
The end of life (EOL) date for this module is on 31 January, 2020.

Gateway Connections

Connecting to a Gateway

Edit the configuration file in config/settings.conf and edit the gateways part of the file to point the host and port at your gateway.

The node watches for changes in this file and will automatically reload the configuration. The gateway connections are then spread across the nodes. (See Gateway Distribution)

The snippet below details all the configuration options available:

gateways {
    connection name {
        host = "hostname"        port = 30000
        user = "username"        password = "password"        # Use secure = true if Gateway2 is configured as a secured gateway. The default value is false
        secure = true
    another connection name {
        # Use primary and secondary blocks if the Gateway2 is configured for Hot Standby
        primary {
            host = "primary_host"            port = 30002
        secondary {
            host = "secondary_host"            port = 30003
        # User and password are not required if the Gateway2 has authentication switched off
        # Use secure = true if primary and secondary Gateway2 is configured as secured gateways. The default value is false
        secure = true

Obfuscated Password

To avoid having the plaintext gateway password saved in the file, it is possible to obfuscate it. This is performed using 128-bit AES encryption against a key stored in the node itself.

For example:

gateways {
     connection name {
         host = "hostname"         port = 30000
         user = "username"         password = "Ng/vXNB3dxKUaOEkiV20yQ=="         obfuscated_password = true

To obfuscate the password, run the following from the OA cluster node installation directory:

java -cp "lib/*" com.itrsgroup.oanode.gateway.GatewayCredentialsObfuscator <your_password>

XPath Caching

The Open Access node caches the XPath directory structure of a gateway during connection time. As a result, the node takes a long time to connect to large-sized gateways.

To disable XPath caching and speed up connection, set the value to ‘false’ in config/application.conf:

geneos {
    xpath-store-enabled = false

Note: Turning off XPath caching will increase the memory usage consumed by the running Open Access node.