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Algolia labels sample

Algolia parsing sample page Copied

You as a content editor can manage the Algolia information from different places, according to the deepness / granularity you need on it.

You can easily override on page algolia labels previously defined on another level using front matter.

This page overrides the Deprecated and PageRank labels for Algolia.

Please, refer to the file for references

Installation status Copied

  1. Check the status of the installation:

    kubectl describe obcerv <instance> -n <namespace>
  2. Look for FAILED status and the corresponding reason.

  3. Additional details may be found in the Obcerv operator log:

    kubectl logs -n <namespace> <obcerv-operator-pod-name> operator
  4. If there are no operator errors, then investigate the individual pods and cluster events.

Diagnostics Copied

The script can be used to gather diagnostic details about an Obcerv instance. It uses kubectl to gather pod logs and information about the cluster nodes, events and deployed resources.

The minimum recommended kubectl version is 1.19. Some features may not work in earlier versions.

The following options are available:

Option Description Default
–namespace Required. Kubernetes namespace to gather diagnostics from.
–help Optional. Print the help text and exit.
–verbose Optional. Print script debug info.
–kubeconfig Optional. Kubeconfig file to use to connect to cluster. Default: Kubeconfig in user’s home (${HOME}/.kube/config).
–output-dir Optional. Destination folder to store the output. Default: Current directory.
–compress Optional. Tar and compress the output.

Sample usage:

bash -z -n <namespace> -o /tmp/obcerv

Permissions Copied

Because the diagnostics script uses kubectl the Kubernetes user running the script will need, at minimum, read-only permissions for the following commands:

An example role for the user:

kind: Role
  name: my-custom-role
  namespace: test-namespace
- apiGroups:
  - "*"
  resources: ["*"]
  - get
  - describe
  - cluster-info
["ITRS Analytics"] ["User Guide"] "1" "5"

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