
GL SLE TCP Plug-in - Technical Reference


The GL-SLE-TCP plug-in is a specialised monitor for SLE TCP/IP connections for use with the LIFFE exchange only. It will only monitor connections correctly if the SLE is a MASTER or SINGLE node (i.e. it cannot monitor SLAVE nodes). The Universal TCP-LINKS Plug-in should be used for ALL other exchanges.

Note: This plug-in uses the netstat command which is part of the net-tools package. The net-tools package is not included in the minimal RHEL7 installation by default. As a result, the net-tools package must be installed separately on a minimal RHEL7 installation in order for the plug-in to work.


The GL-SLE-TCP plug-in produces two types of views, depending on the MONITOR_OPTION setting in the Sampler Descriptor.

Exchange Connection State View

With MONITOR_OPTION set to TCP (default), the plug-in will monitor the state of the TCP/IP connections to the exchange. See example view below.


Exchange Connection State Headline Legend

Name Description
Exchange Indicates selected exchange.
Total links The total number of monitored links.
Failed connections The total number of connections that are not in an ESTABLISHED state.
Failed logons The total number of attempted logons that have failed.

Exchange Connection State Table Legend

Name Description
Connection The connection number as configured in the SLE.ini file.
TraderId The trader mnemonic that uses the connection.
LocalAddress The local address (port no) of the connection.
RemoteAddress The remote address (port no) of the connection.
SendQueue The number of bytes queuing to be sent to the server.
RecvQueue The number of bytes queuing to be processed from the server.
State The state of the connection. This should be ESTABLISHED.

Logon connection State View

With MONITOR_OPTION set to LOGON, the plug-in will monitor the logon state of each connection. This for example, will detect the situation where the TCP/IP link is up, but the logon failed.


Logon Connection State Headline Legend

Name Description
Exchange Indicates selected exchange.
Total links The total number of monitored links.
Failed connections The total number of connections that are not in an ESTABLISHED state.
Failed Logons The total number of attempted logons that have failed.

Logon Connection State Table Legend

Name Description
Connection Connection id
TraderId Trader mnemonic
Logged On Logon status- YES , NO, Unknown

Plug-in Configuration

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

Sample Configuration:

exchange: LIFFE
connectLogDir: /sle/SLE/Liffe
connectLofFilePrefix: glconnect_
monitorOptions: LOGON


The full path to the SLE.ini file.

Mandatory: [Yes]


Set to selected exchange. Currently only LIFFE supported.

Mandatory: [Yes]


The full path to the directory where the connect logs are located.

Mandatory: [Yes]


Set to the prefix of the connect log files.

Mandatory: [No]
Default: [glconnectf]


When set to 'TCP' the plug-in will monitor TCP/IP connection status. When set to 'LOGON', the plug-in will monitor the logon state.

Mandatory: [No]
Default: [TCP]