
The end of life (EOL) date for this module is on 31 January, 2020.

Release Notes

Version 2.3

Release Date: 25th August 2016


  • OpenSSL library version is upgraded to 1.0.2g version with backport security fixes from OpenSSL 1.0.2h.

Bug fixes

  • Netty library is updated to 3.10.3-Final version to fix known vulnerabilities.

Version 2.2

Release Date: 8th April 2016


  • Added an option in Open Access, when enabled will shorten the time it takes for Gateway to connect to a node. See Gateway Connections.

Bug fixes

  • When a valid command is executed by the Open Access client, command returns success.
  • Open Access self-monitoring dataview now updates when a Gateway is added or removed from the setting.conf

Version 2.1

Release Date: 1st February 2016


  • It is now possible to secure (encrypt) the communication between Open Access node and Gateways. See Secure Communications

Bug fixes

  • Open Access self-monitoring now displays correct Gateway status and state when Gateway connection to Open Access node is dropped
  • Fixed error with Open Access start script running on bash version 4.0
  • Updated Apache commons-collections library in Open Access to version 3.2.2
  • Active directory setup should no longer encounter incorrect ldap size error

Version 2.0.1

Release Date: April 2015

Bug fixes

  • Gateway ‘hotStandbyRole’ in DataSets now update to ‘Secondary’ when the Open Access node connection fails over to the secondary.
  • You can now change a gateway in settings.conf from stand alone to hot standby without having to restart a node.

Version 2.0

Release Date: March 2015


  • It is now possible to connect to multiple clusters from a client. See Multiple cluster addresses.
  • Added the diagnostic tool. See /diagnostics/requirements.
  • Gateway distributions is now configurable. See /cluster/gateway_distribution.
  • Added snoozedDescendant property to DataSet properties. See DataSet properties.
  • DataView queries will now call the error callback if the query cannot return dataviews.
  • The assigned gateways self monitoring view was enhanced to include more state information. See: Assigned gateways.

Bug fixes

  • Connecting to a secondary hot standby gateway no longer forwards data.
  • Setting OAC_CONFIG_HOME in .oacluster.rc will now work for settings.conf. See Use case: Changing directories and file names.
  • com.itrsgroup.openaccess.connection.TransportException now includes the hosts and ports of the connection in error.
  • Fixed a bug which would mean some changes to settings.conf were not observed by the node.


  • Added extensive performance profiling. See /perf/performance.
  • Corrected mistake in the service script documentation. See /cluster/service.
  • Added more detailed documentation to the synchronous Request javadoc.


  • Added an experimental Scala scripting engine. See /client/scripting.
  • Upgraded akka to version 2.3.9 and scala to 2.11.4.

Version 1.2

Release Date: 6th May 2014


Bug fixes

  • Calling DataViewCell.getId on a cell from a ROW_ADDED event now returns the correct ID.
  • User roles containing spaces no longer cause issues.
  • Repeated CLOSE events are no longer fired if SSL used in client connection URL but not configured (or vice versa).

Version 1.1

Release Date: 4th February 2014


  • Type specific properties in DataSet. See DataSet properties.
  • Type specific properties in DataView. See DataView properties.
  • CommandArguments now have choice names. See JavaDoc.
  • Commands can be returned in the order they are sent from the gateway. See JavaDoc and FAQ.
  • Commands that return URLs now have MIME type of text/uri-list (for example the Licensing Information command on gateways).
  • Knowledge Base support using the Commands API. See Knowledge Base Commands.
  • DataSet and DataView XPath validation has been added. If an invalid path is supplied the error callback is invoked.
  • Individual gateway passwords can now be obfuscated in cluster config. See Obfuscated Password.

Bug fixes

  • CommandSet now calls error callback when malformed/invalid path is passed.
  • Fixed exception that was thrown when duplicate row was added to a DataView.
  • Row ID for ‘Gateway-includesData’ gateway plugin is no longer blank.
  • Fixed intermittent error (akka.remote.ResendUnfulfillableException) that would cause a node to fail.
  • Exceptions thrown by client implementations of ErrorCallback.error are now caught and logged.
  • Commands with ‘Client’ run location are not shown or accepted for execution.

Version 1.0

Release Date: 4th November 2013

First production release