
Sets SLC Plug-in - Technical Reference


The Sets SLC plug-in is a specialised monitor for SLC connectivity to the London (SETS) or Johannesburg (JSE) stock exchanges that utilises the TCP/IP connections.



This plug-in produces a single view as shown below:


Headline Legend

Name Description
logonStatus Current status of the SLC connection to SETS.
logonTime Time the SLC logged on to SETS.

Table Legend

Name Description
serviceCode Unique three digit code identifying the service.
Name Name of the service.
isSubscribing Indicates whether the service is actively subscribing.
startSubscribeTime Time the service started subscribing.
lastActivity Time of the last activity on this session.
todaysRerequests Total number of messages requested today.
rerequestMsgCount Total number of requests to the exchange generated by the above.
MktMsgCount Number of Market messages between this service and market.
IpollMsgCount Number of Idle poll messages between this service and the market.
totalMsgCount Combined total message count between this service and the market.

Plug-in Configuration

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:


Boolean, set to true if multicast is being used.

This plug-in does not track multicast traffic and if the multicastSessions parameter is set then the columns IsSubscribing, StartSubscribeTime and Last Activity are hidden.

Mandatory: No
Default: False


The full path to the SLC P1 log file.

e.g. /slc/log/p1jse*.log

The log file actually defaults to p1xxx_yyyymmdd.log, however it is recommended that the * wild card is used, as above, as this will always track the latest version of the P1 log file, even if it spans two working days.

Default: p1xxx_yyyymmdd.log


The full path to the SLC ini file.

e.g. /slc/conf/slcjse.ini

Mandatory: Yes


Use this section of multiple data files (one per session) are used - otherwise use the single dataFile parameter.

When multiple data files are used, Idle Polls are not recorded in the data files. Thus the columns IpollMsgCount and TotalMsgCount are hidden.

Mandatory: No

multipleDataFiles > dataFiles

In the case where multiple data files are used, one per session. The datafile will be substitute <SESSIONCODE> with the session names extracted from the ini file. E.g. Instead of "/slc/data/20*.data" for the datafile you would expect to see "/slc/data/20*,<SESSIONCODE>.data".

Mandatory: Yes

multipleDataFiles > iriFile

Location of the IRI data file.

Mandatory: Yes


The full path to the SLC data file. This is mandatory if multipleDataFiles is not used.

e.g. /slc/data/20*.data

It is recommended that the * wild card is used, as above, as this will always track the latest version of the data file.

Mandatory: No