
The end of life (EOL) date for this module is on 31 January, 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

Supported Features

Will the API support programming languages other than Java?

We are exploring how best to support other languages in the future. Our thoughts currently center around an HTTP REST core which would be easily accessible from any language.

We may then consider writing small language specific wrappers over the REST API to avoid boilerplate code.

Please get in touch at and let us know which languages you’d like to see supported.

Can I publish data back to Geneos using the Open Access API?

To publish data back in to Geneos, use the Toolkit and XML RPC API plug-ins.

We are currently exploring easier ways of publishing data inbound. Please let us know about any requirements you might have for this via

Is there an API for configuring Geneos?

Not currently. As above, this is being explored as a future possibility.

Why are there two sets of authentication, Open Access cluster and gateway-side?

The gateway has its own set of users and permissions, configured directly in the gateway setup XML. The OA cluster also has its own set of users and permissions. This duplication is mainly because the OA cluster can connect to multiple gateways, with each having their own users and permissions.

There are a number of additional advantages:

  • The OA cluster can be configured with data level permissioning. The gateway only allows permissioning on commands.
  • The OA cluster can be plugged into third party authentication frameworks such as Active Directory.

There are plans moving forward to unify authentication and authorisation across ITRS products into a single mechanism to alleviate this problem.

How does Open Access protect my passwords?

There are two places passwords are used in the API:

  • Connecting Open Access clients to the cluster
  • Connecting the cluster to Gateway2 instances

Between client and cluster, passwords can be secured in transit by enabling SSL transport security. See /cluster/security/transport.

Due to legacy limitations, the cluster requires the plaintext version of the user password to connect to Gateway2 instances. This is not true for API client authentication or Active Directory integration in the cluster.

To avoid storing the Gateway2 password in plaintext on disk, it can be obfuscated using AES encryption against a key stored in the node binary. See Obfuscated Password.

The Gateway2 password is not transmitted in plaintext between the cluster and gateway.

What threading guarantees are provide in the API?


What threading guarantees are provide in t he API?

Connections can be created and shared across threads.

Data callbacks are fired on a seperate thread and are consistent per stream. A callback for a given stream will not fire until the previous callback on that stream has returned.

How can I process Open Access data using multiple threads?

To process data from Open Access on multiple threads, push the data on to a queue from the callback and then read from the queue in worker threads that you create yourself.

The key is to block the Open Access callback for as little time as possible.


No commands are being returned from the API. How can I debug this?

The commands available through the API depend on gateway level authorisation. The Open Access cluster connects to the gateway using the username specified in Connecting to a Gateway.

On the gateway side, it is possible to configure each user with fine grained permissions on commands. This includes restricting visibility of that command completely as well as disabling execution. If the user cannot see or execute the command, the Open Access cluster cannot either.

Currently the way to verify which commands are available for a gateway user is to log in as that user using the ActiveConsole.

Why are there two ways of getting arguments - getArguments and getOrderedArguments?

When commands are published from the gateway, their arguments are provided to the Open Access Cluster as a list. We decided for Open Access 1.0 to adapt this to a map of argument name to argument definition.

This works for most commands in the system, however some have arguments with no name. Their functionality is inferred by their position in the list. For example, ‘Snooze for a specified time period’ has duration as the third parameter. The fourth parameter specifies whether the duration is hours, minutes or days.

Names for such arguments are automatically generated, however using these alone it was difficult to construct user interfaces that would make sense.

To fix the problem, an alternative accessor was added that returns the arguments in the order that they are sent from the gateway. Both ultimately return the same data, just in different arrangements.

You can pass arguments to CommandExecuteQuery using their index from the ordered arguments list:

CommandExecuteQuery query = CommandExecuteQuery.create("<path to item>", "<command id>");
query.putArgument(0, "<arg 1>");
query.putArgument(1, "<arg 2>");

However, most API consumers should use the named arguments map instead.

DataView tips

How can I get the column name of a cell that has been updated?

// Using DataViewTracker
DataView dataView = tracker.update(change);

if(change.getType() == DataViewChange.Type.CELL_UPDATE) {
    int colIx = change.getColumn();
    return dataView.getColumnHeaders().get(colIx);

How can I get a particular cell by row name or column name?

If you know you are interested in particular cells, consider using a DataSetQuery with an XPath matching those cells instead of a DataViewQuery matching the whole view. The solution using only a DataView is to perform a manual search.

String rowName = "testRow";
String colName = "testCol";
DataViewCell cell = null;
// Using DataViewTracker
DataView view = tracker.update(change);

int colIx = view.getColumnHeaders().indexOf(colName);
if(colIx == -1) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find column " + colName);

for(DataViewRow row : view.getRows()) {
    if(rowName.equals(row.getName())) {
        cell = row.getCells().get(colIx);

if(cell == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find row");


How do I enable debug logging on an Open Access cluster node?

Modify config/logback.xml and set the root logging level to DEBUG:


<root level="DEBUG">
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />


Modify config/application.conf to enable lower level Akka framework debugging:

akka.loglevel = DEBUG