
GL SLC Relay Plug-in - Technical Reference


The GL SLC Relay plug-in is a specialised monitor for SLC RELAY connections.




Headline Legend

Name Description
totalConnections The number of current connections to specific Markets.

Table Legend

Name Description
Market The name of the individual Market connected to.
Update Rate An indication of the speed of connection to the Market.
Time Since Last Update Elapsed time (in minutes).
Last Update Time The time of the last update
Cumulative Data Total number of KB transferred.

Plug-in Configuration

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:


The full path to the SLC P1 log file. Where a * is present, the latest matching file will be used. Use of the * is recommended as this will always track the latest version of the P1 log file, even if it spans two working days.

For example:

Mandatory: No
Default: ./p1_*.log