Internal documentation only

This page has been marked as draft.

Notes (Hints) Sample

Overview Copied

The Hint shortcodes are colored highlighted information that can be used as hint/alert/notification block across ITRS documentation. Depending on the four hint types (note, warning, error, success), each block corresponds to a specific color and icon.

Attributes: Copied

Name Usage default
type color types to choose from (note or warning) note
title (optional) title of the hint undefined

Syntax: Copied

{{< hint type=[note|warning] >}}
**Markdown content**\
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture.
 Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.
{{< /hint >}}

Hint examples: Copied

Note Sample

Markdown content (Note)
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.

Warning Sample

Markdown content (Warning)
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.

Error Sample

Markdown content (Error)
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.

Success Sample

Markdown content (Success)
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.

EOL Sample

The end of life (EOL) for XYZ, is Xth September 20XX. This part of documentation is now archived and is no longer updated.
Markdown content (default) with no title
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.

Front Matter Notes (Hints) Copied

A new optimized and alternative way of putting hints across website. Instead of manually copy pasting the syntax of a hint shortcode or retrieving a snippet file, adding front matter fields and values will directly add a hint in your page.

General front matter syntax: Copied

Field Value Description Category
draft true or false

true: displays an error hint entitled Internal documentation only and page has been marked as draft.

false: will not display an error hint

legacy true or false

true: displays an error hint entitled Internal documentation only and documentation is already deprecated.

false: will not display an error hint

notice geneos-eol-notice

true: displays a warning hint specific for Geneos 4.x EOL notice

false: will not display a warning hint

notice opsview-6-9-2-notice

true: displays an error hint specific for the Withdrawal of Opsview 6.9.2 release

false: will not display an error hint


General front matter image

Archived pages front matter syntax: Copied

To display an archived error hint shortcode, ensure that all notice, title and eolDate fields and values are included in the front matter, skipping one field will not display anything.

Field Value Description Category
notice geneos-archive-notice

true: displays an archived error hint retrieving the title and eolDate front matter fields

false: will not display an archived error hint

title string Refers to a plug-in, component or any software technology that is already archived. This title will be retrieved as it is, including capitalization, spacing and etc. and will directly reflect on the hint shortcode. Required
eolDate “07 August 2024” A date value enclosed with double quotation, formatted as day, month and year and treated as a string. Required

Archive front matter image

Hint front matter examples: Copied

["ITRS Analytics"] ["User Guide"]

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