
GL Permissions Plug-in - Technical Reference


The GL Permissions plug-in monitors the GL permissions that traders and users have, as defined by the GL password.ini & traderid.ini files.



The GL-PERMISSIONS Plug-in produces a single view:


Headline Legend

Name Description
monitoredP3 The ID of the P3 router permissions are being monitored for.

Table Legend

Name Description
UserId The GL id assigned to the user.
UserName The translation of the GL Userid, as configured in names.ini file.
Mnemonic The trade mnemonic as defined in the GL traderid.ini file.
Access Indicates the type of trader access privileges.
Selector Shows if the trader orders have been submitted to the Selector.
SupervisedUsers Lists the users (GL UserIds) that the trader is authorised to supervise.

Plug-in Configuration

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:


Specifies the full path to the GL users.ini or passwd.ini file

Mandatory: No
Default: ./users.ini


Specifies the full path to the GL traderid.ini file.

Mandatory: No
Default: ./traderid.ini


This section associates textual names with the IDs of the GL users.

Mandatory: No

names > data > users

This section defines a user/router community. In most cases there need only be one users section, containing all the users and all the routers. However where there is more than one user with the same ID connecting from different routers (for example on a broker site) they must be separated into different user sections.

names > data > users > router

This specifies the numeric ID of a router and freeform name to describe the router. There can be more than one user entry per users section. Both the name and ID of the router are mandatory.

Mandatory: No

names > data > users > user

This specifies the numeric ID of a user and freeform name to describe the user. There can be more than one user entry per users section. Both the name and ID of the user are mandatory.

Mandatory: No


This section specifies the path to a file containing the associations between textual names and GL router IDs. The format of this file is described in Names.ini configuration. If the names section has been defined, then the data in the names section will be saved in the file specified in this section in the format described.

Mandatory: No
Default: ./names.ini


When this is set, this plug-in will check in this directory for a file named p3_yyyymmdd.log, where yyyymmdd is replaced with the current date. This file will then be read to find the P3 router ID.

Mandatory: No
Default: .


When set to true, will only show the users.ini/passwd.ini users that are also defined in names.ini.

Mandatory: No
Default: false


When set to TRUE only passwd.ini users without a minus preceding the user-id are shown.

Mandatory: No
Default: false

Names.ini configuration

This is an optional reference file that associates textual names with the IDs of the GL routers and GL users. This file can be used instead of defining the data in the names section of the plugin.

The file should always contain one or more [USERS] section.

For example:

ROUTER_ID=17000, Internal 1
ROUTER_ID=17003, Internal 2
USER_ID=232, Simone Jones
USER_ID=231, Charles Stout

ROUTER_ID=13000, Internal 3
USER_ID = 130, Nina Simmons
USER_ID= 140, William Gower

USERS is a section that defines user / router communities.

Note: The ROUTER_ID that the users connect from must also be defined in this section in addition to the USER_IDs. More than one router can be defined.

In most cases it is only necessary to define one [Names] section with all known routers and users. However where there is more than one user with the same ID connecting from different routers (for example on a broker site) they must be separated into different router communities.