS-LIST 99.8% e2e-jitter

  NAME eurexNow
  MP-PCRE "rt-class.*Eurex.*"
  STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
  STATS-LIST 99.8% e2e-jitter

  NAME euronextNow
  MP-PCRE "rt-class.*Euronext.*"
  STATS-LIST e2e-latency, e2e-loss
  STATS-LIST 99.8% e2e-jitter
Parameter Value Description
getLiveStats N/A Instructs the plugin to create a summary Geneos dataview and to interpret the lines following the specifications configured in the next parameters.
NAME view-name which must be unique among the names of all views being created by the plugin.

Sets the name of the Geneos dataview where the live statistics are displayed.

MP-<value> N/A Defines the measurement-points to be used in the dataview. For more information on configuring measurement-points, see Specify measurement-points.
STATS-<value> Defines the pre-defined statistics to be used in the dataview. For more information on configuring pre-defined statistics, see Specify pre-defined statistics.
CFG-STATS-LIST Defines the configurable statistics to be used in the dataview. For more information on configuring configurable statistics, see Specify configurable statistics.

View options Copied

Several view options are supported on how a view is constructed and displayed. Options from this list may be included in any order. If a particular option is repeated, then any yes will take precedence over all no values.

Option Definition

Sets whether the displayName column is displayed in the dataview. Display names are configured in the CNE for each measurement-point.

Default: no

ROWKEY url|ref

Sets whether the measurementPoint column, which displays the full measurement-point URL, or the mpRef column, which displays the automatically-generated reference is displayed in the dataview.

This feature is not supported for views with embedded alert columns.

Default: url


Sets whether the Value post-fix in pre-defined statistics column names, such as e2eLatencyValue, is displayed.

Default: yes


Sets whether the Value post-fix in configurable statistics column names, such as Partial Fills Value, is displayed.

Default: no


Sets whether a space is inserted between components when constructing configurable statistics column names. By default, space is not inserted displaying the column names like Partial FillsValue.

Default: no

Specify measurement-points and statistics Copied

Specify measurement-points Copied

The GeneosCNPI reads data on the configured measurement-points from CNE and uses this data as the basis for constructing the set of measurement-points. The constructed measurement-points are used in historical statistics and live statistics views.

The measurement-point data is only read during initialisation. If the measurement-point configuration in CNE is changed, then you need to restart the plugin for the changes to reflect.


Measurement-points associated with offline channels are not supported by the CNE in the live statistics view. Such measurement-points are identified by Geneos CNPI during initialisation and automatically removed from live statistics views. The full set of measurement-points that will be automatically removed for this reason is listed in a --verbose log output.

The plugin supports the following ways on how the set of measurement-points configured in CNE is displayed in a dataview. One method may be used for each set of measurement-points to be specified.

Use case Parameter Value Remark
All measurement points MP-ALL N/A All configured measurement-points in CNE are displayed in the Geneos dataview.
By monitoring mechanism MP-MECH

monitoring-mechanism ["pcre"]

Only the measurement-points with a named monitoring mechanism are displayed in the Geneos dataview.

The ["pcre"] field is an optional Perl-compatible regular expression within double-quotes that further refines the selection of measurement-point sets.

By configurable statistics MP-CFG-STATS

configurable-statistics-list — comma-separated list of configurable statistic names.

Note: Configurable statistics names which do not start with an upper or lower case letter, or include special characters, aside from _ and -, should be written inside double-quotes.

Only the measurement-points with one or more sets of the specified configurable statistic names are displayed in the Geneos dataview.

Using Perl-compatible regular expressions MP-PCRE "pcre" — pertains to a Perl-compatible regular expression that is applied against the URL-encoded, fully-qualified name of each measurement-point in CNE.

Only the measurement -points matching the specified expressions are displayed in the Geneos dataview.

Named list MP-LIST

mp-name ["mp-alias"]where mp-name is the fully-qualified name of a configured measurement-point and mp-alias is an optional alias for the measurement-point.

Only the measurement-points included in the specified list are displayed in the Geneos dataview.

Name measurement-points Copied

By default, measurement-points are named only by the technical name used as the key to view rows, such as rt-class/FIX-SERVERS//London_CNE/FIX-CLIENTS/FIX-RTT/class-default. Such names make the construction of a meaningful dashboard a challenge. There are two options for providing user-friendly measurement-point names:

When defining aliases for measurement-points note the following:


The following are the mechanisms by which aliases can be defined.

Mechanism Syntax Remark
In a named list of measurement-points MP mp-name [“mp-alias”] Each measurement-point entry in a measurement-point list may contain a quoted string defining the alias.
In an alias list MP-ALIAS mp-name “mp-alias”

One or more lines of this form can be added before or after the measurement-point selection section. This works regardless of what measurement-point selection option is used.

Note: Either only an alias list or an alias file can be specified.

In an alias file MP-ALIASES-FILE “alias-filename”

One line of this form can be added before or after the measurement-point selection section. This works regardless of what measurement-point selection option is used.

Alias files contain lines with the mp-name “mp-alias” form. Comment lines beginning with # are supported. Non-white space characters following the final double-quote are considered an error.

Note: Either only an alias list or an alias file can be specified.

Examples Copied

The following are examples of parts of configuration files selecting measurement-points:

Use case Example
Measurement-points configured on the CNE with the pnqm monitoring mechanism
MP-MECH pnqm "rt-class.*"
Measurement-points that have particular configurable statistics configured
MP-CFG-STATS "Cancels/Orders", PartialFills, "Filled Vol", "Fill Rate"
Measurement-points with a name that contains Client
MP-PCRE "rt-class.*Client.*"
Matching measurement-points with an aliases file
MP-PCRE "rt-class.*"
MP-ALIASES-FILE "/home/geneos/cnpi/amsterdam_mp.aliases"
Alias file
# Aliases London->Amsterdam

rt-class//London-CNE/Amsterdam_CNE/EU-Amsterdam//Voice “London->Amsterdam (Voice)” rt-class//London-CNE/Amsterdam_CNE/EU-Amsterdam//Management “London->Amsterdam (Management)” rt-class//London-CNE/Amsterdam_CNE/EU-Amsterdam//Citrix “London->Amsterdam (Citrix)”

# Aliases Amsterdam->London

rt-class/EU-Amsterdam/Amsterdam_CNE/London-CNE///Voice “Amsterdam->London (Voice)” rt-class/EU-Amsterdam/Amsterdam_CNE/London-CNE///Management “Amsterdam->London (Management)” rt-class/EU-Amsterdam/Amsterdam_CNE/London-CNE///Citrix “Amsterdam->London (Citrix)"

Specify pre-defined statistics Copied

The statistics to be displayed in the dataview can be configured using the following methods. These methods can be used at the same time in a configuration file.

Method Parameter Value
Lists the names of the pre-defined statistics STATS-LIST

opt-percent-list name-list where:

  • opt-percent-list — comma-separated list of requested percentiles, which is ended by the absence of a comma. This is an optional field.

  • name-list — comma-separated list of valid statistics names, which is ended by the absence of a comma. This is a mandatory field.

Caution: An error message will be displayed in the Netprobe log if there are identical statistics or there are statistics with the same calculation on two or more different STATS-LIST definitions.

Groups the pre-defined statistics with similar measurement lags STATS-GROUP opt-percent-list group-name where:
  • opt-percent-list — comma-separated list of requested percentiles, which is ended by the absence of a comma. This is an optional field.

  • group-name — name of the statistics group. This is a mandatory field.

Specify the units of pre-defined statistics Copied

By default, many statistics are supplied by the CNE with accompanying statUnits and statFactor columns such that dividing the contents of a statValue cell by the contents of the statFactor cell will give stat in the unit shown in the statUnit cell. For example, should e2eLatencyUnit contain ms, e2eLatencyFactor contain 1000000, and e2eLatencyMin contain 10317000, then the minimum latency for that row was measured as 10.317ms.

GeneosCNPI can perform the unit conversion of the statistics if you wish to use a different unit. This is configured using optional parameters to STATS-GROUP and STATS-LIST in the getStats and getLiveStats configuration files.

For STATS-GROUP elements, the parameters will control the presentation of all statistics in the specified group.

For STATS-LIST elements, each named statistic in the list will support parameters to control the display of that statistic’s fields.

The optional parameters are as follows:

Examples Copied

The following are examples of parts of configuration files selecting statistics:

Use case Example
e2e-latency statistic only, 97%, 98%, and 99%
STATS-LIST 97%,98%,99% e2e-latency
e2e-latency statistic only, 97%, 98%, and 99% (same result as above)
pnqm and tcp stats groups, 99% and 99.5%
STATS-GROUP 99%, 99.5% pnqm
STATS-GROUP 99%, 99.5% tcp
pnqm stats group, 95%, all values for all PNQM statistics columns converted to the CNE's units and displayed to 3 decimal places, no Factor or Error columns displayed
e2e-latency and e2e-jitter statistics, 98%, both statistic's values divided by 1000000 (milliseconds), latency statistics presented to 4 decimal places, jitter with no decimal places, no Unit, Factor, or Error columns displayed
e2e-latency FACTOR 1000000 DECIMALS 4,
e2e-jitter FACTOR 1000000

Specify configurable statistics Copied

The set of configurable statistics names is read from the CNE during initialisation. This set is used to validate configuration files.


If a request is received for a configurable statistic with a name that is not known to the plugin, then the configuration file is rejected.
Method Parameter Value
Lists the names of the configurable statistics CFG-STATS-LIST

opt-percent-list name-list where:

  • opt-percent-list — comma-separated list of requested percentiles, which is ended by the absence of a comma. This is an optional field.

    Note: Requested percentiles are supported by the CNE for configurable statistics in live view statistics only.

  • name-list — comma-separated list of valid statistics names, which is ended by the absence of a comma. This is a mandatory field.

    Note: Configurable statistics names which do not start with an upper or lower case letter, or include special characters, other than _ and -, should be written inside double-quotes.

The units of display for configurable statistics are selected in the same way as for the pre-defined statistics using the RAW, CNEUNITS, FACTOR, and DECIMALS keywords. For more information, see Specify the units of pre-defined statistics.

Examples Copied

The following are examples of parts of configuration files selecting configurable statistics:

Use case Example
Four configurable statistics, 90% and 95% statistics requested
CFG-STATS-LIST 90%, 95% "Cancels/Orders", PartialFills, "Filled Vol", "Fill Rate"
Same four statistics as above but using CNE units and with no percentiles
"Cancels/Orders" CNEUNITS,
PartialFills CNEUNITS,
"Filled Vol" CNEUNITS,
"Fill Rate" CNEUNITS

Configure Latency Management Centre Copied

If you are using the CNE through the LMC, then there are additional steps for you to perform:

  1. Set up the trapFOD start-up script.
  2. Run the trapfod start-up script.
  3. Set the FOD parameters in the sampler.

Set up the trapFOD start-up script Copied

  1. From the CorvilNet integration files you downloaded, go to the examples folder and locate the file named start_fod.
  2. Open start_fod in a text editor.
  3. Replace the values in brackets with the respective details from your system. For more information, see trapFOD start-up script variables.

Run the trapfod start-up script Copied

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Enter the following command:
bash$ chmod u+x fod_cnpi


After you run the integration script, the trapFOD dataviews appear under the managed entity that you configured for CorvilNet. For more information on the dataviews, see the trapFOD metrics and dataviews.

If you set the start script to have the --verbose setting, then you will see some initial information in the log file. Otherwise, the log file is empty.

Set the FOD parameters in the sampler Copied

  1. On the Gateway Setup Editor, open the sampler you set up in Set up the API sampler.
  2. In the Basic tab, add the following parameters:

Default metrics and dataviews Copied

cnpiConfig Copied

Headline field Description
cneAPIPort Network port configured on the partner CNE to accommodate API queries from the CNPI.
cneAPIPath Web Service path configured on the partner CNE for the API queries of CNPI.
cneHostName Network hostname of the CNE that the CNPI is connected to.
cneSNMPPort Network port configured on the partner CNE to accommodate SNMP queries from the CNPI.
cnpiVersion Version number of the CNPI software.
detached Indicates if the CNPI is running as a detached daemon process (Y) or if it is attached to the initiating terminal (N).
group Geneos group in effect for communication with the CNPI.
hostName Network hostname of the Netprobe that the CNPI is connected to.
licenseExpires Date and time when an evaluation or rental license expires. If you are on a perpetual license, then this field displays NEVER.
logLevel Logging level set for the CNPI.
loggingTo Name of the log file that the CNPI is writing to.
pidFile Name of the PID file that the CNPI process is associated with.
port Network port of the Netprobe that the CNPI is connected to.
retryInterval Delay between attempts to recover from network failures. Unit: seconds (s)
snmpTrapAlerts Indicates if the CNPI allows SNMP traps.
trapHostName Hostname or IP address of the machine where the CNPI is running. This field is used to receive SNMP traps from either the CNE or the trapFOD.
trapPort Network port of the machine where the CNPI is running. This field is used to receive SNMP traps from either the CNE or the trapFOD.
UID User ID associated with the running CNPI process.
upTime Elapsed time since the CNPI started, or was restarted. Unit: seconds (s)
workingDirectory File path or working directory where the CNPI log files are written, and where the PID file associated with the CNPI process is located.

qosAlerts and systemAlerts Copied

The qosAlerts and systemAlerts views have the same metrics. However, they report different events:

Headline field Description
totalAlerts Total number of notifications or alerts.
numAlertsSet Number of notifications or alerts currently set.
numAlertsClear Number of notifications or alerts currently clear.

Number of notifications or alerts currently set at a particular level of severity.

For more information, see the severityfield under the column fields.


Number of notifications or alerts currently clear at a particular level of severity.

For more information, see the severityfield under the column fields.

Column field Description
type Type of the event generating the notification or alert.
time Time of the notification or alert, in a human-readable format.
timestamp Time of the notification or alert, in Unix time.

The severity of the notification or alert.

Possible values:

  • informational
  • warning
  • minor
  • major
  • severe
deviceIP IP address of the CNE that generated the notification or alert.
sourceFQN Fully-qualified name of the CNE source object that generated the notification or alert.
description Description of the notification or alert.
reason Reason for the set or clear notification.
value Where applicable, this field shows the measured value for the variable monitored by this notification or alert.

CNE descriptor that is specific to the notification or alert type.

count Where applicable, this field shows the number of times the event occurred within a measurement period.

CorvilNet API metrics and dataviews Copied

The next three views come from the CNE network monitoring statistics. These are passed onto Geneos through the CNPI.

These views do not appear by default and require you to configure the API sampler you set up for the CNPI. For more information, see Configure CorvilNet Engine statistics view.


The field names in this section are controlled by Corvil. For more information, see the CorvilNet API Reference Guide. The fields listed there are as they appear in Corvil API version 6.1.

getSummary view Copied

This view displays a pre-defined set of statistics summarized over one time period selected from a set of fixed time periods.

Headline field Description
apiVersion Version number of the Web Service API.
cfgFile Source configuration file that specifies the content of the view.
measurementPoint Fully qualified name of the measurement point to which data in a particular row relates. This is also the key for Geneos snoozing purposes.
noDataValues Indicates how the CNPI displays “no data” values. For more information, see Header elements.
updateInterval Time between refreshes of the contents of this view, as it appears in the source configuration file.
updateIntervalSeconds Time between refreshes of the contents of this view. Unit: seconds (s)

getStats view Copied

This view displays historical statistics distribution containing the minimum, mean, and maximum values for a configured set of named statistics over variable time periods.

Headline field Description
apiVersion Version number of the Web Service API.
cfgFile Source configuration file that specifies the content of the view.
dayEndTime End of the configured business day. This field only appears if you configure a BUSINESS-DAY period.
dayStartTime Start of the configured business day. This field only appears if you configure a BUSINESS-DAY period.
endTime End of the period reported in this view in human-readable format.
endTimestampMs End of the period reported in this view, in Unix time, as reported by the CNE. Unit: milliseconds (ms)
historyPeriod Duration of the period for which historical statistics are shown, as it appears in the source configuration file.
historyPeriodSeconds Duration of the period for which historical statistics are shown. This field only appears if you configure a variable time period. Unit: seconds (s)
lastUpdatedTime Local time when the data displayed in the view was requested from the CNE, in human-readable format.
lastUpdatedTimestampMS Local time when the data displayed in the view was requested from the CNE, in Unix time.
measurementPoint Fully-qualified name of the measurement-point to which data in a particular row relates. This is also the key for Geneos snoozing purposes.
noDataValues Indicates how the CNPI displays “no data” values.
startTime Start of the period reported in this view in human-readable format.
startTimestampMs Start of the period reported in this view, in Unix time, as reported by the CNE. Unit: milliseconds (ms)
updateInterval Time between refreshes of the contents of this view, as it appears in the source configuration file.
updateIntervalSeconds Time between refreshes of the contents of this view. Unit: seconds (s)

getLiveStats view Copied

This view displays the live values for a configured set of named statistics.

Headline field Description
apiVersion Version number of the Web Service API.
cfgFile Source configuration file that specifies the content of the view.
lagOffsetMs Delay from the initial measurement update time. Unit: milliseconds (ms)
measurementPoint Fully-qualified name of the measurement-point to which data in a particular row relates. This is also the key for Geneos snoozing purposes.
noDataValues Indicates how the CNPI displays “no data” values.
time Timestamp of the most recent response from the CNE, in human-readable format.
timestamp Timestamp of the most recent response from the CNE, in Unix time.
updateInterval Time between refreshes of the contents of this view, as it appears in the source configuration file.
updateIntervalSeconds Time between refreshes of the contents of this view. Unit: seconds (s)

trapfod metrics and dataviews Copied

The trapFOD views pertain to the status of the trap fan-out daemon (trapFOD), which acts as the single routing point for SNMP traps in integrations where the CNPI connects to the LMC instead of a single CNE.

trapFODConfig view Copied

Headline field Description

Version number of the trapFOD software.

This must match the version number of the CNPI that communicates with the trapFOD.


Network hostname of the Netprobe that the trapFOD is connected to.


Network port of the Netprobe that the trapFOD is connected to.


Delay between attempts to recover from network failures.

Unit: seconds (s)

loggingTo Name of the log file that the trapFOD is writing to.

Network hostname through which trapFOD expects to receive SNMP traps.

trapRxPort Network port through which trapFOD expects to receive SNMP traps.

Corvil-specific OID of the element within the trap that is expected to contain that IP address.

SNMP traps are decoded upon arrival, and the IP address of the sender of the trap is identified from its contents.


Indicates if the trapFOD is running as a detached daemon process (Y) or if it attached to the initiating terminal (N).


File path or working directory where the trapFOD log files are being written, and where the PID file associated with the trapFOD process is located.


User ID associated with the trapFOD process.


Name of the PID file that the trapFOD process is associated with.

logLevel Logging level set for the trapFOD.
group Geneos group in effect for the CNPI.

Date and time when an evaluation license expires.


Elapsed time since the trapFOD started, or was restarted.

Column field Description

Numeric key allocated for this row when an error is generated.

Once allocated, an error text will always have the same row number and can be used for snoozing purposes. This is reset when you cold-start the trapFOD.


Severity of an error.

Possible values:

  • WARNING — indicates that the trapFOD may not function as expected.
  • ERROR — indicates that the trapFOD is not functioning as expected.
message Error description.

fodCNEStatus view Copied


One row is displayed per known CNE. The LMC discovers CNEs as requested by the CNPI. If a known CNE forwards data to the LMC without an associated request from the CNPI, then the information appears as a blank row and indicates an error condition.
Headline field Description

Number of CNE known to the system. This is the number of unique CNE IP addresses received in forward-requests or traps.

This number matches the number of rows in the view.

numTraps Number of traps received in total (both forwarded and not forwarded).
numTrapsFwd Number of traps received that have been forwarded to a subscribing CNPI.
numTrapsDiscarded Number of traps received that have not been forwarded to a subscribing CNPI because no matching subscriber was known at the time of trap receipt.
numErrors Number of rows in the view that has a status value of ERROR.
numWarnings Number of rows in the view that has a status value of WARNING.
time Time when the view was most recently updated, in Unix time.
timestamp Time when the view was most recently updated, in human-readable format.
Column field Description
CNE IP address of the CNE to which this row relates.

Status of this CNE from a trap-forwarding perspective.

Possible values:

  • OK — the CNE is communicating without problem.
  • WARNING — there is a risk that some traps may not appear in Geneos, and may require investigation.
  • ERROR — traps generated by the CNE will not appear on Geneos, and require corrective action.
time Time when this row was most recently updated, in Unix time.
timestamp Time when this row was most recently updated, in human-readable format.
subscriberManagedEntity Managed Entity of the CNPI receiving traps from this CNE.
subscriberSampler Sampler of the CNPI receiving traps from this CNE.
numTraps Total number of traps received from this CNE.
numTrapsFwd Number of traps received from this CNE and forwarded to the subscribing CNPI.
numTrapsDiscarded Number of traps received from this CNE but not forwarded to a subscribing CNPI because no CNPI was known at the time of receipt.

Description of any issue indicated by the statusvalue for this row.

If the status value is OK, then this cell is blank.

fodCNPIStatus view Copied

Headline field Description

Number of CNPIs known to the system.

This is the number of unique managed entity–sampler combinations received in forwarding requests.

This number matches the number of rows in the view.

numTrapsFwd Number of traps forwarded to a subscribing CNPIs.
numErrors Number of rows in the view that has a status value of ERROR.
numWarnings Number of rows in the view that has a status value of WARNING.
time Time when the view was most recently updated, in Unix time.
timestamp Time when the view was most recently updated, in human-readable format.
Column field Description

Managed entity and sampler names associated with the CNPI in this row.

The value is shown in the format <managedEntityName>:<samplerName>.


Status of this CNPI from a trap-forwarding perspective.

Possible values:

  • OK — the CNPI is communicating without problem.
  • WARNING — there is a risk that the CNPI will not receive traps from its partner CNE, and may require investigation.
  • ERROR — the CNPI will not receive traps from its partner CNE, and requires corrective action.
time Time when this row was most recently updated, in Unix time.
timestamp Time when this row was most recently updated, in human-readable format.

IP address of the CNE from which the CNPI requests to receive traps.


Network address through which the CNPI requests to receive traps.

This value is shown in the format <IPaddress:port>.

numTrapsFwd Number of traps received from the indicated partner CNE and forwarded to CNPI.

Description of any issue indicated by the statusvalue for this row.

If the status value is OK, then this cell is blank.

Appendix Copied

CorvilNet plugin start-up script variables Copied

The start_cnpi file is a default template for the start-up script, which sets up the CorvilNet integration. You need to replace the bracketed fields with the requisite CorvilNet Engine credentials.


Remove the brackets ({}) when adding you system credentials into the start script.
# Template start-up script for the Geneos CorvilNet plugin, geneos-cnpi.
# See the plug-in manual for a further explanation of this script.

# The location where the plug-in media was unpacked
export CNPI_UNPACK={UnpackLocation}

# The name of the subdirectory containing the executable and libraries appropriate to the host environment
# (eg Linux_x86_64, SunOS, etc)
export HOST_TYPE={HostType}

# The name of the directory in the unpack location containing the version of the plug-in to be used.
export CNPI_VERSION={PlugInVersion}

# The location to which the plug-in can write log files
export LOG_DIR={LogLocation}

# The relevant Geneos components
export MANAGED_ENTITY={ManagedEntity}
export NETPROBE_HOSTNAME={LocalHost}
export NETPROBE_PORT={Port}
export SAMPLER_NAME={SamplerName}

# The relevant Corvil components
export CNE_API_HOSTNAME={APIHostname}
export CNE_API_PORT={APIPort}
export CNE_USERNAME={Username}
export CNE_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD={EncryptedPassword}
export CNE_COMMUNITY={CommunityString}
export CNE_API_PROTOCOL={APIProtocol}
export CNE_API_PATH={APIPath}

# The specification of how CNE traps will be received by geneos-cnpi
export TRAP_HOSTNAME={TrapHostname}
export TRAP_PORT={TrapPort}

    --hostname=$NETPROBE_HOSTNAME \
    --port=$NETPROBE_PORT \
    --sampler=$SAMPLER_NAME \
    --detach=$LOG_DIR \
    --pid-file=$LOG_DIR/ \
    --log-file=$LOG_DIR/geneos-cnpi.log \
    --license=$CNPI_UNPACK/geneos-cnpi.lic \
    --api-config=$CNPI_DIR/geneos-cnpi.cfg \
    --cne-api-port=$CNE_API_PORT \
    --cne-username=$CNE_USERNAME \
    --cne-encrypted-password=$CNE_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD \
    --cne-snmp-port=$CNE_SNMP_PORT \
    --cne-community="$CNE_COMMUNITY" \
    --cne-protocol=$CNE_API_PROTOCOL \
    --cne-path=$CNE_API_PATH \
    --trap-hostname=$TRAP_HOSTNAME \
    --trap-port=$TRAP_PORT \

# start_cnpi
Variable Example value Description
{APIHostName} The network address or hostname of the CNE that you want to monitor.
{APIPath} ws/stats-v2?WSDL The URL path of the Web Services Interface for communication with the partner CNE.
{APIPort} 5101 The port number of the CNE that you want to monitor.
{APIProtocol} http The protocol for communication with the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE. This can be either HTTP or HTTPS.
{CommunityString} string The SNMP community string of the CNE you want to monitor.
{EncryptedPassword} encryptedpassword The password associated with the username you use to access the CNE. The password must be encrypted using the utility supplied with the CorvilNet Integration files. For more information, see Encryption utility.
{HostType} Linux_x86_64 The subdirectory of the CorvilNet integration source files appropriate to the operating system in which the plugin is being installed. By default, this is Linux_x86_64.
{LocalHost} localhost The network address or hostname of the Netprobe you want to associate with the CorvilNet plugin. If the Netprobe is running on the same machine as the CorvilNet plugin, then this is localhost.
{LogLocation} /home/user/log The directory where you want the CorvilNet plugin to write its output files:
- log files
- process identifier (PID) files
{ManagedEntity} CN The name of the managed entity that you set up in Associate the API plugin with a managed entity.
{PlugInVersion} geneos-cnpi-1.3.2032 The subdirectory containing all the CorvilNet integration files. By default, this is the top-level directory name of the unpacked files.
{Port} 7036 The port number of the Netprobe you want to associate with the CorvilNet plugin.
{SNMPPort} 161 The SNMP port of the CNE you want to monitor.
{SamplerName} CNE The name of the sampler that you set up in Set up the API sampler.
{TrapHostname} The network address or hostname of the network interface where the CNE can send SNMP traps. This should be on the same machine where the CNPI is running.
{TrapPort} 5555 The port of the network interface where the CNE can send SNMP traps. This should be on the same machine where the CNPI is running.
{UnpackLocation} /home/user/cnpi The directory where you unpacked the CorvilNet integration files downloaded from the ITRS Downloads page.
{Username} geneosuser The username you use to access the CNE you want to monitor.


In the start script, notice the line --brief near the end of the file. You may change this to --verbose or --debug. This setting determines whether the CNPI returns brief or verbose logs and error messages.

trapFOD start-up script variables Copied

The start_fod file is a default template for the start script, which sets up the CorvilNet integration through the LMC. You need to replace the bracketed fields with the requisite CorvilNet Engine credentials.


Remove the brackets ({}) when adding your system credentials into the start script.
# Template start-up script for the Geneos CorvilNet plugin trap fan-out daemon, trapfod.
# See the plugin manual for a further explanation of this script.

# The location where the plugin media was unpacked
export FOD_UNPACK={UnpackLocation}

# The name of the subdirectory containing the executable and libraries appropriate to the host environment
# (eg Linux_x86_64, SunOS, etc)
export HOST_TYPE={HostType}

# The name of the directory in the unpack location containing the version of the plugin to be used.
export CNPI_VERSION={PlugInVersion}

# The location to which the daemon should write log files
export LOG_DIR={LogLocation}

# The relevant Geneos components
export MANAGED_ENTITY={ManagedEntity}
export NETPROBE_HOSTNAME={LocalHost}
export NETPROBE_PORT={Port}
export SAMPLER_NAME={SamplerName}

# The specification of how CNE traps will be received by trapfod
export TRAP_HOSTNAME={TrapHostname}
export TRAP_PORT={TrapPort}

--sampler=$SAMPLER_NAME \
--detach=$LOG_DIR \
--pid-file=$LOG_DIR/ \
--log-file=$LOG_DIR/trapfod.log \
--license=$FOD_UNPACK/geneos-cnpi.lic \
--trap-hostname=$TRAP_HOSTNAME \
--trap-port=$TRAP_PORT \

# start_cnpi
Variable Example value Description
{UnpackLocation} /home/user/cnpi The directory where you unpacked the CorvilNet integration files downloaded from the ITRS Downloads page.
{HostType} Linux_x86_64

The subdirectory of the CorvilNet integration source files appropriate to the operating system in which the plugin is being installed.

By default, this is Linux_x86_64.

{PlugInVersion} geneos-cnpi-1.3.2032

The subdirectory containing all the CorvilNet integration files.

By default, this is the top-level directory name of the unpacked files.

{LogLocation} /home/user/log

The directory where you want the CorvilNet plugin to write its output files:

  • log files
  • process identifier (PID) files
{ManagedEntity} CN The name of the managed entity that you set up in Associate the API plugin with a managed entity.
{LocalHost} localhost

The network address or hostname of the Netprobe you want to associate with the CorvilNet plugin.

If the Netprobe is running on the same machine as the CorvilNet plugin, then this is localhost.

{Port} 7036 The port number of the Netprobe you want to associate with the CorvilNet plugin.
{SamplerName} CNE The name of the sampler that you set up in Set up the API sampler.
{TrapHostname} The network address or hostname of the network interface where the CNE can send SNMP traps. This should be on the same machine where the CNPI is running.
{TrapPort} 5555 The port of the network interface where the CNE can send SNMP traps. This should be on the same machine where the CNPI is running.


In the start script, notice the line --brief near the end of the file. You may change this to --verbose or --debug. This setting determines whether theCNPI returns brief or verbose logs and error messages.

geneos-cnpi command synopsis Copied

The CorvilNet plugin receives configuration parameters and generates views through the specified Geneos managed entity managed-entity using network monitoring data from the CNE whose Web Services Interface is accessible at the hostname or IP address CNE-hostname. Then this transmits traps to this instance of geneos-cnpi.

You can refer to the geneos-cnpi daemon invocation and command line options below to configure geneos-cnpi command:

geneos-cnpi managed-entity CNE-hostname
[--version] [--help]
[ --license= filename ]
[ --hostname= hostname ] [ --port= number ] [ --sampler= name ] [ --retry= seconds ]
[[--nodetach] | [ --detach= directory [ --set-user= username ] [ --pid-file= filename ] [--[no]lock-pid-file] [ --log-file= filename ] ]]
[--cne-protocol=http(s)] [ --cne-path=<path>]
[ --cne-api-port= number ] [ --cne-username= username ] [[ --cne-password= password ] | [ --cne-encrypted-password= encrypted-password ]] [ --cne-timeout= seconds ]
[[--nosnmp] | [ --snmp [ --cne-snmp-port= number ] [ --cne-community= string ]
[ --trap-hostname= hostname ] [ --trap-port= number ] [ --trap-version= version ] ]]
[ --max-cfg-files= number ] [ --api-config= filename ]
[[--brief] | [--verbose] | [--debug]]
Option Description
[no]lock-pid-file By default, PID files are locked to prevent two identical copies of geneos-cnpi being started. --nolock-pid-file allows file systems that do not support flock() locking, such as some NFS implementations, to be used for PID file storage. Default: --lock-pid-file
api-config=filename File that configures the names of the CNE statistics types and groups of statistics with similar measurement lags that the plugin will support. Default: geneos-cnpi.cfg
brief Generate log entries only in the event of errors. Default: Yes
cne-api-port=number Port number for communication with the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE. Default: 5101
cne-community=string Community string for accessing the SNMP interface of the partner CNE. Default: public
cne-encrypted-password=encrypted-password Password for accessing the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE encrypted using the supplied cnpi-crypt utility. Default: monitor
cne-password=password Password for accessing the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE in plain text. Deprecated, provided for backward compatibility only. Use of cne-encrypted-password=encrypted-password is recommended.
cne-path=path URL path of the Web Services Interface for communication with the partner CNE. Default: ws/stats-v2?WSDL
cne-protocol=protocol Protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) for communication with the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE. Default: http
cne-snmp-port=number Port number for communication with the SNMP interface of the partner CNE. Default: 161
cne-timeout=seconds Number of seconds to wait for a response from the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE before giving up and reporting an error. Default: 15 seconds
cne-username=username Username for accessing the Web Services Interface of the partner CNE. Default: monitor
debug Generate a large volume of log entries under the control of plugin specific environment variable values. Usage of this option is not recommended for live operation. You should only use this option when the support requests for more information, or for diagnostic purposes. Default: brief
detach=directory Detach from the initiating terminal as a daemon with directory as the working directory, respecting --set-user , --pid-file , and --log-file. If enabled, --nodetach is the default.
help Displays the command synopsis and then stops the plugin.
hostname=name Hostname or IP address of the machine on which the partner Netprobe is running. Default: localhost
license=filename File to load as the license file for the plugin. Default: geneos-cnpi.lic
log-file=filename File to which log entries will be written, once parameter and option processing is complete. Default: geneos-cnpi.log
max-cfg-files=number Maximum number of view configuration that can be configured on Geneos. The maximum number is 99. Default: 10
nodetach Do not detach from the initiating terminal, writing all log output to stdout. Default: --nodetach
nosnmp Disable all SNMP functionality. No walks of the CNE alert table will be performed and traps from the CNE will be ignored. Default: --snmp
pid-file=filename Filename to write the PID of the plugin daemon. Default:
port=number Port number for communication with the partner Netprobe. Default: 7036
retry=seconds Number of seconds to wait before retrying network connections (Netprobe and CNE). Default: 15 seconds
sampler=name Name of the sampler from which Geneos views from this plugin will originate. Default: CNE
set-user=username Username of the user under whose privileges the plugin should run. Default: Invoking user
snmp Enable all SNMP functionality. Traps received at the configured hostname and port, or discovered during walks of the CNE trap table will be displayed in the alert views and the alert columns of suitably configured dataviews. Default: --snmp
trap-hostname=name Hostname or IP address of the interface through which the plugin attempts to receive SNMP traps from the partner CNE. Default: localhost Note: localhost may initially resolve to which you can change to specify the actual hostname or IP address through which traps are intended to be received.
trap-port=number Number of the port through which the plugin attempts to receive SNMP traps from the partner CNE. Default: 162
trap-version=version Version of SNMP traps to support version 8.1 or 8.2. Default: 8.2
verbose Generate log entries for warnings and major events. Default: brief
version Displays version information and then stops the plugin.

geneos-cnpi Geneos sampler parameters Copied

The parameters accepted through the Gateway Setup Editor sampler configuration screen for instances of geneos-cnpi are as follows:

Option Description

Number of seconds that the sampler will wait for updates or heartbeat messages from geneos-cnpi before the sampler assumes that the communication with the geneos-cnpi has failed.

Default: 5 seconds


Specifies the full path to a view configuration file to load.

No network monitoring views are created.


Hostname where a trap-forwarding daemon is listening for trap-forwarding requests. The configuration of the trapfod instance must match this value.

Default: localhost if FOD_PORT is configured. If neither FOD_HOSTNAME nor FOD_PORT is configured, then no trap daemon will be used.


Port where a trap-forwarding daemon is listening for trap-forwarding requests. The configuration of the trapfod instance must match this value.

Default: 11011 if FOD_HOSTNAME is configured. If neither FOD_HOSTNAME nor FOD_PORT is configured, then no trap daemon will be used.


Number of seconds between retransmissions of this geneos-cnpi instance's trap-forwarding request to the configured trapfod.

The configuration of this parameter alone will not invoke trapfod use, you must configure FOD_HOSTNAME and FOD_PORT .

Default: 900

Note: A random back-off is used to prevent regular bursts of network traffic between all geneos-cnpi instances and the trapfod.


Specifies the Geneos group to use with this sampler.

Default: Name of the sampler

If you are not changing the Geneos group associated with the plugin then skip the following information:

trapfod command synopsis Copied

The trap fan-out daemon will receive SNMP traps from CNEs at its configured hostname and port, and route in accordance with requests received from geneos-cnpi instances. It will communicate with Geneos through the specified Geneos managed entity managed-entity and, optionally, any values provided through --hostname, --port, and --sampler, where it will receive its Geneos configuration and generate views on the performance of the trap-forwarding function.

You can refer to the trapfod daemon invocation and command line options below to configure the trapfod command:

trapfod managed-entity
[--version] [--help]
[ --hostname= hostname ] [ --port= number ] [ --sampler= name ] [ --retry= seconds ]
[[--nodetach] | [ --detach= directory [ --set-user= username ] [ --pid-file= filename ] [--[no]lock-pid-file] [ --log-file= filename ] ]]
[ --trap-hostname= hostname ] [ --trap-port= number ] [ --source-OID= OID ]
[[--brief] | [--verbose] | [--debug]]
Option Description
version Displays version information and then stops the plugin.
help Displays the command synopsis and then stops the plugin.
hostname= name

Hostname or IP address of the machine on which the partner Netprobe is running.

Default: localhost

port= number

Port number for communication with the partner Netprobe.

Default: 7036

sampler= name

Name of the sampler from which Geneos views from this plugin will originate.

Default: cneTrapFOD

retry= seconds

Number of seconds to wait before retrying network connections to the Netprobe).

Default: 15 seconds


Do not detach from the initiating terminal, writing all log output to stdout.

Default: --nodetach

detach= directory

Detach from the initiating terminal as a daemon with directory as the working directory, respecting --set-user , --pid-file , and --log-file.

If enabled, --nodetach is the default.

set-user= username

Username of the user under whose privileges the plugin will run.

Default: --nodetach

pid-file= filename

Filename to write the PID of the plugin daemon.



By default PID files are locked to prevent two identical copies of trapfod from being started.

--nolock-pid-file allows file systems that do not support flock() locking, such as some NFS implementations, to be used for PID file storage.

Default: --lock-pid-file

log-file= filename

File to which log entries will be written, once parameter and option processing is complete.

Default: geneos-cnpi.log

trap-hostname= name

Hostname or IP address of the interface through which the plugin attempts to receive SNMP traps from the partner CNE.

Default: localhost

Note: localhost may initially resolve to which you can change to specify the actual hostname or IP address through which traps are intended to be received.

trap-port= number

Number of the port through which the plugin attempts to receive SNMP traps from the partner CNE.

Default: 162

source-OID= number

OID identifying the variable binding within incoming traps that contains the IP address of the source CNE.



Generate log entries only in the event of errors.

Default: Yes


Generate log entries for warnings and major events.

Default: brief


Generate a large volume of log entries under the control of plugin-specific environment variable values. Usage of this option is not recommended for live operation. You should only use this option when the support requests more information, or for diagnostic purposes.

Default: brief

trapfod Geneos sampler parameters Copied

The parameters accepted through the Gateway Setup Editor sampler configuration screen for instances of trapfod are as follows:

Option Description

Number of seconds that the sampler will wait for updates or heartbeat messages from trapfod before the sampler assumes that the communication with the trapfod has failed.

Default: 5 seconds


Hostname to be used for receipt of trap-forwarding requests from geneos-cnpi instances. Each geneos-cnpi instance must be configured with the same hostname:port combination configured.

Default: localhost


Port to be used for receipt of trap-forwarding requests from geneos-cnpi instances. Each such geneos-cnpi instance must be configured with with the same hostname:port combination configured.

Default: 11011


Specifies the Geneos group to use with this sampler.

Default: Name of the sampler

If you are not changing the Geneos group associated with the plugin then skip the following information:

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["User Guide"]

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