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Geneos 4.x.x is no longer supported as of 31 May 2023.
We highly recommend that you access the latest Geneos 6.x.x release notes and check Geneos Compatibility Matrix to get the recent resources and security updates.

Geneos 4.x Release Notes

Overview Copied

Geneos release notes contain the list of enhancements of features, and a set of issues fixed in the current release. This page contains release notes for all Geneos 4.x releases.

For the latest highlights, see What’s New in Geneos. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Geneos, please read Upgrade Notes for compatibility changes you should be aware of before upgrading.

Geneos compatibility and lifecycle Copied

The notice of change in the Geneos compatibility identifies the components, plug-ins, or features that will no longer be supported by ITRS in any future releases.

To view all the changes to Geneos compatibility and lifecycle, refer to Geneos 4.x Compatibility Matrix.

End of support Copied

The end of support means that the affected component, plug-in, or feature is no longer supported and this ends the release of binaries. The table below lists the affected component, plug-in, or feature:

Notice of change Affected components Effective date Alternatives or Upgrade path
End of support for all Geneos versions 3.0.x All Geneos components version 3.0.x 30 October, 2019 Upgrade to Geneos version 4.x or newer.
End of support for Geneos on Red HatLinux version 5.x All components of Geneos 5.0 and up. 30 October, 2019 Upgrade to running Geneos on Red Hat version 6 or newer. Alternatively, use Geneos version 4.x which is still supported on Red Hat 5 for Netprobe only.
End of support for SSO Agent NTLM authentication method SSO Agent 30 October, 2019 Use SSO Agent with Kerberos or HTTP Basic authentication methods.
End of support for all Geneos versions 3.x All Geneos components version 3.x 31 January, 2020 Upgrade to Geneos version 4.x or newer.
End of support for Web Montage Web Montage (Web Services) 31 January, 2020 To be announced.
End of support for Open Access Open Access Cluster Node, Open Access Java Client (API) 31 January, 2020 To be announced.

End of releasing binaries Copied

The end of releasing binaries means that the affected component, plug-in, or feature is no longer getting binaries for certain platforms, but the support continues. The table below lists the affected components, plug-ins, or features:

Notice of change Affected components Effective date Alternatives or Upgrade path
End of releasing binaries for Netprobe for Solaris platforms Netprobe on Solaris (x64 and Sparc) 30 October, 2019 Use Linux, Linux on Power 8, Windows or AIX distribution of Netprobe. Solaris distribution of Netprobe is still supported for already available versions of 3.x and 4.x.

Geneos 4.13.3 Copied

Released: 18 February 2020

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
UTL-1136 Gateway Recorder Gateway Recorder now correctly announces its Geneos version. This is required in order to connect to Geneos components beginning version 5.0.x.
VI-7371 Active Console, GSE Active Console now allows you to open workspaces from URLs that contain spaces and special characters.
VI-8603 Active Console, GSE The Active Console icon now displays the severity of any path that is defined in the Use Paths for Severity option in Settings > System Tray.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x
VI-8672 Web Dashboard is not compatible with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub.Please use standalone SSO Agent available to download from ITRS Downloads. Planned fix version: Geneos 5.1 (Q1 2020)

Geneos 4.13.2 Copied

Released: 12 December 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5490 Gateway Fixes a bug where the Gateway can become unresponsive while processing Self-announcing Netprobe connections, if multi-threaded rule evaluation is enabled.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x
VI-8672 Web Dashboard is not compatible with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. Planned fix version: Geneos 5.1 (Q1 2020)
AA-5429 SSO-enabled Web Dashboard and Webslinger do not currently work with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. It works when connecting to a standalone SSO Agent or when SSO is disabled.This involves a fix for SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub.Known issue since: Geneos 4.13.0Fixed in version Geneos 5.0.0 (December 2019)
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1, Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.13.1 Copied

Released: 23 October 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5417 Gateway If a Kerberos principal is not supplied, then Gateways can obtain data from Gateway Hub instances that are configured for anonymous access. This affects the following features:
  • Centralised configuration provided by Gateway Hub.
  • Obtaining Time series from Gateway Hub.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5409 Gateway The Gateway scheduler can now correctly handle an event which is due more than 68 years in the future.
COL-7461 Netprobe The Netprobe reconnection to the Gateway on Windows no longer causes abnormal memory usage growth.
COL-7660 Netprobe The memory leak observed with the Network plug-in is no longer present.
VI-2596 Web server The Volume bar now refreshes properly in the Web Dashboard image tiles.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x
VI-8672 Web Dashboard is not compatible with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. Planned fix version: Geneos 5.1 (Q1 2020)
AA-5429 SSO-enabled Web Dashboard and Webslinger do not currently work with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. It works when connecting to a standalone SSO Agent or when SSO is disabled. This involves a fix for SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. Known issue since: Geneos 4.13.0 Fixed in version Geneos 5.0.0 (December 2019)
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.13.0 Copied

Released: 8 October 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Gateway Copied

Plug-ins Copied

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5194 Active Console, GSE, Gateway, Schema Gateway can now define Anomaly Detection Rules that use Time Series datasets that are provided by Gateway Hub.
AA-5360 Gateway Gateway Hub datasets with weekly seasonality are now supported by Anomaly Detection.
AA-5361 Gateway Gateway Hub now uses the new SSO Agent default (Hub URL instead of port 9999).
COL-7302 Netprobe Netprobe no longer restarts when:
  • The REST API or REST Extractor sampler is inserted or updated. * The JMX Server or JMX Thread Info sampler is inserted or updated, except if the new configuration results in a new iproperties option.
  • The Rest api http port and Rest api https port in the probe setting is updated.
COL-7522 Netprobe The REST Extractor plug-in now supports debug flags that allow you to log the full HTTP requests and responses.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
COL-7220 Fix Analyser 2 Netprobe The FIX Analyser 2 plug-in can now support orders with the same ClOrdID and SenderCompID, but with different TargetCompID, found in different FIX logs.
COL-7475 Netprobe The WMI plug-in can now be configured to limit the number of instances displayed in its dataview when in Column Mode.
COL-7663 Netprobe The Netprobe now supports updating the configuration when there are multiple FKM samplers on the same managed entity with the same name.
COL-7664 Netprobe The FKM plug-in now correctly consumes all streams when multiple FKM samplers with the same name are in a single managed entity.
COL-7668 Netprobe The Netprobe setup command on the Windows installer is now able to capture all parameters when installed on the terminal with the parameterspassed.
VI-8595 Webslinger HTTP security header is added to prevent attacks based on MIME-type mismatch.
VI-8615 Webslinger The Web server now determines its own hostname instead of trusting the compromised HTTP header because the malicious scripts have been prevented from execution in the host field of an HTTP request to a Web server.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x
VI-8672 Web Dashboard is not compatible with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. Planned fix version: Geneos 5.1 (Q1 2020)
AA-5429 SSO-enabled Web Dashboard and Webslinger do not currently work with SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. It works when connecting to a standalone SSO Agent or when SSO is disabled. This involves a fix for SSO Agent in the Gateway Hub. Known issue since: Geneos 4.13.0 Fixed in version Geneos 5.0.0 (December 2019)
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.12.1 Copied

Last updated: 29 August 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
COL-7219 COL-7309 Netprobe In this release, the REST Extractor plug-in introduces these features:
  • Can recover from an unreachable URL on the first sample.
  • Now supports non-JSON responses in its bearer authentication methods. This means that you can accommodate a token in the response, instead of specifying a field to contain the token.
COL-7333 Netprobe The NetprobeWindows Installer now has a field to specify the SSL certificate key. This can be used for secure communications, as well as starting the REST API HTTPS server.
COL-7340 COL-7530 Netprobe In this release, the REST API plug-in introduces these features:
  • HTTP and HTTPS port configuration for the REST API plug-in is now available for floating and Self-announcing Netprobes.
  • The REST API plug-in now has a health check endpoint to check the availability of the sampler.
COL-7521 Netprobe The Apica integration scripts are updated to address reported failures on some checks.
COL-7649 Netprobe Updated Docker monitoring script to handle non-alphanumeric values and support exponential notation format.
VI-8391 Active Console, GSE Menu items and context menus in the Active Console and Gateway Setup Editor are now aligned.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5339 Gateway Gateway supports running scheduled commands on the last weekday of each month.
VI-8292 Active Console, GSE These options are now updating in the Active Console on macOS and Ubuntu:
  • Pause Updates in the Event Tickers dockable.
  • Auto clear in the Commands dockable.
  • Running in the Debug > Active Path Model menu.
VI-8324 Active Console, GSE Extra checkboxes are no longer displayed in various options in the Active Console dockables, such as State Tree, Gateway, Event Ticker, Command, and Debug menu on macOS and Ubuntu.
VI-8507 VI-8520 Active Console, GSE Active Console and Gateway Setup Editor now display the splash screen on start-up.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x
AA-5409 Any Gateway items (Scheduled Commands, Active Times, and Snooze periods) scheduled for more than 68 years into the future are known to cause issues with Gateway’s ability to process any commands of type Task, to exit from a configured startup delay in applying rules or to process Scheduled Commands or Active Times. This is particularly noticeable in 64 bit Gateways. Known issue since: GA3.x.x Fixed in version: Geneos 4.13.1
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.12.0 Copied

Released: 31 July 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Orchestrated Netprobe Copied

The Orchestrated Netprobe facilitates the collection of application metrics, logs, and events in an orchestrated environment.

Docker containers and Kubernetes orchestration were developed to help users manage dynamic applications. These can be:

Applications support teams who are faced with the challenges of monitoring these highly dynamic applications will benefit from two key features of the Orchestrated Netprobe solution:

For more information, see Orchestrated Netprobe documentation.

Active Console Copied

Gateway and Gateway Hub Copied

Netprobe Copied

Plug-ins Copied

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5131 Gateway A sslCertificateDaysRemaining column was added to the probeData Gateway plug-in. The column displays the number of days remaining before the certificate expires.
  • 0.0 is displayed if the certificate is not yet valid (start date is in the future) or if there was an issue obtaining the expiry date from the certificate.
  • No value is displayed for virtual or insecure probes.
  • Negative value is displayed if the certificate has already expired.
AA-5172 Gateway Gateway keeps processing while it waits for validation responses to be returned from Gateway Hub. Gateway queues setup validation/change requests so that it can keep processing other data while waiting for Gateway Hub without having the setup changes clash.
AA-5202 Gateway Schema If the Gateway is configured to publish to Gateway Hub, the Hub version is determined and is available as a headline in the Gateway-gatewayHubData plug-in.
AA-5203 Gateway When the Gateway is connected to Gateway Hub version 1.4.0, then the messages previously published to the geneos-enriched topic are now published to a new geneos-metrics-v1 topic and the messages previously published to the geneos-raw topic are no longer published. This greatly improves the efficiency of sending Geneos metrics data to Gateway Hub. When the Gateway is connected to Gateway Hub version 1.3.x or earlier, then there is no change to the way messages are published to the geneos-raw and geneos-enriched topics.
AA-5218 Gateway Gateway drops support for Nanomsg Gateway Publishing adapter.
AA-5259 Gateway Gateway Hub locations set on the command line can now be used to:
  • Get setup from Gateway Hub.
  • Get data in the Active Console for charting published data.
AA-5262 Gateway Gateway 4.12.0 and above only support Gateway Hub version 1.4.0 and above for obtaining Centralised Configuration. If the Gateway connects to an older version of Gateway Hub, then it will exit with a FATAL error.
AA-5269 Gateway Updated the version of librdkafka used in publishing to 1.0.1.
AA-5304 Gateway When configuring Gateway Hub location it is now an error to include the API version in the location. This is true for both the command line and the Rest Address settings in Gateway Setup Editor.
AA-5309 Gateway Improved error messages displayed in the Gateway Log when requests from Gateway Hub fail.
AA-5315 Gateway 2 Timezones The timezone file was updated based on IANA 2019b release:* Brazil no longer observes DST. * Palestine’s spring-forward transition has changed to the last Friday of March at 00:00.
COL-4933 Fix Analyser 2 Netprobe You can now include the Order State as an additional column in FIX Analyser 2 Message Detector Template. Furthermore, you can now filter Message Detector Template’s dataview using the said column.
COL-7050 COL-7051 COL-7052 COL-7064 COL-7136 COL-7204 COL-7308 COL-7403 COL-7404 COL-7406 COL-7486 Netprobe The REST API plug-in enables a sampler to listen to inbound messages on an HTTP or HTTPS connection. In addition, the following are the other features that the REST API plug-in is capable of in this release:
  • Supports an update row endpoint.
  • Supports a file stream endpoint.
  • Outputs messages as streams, which can be monitored by the FKM plug-in.
  • Supports HTTPS on its listening port. This is configured on the probe.
  • Returns informative HTTP response codes.
  • You can specify the capacity of a stream on the REST API plug-in.
  • REST API plug-in endpoints require you to specify the managed entity and sampler. This allows multiple samplers to utilise the same listening ports.
  • Supports a delete dataview endpoint.
  • Supports a delete row endpoint.
  • REST API plug-in group name defaults to the sampler name.
  • REST API has been added to the licence daemon. 
COL-7174 Netprobe The IXWatch Message Analyser plug-in’s handlePartialLines configuration is now enabled by default.
COL-7223 Netprobe The Netprobe is now built using OpenJDK 8.
COL-7300 COL-7413 Netprobe The Netprobe can now locate JAR files in a new /jars directory within the Netprobe directory, without the need to set GENEOS_JARS. The Netprobe can now locate the launchpad library file without the need to set GENEOS_LIBS. The Netprobe can now locate the JVM library without the need to set PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LIB_PATH, provided the usual Java installation directory structure.
COL-7405 Netprobe File Keyword Monitor (FKM) now support wildcards for REST API stream names.
VI-4260 Active Console Gateway Setup Editor Active Console is now packaged with the MariaDB database connector.
VI-8013 Active Console Gateway Setup Editor Active Console no longer packages add-on required for EUEM plug-in.
VI-8187 Gateway Gateway Setup Editor can now query Gateway Hub 1.4 for locks that have been applied to resources.
VI-8264 Gateway Gateway Setup Editor can now lock and unlock resources in the Gateway Hub.
VI-8271 VI-8272 VI-8280 VI-8281 Active Console Gateway Setup Editor The following components in Geneos is now packaged and built with OpenJDK 8:
  • Active Console for Windows
  • Web Dashboard
  • Active Console for macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • Active Console for Ubuntu
VI-8277 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Locks menu in the Gateway Setup Editor now only shows relevant items.
VI-8373 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor In the Gateway Setup Editor > File menu, the Save Copy As replaces the Export which only saves the main setup file. If any include files are loaded at the same time the operation is executed, a dialog window displays informing you that no include files are saved to disk.
VI-8463 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Listen port field in the Active Console > Connection Settings for macOS is temporarily disabled.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5186 Gateway Prevents a crash when the permissions of the Gateway data directory are changed to unreadable while the Gateway is running.
AA-5191 Gateway A check has been added to the Gateway to avoid aborting with a core dump when it receives a particular form of corrupted input.
AA-5224 Gateway Validate messages returned from Gateway Hub are now correctly processed.
AA-5230 Gateway FIX Analyser 2 query message command is now correctly included in commands that need arguments coalescing.
AA-5231 Gateway Fixed an issue where Gateway would occasionally fail to send information about disabled includes to Gateway Hub.
AA-5251 Gateway When the location of a sampler changes within the Gateway setup, but it is otherwise unchanged, Gateway no longer publishes information to the Netprobe that would cause the sampler to be restarted.
AA-5282 Gateway Gateway can now decrypt encoded passwords in the configuration when using the AES-256 key to start the Gateway.
AA-5291 Gateway Gateway no longer crashes when a 4.9.x or earlier Self-announcing Netprobe connects.
AA-5306 Gateway Hub Gateways no longer refuse to validate setups where there are no includes as part of the setup.
AA-5308 Gateway The add_gateway script now sets the default Gateway version to 4.12.0 and improves error reporting.
AA-5310 Active Console GSE Gateway Active Console now displays the Gateway Hub visual indicator on the Gateway icon in the following circumstances:
  • Gateway is configured to publish to Gateway Hub.
  • Gateway obtains its configuration from Gateway Hub.
COL-7202 Netprobe Environment variables are now handled properly when the run location set for a Gateway action is set to Netprobe.
COL-7269 Netprobe The SQL Toolkit plug-in is improved so that its memory usage is more stable.
COL-7270 Netprobe The Perfmon plug-in objectRefreshThreshold default value is now set to 0 to prevent memory leaks.
COL-7506 Active Console GSE Gateway Netprobe Licence Daemon Fixed an issue where the API plug-in fails to read all XmlRPC message from a client.
VI-8283 Web Dashboard Web Dashboard now packages native libraries in the lib64 directory instead of the lib directory. You need to be aware of this change if you have custom scripts referring to the lib directory.
VI-2552 Webserver SSL-enabled Web Dashboard now launches successfully when using the geneosws script.
VI-7974 Active Console GSE In the Metrics dockable, clicking Show Chart to select an existing chart from the table cell now opens the Active Dashboard dockable.
VI-8165 Gateway Gateway Setup Editor no longer throws an exception when saving a setup fails. GSE displays the dialog with the relevant error message.
VI-8199 VI-8305 Active Console GSE Context-Sensitive Help updates:
  • Active Times to link to the correct sections in the online Geneos documentation.
  • Links to the correct section of the online help for table elements that have no XML.
VI-8274 Active Console GSE Gateway Setup Editor no longer to appear to lock up in some cases when multiple levels of a hierarchy were selected, and then deleted together.
VI-8290 Gateway If the main setup file or resource is unavailable after a start, then the Gateway Setup Editor shows an error if opened.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x
AA-5409 Any Gateway items (Scheduled Commands, Active Times, and Snooze periods) scheduled for more than 68 years into the future are known to cause issues with Gateway’s ability to process any commands of type Task, to exit from a configured startup delay in applying rules or to process Scheduled Commands or Active Times. This is particularly noticeable in 64 bit Gateways. Known issue since: GA3.x.x Fixed in version: Geneos 4.13.1
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.11.2 Copied

Released: 13 June 2019


Issues that have been identified with Webslinger 4.11.0 for Linux and Solaris platforms, and Netprobe 4.11.1 for Windows are now fixed. We recommend that you download and use 4.11.2 version of these components.

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5271 Gateway, Webslinger Webslinger is updated to fix a regression issue wherein some links to dataviews did not function correctly.
COL-7305 Netprobe Netprobe now works properly and does not restart when using Network plug-in on Windows.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
AA-5282 Gateway is unable to decrypt encoded passwords in the configuration when using the AES-256 key to start the Gateway. The Gateway log reports this error: ERROR: encryption decryption error: 0 - error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP\_DecryptFinal\_ex:bad decrypt As a workaround, execute a kill -USR1 command in the Gateway start script after the Gateway has started, so the Gateway can reread the setup with the correct AES key. Known issue since: Geneos 4.9.3 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.12.0
AA-5409 Any Gateway items (Scheduled Commands, Active Times, and Snooze periods) scheduled for more than 68 years into the future are known to cause issues with Gateway’s ability to process any commands of type Task, to exit from a configured startup delay in applying rules or to process Scheduled Commands or Active Times. This is particularly noticeable in 64 bit Gateways. Known issue since: GA3.x.x Fixed in version: Geneos 4.13.1
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.11.1 Copied

Released: 3 June 2019


Issues that have been identified with Webslinger 4.11.0 for Linux and Solaris platforms, and Netprobe 4.11.1 for Windows are now fixed. We recommend that you download and use 4.11.2 version of these components.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

RabbitMQ Monitoring Copied

RabbitMQ integration enables you to retrieve all metrics available in your RabbitMQ environment and display them as dataviews in Geneos. You can see your RabbitMQ exchanges, nodes, queues or virtual hosts.

For more information, see RabbitMQ Monitoring User Guide.

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5200 Licence Daemon The following security headers have been added to the License Daemon web responses:* X-Frame-Options * X-XSS-Protection * X-Content-Type-Options
COL-6704 Netprobe The following plug-ins are now deprecated: FIX, EUEM, Citrix Apps, Citrix Processes, Citrix Summary, and Citrix Sessions.
COL-6911 Netprobe IXWatch Message Analyser plug-in is now able to sum and average tracker values.
COL-7011 Netprobe You can now set the connection timeout for the REST Extractor plug-in.
COL-7226 Netprobe The Bloomberg B-PIPE and Bloomberg MDM Feed Adapter now use Bloomberg Library (BLPAPI) version
COL-7131 Integrations You can now use the RabbitMQ monitoring integration template to monitor RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ is an open source message broker that supports multiple messaging protocols.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-543 Gateway The _NETPROBE_HOST environment variable is now passed to scripts triggered by alerts.
AA-5162 Gateway Connecting a SAN probe to a Gateway no longer causes conflict with rules examining the internal Geneos directory tree when rule threads are in use.
AA-5185 Gateway Gateway now publishes updates correctly when a pivoted dataview is updated by a rule. Previously, the updated value might have replaced the row name or a neighbouring column value in the published message.
AA-5206 Gateway Importing Gateways no longer crash on setup change if the same managed entity name is present across multiple imported Gateway connections.
AA-5228 Netprobe If the Netprobe configuration file contains managed entities with the same name, self-announcing is disabled and the Netprobe does not connect.
COL-463 COL-6548 Netprobe The File Transfer Monitoring (FTM) plug-in now retains the correct arrival time and delay values for multiple file arrivals.
COL-955 Netprobe The Network plug-in now displays correct values for packetSendDiscarded and packetReceiveDiscarded columns on Windows.
COL-6417 Netprobe The Hardware plug-in now shows correct values for last reboot time when the uptime is in XX mins format.
VI-2609 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Web server The Web Dashboard context menu now only displays hyperlinks of the objects and atomic groups inside a group.
VI-7414 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Active Console now ships with ojdbc8.jar file to support Oracle database 12.2.
VI-7978 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The dashboard object’s custom tooltip no longer changes when a modifier is added, removed, or updated through the Object Inspector.
VI-8128 Web server The Web Dashboard now displays the correct Geneos version when starting up.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
AA-5282 Gateway is unable to decrypt encoded passwords in the configuration when using the AES-256 key to start the Gateway. The Gateway log reports this error: ERROR: encryption decryption error: 0 - error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP\_DecryptFinal\_ex:bad decrypt As a workaround, execute a kill -USR1 command in the Gateway start script after the Gateway has started, so the Gateway can reread the setup with the correct AES key. Known issue since: Geneos 4.9.3 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.12.0
AA-5409 Any Gateway items (Scheduled Commands, Active Times, and Snooze periods) scheduled for more than 68 years into the future are known to cause issues with Gateway’s ability to process any commands of type Task, to exit from a configured startup delay in applying rules or to process Scheduled Commands or Active Times. This is particularly noticeable in 64 bit Gateways. Known issue since: GA3.x.x Fixed in version: Geneos 4.13.1
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.11.0 Copied

Released: 2 May 2019

Highlights Copied


Issues that have been identified with Webslinger 4.11.0 for Linux and Solaris platforms, and Netprobe 4.11.1 for Windows are now fixed. We recommend that you download and use 4.11.2 version of these components.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

These are the highlights of this release:

Centralised Gateways Copied

You can now store Gateway configurations in Gateway Hub. Gateway Hub can function as a centrally accessible repository for Gateway setup and include files.

For more information, see Centralised Gateways User Guide.

Context-sensitive help Copied

Right-clicking on an element in the Gateway Setup Editor and selecting Help now directs you to the online documentation by default. The element you selected is highlighted in the documentation.

If you have restricted internet access, you can download an offline package of the documentation and configure your GSE to point to this documentation instead.

To learn how to do this, and for more information, see Host the documentation locally to use Gateway Setup Editor context-sensitive help.

Object Inspector dockable Copied

The Object Inspector dockable displays the style and properties of the selected shapes, and dataset of the charts when an object from the Active Dashboard is selected.

For more information, see Object Inspector dockable

REST Extractor plug-in Copied

The REST Extractor plug-in is a new plug-in for reading data from REST APIs.

For more information, see REST Extractor Plug-in User Guide.

Set command line arguments from a file Copied

The Gateway can now read command line arguments from a file on startup.

For more information, see Command line options

Kubernetes Monitoring Copied

Kubernetes monitoring integration has been enhanced. You can now query the services of your Kubernetes running environment, see the number of pods, you have the ability to describe builds and tail logs from a pod or from a container.

For more information, see Kubernetes Monitoring User Guide.

OpenShift Monitoring Copied

OpenShift integration enables you to retrieve all metrics and metadata available in your OpenShift environment and display them as dataviews in Geneos. You can query services of your OpenShift running environment, see the number of pods, list the available images you can deploy, check the ability to deploy builds, and tail logs from a pod or from a container.

For more information, see OpenShift Monitoring User Guide.

Breaking changes Copied

These are the breaking changes in this release:

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-2744 Gateway When require snooze comments or require user assignment comments is enabled, a comment is now required for unsnooze / unassign commands. This is published and logged as normal.
AA-5085 Gateway FKM probe published commands for legacy probes were rewritten with a versioning scheme using the probe version to reduce the number of command targets when multiple probes are connected.
AA-5107 Gateway Updated the schemas for the following plug-ins:
AA-5116 Gateway Imported commands of certain types (internal detail) are only published if a dataview exists to which the command could be applied. Commands may appear and disappear with dynamic dataviews.If an imported command is removed it is now also unpublished on the importing Gateway.
AA-5136 Active Console, Gateway, Gateway Setup Editor, Netprobe Geneos now uses a more secure Diffie-Hellman parameter for its SSL connections.This affects all secure EMF2 connections and HTTPS connections to Geneos components (Gateway REST / XMLRPC / Debug HTTP).
AA-5139 Gateway A Gateway does not support lock requests if its setup is stored in the Gateway Hub. Gateway Hub is responsible for the locking of any resources it manages.
AA-5140 Gateway The Gateway can now obtain its setup from Gateway Hub. This provides a central area where multiple Gateway setups can be shared and managed.
AA-5163 Gateway Gateway can now read command line arguments from a file. The default file is gateway2.gci in the working directory of the Gateway. The location can be overridden using the -config-file command line option. Command line options in the file are processed before any on the command line, except for -config-file which is always processed first.
AA-5175 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Active Console now uses ISO_1 as the default character set for Sybase ASE client connection.
COL-4508 Gateway, Netprobe Self-announcing Netprobes now support multiple managed entities. The managed entities can be defined in the Netprobe configuration. Newer Gateways support this feature and will accept a Netprobe with multiple managed entities. Older Gateways, however, do not support this and will be rejected by the Netprobe.
COL-5806 Netprobe Netprobe is now available as an RPM package.
COL-6700 Gateway, Netprobe The following Netprobe commands now return fewer XPaths:
  • /PLUGIN:FKM:triggerDetails
  • /PLUGIN:FKM:viewTriggerWithSize
COL-6797 COL-6836 COL-6916  Netprobe The REST Extractor plug-in is now available for reading data from REST interfaces:
  • The plug-in communicates via HTTP or HTTPS GET request and expects a JSON response. It also supports jq queries to transform the JSON response into a desired dataview format.
  • The plug-in supports basic authentication, as well as bearer authentication using an HTTP GET request.
UTL-1090 Licence Daemon Licensing Daemon now supports per-instance licensing for the REST Extractorplug-in.
COL-7001 Netprobe Synthetic Monitoring integration template now has two default samplers:
  • Apica-AllChecks
  • Apica-Severity
COL-7002 Integrations Amazon Web Services Monitoring integration template now populates dataviews without exceeding timeout period.
COL-7003 Netprobe OpenShift can now be integrated with Geneos. The integration uses the OpenShift API to monitor OpenShift projects, pods, services, routes, and other components.
COL-7004 Integrations The Kubernetes monitoring integration has been improved to provide better visibility into the Kubernetes environment. The integration uses the Kubernetes API to monitor Kubernetes nodes, services, routes, and other components
UTL-1087 SSO Agent The SSO Agent now uses the Bouncy Castle version 1.61.
VI-7825 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Single sign-on is now available for the stand-alone Gateway Setup Editor:
  • When launched stand-alone, the SSO button will be available if -SSOAgentURL is specified on the command line or via GCI file.
  • When launched from the Active Console as an external process, the -connect parameter has been extended to include the SSO agent URL. This will connect automatically and enable the SSO button.
  • When launched in process from the Active Console, no SSO button is required.
VI-7915 VI-7930 VI-7996 VI-8016 VI-8021 VI-8022 VI-8023 VI-8031 VI-8032 VI-8062 VI-8081 VI-8082 Active Console The Object Inspector was a pilot feature released for Geneos 4.10.0 which displays some modifiers and links properties of dashboard objects. In Geneos 4.11.0, the Object Inspector now displays the Object Inspector name in the workspace and contains the remaining properties that you can modify in the object properties dialog:
  • Selects multiple objects.
  • Loads the properties of the selected grouped objects.
  • Supports the style and properties of Active Chart, Picture, Line Arrow, and Active Volume Bar objects.
  • Selects the dataset type for Active Chart, Bar Chart, Spark Chart, and Historical Chart.
  • Pie Charts can now be displayed in the Object Inspector. The style and properties settings of a Pie Chart can be modified, the dataset settings are read-only.
  • Supports the style, properties, and dataset of Active Gauge object.
  • Supports the dataset of Active Gauge, pie chart’s datasets and its slice properties.
VI-8079 Gateway Setup Editor Gateway Setup Editor (Gateway Setup Editor) now links the Context Sensitive Help (CSH) on the ITRS-Group web site.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5063 Gateway The text displayed when the connection to the License Daemon is lost is now spelled correctly: “LICD Disconnect. Using cache of existing licences.”
AA-5064 Gateway Recurring scheduled commands now update correctly where the “end by” date/time changes. Previously the original “end by” would apply unless the Gateway was restarted.
AA-5098 Gateway The format() function in the Geneos rule language no longer rejects formats where more than one specifier includes a dot, for example “x=%2.2f y=%2.2f”.
AA-5117 Gateway The unsnooze command /SNOOZE:unsnooze now requires a comment when “require snooze comments” is enabled. This does not affect the Active Console because it defaults to the /SNOOZE:unsnoozeAllMe command, which has more options.
AA-5133 Gateway The unsnooze absent items command has been made more robust to prevent crashes due to memory issues on Linux.
AA-5164 Gateway Numbers can now be used in the topicPrefix string and the limit of the topicPrefix is now 200 characters.
AA-5217 Gateway The Gateway schema for SETS-SLC and WTS-PROCESSES now works without issues when publishing to hub.
COL-6556 Netprobe The headline restransmittedPackets is corrected to retransmittedPackets.
COL-6750 Netprobe The VMware monitoring integration can now work with ESXI 6.5 when built from latest source code.
VI-7078 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Gateway Setup Editor no longer shows setup as modified when the -autoSort startup option is set unless this causes a change to the order of the items in the navigation tree.
VI-7891 Gateway Webslinger now supports using a forward slash (/) in managed entity attributes.
VI-8063 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Speedo Style Gauge, Half Gauge, Meter Gauge, and Light Them Gauge are now visible once more in the Tools & Modifiers dialog.
VI-8086 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Locking code was refactored to avoid a deadlock that could occur when saving changes in the Gateway Setup Editor.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
AA-5282 Gateway is unable to decrypt encoded passwords in the configuration when using the AES-256 key to start the Gateway. The Gateway log reports this error: ERROR: encryption decryption error: 0 - error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP\_DecryptFinal\_ex:bad decrypt As a workaround, execute a kill -USR1 command in the Gateway start script after the Gateway has started, so the Gateway can reread the setup with the correct AES key. Known issue since: Geneos 4.9.3 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.12.0
AA-5409 Any Gateway items (Scheduled Commands, Active Times, and Snooze periods) scheduled for more than 68 years into the future are known to cause issues with Gateway’s ability to process any commands of type Task, to exit from a configured startup delay in applying rules or to process Scheduled Commands or Active Times. This is particularly noticeable in 64 bit Gateways. Known issue since: GA3.x.x Fixed in version: Geneos 4.13.1
AA-5490 Gateway may become unresponsive when processing Self-Announcing Netprobe connections if multi-threaded rule evaluation (operatingEnvironment > numRuleEvaluationThreads is more than 0) is enabled. A temporary workaround is to turn off multi-threaded rule evaluation in the XML before starting the Gateway. Known issue since: GA4.11.1 Fixed in Geneos 4.13.2 and Geneos 5.0 (December 2019)

Geneos 4.10.2 Copied

Released: 28 March 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5118 Gateway The Gateway no longer crashes when the type of an environment variable changes.
UTL-1083 Licence Daemon The performance of the Licence Daemon web interface, in particular the detailed CSV report, has been improved.

Geneos 4.10.1 Copied

Released: 28 February 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries in the ITRS Downloads page for:

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5809 Gateway Updates timezone file to 2018i2.
COL-6487 Netprobe Supports authentication of the Control-M server. A new advanced configuration is provided to toggle server authentication.
COL-6709 Netprobe Handles running elapsedTime of Control-M jobs with status Ended Not OK.
COL-6753 Netprobe Updates jackson-databind to 2.9.8 to address security vulnerability found in BlackDuck Scan.
COL-6754 Netprobe Adds Context-sensitive help for Control-M.
VI-7944 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Updates jackson libraries to version 2.9.8 to address security vulnerabilities found in version 2.9.5.
VI-7963 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Show Tooltip on Hover flag on dashboard settings default to true.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-5068 Gateway Addresses two memory leaks in Gateway. The main one occurs when rules queried Attributes from data items. While, the second one occurs when action output is processed.
AA-5074 Gateway Fixes a crash in Gateway that occurs if an invalid XName is passed to Gateway as a command target.
AA-5078 Gateway Fixes a crash in that occurs when the number of addresses in the _TO variable does not match the number of names in the _TO_NAME variable. This also affects the _CC/_CC_NAME and _BCC/_BCC_NAME variables pairs.
COL-5950 Netprobe Encloses Service image path value with double quote to address security vulnerability.
COL-6285 Netprobe When partitions with comma in their names are specified in the Disk plug-in configuration, the partitions are properly monitored and displayed in the dataview.
COL-6703 Netprobe Deprecates MDI connection type setting for RFA Feed in FLM plug-in configuration.
COL-6746 Netprobe Modifies memory protection mechanism so that Netprobe does not restart when DISABLE_MEM_PROTECTION is true, when MAM_MAX is not zero, and the memory usage exceeds memory growth ratio times initial memory usage in Windows.
COL-6779 Netprobe Adds a checking if physical CPU value is not equal to zero. This is used to avoid error when computing for number of cores per CPU.
COL-6826 Netprobe Fixes the PUT and GET RMS commands to transfer files from Gateway to Netprobe directory.
COL-6828 Netprobe Fixes command line install of self-announcing Netprobe.
COL-6771 Integrations Package is not generated from the correct branch.
VI-7952 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Importing events from Hub with ignored time should query successfully and not load endlessly.
VI-7956 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Find field returns all cells being search without any hang or freezing from deadlock.
VI-7957 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Displays tooltips when hovering over the Managed Entities items.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
AA-5118 Referencing stringList variables in Actions may cause Gateway to crash. Known issue since: Geneos 4.6.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.2

Geneos 4.10.0 Copied

Released: 31 January 2019

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Active Dashboard tooltip Copied

When you have multiple dashboards in your environment with a large number of modifiers, you continually get the tooltips appearing. While this is useful during the initial setup of the dashboards, this might cause inconvenience if the tooltip keeps appearing but there is no option to disable the dashboard tooltips.

To resolve this, the Show tooltip on hover option is added to Dashboard properties that enables the modifier information as a tooltip for dashboard objects. By default, this option is enabled.

For more information, see Dashboard properties in Active Console.

Active times Copied

You can now specify the time period for an active time as a repeating day. For example, as the last Friday in every month of every year, or the first Monday in June every year.

For more information, see activeTimes > activeTime > schedulePeriod > day.

Control-M plug-in (REST API) Copied

The new Control-M plug-in is powered by REST API and supports Control-M versions 9.0.18 and above. It requires Java 8+ to run.

For more information, see Control-M Plug-in User Guide.

Gateway command Copied

You can now specify that user input arguments requires a value to be entered to execute the command.

For more information, see commands > command > userCommand > args > arg > userinput > requireArgument.

Gateway Hub Data Plug-in Copied

The Gateway Hub Data plug-in monitors the current configuration and state of publishing to Gateway Hub from a connected Gateway. This allow for self-monitoring of a Gateway Hub instance from Geneos.

For more information, see Gateway Hub Data plug-in.

Kerberos authentication Copied

Active Console supports remote connection files that require Kerberos authentication or files that are hosted in a Kerberized web server.

For more information, see Connections settings in Active Console.

Object Inspector Copied

Previously, the only way to edit the modifiers in Active Dashboard was when you right-click the object’s properties.

Now, when an object is selected, the Object Inspector dockable appears that allows you to add, edit, and delete modifiers. For more information, see Object inspector.

To view the changes for Object Inspector that have been introduced in Geneos 4.11.0 , see Object Inspector dockable in Active Console.

Password sanitisation Copied

When you copy named items in the GSE, any passwords (for example, within Sampler or Type definitions) are removed from the copy.

For more information, see Password removal on copying.

Sampling information label Copied

Previously, the Sample Time did not report the correct values in the dataview. In Geneos 4.10.0 release, this is fixed and the SampleNow command (executed from Managed entity or Sampler) updates the currently displayed Metric dataview. For more information, see The Metric table viewer in Active Console.

Self-announcing Netprobe commands Copied

The Self-announcing Netprobe commands now allow the Self-announcing Netprobes to:

There are two new commands available to help you configure Self-announcing Netprobe (SAN) on your Geneos estate:

See Netprobe commands and Rebalance Self-Announcing Netprobes command.

Set up configuration from remote source Copied

You can now specify the netprobe.setup.xml configuration for a self-announcing or floating Netprobe from a remote URL. This option supports HTTPS. In addition, the Netprobe can be configured to periodically retrieve the configuration from the remote source.

This feature is unavailable for AIX platforms. For more information, see the following commands in the NetprobeCommand line options:

Simplified comments Copied

You can now enable a simplified version of the comments in the Gateway Setup Editor.

To learn how to do this, and for more information, see Simplified comments.

Breaking changes Copied

Active Dashboard Tooltip

Geneos 4.10.0 release introduces the Show Tooltip on hover dashboard level setting to enable or disable the tooltip on dashboards. By default, Active Dashboard tooltips are disabled in Geneos 4.10.0 release. Based on the feedback from users, we have reversed this behaviour so that from Geneos 4.10.1, the Active Dashboard tooltips are enabled by default. This maintains behaviour prior to changes made in Geneos 4.10.0.

For more information, see Dashboard Properties.

New features and enhancements Copied

These are the new features and enhancements of this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-2226 Gateway Allows you to require comments when running Snooze or User Assignment commands.
AA-2244 Gateway Improves the error reporting in Gateway-SQL plug-in.
AA-2568 Gateway, Schema Active times on specific days of the month. Allows you to schedule active times on days in the form: first
AA-2889 Gateway, Schema Gateway-Severity Data plug-in allows filtering on severity. Adds a new filter option to filter on severity. Options are filtered:
  • With no filter enabled, every severity above and including warning level is listed in the severity dataview.
  • When a severity filter is applied, warning or critical severities can be selected to be included in the dataview. The filterIn headline variable reflects the setting of this filter. For example, warning=true,critical=false tells you that only warning messages are listed in the view. Also, the warning and critical counts only reflect what is in the view and not the state of the system as a whole.
AA-4446 Gateway, Netprobe SAN snooze and user assignment stored with the probe and transferred to Gateway on startup. When a SAN probe connects to and receives setup, it sends messages to the connecting Gateway with the snooze and user assignment records that belong to the probe. These records are the definitive source of what is snoozed on the probe and the connecting Gateway removes all snooze and user assignment records it has belonging to that probe. Then, it also add the snooze and user assignment records it receives. Where the item is snoozed on another Gateway, the XPath for the item changes as the new Gateway takes ownership. Newly user assigned and snoozed items get their records sync to the probe which store them on its working directory.
AA-4508 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When items are copied within the Gateway Setup Editor navigation tree, any passwords (for example, within Sampler or Type definitions) are stripped out of the copied item. Usually, this results in validation errors until each password is re-entered, or the password setting is removed from the copied item. Passwords are not stripped when an item is moved by dragging and dropping or cutting and pasting.
AA-4563 Gateway Adds a new command called Disassociate probe that is available on Self-announcing Netprobes that are not in the “Up” or “WaitingForProbe” connection states. The command removes the SAN from Gateway.
AA-4565 Gateway A new section is added to the ShowRules command where path aliases are used within the rule. This section shows the name, first matching value returned by the path alias, and the number matches returned by the path. Hovering over the name reveals the path as a hint, as it does currently within the rule.
AA-4704 Gateway Allows you to require input on the following command arguments:
  • Single line strings
  • Multi line strings
  • Options
AA-4722 Gateway Adds the INFO and ERROR tags to rolling log messages.
AA-4724 Gateway Improves the message written to the Gateway log file when a component disconnects. It provides a readable description of the error and includes information about the remote host and port.
AA-4733 Gateway Adds a Gateway plug-in to monitor the data that the Gateway Hub receives.
AA-4735 Gateway Makes it possible to toggle on/off basic authentication and GSS negotiation. Both are on by default, unless one is turned off to speed up the other.
AA-4736 Gateway, Schema Enables Kerberos authentication for remote include files on Linux through two new Gateway command line options: -kerberos-principal — a unique identity to which Kerberos can assign tickets. For example, user@REALM or user/admin@REAL. -kerberos-keytab — path to the keytab file. This is compulsory if the principal is specified. For remote include files, both Kerberos GSS Negotiation and Basic authentication are supported. However, each can be turned off to speed up the other.
AA-4765 Gateway Updates the timezone settings for the following:
  • Antarctica/Casey — changes the offset from UTC.
  • Asia/Gaza — new DST rules.
  • Asia/Hebron — new DST rules.
  • Asia/Jerusalem — new DST rules.
  • Asia/Pyongyang — changes the offset from UTC.
AA-4780 Gateway The Gateway-importedData plug-in sorts the list of requested data sets displayed in the requestedDataSets column, so that it is directly comparable with the list of provided data sets displayed in the providedDataSets column.
AA-4788 Gateway, Schema Adds a Gateway Command Password option under Commands > Advanced. You are required to enter the password when invoking user-defined commands that are run on the Gateway and have password enabled.
AA-4791 Gateway, Schema GW-Severity Data Plug-in: Filter by severity Introduces the new includeSeverityLevel setting. This setting works with the existing includeXXX settings to configure a state filter. This can be one of the following:
  • Warning
  • Critical warningAndCritical warningAndCritical is the default value. These settings are reflected in a new headline variable stateFilter that starts with the severity levels configured with optional states. For example:
    • stateFilter : Warning AND Critical WITH User Assigned — tells you that the cells in the dataview contain warning or critical severity and include user assigned items.
AA-4813 Gateway Removes the restriction on alert names. Also, this allows things like paths to be configured as alert name.
AA-4817 Gateway The following environment variables are added to the validation hook. All of which will exist but be blank if validation is not initiated by a user. Environment variable content:
  • _USER — validates and save the setup. * _HOST — host machine name or IP address of the user.
  • _ROLES — Groups and roles that the user belongs to.
  • _USER_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE — type of authentication used to log into Geneos. User authentication type:
    • GeneosAuthenticated — requires a username and password during Geneos authentication.
    • SSO — you are logged in through single sign on.
    • Generic — you are logged into Geneos using the generic user definition and permissions.
AA-4824 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Simplifies the use of comments within Gateway Setup Editor:
  • Simplified comments can be enabled/disabled by setting the simplifiedComments GCI flag to enabled or disabled.
  • Comments can be added, edited, removed only on components present on the navigation panel.
  • XML comments can be added to any node by switching to XML mode.
  • Comments added on components in the navigation panel are displayed at the top of the corresponding settings panel.
  • If comments exist in XML and are not visible, a message displays below the comment dialog to indicate their presence (for example, “37 additional comment(s) in XML.”). You can switch to XML mode to view them.
  • Removes all icons that indicate comments.
  • Comments in rule blocks are not affected by this change.
  • By default, it disables simplified comments.
AA-4862 Gateway Adds ability to list the users presented in Active Console User Assignment drop-down using roleProperties. This applies to users defined in the Gateway setup files and users obtained through SSO.
AA-4889 Gateway Adds ability to monitor the Gateway score (used by SAN probes to decide which Gateway to connect to) in the Gateway-probesData plug-in.
AA-4890 Gateway Adds a new command /GATEWAY:rebalanceSANs that is available on Gateway. This removes zero or more Self-announcing Netprobes from the Gateway until the number of probes or the total Gateway score drops at or as close to the specified target value. It can be used to rebalance Self-announcing Netprobes across a group of configured Gateways.
AA-4909 Gateway The adapter used by Gateway for publishing to Kafka and for connecting to the Gateway Hub sets the librdkafka configuration parameter log.connection.close to false by default. This avoids treating idle timeouts by the Kafka brokers as errors.
AA-4917 Schema Adds the option to define arguments as required in Tasks.
AA-4944 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Propose Schema command is shown/hidden when enabled/disabled through a setup change without the need to restart Gateway Setup Editor. Boolean entries in drop-down lists are correctly displayed with their intended default values.
AA-4949 Gateway Updates Gateway timezone file to IANA version 2018g.
AA-4952 Gateway The Gateway Timezone package is available for download independently of the Gateway package. It includes the timezone file and instructions on how to install it.
AA-5033 Gateway Where items are snoozed or user assigned until a severity changes. The internal publishing format reflects this with the tag “untilSeverityNot” rather than “untilSeverity”.
COL-6319 CorvilNet Updates the curl library to 7.59.0.
COL-6320 CorvilNet Updates the net-snmp library of Corvil plug-in to 5.7.3.
COL-6321 CorvilNet Updates the expat library of Corvil plug-in to 2.2.5.
COL-6323 Control-M Updates the Apache Xerces to version 2.12.0.
COL-6451 Netprobe New Control-M plug-in based on Control-M REST API available from version 9.0.18. This supports filters for jobs and columns, as well as configurable set of columns for each dataview.
COL-6546 E4JMS Plug-in Includes support to TIBCO EMS 8.4.1.
COL-6468 Netprobe Allows SAN and floating Netprobes to use a setup file from URL instead of the filesystem.
COL-6581 Netprobe HTTPS support for the Netprobe config from URL feature.
COL-6585 Netprobe Supports the Netprobe config from URL when Netprobe is run as a service.
UTL-1071 Licence Daemon License Daemon supports the new Control-M plugin. The plug-in is licensed on a per-instance basis.
VI-7481 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Active Console supports Remote Connection File/s hosted in a Kerberized web server.
VI-7555 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor On the Gateway Setup EditorFile menu, the Save All As and Save a Copy As options are replaced with a single Export item. This exports a copy of all loaded and editable setup files to a new location on disk while maintaining the editing connection to the Gateway. When you do not have a permission to save any of the files concerned, the Save and Export options are disabled on Gateway Setup Editor.
VI-7643 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Removes the non-plaintext passwords from the setup files that are saved to disk using the File > Save as or File > Export options on Gateway Setup Editor.
VI-7721 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Web server Adds the Show Tooltip on hover property for dashboards.
VI-7761 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Makes the available edit options for a given selection of nodes on Gateway Setup Editor, when accessed through right-click menu or the Edit menu, consistent.
VI-7780 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Removes SSO from the logon method drop-down when Gateway Setup Editor is running as a standalone process. When Gateway Setup Editor opens as a separate process from Active Console with logon method set to SSO, then an error message displays and the Gateway Setup Editor fails to start.
VI-7880 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Modifiers are editable through the Object Inspector dockable.
VI-7881 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Links are available in the Object Inspector dockable. You can now add, edit, and delete links using the object inspector.
VI-7882 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Object Inspector dockable is persisted in the Active Console workspace.
VI-7889 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adds the Pilot Feature text in Object Inspector title bar.

Issues fixed Copied

These are the issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue key Component Release description
AA-217 Schema Allows the value first(wpath “X” value) like “min” within a rule without a mismatched child node error.
AA-936 Gateway Executes the SampleNow command with a dataview cell or headline as a target. This allows it to be executed from an action triggered by a rule. Also, when the command is executed for a sampler, it only acts on that sampler. But, when it is executed for a managed entity, it only acts on the samplers on that entity.
AA-4317 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When the GSE refactoring tool is used and some of the changes appear in summarised settings, such as XPaths used in the Gateway SQL plug-in, these summaries are correctly updated.
AA-4342 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adding additional forward slashes to a rule block comment no longer causes the rule to become uneditable.
AA-4589 Gateway Prevents crash on Solaris where partial read does not result in a runtime exception.
AA-4610 Gateway Gateway no longer crashes when its own host name and port are specified in a probe’s setup.
AA-4629 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Deletes multiple selected items from the right-click menu. The behaviour matches the function when using the delete key.
AA-4703 Gateway Gateway no longer crashes when a command is given the same label as a containing command group.
AA-4708 Gateway, Netprobe When the format used to parse date/time data uses the %z format code to parse a fixed offset from UTC, Gateway interprets the time correctly. Previously, this format code does not work correctly if the Gateway was running in a timezone with a non-zero offset from UTC.
AA-4716 Gateway Changes the state model of the Gateway Kafka adapter so that once the producer detects a problem with the connection to the Kafka brokers, it will not conclude that the connection is working until at least one message is acknowledged by the Kafka brokers.
AA-4717 Gateway Improves Gateway logging such that log messages are not split over multiple lines.
AA-4754 Gateway Fixes by AA-936.
AA-4756 Gateway The parseDate function in the Rules language supports the %s and %z format codes (which parse input with a fixed offset from UTC) in all time zones.
AA-4760 Gateway When the flat file or XML audit output file exceeds the configured maximum size and is rolled over, the specified archive script (if any) is run as documented.
AA-4792 Gateway The filterOut headline on the following plug-ins shows filtered out attributes separated accurately with OR, instead of AND.
AA-4816 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Sanitises the scheduled command passwords, such that these are not available through copy XML or save as features.
AA-4821 Gateway Amends the Kafka adapter so once it fails to start due to a configuration error and the Gateway stops before the error is resolved, it does not cause a segmentation fault as the Gateway exits.
AA-4860 Gateway Lists -minTLSversion in the command line help options.
AA-4863 Gateway Corrects the constraint check on the assigned table for MySQL Schema 1.8.
AA-4913 Gateway Fixes the sampler schema for Gateway-datalogging plug-in.
AA-4921 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Netprobe Improves the messages that the Geneos components log when errors occur on connections to other processes:
  • Internal Geneos error numbers (in the range -800 to -891) are no longer included in log messages.
  • If available, it displays the peer host and port instead of the text “None” or “pConnector is Non NULL”.
  • Correctly format the messages that are written directly to the processes standard output as Geneos log messages. 
AA-4983 Gateway Displays the variables with special characters in the output of the Show Variables command.
AA-5008 Netprobe Corrects the Self Announcing Self-announcing Netprobes (SANs) with variables under a managed entity name that contained elements, such as host or port, to have their variable associated with the expanded managed entity once the probe connected to a Gateway.
AA-5017 Gateway Removes duplicate update to publishing when a rule sets severity or active to the same value it previously head. For example, critical to critical.
AA-5029 Gateway Propose Schema and Show Current Schema commands are not available on Gateway platforms that do not support Kafka publishing.
AA-5042 Netprobe Netprobe no longer uses 100% of CPU when run with command line option -listenip none.
AA-5050 Gateway Fixes the issue when a primary Gateway initiating a sync might fail to start database logging when a hot-standby setup is use.
COL-641 Plug-in Fixes the search functionality for the Processes plug-in Parent ID.
COL-1018 Gateway Implements the changes so that when the SampleNow command is executed for a sampler, it only acts on that sampler. But, when it is executed for a managed entity, it only acts on the samplers on that entity.
COL-1298 Netprobe Fixes the Parent ID search functionality for Processes plug-in.
COL-6037 Netprobe Fixes the Parent ID search functionality for Processes plug-in.
COL-6048 Netprobe Fixes the issue where in the WinApp plug-in is showing task status Running, even when the Task Manager is showing Not Responding.
COL-6166 FKM Plug-in Fixes unable to read files inside folders without read-permission.
COL-6261 Netprobe Supports Windows 2008 64-bit in Netprobe.
COL-6327 Netprobe State tracker handles exceptions from PCRE errors and print them to the Netprobe log. It no longer crashes when state tracker log is updated with a very long line.
COL-6345 FKM Plug-in Fixes wildcard issues in filename in FKM for Windows platform.
VI-1 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Exporting a tabbed metrics view generates a file with the same tab order as at the point of export.
VI-2528 Webslinger Webslinger no longer crashes when the primary Gateway of a Hot-Standby pair comes up and Webslinger is configured to only connect to the primary Gateway.
VI-7463 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Displays the hidden Active Dashboard dockable when creating charts through the Chart > New Chart option from the metrics view.
VI-7613 Schema Affects how the GSE displays regex flag settings. Currently, these are a collection of booleans that the GSE displays as a drop-down list with OK and Cancel buttons. This does not work well within tables. The schema change tweaks the type, while keeping the boolean properties, such that the GSE opens a dialog for the settings within a table.
VI-7633 Web server Displays the links of an atomic group inside a grouped tool in the Web Dashboard.
VI-7723 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor SampleNow command (executed from ME or Sampler) updates the currently displayed Metrics view.
VI-7745 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When the Gateway Setup Editor is launched from the Active Console as a standalone process, it can connect to secure and insecure Gatewaysthrough the following logon methods:
  • Always ask
  • Ask once
  • Use system SSO logon is not supported when the Gateway Setup Editor opens as a standalone process.
VI-7756 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Right-click to copy XML and press Ctrl + Shift + C copy the XML to the clipboard in exactly the same format. Copying XML by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C also sanitises any passwords present in the XML.
VI-7791 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Requesting Help in GSE from settings within Tables that do not have XML displays the relevant help information.
VI-7796 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Removes the unnecessary line separators from the GSE right-click menu.
VI-7812 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor In Summary mode, it does not display the Schema Information panel on the Publishing tab of a sampler.
VI-7846 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Displays the components on the Visibility tab of a sampler after the Proposed Schema command is run.
VI-7873 Web server Changes the log entry for web dashboard version higher than a Gateway minimum component version from WebServerVersionIsOlderThanMinimum to ActiveConsoleVersionIsOlderThanMinimum.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
VI-7957 Tooltip is not displayed when hovering over Managed Entity in the Managed Entities dockable. Managed Entities in State Tree dockable are able to display tooltips. Known issue since: Geneos 4.10.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.1
AA-5118 Referencing stringList variables in Actions may cause Gateway to crash. Known issue since: Geneos 4.6.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.2

Geneos 4.9.3 Copied

Released: 13 December 2018

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Azure Monitor Integration Copied

Azure Monitor allows you to collect data, logs and notifications from your Azure resources. The integration with Geneos enables you to retrieve all these metrics and logs available in your Azure Monitor setup and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

For more information on the Azure Monitor integration, see Azure Monitor Integration User Guide.

Google Stackdriver Integration Copied

Google Stackdriver aggregates metrics and events from infrastructure. The integration with Geneos enables you to retrieve all these metrics and metadata available in your Google Stackdriver setup and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

For more information on the Stackdriver integration, see Google Stackdriver Integration User Guide.

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Story COL-6551 Azure Monitor Integration template The Azure Monitor Integration enables users to monitor their applications on the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform. It retrieves platform and application, health and performance metrics, and metadata directly from the Azure Monitor API.
Story COL-6550 Google Stackdriver Integration template The Google Stackdriver Integration enables users to monitor their applications on the Google Cloud Platform. It retrieves platform and application, health and performance metrics, and metadata directly from the Google Stackdriver API.
Story AA-5011 Gateway 2 Disabled Command sharing when SSO pem is not defined in the Importing Gateway setup to improve the connection of Gateway with Active Console.
Story UTL-1055 Adds the ldap.query_filter to work in conjunction with ldap.user_class. The ldap.query_filter allows the user to make their ldap search more specific using fields like objectcategory. See the example below searches only for people in the user category. If set, this overrides the user_class settings which is used to set “objectclass” in the search query. If both are not in the setup, then user_class defaults to “user”.
"ldap" section:
 "query_filter" : "(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)",
Story UTL-1057 SSO Agent SSO Agent is enhanced to include a group filter setting that reduces the number of groups returned by AD. This is a useful feature to have where users belong to many groups, but only a known subset are needed for Geneos authorisation. For example:
 "location": "ldap://",
 "secure": false,
 "base": "OU=Global,DC=ldn,DC=itrs",
 "user": "XXX",
 "password": "YYY",
"fields": {
 "user": "sAMAccountName",
 "displayname": "displayname",
 "email": "mail"
 "group_filter": "^[A-Z]"
Story UTL-1066 SSO Agent Regular expression pattern matching is automatically enabled for redirect URLs that start with “^”.
Story UTL-1075 SSO Agent Allows CORS from defined origins for specific URL methods. This feature can be enabled by setting server.cors.* values in the SSO Agent configuration file.
Story UTL-1073 SSO Agent Adds optional endpoint /groups/users to SSO Agent. This is used by SSO enabled Gateways to obtain the list of users that the Active Console/Active Dashboard presents as assignable users when running the User Assignment commands.
Story UTL-1042 SSO Agent Adds a new public endpoint to SSO Agent (/public_key) that provides the agent’s public key in PEM format. It is disabled by default and can be enabled through the enable_public_key_endpoint configuration option.
Bug UTL-1077 SSO Agent Blank username is no longer accepted for basic authentication.
Bug UTL-1078 SSO Agent Fixes a bug wherein, if the LDAP server allows anonymous access, then the user can login without a password.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Affected component Description
COL-6345 FKM Plug-in The use of a wildcard ("*") in a filename in FKM running on a Windows Netprobe overrides other text. For exampple, _C:\TEMP\*.log_ will also match _C:\TEMP\Reporting.log _ _. This appears to have been introduced as part of the fixes around case insensitive matching. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6166 FKM Plug-in The new file matching code introduced to FKM in Geneos 4.3.0 returns a permission error on Windows platforms (“NOT_FOUND”) if an intermediate directory does not have appropriately open permissions. This is because the _findMatchingFiles()_ function needs to traverse the file path starting from the top or parent directory and continues to traverse through succeeding directories until it reaches the last/target directory level. Any permission issue that is encountered while traversing these directories breaks the traversal. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6261 Netprobe The 64-bit Windows Netprobe does not correctly install and run on Windows Server 2008 (Build 6001). The _K32GetModuleFileNameExA_ error message appears. As the investigations continue, the only workaround for this OS version is to continue using the 32-bit Netprobe build. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (first 64-bit Windows build) Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
AA-4703 Gateway When a Command is given the same label as a containing Command Group, then Gateway may (very likely) crash on saving the configuration. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
VI-7723 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor SampleNow command (executed from ME or Sampler) fails to update the sample time displayed in Metric View. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0

Geneos 4.9.2 Copied

Released: 28 November 2018

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug COL-5741 Fix-Analyser 2, Netprobe FIX Analyser 2 session status should properly update to Down whenever a log out reply is received for a failed log on.
Bug COL-6109 Netprobe Fixed issue wherein Mibmon cannot run properly when it is present in the same probe as Trapmon.
Bug COL-6146 Netprobe Shows the timeDifference metric again in Hardware plug-in dataview. This is useful when NTP is not available.
Bug COL-6237 Netprobe Modifies Netprobe to link the net-snmp library as a DLL.
Bug COL-6382 Netprobe Fixes an issue in RMS:put wherein the operation is appending to the beginning of the existing file, instead of overwriting the file.
Bug COL-6466 Netprobe Modifies the MDM plug-in “content” xpath to match what is used in Gateway Setup Editor.
Story VI-7712 Web Server Adds security response headers for web dashboard (these headers have not yet been included in the web server logon page).
Bug VI-7726 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When opening dashboard objects’ XPath URLs, results are displayed on a single search result tab named Opened Data Items(s). New search result tabs should not be opened.
Bug VI-7753 Web Server Web Server logs Gateway rejection when minimum component version is below the set value in Gateway Setup Editor.
Bug VI-7760 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor For XPath location attributes, treat the backslash character () as a string and not an escape character. Interpreting it as an escape character makes the parsing incorrect.
Bug VI-7804 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Web Server Prevents crash when processing (loading) multiple dashboards at the same time.
Bug VI-7837 Web Server Web Dashboard with authentication no longer displays dashboards before authentication

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Affected component Description
COL-6345 FKM plug-in The use of a wildcard ("*") in a filename in FKM running on a Windows Netprobe overrides other text. For exampple, _C:\TEMP\*.log_ will also match _C:\TEMP\Reporting.log _ _. This appears to have been introduced as part of the fixes around case insensitive matching. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6166 FKM plug-in The new file matching code introduced to FKM in Geneos 4.3.0 returns a permission error on Windows platforms (“NOT_FOUND”) if an intermediate directory does not have appropriately open permissions. This is because the _findMatchingFiles()_ function needs to traverse the file path starting from the top or parent directory and continues to traverse through succeeding directories until it reaches the last/target directory level. Any permission issue that is encountered while traversing these directories breaks the traversal. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6261 Netprobe The 64-bit Windows Netprobe does not correctly install and run on Windows Server 2008 (Build 6001). The _K32GetModuleFileNameExA_ error message appears. As the investigations continue, the only workaround for this OS version is to continue using the 32-bit Netprobe build. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (first 64-bit Windows build) Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
AA-4703 Gateway When a Command is given the same label as a containing Command Group, then Gateway may (very likely) crash on saving the configuration. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
VI-7723 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor SampleNow command (executed from ME or Sampler) fails to update the sample time displayed in Metric View. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0

Geneos 4.9.1 Copied

Released: 12 November 2018


We identified an issue where some users were unable to save workspaces after upgrading to 4.9.0 release of Active Console. This issue is fixed and an updated Active Console 4.9.1 release is available to download. If you have downloaded 4.9.0 release ofActive Console, we recommend you upgrade to 4.9.1.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Velocimetrics Health Monitoring Copied

Velocimetrics provides a real-time flow, volume and latency performance analysis. It is hardware based, and it includes a flow monitoring correlation engine. Velocimetrics Health Monitoring (VMX) integration with Geneos enables you to retrieve health statistics from the VMX servers using the JMX API and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

For more information on Velocimetrics Health Monitoring, see Velocimetrics Health Monitoring User Guide.

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug VI-7830 Active Console Fixes the issue where Active Console is showing an error when loading and saving an older version of workspace.
Story PSP-42 Velocimetrics Health Monitoring Creates a JMX-template to monitor the health of the VMX server.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Affected component Description
COL-6345 FKM Plug-in The use of a wildcard ("*") in a filename in FKM running on a Windows Netprobeoverrides other text. For example, _C:\TEMP\*.log_ will also match _C:\TEMP\Reporting.log _ _. This appears to have been introduced as part of the fixes around case insensitive matching. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6166 FKM Plug-in The new file matching code introduced to FKM in Geneos 4.3.0 returns a permission error on Windows platforms (“NOT_FOUND”) if an intermediate directory does not have appropriately open permissions. This is because the _findMatchingFiles()_ function needs to traverse the file path starting from the top or parent directory and continues to traverse through succeeding directories until it reaches the last/target directory level. Any permission issue that is encountered while traversing these directories breaks the traversal. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6237 Mibmon Plug-in We have received multiple reports of the 64-bit Windows Netprobe that crashes intermittently with MIB-MON. The issue is likely caused by net-snmp third-party library. If you require MIB-MON on Windows (and you cannot, for example, deploy a Linux Netprobe), then please consider remaining on a 32-bit release at the moment. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (initial release of 64-bit Windows Netprobe) Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.2
COL-6109 Mibmon Plug-in MIB-MON does not work in the same Netprobe instance as Trapmon. When Trapmon is configured, it sets a flag to the net-snmp library that is not compatible with MIB-MONs usage of the same libraries. Known issue since: Geneos 4.1.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.2
COL-5741 Fix Analyser 2 Plug-in The status remains Pending even if there are heartbeat messages after login and logoff. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.2
COL-6261 Netprobe The 64-bit Windows Netprobe does not correctly install and run on Windows Server 2008 (Build 6001). The _K32GetModuleFileNameExA_ error message appears. As the investigations continue, the only workaround for this OS version is to continue using the 32-bit Netprobe build. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (first 64-bit Windows build) Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
AA-4703 Gateway When a Command is given the same label as a containing Command Group, then Gateway may (very likely) crash on saving the configuration. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
VI-7723 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor SampleNow command (executed from ME or Sampler) fails to update the sample time displayed in Metric View. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0

Geneos 4.9.0 Copied

Released: 31 October 2018


We identified an issue where some users were unable to save workspaces after upgrading to 4.9.0 release of Active Console. This issue is fixed and an updated Active Console 4.9.1 release is available to download. If you have downloaded 4.9.0 release ofActive Console, we recommend you upgrade to 4.9.1.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

Active Pie Chart settings Copied

In the Pie Chart’s properties, an option should be available so the user can change the starting angle of the pie chart.

You can now modify the starting angle by setting the value in the Orientation (degrees) field. It sets the starting angle position of the pie chart in a clockwise manner. This can accommodate values between 0-360 degrees.

To configure the general settings of an Active Pie Chart, go to View > Active Dashboards > Active Dashboard Palette > Active Pie Chart.

See Active Pie Charts in Active Console.

Bar Chart Copied

A dashboard is now capable of creating a bar chart that can display a data set using the selected data item. Similar to other charts, such as Pie and Active charts, you can manually add multiple data items into existing bar charts.

See Bar chart in Active Console.

Encrypt settings Copied

You can now encrypt settings that cannot be set in cleartext, such as passwords, in the Gateway setup file.

See publishing > secureSettings.

Exegy adapter Copied

The Exegy adapter now supports the commodities instrument class. In addition, new supported fields for the existing equities instrument class are added.

For more information, see Exegy adapter.

kafkacat Copied

kafkacat is now shipped with Linux 64-bit Gateways. It can be used to test connecting to your Kafka infrastructure.

See kafkacat in Publish to Kafka and Nanomsg.

File Monitoring Plug-in Copied

Similar to updates introduced to the File Transfer Monitoring (FTM) plug-in for Geneos 4.8.0, the today + x, today - x, previous_monitored_day - x, and next_monitored_day + x date keywords are now available to the File Keyword Monitoring (FKM) plug-in as well. These date keywords give you more flexibility in naming the files generated by the plug-ins.

In addition, we added some validations around the date keyword expansions. For more information, see the following:

Operating Environment Copied

You can configure the Gateway to reject incoming connections from Geneos components that do not reach a minimum specified version.

See operatingEnvironment > clientConnectionRequirements > minimumComponentVersion > minimumForAllComponents in Operating Environment.

Schema Commands Copied

There are now two schema commands available in the GSE:

These commands allow you to see and create new schemas for your dataviews.

Target Marker Copied

In Active Charts, a dataset can be used to show a horizontal line in the chart. You can now use Target Marker to visualise threshold markers and values in Active Charts. The conversion of the selected dataset into a horizontal line or marker is based on its cell value from the metrics dataview.

See Convert a dataset into a target marker in Active Console.

User Defined Parameters in Active Dashboard Copied

With the Gateway Hub added to Active Console, the Connection menu is obsolete as it only returns database logging connection entries. Since this is no longer just applicable for database logging queries, the Database Query Arguments window has been renamed.

You can now populate a historical chart data using User Defined Parameters that can be used for Gateway Hub data source. To get historical data in Active Chart for a specific period, go to View > Active Dashboards > Active Dashboard Palette > Active Chart.

See Get historical data within specified date range in Active Console.

Use Kerberos to connect to Kafka Copied

You can now use Kerberos to connect to Kafka on Linux 64-bit Gateways.

See Use Kerberos to connect to Kafka on Linux 64-bit Gateways.

SASL authentication Copied

You can now use SASL authentication for publishing.

See publishing > additionalSettings.

Citrix XenApp monitoring Copied

We have developed a new integration for monitoring Citrix XenApp implementations. This new integration replaces our existing Citrix plug-ins, which are due to reach end of life in February 2019.

For more information on the new Citrix XenApp monitoring integration, see Citrix XenApp Monitoring User Guide.

CorvilNet monitoring Copied

ITRS now owns and manages the CorvilNet integration resources, also known as the CorvilNet plug-in (CNPI). This integration enables Geneos to connect with the CorvilNet Engine and collect network monitoring statistics.

For more information on the CorvilNet monitoring integration, see CorvilNet Monitoring User Guide.

RefinitivTREP integration Copied

Geneos configuration templates are available for monitoring the Refinitiv TREP platform. The integration provides a set of configuration files, dashboards, and tools which enable out-of-the-box monitoring of the TREP platform and related applications through preconfigured samplers and types.

See Refinitiv TREP Integration.

Ultra Messaging monitoring Copied

ITRS now owns and manages the Ultra Messaging integration resources, also known as the Ultra Messaging plug-in (UMPI). This integration enables Geneos to monitor status and performance data coming from applications based on the Ultra Messaging high-performance message streaming (UMS) application.

For more information on the Ultra Messaging monitoring integration, see Ultra Messaging Monitoring User Guide.

Breaking changes Copied

Commands, Actions and Effects

Geneos 4.7.0 release introduced changes to the way arguments are parsed to Commands, Actions and Effects.

These changes were required to provide consistent behaviour and understanding across both Netprobe and Gateway to simplify user experience.

We strongly recommend you check the configuration and behaviour of any Commands, Actions and Effects before deploying to production.

For more information, see Commands, Actions and Effects.

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug AA-4271 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, ATS, EUEM Netprobe, Gateway, and Netprobe Reverses DNS Timeout. When reverse DNS lookups take too long, these are suspended for a configurable length of time.
Story AA-4471 Gateway When Gateway starts and when it applies setup changes, it rereads the snooze and user assignment files. When an expiry time specified for snoozed or assigned items has been reached or an “until changed” value has changed, the item is unsnoozed or unassigned. This type of event is now recorded (if database logging is enabled) or published (if publishing is enabled or the Gateway Hub connection is configured.)
Bug AA-4480 Gateway Long lines (for example, extremely long xpaths) do not break snooze and user assignment file processing.
Story AA-4516 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When configuring setup file permissions, users are now able to select include files from a drop-down menu.
Bug AA-4522 Express Reports Fixes an issue that prevents the generation of the event summary at the end of a managed variables per managed entity trend report.
Story AA-4558 Gateway Allows connection to Kafka using SASL Plaintext authentication. This can be done over plain sockets or over SSL.
Story AA-4559 Gateway Adds kafkacat to Gateway bundle on linux_64.
Story AA-4560 Gateway Allows geneos-adapter-kafka to use Kerberos to authorise the connection.
Bug AA-4567 Gateway The error "Sampler '*XXX*' contains no schema definition. This must only be output when a sampler is reachable. A sampler is considered reachable if:
  • It is directly referenced by an enabled managed entity and that managed entity references a valid probe.
  • It is indirectly referenced by an enabled managed entity through a type and that managed entity references a valid probe.
  • The sampler is referenced by a type and self announcing probes are enabled. This means that the sampler is potentially reachable.
Bug AA-4569 Gateway If an item is assigned to a user until value changes, or the item becomes absent and then reappears with a changed value, then the Gateway correctly clears the assignment immediately.
Story AA-4576 Gateway Sets minimum component versions that are allowed to connect to Gateway. Restricts components that can connect to a Gateway by age. It possible to configure components and a minimum allowable version. Connections from a matching component of earlier version are rejected.
Story AA-4579 Gateway, Schema The Gateway setup schema for Publishing has been enhanced so this can be specified securely in Gateway Setup Editor, where the Kafka adapter requires settings (such as passwords) that cannot be set in plain text.
Story AA-4584 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Gateway Setup Editor now provides the Paste Schema option to create sampler schemas as static variables. If the clipboard contains schema definitions for one or more dataviews (for example, the output of the Propose Schema command), the Paste Schema option is available on the context menu for Static Variables > Sampler-schemas and for any groups contained within it.
Story AA-4586 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Gateway Recorder, License Daemon, Netprobe, and Gateway TLS connections supported up to TLS 1.2. A minimum supported TLS version can be specified on the command line using -minTLSversion number. Where, this number can be one of 1, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. Netprobe, Gateway, Webslinger, licd have the new command line argument. Gateway Recorder can set a minimum version through the MIN_TLS_VERSION environment variable. Active Console negotiates the best possible version on connection. However, if you use an older active console and specify -minTLSversion 1.2 for example, it fails to connect. Failed attempts to connect securely result in the error message, as the unsupported protocols are effectively removed: ERROR: SSLConnector:accept SSL Error:[140760fc] SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol
Bug AA-4588 Gateway Restarting the Gateway without the -skip-cache option after a data directory has been set up, no longer causes the Gateway to fail validation and exit.
Story AA-4598 Gateway Improves setup validation errors for schemas, such that it is clearer on what the error is and what must be done to resolve it.
Bug AA-4602 Netprobe Listening on a port can be disabled by passing the value none to command-line argument -listenip or setting it as the value of environment variable LISTEN_IP.
Bug AA-4640 Gateway Correction to publishing schema.
Bug AA-4642 Gateway Correction to publishing schema for MQ-Queue plug-in.
Story AA-4645 Gateway Adds support for exceptions to standardised formatting. If the exception text is found as the value of a published cell, then no formatting is applied and no error is logged:
  • For the existing publishing format, the data is published unchanged.
  • For publishing to Gateway Hub, the exception is published as “N/A” to enable Gateway Hub to recognise and process.
Story AA-4656 Gateway The /USERASSIGNMENT::assignUntilDateTime command now accepts an optional timezone as part of its Time argument. If no timezone is specified, the Gateway time zone is used.
Story AA-4660 Gateway Propose schema command now works even if publishing to Gateway Hub is disabled.
Story AA-4666 Gateway Adds the Show Current Schema command. This can be run from either a sampler or a dataview and returns a list of all schemas configured for this sampler.
Story AA-4676 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adds the Gateway Hub icon to the Gateway Setup Editor’s navigation tree.
Story AA-4697 Gateway Adds ability to view the effective schema of a sample that is sent to Gateway Hub inside the Gateway Setup Editor.
Story AA-4698 Gateway Propose schema can now be called from Gateway Setup Editor, as well as in Active Console.
Bug AA-4713 Gateway Allows ProposeSchema to process dataviews with & in column and headline names. Allows ProposeSchema to process dataviews with & in row names when pivot dataview is in effect.
Bug AA-4758 Gateway The Gateway Hub publishing schema for the WTS Sessions plug-in has been amended to include all the optional columns based on performance counters. Two columns which are displayed only for Citrix servers have also been included.
Bug AA-4761 Gateway Gateway no longer generates No schema defined errors if publishing to Gateway Hub is disabled.
Bug AA-4820 Gateway Adds missing System Model and System Type columns for the NT-Hardware dataview of the Hardware plug-in.
Bug AA-4823 Gateway Updates the type of percentCPU, percentMemory, percentPrivilegedTime, percentSCPU and percentUser columns of the Processes plug-in to float32.
Bug AA-4825 Gateway Adds the connectedUser column to Gateway-exportedData plug-in schema.
Bug AA-4843 Gateway The WTS-SESSIONS schema for Gateway Hub publishing is corrected.
Bug AA-4845 Gateway The Propose Schema command is now able to handle the rowname column of the CPU sampler on Windows. Improves error messages returned by the Propose Schema command when the rowname column of the dataview and its schema are inconsistent.
Bug AA-4848 Gateway Updates the units of pageFileBytes and pageFileBytesPeak of the Processes plug-in schema to kibibytes.
Bug AA-4849 Gateway If a plug-in publishes a dataview with a varying number of rows and the dataview is pivoted, Gateway now logs an error message and stops attempting to publish the view. Previously, Gateway was repeatedly logging an information message to indicate that it was ignoring an update.
Bug AA-4865 Gateway Updates the types of columns threadCpuTime and threadUserTime of the JMX-THREADINFO plug-in schema from int32 to int64.
Story COL-5815 Netprobe Updates the Bloomberg Library (BLPAPI) used by Bloomberg BPIPE and Bloomberg MDM Feed Adapter to
Story COL-5951 Netprobe Modifies the Webmon plug-in implementation so that it is still able to extract available responseCode and responseText from an HTTP response status even when the code or text is missing.
Story COL-6245 FKM Plug-in Extended date tag expansion in filenames and keys in FKM.
Story COL-6305 Netprobe Increases the list Exegy instrument fields to subscribe into.
Bug COL-6306 Netprobe The Windows Netprobe snmptrapmon crash issue when receiving snmp-v2 trap is fixed.
Story COL-6316 Netprobe The Commodity market class support in Exegy adapter is added.
Story COL-6333 FTM Plug-in The FKM date tag expansion logic on FTM plug-in is implemented.
Story COL-6336 Netprobe Handled Trade, Correction, Cancel, Order Imbalance, Trading Action Equity events, and retrieved the value of common group field associated with each event.
Bug COL-6339 Netprobe The issue in RFA Feed Adapter where blank fields are not reflected as blank in the tick data is fixed.
Story COL-6340 Control-M BMC Control-M Plug-in requires and is only supported in Java 8.
Story COL-6346 Citrix XenApp monitoring Citrix Summary/Session integration template to replace deprecated Citrix Plug-ins.
Story COL-6366 Netprobe Upgrades the MDM Exegy library version to 3.13.2.
Story COL-6375 Netprobe Creates a toolkit sampler that monitors Citrix XenApp running published application.
Story COL-6376 Netprobe Creates a toolkit sampler that monitors Citrix Processes started by remote login.
Story VI-2744 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Configured Command Groups are now included in the Permissions summary section.
Story VI-3343 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Main File is now included in the Permissions summary section.
Bug VI-3625 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Red highlight that indicates a Gateway Setup Editor validation error is now cleared everywhere after performing a new setup validation.
Story VI-4359 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor User input has been made more convenient for commands with a “time in seconds” input argument. When an argument of this type is configured, if the initial value is specified as “0” (that is, the Unix epoch, or 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC), then the default shown to the user is the current time when the command is invoked. A calendar control can be used, as previously, to adjust this if required. This saves the user having to click to view the calendar control, then press the Now button and then click again to adjust the time. When the Gateway Setup Editor is used to set the initial value for a “time in seconds” argument, it defaults to 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC and can be reset to this value by clicking the None button that appears in the calendar control.
Story VI-5383 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Copy Attributes option from the right-click context menu of the Gateway Setup Editor navigation panel is removed.
Story VI-7248 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When you double-click an error in the errors dockable, and if the error is located in a row of a table, then the whole row is highlighted in addition to the erroneous component.
Bug VI-7421 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When invalid URL is set for SSO Agent URL, Active Console displays a user readable error message upon logging in to indicate failure.
Bug VI-7425 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When adding a new Include file in Gateway Setup Editor, its title is not appended with numbers.
Story VI-7449 Webslinger Webslinger SSO groups may now contain wildcards.
Bug VI-7474 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The score for the path //headline/cell is corrected.
Story VI-7510 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The scrolling experience in Gateway Setup Editor is improved.
Bug VI-7527 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Gateway Setup Editor now processes changes as you type for most text settings that appear within tables. Improves the behaviour of the Save icon and the coloured dots that indicate if a setting is valid in its context.
Story VI-7558 Active Console 2, Gateway Setup Editor The Dataview Schema summary section now only displays the value of the Publish flag.
Story VI-7559 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The checkbox for the Pivot flag in the Dataview Schema configuration is no longer displayed by default, unless it is set through Gateway Setup Editor or in XML.
Story VI-7566 Active Console Creates a new Orientation (degrees) property for Pie Chart in Pie Chart Settings > General Settings.
Story VI-7582 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Removes the Connection drop-down list UI from Database Query Arguments window.
Story VI-7606 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adds capacity for Active Console to connect to more than 64 Gateways.
Bug VI-7609 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When the pie has only once slice, it sets its degree coverage to 360. Sometimes, when slices are removed, the computation for the remaining slice is off by a fraction and does not cover the full 360 degrees.
Bug VI-7631 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor It is now using an actual error message sent by the hub sdk, instead of using a fixed response.
Story VI-7638 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The user can convert a line chart into a target marker line chart. The chart updates upon converting the data set into a target marker.
Story VI-7650 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Validation checks are now performed when applying changes to the SSO Agent URL property.
Bug VI-7686 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Active Console Advanced settings do not retain invalid values when closed.
Story VI-7801 Web Server/Web Dashboard CVE-2016-1000031. Upgraded the following libraries:
  • ActiveMQ library from 5.14.1 to 5.15.6
  • Commons-fileupload library from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
  • Xalan library from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2,
  • xercesImpl.jar to xercesImpl-2.11.0.SP1.jar
  • Included xml-apis.jar in geneos-web-server build.xml

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Affected component Description
VI-7830 Active Console Unable to save Active Console workspace after upgrading from 4.x to 4.9.0. Known issue since: Geneos 4.9.0. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.1
COL-6345 FKM Plug-in The use of a wildcard ("*") in a filename in FKM running on a Windows Netprobe overrides other text. For exampple, _C:\TEMP\*.log_ will also match _C:\TEMP\Reporting.log _ _. This appears to have been introduced as part of the fixes around case insensitive matching. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6166 FKM Plug-in The new file matching code introduced to FKM in Geneos 4.3.0 returns a permission error on Windows platforms (“NOT_FOUND”) if an intermediate directory does not have appropriately open permissions. This is because the _findMatchingFiles()_ function needs to traverse the file path starting from the top or parent directory and continues to traverse through succeeding directories until it reaches the last/target directory level. Any permission issue that is encountered while traversing these directories breaks the traversal. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
COL-6237 Mibmon Plug-in We have received multiple reports of the 64-bit Windows Netprobe that crashes intermittently with MIB-MON. The issue is likely caused by net-snmp third-party library. If you require MIB-MON on Windows (and you cannot, for example, deploy a Linux Netprobe), then please consider remaining on a 32-bit release at the moment. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (initial release of 64-bit Windows Netprobe) Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.2
COL-6109 Mibmon Plug-in MIB-MON does not work in the same Netprobe instance as Trapmon. When Trapmon is configured, it sets a flag to the net-snmp library that is not compatible with MIB-MONs usage of the same libraries. Known issue since: Geneos 4.1.0 Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.2
COL-5741 Fix Analyser 2 Plug-in The status remains Pending even if there are heartbeat messages after login and logoff. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.9.2
COL-6261 Netprobe The 64-bit Windows Netprobe does not correctly install and run on Windows Server 2008 (Build 6001). The _K32GetModuleFileNameExA_ error message appears. As the investigations continue, the only workaround for this OS version is to continue using the 32-bit Netprobe build. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (first 64-bit Windows build) Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
AA-4703 Gateway When a Command is given the same label as a containing Command Group, then Gateway may (very likely) crash on saving the configuration. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0
VI-7723 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor SampleNow command (executed from ME or Sampler) fails to update the sample time displayed in Metric View. Fixed in version: Geneos 4.10.0

Geneos 4.8.0 Copied

Released: 31 July, 2018

Last updated: 12 October, 2018


We discovered an issue in 4.8.0 release of Gateway when primary and secondary Gateways are started with Gateway publishing enabled, an error is encountered. This issue is fixed and an updated Gateway version 4.8.1 is available to download. If you have downloaded 4.8.0 version of Gateway, we recommend you upgrade to 4.8.1.

Geneos Web Dashboard version 4.8.2 is available which resolves security vulnerability in spring framework. The following CVEs are addressed: CVE-2018-1270, CVE-2018-1275, CVE-2018-1199, CVE-2018-1271, and CVE-2018-1272.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

File Transfer Monitoring (FTM) Plug-in Copied

The file related plug-ins generally support date generation keywords, such as <today> and <yesterday>, to generate file names to process. However, these keywords are not consistently supported by all plug-ins.

Now, these keywords have included a new set of data generation keywords. New file keywords for today + x, today - x, previous_monitored_day - x, and next_monitored_day + x date tags are added.

For more information, see File Transfer Monitor User Guide.

Gateway Alerts Copied

The behaviour for when notifications for suspended alerts are triggered has changed to reduce the number of unhelpful messages when alerts come out of an inactive period.

See Suspended Alerts in Rules, Actions, and Alerts.

Gateway time zone and offset Copied

You can now obtain the Gateway time zone and offset using a REST endpoint. This allows you to issue remote REST commands with “data and time” parameters without having to first calculate the time difference.

See Obtain the Gateway time zone and offset in Gateway Commands.

Events snapshot Copied

You can now request a snapshot of severity, snooze and user assign events.

See Snapshot request for events in Publish to Kafka and Nanomsg.

Snapshots payload schema Copied

User assigned and snoozed information has been added to the Payload Schema. This allows you to easily identify severity changes that are not snoozed or assigned to someone.

See Appendix: Payload schema in Publish to Kafka and Nanomsg.

Includes Data Plug-in in Gateway Copied

You can now see the last user who edited a setup file, the name of the workstation, and the Gateway they were authenticated with, via three new columns added to the Includes Data plug-in.

See Includes data in Gateway Plug-Ins.

JMX port for remote monitoring Copied

Most users are relying on Web Dashboards to provide the overall system health and transaction flows. To ensure that these Web Dashboards are functioning normally, MBeans or methods to determine the dashboard statistics for dashboard count and stale are required.

You can now use the JMX monitoring to remotely monitor the GatewayMonitor and DashboardMonitor MBeans. To do this, enable the JMX_PORT and JMX_FLAG debugging flags in the run script of your installation.

See Enable JMX port for remote monitoring in Web Dashboard.

Managed Entities Plug-in in Gateway Copied

You can now list the busiest dataviews on a Managed entity using a command on the Managed Entities Plug-in. Two new columns have also been added showing the total number of dataviews on a managed entity and the number of cells on the dataview with the most cells. This allows for an easier troubleshooting exercise when investigating a busy Gateway.

See Managed entities data in Gateway Plug-Ins.

Workspace settings Copied

You can now use the Gateway Hub connections in the Active Console settings. Also, the Workspace Settings dialog has been updated to include a new section for Gateway Hub.

The Gateway Hub icon appears at the dataview and Gateway levels to indicate if data is publishing to and can be retrieved from Gateway Hub.

See Gateway Hub settings in the Active Console.

SSO properties Copied

You can now use a wildcard (*) to allow global access for config.user.groups and dashboard.user.groups.

This allows anyone from the group to access the Web dashboards. A pattern is used to check if the user group roles are authorised.

Amazon Web Services monitoring Copied

Amazon Web Services (AWS) integration with Geneos enables you to retrieve live Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance information, list CloudWatch metrics, monitor volumes and other interactions configured in Amazon Web Services, and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

For more information, see Amazon Web Services Monitoring User Guide.

ITRS Synthetic Monitoring Copied

ITRS Synthetic Monitoring*(powered by Apica)* allows you to monitor websites, web applications, and web services. The integration with Geneos enables you to retrieve all the checks and alert statistics configured in the Apica dashboard and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

For more information, see ITRS Synthetic Monitoring User Guide.

Breaking changes Copied

Commands, Actions and Effects

Geneos 4.7.0 release introduced changes to the way arguments are parsed to Commands, Actions and Effects.

These changes were required to provide consistent behaviour and understanding across both Netprobe and Gateway to simplify user experience.

We strongly recommend you check the configuration and behaviour of any Commands, Actions and Effects before deploying to production.

For more information, see Commands, Actions and Effects.

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug VI-7291 Active Console Subscribes sync level of a list view item to full if added, and remove the subscription if removed.
Bug VI-1375 Active Console Fixes issue where report files are not created when Active Console workspace is reloaded.
Bug VI-7191 Active Console dataitem -> Open command now opens the dataview of the selected cell in the current metrics dockable.
Bug VI-7433 Active Console Extra modifiers are added to a custom tool (created from ITRS Dark Theme Shapes) and other shapes with modifiers applied will not be removed when dragged to and from the Active Dashboard Palette.
Bug COL-550 FTM Plug-in FTM Plugin now works when combining date generation keyword like .
Bug AA-4402 Gateway 2 When either the /SNOOZE:unsnoozeAbsentItems or the /USERASSIGNMENT:unassignAbsentItems command is used, Gateway will now log and publish unsnooze or unassign events for the items which are unsnoozed or unassigned, as long as database logging or Gateway publishing is enabled. Note that the target object of the messages published for these events will not include the filter sub-object: this is because the information required to populate this is not available for items which are no longer present.
Bug AA-4592 Gateway 2 Standardised formats now correctly apply to samplers in sampler groups.
Bug AA-4530 Gateway 2 Gateway now correctly respects the ‘-resources-dir’ command line option when reading data from resources/standardisedformats/formats.json
Bug AA-4435 Gateway 2 When data items are removed due to configuration changes, publishing now sends severity delete messages for cells with defined severity.
Bug AA-4425 Gateway 2 Messages written to the metadata.snooze publishing topic now use the current time as the timestamp. (Previously the original snooze time was used.)
Bug AA-4321 Gateway 2, Netprobe Gateway Updates the log archive script logging in the Gateway. Only one of the following INFO messages is now logged on Gateway startup or after a setup change based on the following conditions:
  • Environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT is not set, and log archive script is not set in the setup/XML. “Log archive script is not set.”
  • Environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT is not set, and log archive script set in the setup/XML. “Log archive script set to: ‘<Log_Archive_Script>’.”
  • Environment variable is LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT set and log archive script set in the setup/XML. “Log archive script set to: ‘<Log_Archive_Script>’. Overrides environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT.”
  • Environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT is set, and log archive script is not set in the setup/XML. “Log archive script set to: ‘<Log_Archive_Script>’. Set in environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT.” A message is always logged on startup. A message is logged after a setup change only if the value of the log archive script has changed. Netprobe Adds the log archive script logging in the Netprobe. Only one of the following messages is logged once on Netprobe startup:
    • Environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT is not set. “INFO: Log archive script is not set.”
    • Environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT is set. “INFO: Log archive script set to: ‘<Log_Archive_Script>’. Set in environment variable LOG_ARCHIVE_SCRIPT.” A message is always logged on startup.
Bug COL-6217 MDM Plug-in Optimises Lua memory usage of MDM plug-in.
Bug COL-811 Netprobe Auto-detected disk partitions with comma in their names are handled properly.
Bug COL-821 Processes Plug-in Fixes issue where the summary row of processes do not reflect the total for residentSetSize, precentMemory, and virtualMemory.
Bug COL-1201 Unix Users Plug-in Prevents Unix-Users plugin to spill the row data to the next row when current running terminal command is too long.
Story VI-7540 Active Console In the Source dropdown of the Import Events modal, items are now appended with either (Database) or (Gateway Hub) depending on what type of source is configured.
Story VI-7424 Active Console Removes mscrt.windows_64.tar.gz from Active Console package.
Story VI-7322 Active Console Users can now select between database and Gateway Hub as data sources for historical charts.
Story VI-7497 Active Console Functionality to import event log data using Gateway Hub.
Story COL-4047 FTM Plug-in Support for offsets in today, previous_monitored_day & next_monitored_day date tags in the FTM and FKM plug-ins is added.
Story COL-3563 FTM Plug-in Support for offsets in today, previous_monitored_day & next_monitored_day date tags in the FTM plug-in is added.
Story COL-6262 FTM Plug-in Support for today date tag in which an offset can be defined e.g. <today+X…>, where X will be the days to be added on top of the current date is added.
Story COL-6287 FTM Plug-in Support offset in <previous_monitored_day> and <next_monitored_day> is added.
Story AA-4436 Gateway Hub 2 Detects Kafka queue is full and throttle sending of messages. When it is detected that the Kafka publishing queue is full. Sending will be throttled. On resuming publishing the number of discarded messages will be reported.
Story AA-4363 Gateway 2 The following attributes are now available in metadata.severity messages:
  • ‘snoozed’: Indicates whether or not the target data item is snoozed.
  • ‘snoozedParents’: Indicates the number of snoozed parent data items.
  • ‘userAssigned’: Indicated whether or not the target data item is assigned to a user.
Story AA-4353 Gateway 2 The Kafka adapter used by the Gateway now reads from all partitions of the “requests” topic. Previously it would assume that the topic would be created with only one partition and only read from partition 0. If the script supplied with the Gateway (resources/kafka/ is used to create the Kafka topics used for Gateway Publishing, the topic from which it reads snapshot and similar requests will be created with only one partition. However, if the topics are created dynamically, the number of partitions will depend the configuration of the Kafka broker cluster.
Story AA-4295 Gateway 2 The option to right-click on the busiestView cell in Gateway-ProbeData dataview go to the source dataview is added.
Story AA-4361 Gateway 2 The Debug options for Publishing and Gateway Hub Publishing to Gateway Setup Editor operationg environment setup is added.
Story AA-4487 Gateway 2 Gateway Setup Editor now provides a context menu item on a Sampler which allows schema information, generated by the use of the new ProposeSchema command, to be pasted into the definition of the sampler.
Story AA-4477 Gateway 2 Propose schema for sampler and its dataviews. Command : /GATEWAYHUB:ProposeSchema Paths:
  • geneos/gateway/directory/probe/managedEntity/sampler/dataview//cell");
  • /geneos/gateway/directory/probe/managedEntity/sampler/dataview"); * /geneos/gateway/directory/probe/managedEntity/sampler"); Label: Propose schema Description: Generate XML to paste into dataview schema definition For each dataview in the given sampler, generates XML schema definition for headlines and columns not already described in an associated schema. Two column tables will be pivoted with a comment explaining that this is suggested way to do this. The command will attempt to deduce the types of columns and headlines from the contained in the dataview. Units of measure will have to be supplied by the user post generation
Story AA-4391 Gateway 2 Gateway Publishing supports the snapshot requests for snooze, user assignment and severity data, using a similar syntax to the existing metrics snapshot request. As with metrics snapshots, a snapshot request specifies a number of dataviews for which current data will be published. Data is also be published for the parent items (samplers, managed entities, probes and Gateway) of the specified dataviews.


This comment applies to the parent epic. This story allows Gateway to accept the requests, but does not implement the responses.
Story AA-4318 Gateway 2 The Gateway Includes Data plug-in has additional columns (where the data is available) for the last user to edit the setup, which Gateway they were on and from which workstation.
Story AA-4422 Gateway 2 The Gateway REST API supports an endpoint that retrieves the Gateway time and timezone.
Story AA-4287 Gateway 2 Adds the ability to specify an optional timezone region when entering the time for the /SNOOZE:until (DateTime option) and the /SNOOZE:untilDateTime commands (e.g. 18:00 Europe/London). if no timezone region is provided, the Gateway timezone is used.
Story AA-4291 Gateway 2 Adds the optional netprobeTime field for enriched dataviews. This will be the sample time at Netprobe, whereas the timestamp will reflect the time of enrichment.
Story AA-4296 Gateway 2 New columns for Gateway-ManagedEntityData:
  • dataviewCount — number of dataviews on managed entity.
  • cellCount — total number of cells in busiest dataview. New Command “/GATEWAY:MANAGEDENTITYDATA:VIEWBUSIEST” on dataviewCount cell to list dataviews from busiest to least busy.
Story AA-4370 Gateway 2 Publishes Probe Up/Down events to IAF.
Story AA-4315 Gateway Setup Editor The Gateway user is now used as the author of the main setup file when Gateway authentication is enabled.
Story COL-6304 Integration Template Adds publishing schema to integration templates.
Story COL-4811 MDM Plug-in Updates QuantFeed library api to version
Story COL-5740 MDM Plug-in RFA v8 upgrade for Windows x64, Linux x64 and Solaris x86_64
Story VI-7446 Web Dashboard Adds the implementation for asterisk (*) when setting an authorised user groups.
Story VI-7526 Web Dasboard Adds a new MBean — DashboardMonitor. This MBean has these attributes:
  • DashboardInformation
  • DashboardsCount
Story VI-7499 Web Dashboard Dashboard count statistics are available.
Story VI-7388 Web Dasbhoard Shows some Gateway attributes as part of MBeans:
  • name
  • versionString
  • statusInfo
  • connectionState
  • isConnected
  • isConnectedToSecondary
  • hostNameAndPort
  • primaryHostAndPort
  • secondaryHostAndPort
Story VI-7364 Webslinger Adds ability to have spaces in SSO_KEYFILE and GROUPS settings in the webslinger configuration file.
Story AA-4542 Gateway 2 Adds validation of Gateway Hub Rest endpoints to the Gateway Setup Editor.
Bug AA-4546 Gateway 2 Removes erroneous error messages issued by the EnvironmentProcessor module regarding duplicate macro entries.
Bug AA-4503 Gateway 2 View variables command shows macros if no variables are found.
Bug AA-4721 Gateway 2 Removes unneeded columns from NET-PING sampler schema.
Bug AA-4718 Gateway 2 Secondary Gateway connects to Kafka request topic when inactive.
Bug VI-7418 Webslinger Explicitly sets the path of the session cookie such that only a single cookie with a given session key exists at any time.
Bug VI-7517 Active Console Fixes an issue where SSO Login does not work when a user has a lot of AD user groups.
Bug VI-7762 Web Dashboard Spring-framework upgraded from 4.3.10 to 4.3.19, spring-security from 4.2.3 to 4.2.8. The following CVEs are addressed: CVE-2018-1270, CVE-2018-1275, CVE-2018-1199, CVE-2018-1271, CVE-2018-1272.
Bug VI-7823 Webslinger Addresses the Cross Site scripting vulnerability.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Affected component Known issue description
FKM Plug-in The use of a wildcard ("*") in a filename in FKM running on a Windows Netprobe overrides other text. For example, _C:\TEMP\*.log_ will also match _C:\TEMP\Reporting.log _ _ This appears to have been introduced as part of the fixes around case insensitive matching. Know issue since: Geneos 4.3.0
Netprobe The 64-bit Windows Netprobe will not correctly install and run on Windows Server 2008 (Build 6001). You will see a _K32GetModuleFileNameExA_ error. Investigations continue. The only workaround for this OS version is to continue using the 32-bit Netprobe build. Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (first 64-bit Windows build)
Mibmon Plug-in Known issue since: Geneos 4.0.0 (initial release of 64-bit Windows Netprobe)
FKM Plug-in The new file matching code introduced to FKM in Geneos 4.3.0 will return a permission error on Windows platforms (“NOT_FOUND”) if an intermediate directory does not have appropriately open permissions. This is because the _findMatchingFiles()_Â function needs to traverse the file path starting from the top or parent directory and will continue to traverse through succeeding directories, until it reaches the last/target directory level. Any permission issue that will be encountered while traversing these directories will break the traversal. Known issue since: Geneos 4.3.0
Mibmon Plug-in MIB-MON will not work in the same Netprobe instance as Trapmon. When Trapmon is configured, it sets a flag to the _netsnmp_ library that is not compatible with MIB-MONs usage of the same libraries. Known Issue Since: Geneos 4.1.0
Gateway 2 When a Command is given the same Label as a containing Command Group then Gateway may (very likely) crash on saving the configuration.

Geneos 4.7.0 Copied

Released: 31 May, 2018

Last updated: 7 June, 2018

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

ICE Feed Adapter Copied

The new ICE Data Services or IDC consolidated feed adapter uses the IDC Consolidated Feed Token Format (CTF) Wire Protocol.

See ICE adapter in Feed Adapters.

Path scoring Copied

In Paths dockable, you can use the Evaluate all button to check all the XPaths in one single click. The result displays “N/A” if the list is not an XPath. Also, an expensive XPath is highlighted in orange.

See Evaluate paths in Active Console Paths Dockable and Scoring.

Gateway Actions and Effects argument parsing behaviour Copied

The behaviour for Actions and Effects have changed to ensure consistency when actions and effects are run on the Gateway or Netprobe and to reduce unexpected behaviour.

See Script effects in Rules, Actions, and Alerts.

Gateway commands argument parsing behaviour Copied

The behaviour for Commands has changed to ensure consistency when commands are run on the Gateway or Netprobe and to reduce unexpected behaviour.

Hardware Plug-in Copied

The cpuClockSpeed has changed to display the maximum speed frequency of first CPU found by Netprobe.

See Hardware Plug-in - Technical Reference.

SSL authentication for Webslinger Copied

Webslinger now connects to Gateways using SSL certificates.

See SSL authentication on a Secure Gateway in Webslinger.

Breaking changes Copied

Commands, Actions and Effects

Geneos 4.7.0 release introduces changes to the way arguments are parsed to Commands, Actions and Effects.

These changes were required to provide consistent behaviour and understanding across both Netprobe and Gateway to simplify user experience.

We strongly recommend you check the configuration and behaviour of any Commands, Actions and Effects before deploying to production.

For more information, see Commands, Actions and Effects.

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug VI-7356 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Default suggested path under ‘Configure Metrics Table’ is supported and editable through Basic Path Editor.
Bug VI-7348 Active Console,Gateway Setup Editor The Gateway Setup Editor Save button is correctly activated when sections of the configuration have been added or removed (example, Listen ports).
Bug VI-7347 Webslinger Attribute names in Webslinger VIEW_PATH setup option can contain spaces.
Story VI-7313 Active Console,Gateway Setup Editor Resolves memory leak for Re-populate charts with Historic data for Active Charts.
Story VI-7308 Active Console,Gateway Setup Editor Paths dockable has a score column that computes the XPath score.
Story VI-7302 Webslinger If WEB_SERVICE_URL contains a port, Webslinger will not append its LISTEN_PORT when constructing the redirect URI to communicate with the SSO Agent. If WEB_SERVICE_URL does not contain a port, Webslinger will append its LISTEN_PORT when constructing the redirect URI to communicate with the SSO Agent.
Story VI-7301 Webslinger Adds the SSL Certificate authentication to Webslinger when connecting to a secure Gateway:
  • The following option can be added at the end of the secure Gateway line AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = SSL
  • The authentication credentials may only contain a username (example, AUTHENTICATION = itrsUser1).
Bug VI-7286 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Removes the automatically added DataSet for Half Gauges and some Line Charts variation.
Bug VI-7281 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Spelling mistakes, misplaced punctuation, and capitalization now fixed in the Welcome to Geneos and Active Dashboards dockables. Listed below are the updated sections:
  • Welcome to Geneos > Help and Getting Started tab
  • Welcome to Geneos > Connecting to a Gateway Tab
  • Welcome to Geneos > Setting up the State Tree
  • Welcome to Geneos > Running Commands
  • Welcome to Geneos > Designing Custom Views
  • Welcome to Geneos > Dockable Framework * Active Dashboard and Palette
Story VI-7276 Active Console,Gateway Setup Editor Changes the displayed text field message ‘Multiple Text Layouts Selected!’ to ‘Multiple Objects Selected’.
Bug VI-7274 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor 3D shapes for data items are now being selected when double clicking from Paths dockable.
Story VI-7265 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Gateways can be dragged inside the ‘Invoke Selection’ URL element.
Story VI-7236 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor It is possible to add hyperlinks to dashboard objects that invoke user commands (on data items), for example snooze, sample now, or restart probe.
Bug VI-7175 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor On the List View context menu, Modes should no longer have duplicate items.
Bug VI-2520 Webslinger F42 issue that was causing Webslinger to present the wrong credentials to all Gatewayconnections if the credentials for the last connection in the setup were incorrect.
Bug VI-2373 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor If multiple text objects expose their settings to the parent dashboard group, the dialog works correctly.
Bug VI-7 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Re-populates a specific chart with historic data now works for User Defined context menu.
Story VI-7268 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Active Console only subscribes to the dataviews that contain snoozed cells when a path like the following is used in an Active Dashboard modifier or a List View:
Same with other boolean type data item properties, When set to true its value is equivalent to 1 ( state(“snoozed”)=“1” ) and when set to false its value is equivalent to 0 ( state(“snoozed”)=“0” )
Bug COL-6230 MDM Plug-in Updates the Feed:getStatus() value to “Connection dropped” when connection was lost with Feed already started.
Bug COL-6203 API Stream Fixes the incorrect statistics in API Stream debug dataview.
Story COL-6054 Hardware Plug-in Updates the Hardware Plugin cpuClockSpeed to display the max speed frequency of first CPU found by Netprobe.
Bug COL-6020 Hardware Plug-in Redirects error messages coming from ntpq to avoid flooding the stderr.
Bug COL-5770 Fix Analyser 2 Plug-in Adds the rollover support for Fix analyser2 and File Agent.
Story COL-5757 MDM Plug-in Includes the ICE Feed adapter shared library to official build and delivered item.
Bug COL-3312 JMX Plug-in Netprobe no longer crashes when there is a SIGBUS error during JVM creation.
Bug AA-4316 Gateway The WARN message logged when a Root CA Certificate has been successfully read by the Gateway has been downgraded to an INFO message.
Bug AA-4286 Schema Sets the following boolean defaults in the Gateway schema:
  • Command - Args - Concatenate: Set to ‘false’
  • Active Time - Scheduled period - Override: Set to ‘false’
  • Active Time - Scheduled period - Invert: Set to ‘false’
Bug AA-4258 Gateway No changes. This story only concerns ATS tests.
Story AA-4225 Gateway The default shell is now used when running script actions and script effects on the Gateway. This provides consistent behaviour between actions run on the Gateway and on the Netprobe, allows full control of the arguments passed to the script and allows redirection of the output.
Story AA-4224 Gateway Command arguments for User Commands are passed verbatim to the target executable on both Gateway and Netprobe. No escaping or any manipulation of the arguments takes place. As a result, command arguments are treated in the same way regardless of the run location (Netprobe or Gateway):
  • The first argument needs to be an executable or the path to an executable. It can be constructed via concatenation.
  • Redirection, pipes etc will no longer work. To maintain such behaviour, they need to be executed as part of a shell script.
  • Any workarounds that were needed to escape characters, add quotes or pass empty arguments or spaces are no longer required. Existing commands that make use of those workarounds would need to be re-examined. Windows Netprobe is unaffected by this change.
Bug COL-1966 Netprobe See AA-4224.
Bug AA-4214 Gateway See AA-4224.
Bug AA-923 Gateway See AA-4224.
Bug AA-721 Gateway See AA-4224.
Bug AA-329 Gateway See AA-4224.
Story AA-4223 Gateway When a command is configured to provide a list of options for user input, if one of the optionshas a label without a value, this option will be omitted and a validation warning will beprovided. (Previously, there would be no warning and the entire command would be omitted.) The same set of user input options is now available for tasks as for commands, including “XPath options”, which provide a dynamic set of options based on values taken from a dataview.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x

Geneos 4.6.0 Copied

Released: 3 April 2018

Last updated: 4 May 2018


An issue was discovered in 4.6.0 release of Gateway where string variables containing special characters like < did not parse correctly. As a result, string variables containing special characters like <today... used by plug-ins for specifying date or time substitution did not work correctly. This issue is fixed and we recommend you upgrade to 4.6.1 to get the updated Gateway version.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug AA-2129 General The snoozed children count of a Dataview is correctly indicated by the Geneos clients.
Bug AA-3604 Licence daemon Updates the URL references to Licence Daemon documentation in LICENCE_README.txt (contained in Gateway package).
Bug AA-4130 Gateway 2 Fixes crash in generating escalated alerts when setup has changed to add escalation.
Bug AA-4207 Gateway 2 Defensive measures are added to publishing to prevent crashing on pivoted empty views.
Bug AA-4209 Gateway 2 Improves robustness of the Command Manager to prevent Gateway crashes when a command fails to execute.
Bug AA-4230 Gateway 2 Start Database logging component earlier in the Gateway lifecycle to ensure managed entity attributes are logged.
Bug AA-4329 Gateway 2 Gateway is able to correctly parse dates after 2038-01-19 03:14:08 UTC, for example in the the parsedDate rule function.
Bug AA-4334 Gateway 2 Fixes Gateway crash on Sun_Sparc and Sun_x86_64 when running commands via the REST API.
Bug AA-4335 Gateway 2 printDate() function in rules can handle dates post 2038-Jan-19 03:14:07.
Bug AA-4341 Gateway 2 Fixed by:
  • AA-4239 — adds New Snooze parameters to XPath.
  • AA-4242 — makes Snooze efficient.
Bug COL-1576 X Plug-ins Handles issue in Windows where libnet sometimes uses a destination MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00 when constructing the ethernet frame.
Bug COL-6083 Hardware Plug-in Fixes to Hardware and CPU plug-in for Power PC compatibility.
Bug COL-6093 Netprobe Fixes incorrect build type displayed in Netprobe log for PowerPC.
Bug COL-6095 X Plug-ins Fixes memory leak when PCE restarts.
Bug UTL-988 SSO Agent SSO Agentcan read passwords from environment variables. To avoid the need to store passwords as plain text in the SSO Agent configuration file, these can be read from environment variables:
  • If the server.key_store.password setting is absent, it will be read from the ITRS_SSO_KEYSTORE_PW environment variable.
  • If the server.trust_store.password setting is absent, it will be read from the ITRS_SSO_TRUSTSTORE_PW environment variable.
  • If the ldap.password setting is absent, it will be read from the ITRS_SSO_LDAP_PW environment variable. Any setting present in the configuration file will override the corresponding environment variable.
Bug UTL-1045 SSO Agent The configuration check which is triggered by enabling the agent to use SSL now accepts that the keystore password can be set in the environment.
Bug VI-581 Active Console Trailing and leading spaces for hostname will be trimmed so that it will not cause connection error on valid IP addresses or hostnames.
Bug VI-591 Active Console Adds validations for unsupported hostname values in the Connection and Connection files.
Bug VI-643 Active Console An external hyper link in the dashboard is corrected, allowing clients to invoke links of the form http. In addition, these links now work with a single click rather than a double click (Dashboard Properties > ‘Allow Objects to be selected’ option.
Bug VI-782 Active Console When new dashboards are created, these are provided with a unique name at the point of creation.
Bug VI-908 Active Console If you select a set of dashboard objects that have no compatible (or common) settings, such as a line and a group, a message dialog is displayed rather than an empty configuration dialog.
Bug VI-1368 Active Console Right-clicking on the first column of Metrics Table will not show command context menus as well as charts menus. For example, Show Chart.
Bug VI-1569 Active Console Active Dashboard zoom combo box will not auto-correct when input value is out of range. Valid zoom range is 10% to 300%.
Bug VI-1634 Active Console Custom modifiers with ‘Opposite value’ (useOppositeBooleanVal) can be persisted and retrieved correctly.
Bug VI-1860 Active Console Default alias is set for links in dashboard objects.
Bug VI-2246 Active Console Fixes issue where Active Dashboard tab is showing an incorrect severity when elements are deleted from the dashboard.
Bug VI-2944 Gateway Setup Editor Gateway Setup Editor - Unlock Dialog Timeout. This change makes it possible for informational dialog boxes to timeout and disappear. There are circumstances where waiting for user input can bring the setup editor to halt. This can have consequences where time critical code is depending on a response. For example, when the setup is locked to a user it’s possible for another user with sufficient permission to force an unlock or lock the setup for themselves. When this happens, a dialog box appears to inform the user that they have lost exclusive access. This dialog will stay in place and halt processing until the user clicks “OK”. As of this change, timely response to this dialog is deemed critical and if not responded to in 60 seconds the dialog will disappear. The timeout defaults to 60 seconds but is configurable via a startup switch which can be reused for other dialogs causing a similar issue. The timeout value must be at least 30 seconds.
Bug VI-3021 Gateway Setup Editor Copying an include group or editing its XML in Gateway Setup Editor correctly generates loadable include files.
Bug VI-7054 Active Console When a new dashboard is created, the grid size in the dashboard dialog is consistent with the grid size of the dashboard.
Bug VI-7077 Active Console Fixes an issue when modifiers are duplicated, once a dashboard object that is created as part of a tool is copy and pasted.
Bug VI-7091 Active Console When copying and pasting objects in the dashboard, the links from the original object are also copied to the duplicated object.
Bug VI-7115 Active Console Fixes an issue when the custom modifiers are changed, the default modifiers are removed.
Bug VI-7158 Active Console Removes Alpha and Transparency sliders from the color option.
Bug VI-7173 Active Console Fixes an issue when the Active Console causes an exception, if the machine running the SSO Agent is out of sync with the machine running Active Console.
Bug VI-7181 Active Console Fixes an issue where the path for a dataset cannot be changed, particularly if the previous XPath is invalid.
Bug VI-7198 Active Console Fixes an issue when after the custom modifiers in a workspace is modified, the system modifiers are no longer available.
Bug VI-7211 Active Console Renames initially created dashboard in workspace as ActiveDashboard.
Bug VI-7212 Active Console Adds the Paths dockable that displays the active paths used in the workspace.
Bug VI-7295 Active Console Axis font size automatically updates for both X and Y Axis when clicking the Apply button for Active Charts.
Bug VI-7343 Active Console Fixes an issue where duplicate path entries appear, when the PathDockables results are sorted.
Bug VI-7363 Active Console Fixes an issue where right-click on headlines is not working due to a NullPointerException.
Bug VI-7365 Gateway Setup Editor Fixes the Gateway Setup Editor issue found during QA testing that causes the application to become unresponsive when doing a refactor operation.
Bug VI-7370 Active Console Workspace History from Open workspace from URL can be selected and opened.
Story AA-2484 Gateway 2 Adds the new timestamp column to the Gateway Severity data plug-in.
Story AA-3011 Gateway 2 Operating Environment variables are available to throttled actions and alerts.
Story AA-3791 Gateway 2 Allows you to restrict access to publishing and annotation sections of the setup. Both user and file based restrictions can be applied.
Story AA-3792 Gateway 2 Enhances the filtering options for severity data and snooze data Gateway plug-ins.
Story AA-4141 Gateway 2 Enhances Gateway to store Environments in a more efficient manner, resulting in less memory use for most use cases.
Story AA-4142 Gateway 2 AA-4181 Stop storing TreeNodes in Environments TreeNodes representing the XML of a variable definition were stored directly in environments for convenience. This had the advantage that you never had to worry about the structure of a variable until it was used in some way such as sent to a Netprobe as setup. This change stores types that represent the structure of the variable data. This also includes a catchall for as yet unknown types in which case we wrap a TreeNode. The internal structure is used in many places and a convenience getAsTreeNode() function is provided for legacy code or where a rewrite would be too extensive.
Story AA-4144 Gateway 2 The determination of whether the Gateway host name matches either the primary or secondary Hot Standby hostname has been enhanced. If a fully qualified domain name is specified for either role in the setup file, but the Gateway host name does not include any domain parts, the first part of the specified name (up to the first dot) will be used in the comparison.
Story AA-4179 Gateway 2 A new command line option “-hooks-timeout” to specify the timeout for validation hooks in seconds by default or minutes if suffixed with an “m”.
Story AA-4182 Gateway 2 Internal XPath change.
Story AA-4183 Gateway 2 Deprecated Valo Plug-in.
Story AA-4188 Gateway 2 Notification of snooze and user assignment events will only take place when the item is initially put into that state or an update takes place. Previously, a snoozed or user assigned item that reappeared to due a Gateway or Netprobe restart would result in a notification for the newly recreated item.
Story AA-4191 Gateway 2 The Gateway plug-in contains the comment associated with the user assignment.
Story AA-4238 Gateway 2 The Gateway time zone file is updated to the 2018 release of the the time zone database maintained by IANA.
  • Brazil’s DST starts on the first Sunday in November.
  • São Tomé and Príncipe switched from UTC to UTC +01 (as of 2018-01-01).
  • Fiji ended DST on 2018-01-14.
Story AA-4239 Gateway Setup Editor Adds support for the following state predicates in Active Console/Gateway Setup Editor:
  • snoozedCount (Snoozed Children): Number of snoozed children. Available on all data item except cells.
  • snoozedParentCount (Snoozed Parents): Number of snoozed parents. Available on all data items.
  • The new predicates are visible in the Path Editor’s properties window for each data item type.
  • The new predicates can be used in Rule blocks as an argument to the ‘state’ function.
Story AA-4242 Gateway Setup Editor XPaths with the snoozed state predicate are internally optimised and their evaluation is more efficient.
Story COL-4490 Netprobe Allows Netprobe config file to be reloaded by sending a USR1 signal like in the Gateway config file.
Story COL-5725 Netprobe Fixes to CPU and Hardware plug-ins for issues found during the initial tests of powerpc port.
Story COL-5904 Integration template Integrates Kafka Monitoring into Geneos in the form of a custom JMX plug-in configuration file.
Story COL-5957 Integration template Docker monitoring Integration.
Story COL-5958 Integration template Kubernetes monitoring Integration.
Story COL-5959 Integration template MongoDB monitoring integration.
Story COL-5961 Integration template Updates the Hadoop monitoring configuration file.
Story COL-5962 Integration template Supports the Cassandra monitoring through a configuration file meant to be included into customer’s main Gateway setup. The configuration file contains a group of sampler using the JMX plugin to generate dataviews of key Cassandra metrics.
Story COL-5964 Integration template Inclusion of Gateway setup file to integration Postgresql monitoring into Netprobe.
Story COL-5965 Integration template Supports the Zookeeper Monitoring through JMX plugin.
Story COL-5966 Integration template Adds the ActiveMQ template.
Story COL-5967 Integration template Configuration template for Elasticsearch Monitoring.
Story COL-5968 Integration template Updates the Kafka Monitoring configuration file.
Story COL-6096 Integration template Separates rules from the main integration template.
Story COL-6157 Integration template Updates the Integration README.txt to make the format uniform for all files.
Story COL-6158 Integration template Updates the templates to make the naming consistent.
Story UTL-1027 SSO Agent Adds the swaggger definition for SSO-Agent.
Story VI-4157 Active Console Notifications with Gateway paths that listens to connection status events showwhenever a Gateway is disconnected.
Story VI-4189 Active Console You can select one or more dashboard objects and right-click and select TemporarilyHide Selected. This hides the objects, such that these will not be drawn or rendered, allowing you to get to and modify the objects underneath. Objects can be re-displayed by selecting the ‘Unhide all’ right click menu option. The hide status is not persisted, so on a save or reload of the work space the hide status will have been removed.
Story VI-4271 Active Console Removes the “Mode” context menu item in the Active Dashboard Pallete.
Story VI-4342 Active Console Changes the default time value from 40 years to 1 months in the Import dialog box of EventTicker dockable.
Story VI-4480 Active Console Removes all Debug menu items that had no general debugging purpose. I have also made the SQL for any chart creation appear even if the debug flag is not set, which was by far the most common reason users were asked to turn it on.
Story VI-4605 Active Console Open the workspace from url option when loading a workspace is supported for:
  • HTTP
  • HTTPS with authentication that requires a username and password.
Story VI-4664 Active Console You can configure the EMF2 port via the activeconsole.gci file: EMF2ListenPort xxxx 
Story VI-4826 Active Console Adds the ability to add xpath “scores” to identify potentially expensive xpaths, as well asfunctionality to check how much time it takes to evaluate a particular path.
Story VI-5027 Active Console gci flags have their leading and trailing spaces removed when they are read from the configuration file.
Story VI-5067 Active Console Creates new ‘Paths’ dockable that lists all element paths of all active dashboards in the workspace.
Story VI-5088 Active Console When you invoke multiple links on a dashboard object at the same time, it opens multiple search tabs, rather than replacing the previous search.
Story VI-5114 Active Console Double-clicking notifiers with cell, headline, dataview and sampler paths follow thecorresponding managed entity in the metrics view.
Story VI-7001 Active Console When you right-click on a chart if you now navigate down to the Active Chart sub menus the duplicate properties menu has been removed. This was a duplicate wherein there was also a properties menu on the main right click menu. The exception is when the chart has been detached, where the properties menu will still be available on the sub menu.
Story VI-7004 Active Console The Sorting and Mode right click menu items have been removed from the Dashboard Palette because due to recent changes they no longer have sufficient sub items to justify them.
Story VI-7148 Active Console This changes allows for created tools to be able to smartly infer paths so as to make the tools for more useful and allow for less manual modifications when it will be reused for similar data sets.
Story VI-7149 Active Console Adds a new column in the Commands dockable called Source to list where a command is executed. If a command is delegated to another Gateway, the name of the Gateway is listed but followed by “(Delegated)” to indicate the remote execution.
Story VI-7166 Active Console You can right-click on a list view tab and select a duplicate function. At that point they are asked where they want to create the new list view.
Story VI-7169 Active Console When multiple links are invoked on a dashboard object, each result set is shown in its own search tab, rather than replacing the previous search result.
Story VI-7178 Active Console When SSL flag is enabled, password field automatically changes to blank.
Story VI-7194 Active Console -wsurl program parameter supports HTTPS (with authentication) URL hosted workspace.
Story VI-7205 Active Console Adds the right-click ‘Go to Dashboard’ option in ‘Dashboard Element Paths’ dockable.
Story VI-7210 Active Console You can specify the size of the font size in the axis of charts.
Story VI-7218 Active Console Creates the ‘Element Paths’ dockable that lists all the element paths of all the list views and dashboards in the workspace.
Story VI-7228 Active Console Adds the Paths dockable that lists all active paths in the workspace; double clicking on the path will redirect the user to the specific list view/dashboard object/notifier.
Story VI-7230 Active Console Refresh button for the Paths dockable is available (previous behavior is to right click inside the dockable then select ‘Refresh’).
Story VI-7235 Active Console You can add ‘invokeUserSelection’ hyperlinks onto dashboards, which simulate selection events, allowing dashboard to update based on clicks on dashboard objects.
Story VI-7263 Active Console Removes the ‘Apply’ button from the username/password ‘URL needs authentication’ dialog box.
Story VI-7270 Active Console User is presented with an error message when workspace location is inaccessible before opening the ‘Select Workspace’ dialog box for instances where -ws or -wsurl program argument is provided in ActiveConsole.gci file. Also, name of the URL window has been changed from ‘Select URL’ to ‘Enter URL’.
Story VI-7279 Active Console Changes the Duplicate List View option to Convert to List View.
Story VI-7297 Active Console Command Tools are no longer added in the Tools and Modifiers window. Also, commands cannot be created as a link in the path editor.
Story VI-7316 Webslinger Adds the ability for multiple instances of Webslinger to run on the same host. This involves allowing the Webslinger administrator to specify names of the sessionid cookie in the Webslinger config (to ensure that they do not clash).
Story VI-7317 Web Dashboard Allows separate sessions from multiple instances of Web Dashboard on the same host (with different ports). This will allow different SSO Agent sessions from each Web Dashboard instance.
Story VI-7344 Active Console The Paths dockable has an “Evaluate all” button, that computes how expensive the XPath in each row is.
Story VI-7374 Active Console Show N/A for paths that cannot be evaluated.
Story VI-7375 Active Console Updates the Evaluate All Icon.
Story VI-7376 Active Console Always refresh the PathDockables before doing an EvaluateAll action.
Story VI-7382 Active Console Disables the output window when performing DB queries for historical charts.
Story VI-7359 Active Console Adds the runtime dependencies to 64-bit Active Console build.
Story VI-7294 Active Console Changes the default Xmx for 64-bit Active Console builds.
Story VI-7299 Active Console Provides a 64-bit build version of the Active Console. Active Console 32-bit and 64-bit versions are also packaged with JRE1.8_151.
Bug AA-4405 Gateway Ensures the special characters “<” work for variables. In some instances, the XML representation of a variable needs to be extracted from the setup. It is important that you encode these strings, such that characters like <. >, and do not break the xml parsing. A result of not doing this previously, the string variables containing <today… used by plug-ins for specifying date / time substitution did not work.
Bug AA-4415 Gateway Line feeds in Legacy Probe settings that are removed as part of the environment optimisation are added back in.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x

Geneos 4.5.0 Copied

Released: 31 January, 2018

Last updated: 9 February, 2018


Geneos Netprobe version 4.5.1 is available with fix for COL-6052 that resolves an issue where FKM starts reading at the beginning of the file, even though the default is to start at the end. The fix for COL-6049 is also available that resolves an issue where Disk plug-in inode columns show zero while waiting for NFS partition data.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Story AA-2871 Gateway 2 Deprecates gatewayId setting.
Story AA-4110 Gateway 2 When an importing connection starts to import snooze or user assignment state, the importing Gateway clears the corresponding state of data items imported on that connection. This ensures that the icons shown in the user interface correctly reflect the state on the exporting Gateway.
Story AA-4145 Gateway 2 Audits the drop when snooze and user assignment entries are dropped from a Gateway, because Gateway imports the data from another Gateway.
Story AA-4143 Gateway 2 Updates the Gateway timezone file.
Story AA-4178 Gateway 2 Allows you to delegate commands to the exporting Gateway when importing data via Gateway sharing. This includes:
  • Probes commands defined by a sampler that run on the probe.
  • User commands defined in the exporting setup that run on the probe.
  • Sample Now and Vie Netprobe log.
  • Snooze commands.
  • User Assignment commands.
  • Show Rules. As part of this work, Snooze and User Assignment can be shared along with severity when importing data.
Story AA-3809 Gateway Gateway fails to snooze commands where the Gateway is the target itself, if snooze is imported from any other Gateway.
Story AA-3776 Gateway 2 As well as delegating Snooze, User Assignment, and Rule commands to an exporting Gateway. Commands that are defined on the exporting Gateway to run on the Netprobe (excluding RMS commands) are exported to the importing Gateway, and delegated back to the exporting Gateway when executed on the importing Gateway.
Story COL-3454 EUEM Netprobe Adds the Show Detailed Scenario command in all headlines and also in table cells. If there is failure to connect with the target url, error print appears in the Netprobe logs (this print already appears in the Show Detailed Scenario output).
Story COL-4545 Netprobe JRE version to use can be specified via Netprobe commandline through the -java-homeand -java-libpath commanline switches.
Story COL-4007 API Plug-in Adds new functions for API-STREAM:
  • signOn — sets the value in seconds that the client committed to provide an update via API-STREAM plug-in.
  • signOff — unset the client’s commitment to API-STREAM plug-in.
  • heartbeat — provide an update to API-STREAM. Adds the new status in FKM:
    • HEARTBEAT_NOT_FOUND — When FKM source is a stream and the client providing stream message fails to provide an update, after setting it using the API-STREAM signOn function.
Story COL-5726 Hardware Plug-in
  • In case of multi-CPU and/or multi-cores Windows servers, cpuUtilisation represents the average across cores / CPUs, instead of the heaviest loaded logical processor.
  • In Solaris, swapUsed is now based on swap -l instead of swap -s.
  • The same metrics/rows will now be shown across platforms. On platforms where a metric is not available, its value will be NA.
  • In Linux & Solaris, CPU utilization now takes CPU wait times into account.
Story COL-5814 Hardware Plug-in Adds the new metrics: ntpAvailability and ntpLocalClockOffset. For these metrics to be collected:
  • A NTP service needs to be running.
  • The ntpq program needs to be accessible by Netprobe in the monitored (local) host.
Story VI-4526 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adds a new label tool to the palette with multi-line turned off by default. In addition, the text is centered left and text clipping in turns on.
Story VI-5255 Web Dashboard Adds new runtime parameter to be able to set custom dashboards uploads folder where adb files are uploaded.
Story VI-7072 Web Dashboard Replaces the SSO related error messages with a more appropriate text.
Story VI-7146 Web Dashboard Password field is disabled when SSL checkbox is enabled.
Story VI-7057 Web Dashboard Removes the need to enable /testuser endpoint in SSO Agent when using Web DashboardSSO.
Story VI-7095 Web Dashboard Adds an additional field (a checkbox) to Web Dashboard to indicate SSL Login to GW2. You must provide the username and tick the checkbox to use SSL credentials for logging in GW2.
Story VI-6988 Web Dashboard Creates a 64-bit Active Console package.
Story VI-7042 Active Console Minor update to change icon names containing “Themed” to “Theme”.
Story VI-4608 Active Console Last Sample time literal now displays time stamp for the last sample time in the Metrics View table.
Story VI-7156 Active Console Removes the UserResources folder in Active Console package.
Story VI-6993 Web Dashboard Adds the Service Login to Web Dashboard.
Bug COL-1301 FKM Plug-in Fixes issue where new files are read from the end when monitor all matches/dynamic file matching is enabled. Thus, triggers are not detected.
Bug COL-5837 Hardware Plug-in In AIX platforms, it displays the cpuClockSpeed correctly.
Bug COL-5789 Network Plug-in Changes the Network plug-in implementation of retrieving of Network Interface Data to accommodate 64-bit values.
Bug COL-5756 FKM, GL, MQ, and Toolkit Plug-ins Handles plug-in crashes that happen when an error is encountered and the defined sampler script is longer than the error log capacity.
Bug COL-5716 Clearvision Plug-in If new format for tickets is detected the following fields are added in the TICKETS dataview:
  • matchingTickets
  • matchingTicketsNotCleared
  • wtRowsInNokStatus

This field is removed:

  • totalTicketsCleared
Bug COL-5714 Gateway 2, Disk and SQL Toolkit Plug-in Reduces memory size of NFS threads from system default to 256kb each.
Bug COL-5713 Processes Plug-in Changes implementation of computing process start time by using system boot time instead of system up time.
Bug COL-183 Veritas Cluster Server Plug-in Fixed file handle leak in Veritas Cluster Services Plug-in.
Bug VI-1841 Active Console List View “Items Assigned to me” should list data items (cell) assigned to the current logged-in user. Follow Selection means that list view should update when clicking on different dataviews.
Bug VI-2303 Active Console Fixes typos:
  • Netprobe
  • Snoozed
Bug VI-2047 Active Console Active Console using connection file with secure Gateways use correct disconnection preference.
Bug VI-1632 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The User Assignment Indicator and Snooze indicator are hidden in the palette. This is because without a context, these have no value. These only make to use them during a drag and drop operation, not just a simple drag from the palette. The special modifiers that are present on them should not appear in the custom modifier manager or on a drag operation since they are specific to these tools.
Bug VI-7080 Active Console Fixes typo error.
Bug VI-7050 Web Dashboard ‘Access denied’ error displays when unauthorized users authenticate via NTLM.
Bug VI-7114 Active Console Removes the “Snoozed items” tab in default workspace due to being too expensive to run and causing issues with larger Gateways.
Bug VI-7082 Active Console Minor update to change modifiers containing “[ITRS DarkTheme]” to “Dark Theme”.
Bug VI-7049 Active Console Fixed by adding z index data to undo action to be able to restore object to correct position in stack.
Bug VI-979 Active Console Executing Client commands from Active Console does not produce duplicate output text in the Output Viewer dockable.
Bug COL-6502 FKM Plug-in Fixes issue wherein FKM rewinds file at Netprobe start-up even if the rewind option is not set.
Bug COL-6049 Disk Plug-in Fixes issue wherein Disk plug-in inode columns show zero while waiting for NFS partition data.

Geneos 4.4.0 Copied

Released: 1 December, 2017

Updated: 17 January, 2018


Active Console version 4.4.1 is available that resolves an issue where Active Console configuration is not loaded if workspace configuration do not have the SSOAgentUrl defined.

Last updated: 14 June, 2018


Active Console version 4.4.2 fixes an issue where the SSO login failed for users who belong to lots of AD groups (reproduced using single user belonging to more than 300 AD groups).

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug AA-1051 Gateway 2 Previously, Expect rows defined on individual dataviews for Gateway plug-ins are ignored. This is corrected.
Bug AA-1325 Gateway 2 Raises an error if a non-Gateway plug-in is attached to a virtual probe.
Bug AA-1558 Gateway 2 When a Gateway insecure listen port is disabled and then re-enabled, the Gateway resumes listening on the insecure port.
Bug AA-278 Gateway 2 When Gateway is started with the -dump-xml option, a fatal error will be correctly reported if the setup would not be able to be loaded in normal operation.
Bug AA-356 Gateway 2 Before this change, the Gateway used to create and populate the main persistence file even though persistence was not enabled. With this change, persistence files are only created and subsequently populated if persistence is enabled. If the user disables persistence, the files will remain intact and will stop being written to.
Bug AA-3767 Gateway 2 Removes all audit logging from the authorize endpoint and also removes the user credentials from the Gateway logging.
Bug AA-3784 Gateway 2 The value of gateway-severitydata > maximumNumberOfRows is no longer tested if the setup is using a variable for this value. Previously, it would report a setup error (that it would then ignore).
Bug AA-3790 Gateway 2 The databaseType row of the Gateway data plug-in is again populated with the name of the type of configured database.
Bug AA-399 Gateway 2 Prior to this change, if the authentication file does not have a line ending on the last line, it is not processed.
Bug AA-455 Gateway 2 Prior to this change, the Show Alerts command is case-insensitive and displays alerts for items that should not have triggered an alert. This change makes the Show Alerts command case-sensitive.
Bug AA-554 Gateway 2 Running user-defined tasks through the REST API no longer causes the Gateway to crash.
Bug AA-747 Gateway 2 Before these changes, Active Times that are configured to cross midnight has a one second gap that occurs exactly at 23:59:59. After these changes, if the start of the next active time period occurs shortly after (3 seconds) the end of the current active time, then no state change occurs.
Bug COL-1024 FTM Plug-in Adds periodStart and periodEnd columns in the main dataview and previous day dataview. Removed headlines in previous day dataview to avoid confusion. Saving of previous day information will now be done for each file when their respective monitoring periods end.
Bug COL-1229 Top Plug-in Fixes improper conversion of threshold value in Summary Headline for Top plug-in.
Bug COL-2119 FLM Plug-in Fixes FLM-GL crash incidents when a feed unsubscribed while a data is being processed.
Bug COL-2250 Netprobe Netprobe log messages for no certificate SSL connections when using self-monitoring Gateway has been suppressed. Optional “SSLConnector:*” debug flag can be turned on if suppressed messages are required to be printed out.
Bug COL-2673 Fix Analyser 2 Plug-in Descriptions for FIX 4.4+ Field 35 types are now consistent with the FIX specification.
Bug COL-2866 File Agent Using FA2 with file agent. Filename with both wildcard and date. When date changes during runtime, previously detected files where the resolved date tag doesn’t apply anymore still exists in the admin view. For example: filename: abc\*\_<today %m-%d-%y>files in file agent:abc1324\_9-6-17abcdef\_9-6-17abcd\_9-7-17 With Agent’s system date assumed to be 9/6/2017, expanded filename will be: abc*_9-6-17 and Agent will correctly detect the 2 files which will then be forwarded to FixAnalyzer2. When the date carries over to the next day, expanded name will be: abc*_9-7-17. Agent will detect 1 file that matches this expression, but will leave the previous results untouched so this time all the 3 files will be displayed in the admin view. Solution: When using a file agent, filename with both wildcard and date tags, and date changes during runtime, Previous files that aren’t covered by the new resolved filename should be removed from the admin dataview.


Previously detected orders from the removed files will still remain in other views. |
Bug COL-2910 JMX Plug-in This change fixes an issue where integer arithmetic was causing an exception when being used in the JMX plug-in.
Bug COL-38 GL Plug-in The current algorithm processes the entire send/order log file first before processing the entire recieve/ACK file. In periods of high volume, this causes unmatched ACKs to build up. Furthermore, the current version using a linked list to store the unmatched ACKs which causes lookup to degrade as the list grows.The algorithm was modified such that the files are processed by units of 100 orders/acks (i.e. process 100 orders, process 100 acks, match, repeat until done) to prevent the list of unmatched ACKs from growing too long. Furthermore, the list is now implemented using the standard C++ vector.
Bug UTL-977 SSO Agent The SSO Agent now logs events occurring during authentication and LDAP queries to specific logging topics. This allows debug-level logging to be enabled in a controlled fashion. The logging level for each topic used is now set explicitly in the provided logback.xml configuration file, making it easier to make adjustments.
Bug UTL-978 SSO Agent SSO-Agent Service ID has been changed to match the name visible in the Windows service view.
Bug UTL-982 SSO Agent SSO Agent now correctly applies http/https default port when no port is configured in the SSO-Agent configuration file.
Bug UTL-990 SSO Agent NTLM version of SSO Agent now supports NTLM again.
Bug VI-2739 Gateway Setup Editor Prevents an incorrect warning from being shown when a Generic User is set-up to be an Administrator. A different warning is now shown that prompts the user to check whether or not the current user will still have setup edit permissions after the Gateway setup is applied.
Bug VI-3084 Gateway Setup Editor Uses PCRE Perl Compatible Regex is now set to un-ticked by default.
Enhancement AA-2490 Gateway 2 User data allowed for environment variables to be set for actions through name / value pairs. This is an enhancement that allows you to set the value through extended syntax and removing the necessity to possibly set the value through an intermediate step.Variables userdata “variable” $(var)DataItem userdata “dataItem” valueDataItems userdata “dataItems” %%//cell valueTarget userdata “hello” target “dataviewName"ActiveTime userdata “active” within activetime “timeActive"Attribute userdata “attribute” attribute “FAILOVER"TimeSeries userdata “timeseries” timeseries “timeSeries”.
Enhancement AA-2778 Gateway 2 Annotations provide a method for defining key / value pairs which appear as environment variables or parameters to shared libraries in actions and effects. These allow the targeting of these values without modifying rules, alerting or effects configuration.
Enhancement COL-3730 Webmon Plug-in Adds an option to retrieve headline details from another url rather than /.
Enhancement COL-4111 Extractor Plug-in Adds JSON support to the Extractor plug-in by:
  • Implementing a JSON-to-XML converter.
  • Modifying Extractor use converter and xpath to construct views when handling JSON docs. Resulting XML can be viewed in a debug window (in the same way that the resulting XHTML from HTML to XHTML conversion can be viewed.) Converted can also be ran via command-line through the “-json2xml ” command-line switch.
Enhancement COL-5198 MQ Plug-ins Adds an encryption support for MQ plugins security remote passoword.
Story AA-2656 Gateway 2 Adds a utility to measure the amount of data published by a Gateway via Gateway publishing. The utility is bundled with the Gateway.
Story AA-3764 Gateway 2 Enables Gateway-to-Gateway authentication using an SSL Certificate as an alternative to password authentication.
Story AA-3765 Gateway 2 Restricts Gateway-to-Gateway access by naming allowed users. A new section is added to the exporting dataset which states which users can access the dataset.Actions.
Story AA-3800 Gateway 2 It is now possible to restrict access to Gateway sharing sets by user name. The users allowed access can be set in the Advance tab of the “Data sets” (defined in the “Exported data” section.
Story AA-3801 Gateway 2 Add the ability for a exporting Gateway to verify the service connecting via Gateway sharing using an SSL certificate as well as a password.
Story COL-5691 Netprobe Correct wrong usage of FormatString in a couple of plugins that may lead to inaccurate log messages.
Story UTL-955 SSO Agent Adds ability to use Keberos Authentication with SSO Agent on both Windows and Linux servers to Windows Active Directory Servers.
Story UTL-985 SSO Agent The SSO Agent now logs events occurring during authentication and LDAP queries to specific logging topics. This allows debug-level logging to be enabled in a controlled fashion. The logging level for each topic used is now set explicitly in the provided logback.xml configuration file, making it easier to make adjustments.
Story UTL-989 SSO Agent SSO-Agent logging now starts with:10:56:17.502 [main] INFO io.undertow - Starting Server……10:56:17.504 [main] INFO io.undertow - SSO-Agent Version: 1.1.0-RC2 Version number includes NTLM if NTLM is available.
Story UTL-993 SSO Agent Release of Geneos SSO Agent that allows Active Console, Web DashboardWebslinger and Gateway to access SSO information provided by Active Directory.
Story VI-4381 Active Console Active Console supports connection and execution of queries (via Active Charts) on aSybase Database with password encryption enabled.
Story VI-4402 Active Console The 3D shapes for data items have been removed as visible from the palette. They are now exclusively used when a data item is dragged and dropped on to the dashboard and the tool dialogue displayed. If hidden tools are shown in the palette they will still be accessible via the old palette method.
Story VI-6989 Active Console PAO-related settings are removed in Active Console and Gateway Setup Editor.
Story VI-7055 Web Dashboard Web Dashboard builds with NO JRE package will use the same run scripts as Web Dashboard builds with JRE packaged.
Story VI-7056 Web Dashboard For Web Dashboard builds without JRE, SSO_PROPERTIES are now included in the run scripts.
Bug VI-7090 Active Console This change fixes an issue where Active Console configurations aren’t being loaded if workspaceconfigurations don’t have SSOAgentUrl defined.
Bug VI-7517 Active Console Fix an issue where SSO Login doesn’t work when a user has a lot of AD user groups.

Known issues Copied

These are the known issues affecting this release:

Issue key Known issue description
COL-7986 Bloomberg plugin crashes on . As a workaround, deploy 4.x on host, or use 5.x . Known issue in versions: 4.4.x, 4.6.x, 4.7.x, 4.12.x, 4.13.x

Geneos 4.3.0 Copied

Released: 2 October, 2017

Geneos Single Sign On capability is currently in “Limited Availability”. We are working with a number of early adopters to further enhance the capability. We aim to make this “Generally Available” by end of November.


Geneos 4.3.o version of Gateway, Active Console, Web Dashboard, and Webslinger have been enhanced to support Geneos Single Sign On capability. You may see changes within the product to support this, but you will require the new SSO Agent binary to enable integration with LDAP / Active Directory. Please contactITRS Support if you would like to request access to the new SSO Agent binary

Last updated: 8 November, 2017


Active Console version 4.3.1 is available with fix for VI-7090 which resolves an issue where Active Console configuration is not loaded if workspace configuration don’t have SSOAgentUrl defined

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug DPS-15 All Geneos components Fixes an issue where the version for Geneos components was set to a sequential value not indicative of the release date. This caused issues when checking for the ReleaseAge.
Bug AA-769 Gateway 2 GatewayData and DatabaseLogging dataviews now hide the port and host if not set. GatewayData and DatabaseLogging dataviews no longer show information that is only used by the Gateway client. (example being databaseLogging > connection > database > oracle > clientConnection > server > port)
Bug COL-1329 FKM Plug-in Adds option to enable case insensitive filename matching for unix based OSes. Default is case sensitive.
Enhancement COL-3984 Webmon Plug-in Adds support for SSL client authentication. Three additional WebMon parameters were exposed. Namely, Client Certificate, Client Key and Client Key Passphrase.
Bug AA-759 Gateway 2 Any Gateway Setup Editor XML files that were locked by the Gateway prior to a Gateway crashing are automatically removed when the Gateway comes back online.
Bug VI-82 Active Console Fixes an issue that meant that a link value to URL modifier only applied after a restart.
Bug VI-2198 Active Console Fixes an issue that meant that the data point labels were no longer showing on charts. Also modified behaviour so that it now works on area and bar charts (before it just worked on the small data points on line charts).
Bug VI-1214 Active Console Fixes an issue where the ‘Fat Gauge’ in a work space can delay loading. In some case extending to hours. This fix will stop the extended load time, though the gauge will still be loaded.
Bug VI-342 Active Console Fixes an issue whereby if a custom modifier replaced (based on the value of a cell) links on a dashboard object with no links it failed.
Bug VI-1956 Active Console Fixes an issue whereby if a path was poorly configured on a tool the tool dialog would not come up at all.
Bug COL-1294 Hardware Plug-in Fixes the details displayed in swapSize and swapUsed fields in the hardware plugin for Windows platform.
Bug COL-1491 FTM Plug-in Filenames without wildcard will be directly opened instead of going through the entire directory.
Bug COL-2863 Message Tracker Plug-in Fixes high CPU usage when Message Tracker file contains more than 16k Characters. This also fixes other issues found:
  • maxLinesPerMinute takes effect if configuration is multiline.
  • Message tracker now detects that file is new and should be processed from the start when the size becomes smaller.
  • When config is set to match all files, file are now detected even if they are only available after the plugin has started.
Bug COL-805 EUEM Plug-in Fixes an issue where EUEM plug-in does not resolve a hostname, which was introduced in Geneos 4.0.0. EUEM is able to resolve the hostname properly.
Bug COL-1244 X Plug-ins Fixes X-Traffic issue where data view fails to update ‘ConnectionCount’ column when there’s an established TCP/IP connection disconnected. The session row still shows state as connected even though it is not anymore connected in netstat.
Bug COL-290 X Plug-ins Fixes multiple X-Ping issue that involved invalid target hosts. The issues that were fixed are displaying ‘UNREACHABLE’ for target hosts that can not be resolved, preventing the display of as the address of invalid target hosts, allowing invalid target hosts to resolved itself with valid IP address, X-ping samplers with invalid target host should not affect other X-Ping samplers with valid target hosts.
Enhancement COL-3885 X Plug-ins Implements target hosts’ IP change detection and handling for X-Service, X-Route and X-Traffic
Bug COL-1605 FKM Plug-in Makes use of the existing active time flags to evaluate if an updated and notUpdatedIn keys within a table should invoke a trigger.
Bug AA-856 Gateway 2 Makes this consistent with the plug-in names on the Samplers. The plugin names on dataviews are published as part of Gateway publishing. Changes to these names will need to be reflected in the Setup of other consuming applications of Gateway publishing. Listed below are the plugins that have changed name:
  • FIX
  • FKM
  • IPC
  • IBMI
  • E4JMS
  • JMX
Bug COL-1370 X Plug-ins Modifies X-Ping to accurately report status of reachable targets after an IP change. Previously, a target’s status may be reported as UNREACHABLE when a prior target changes IP and X-ping is configured to detect IP changes.
Bug VI-1452 Active Console 2 Modifiers are no longer lost when a path is changed on a dashboard object on an imported dashboard. While the impact of this defect was clearly high the change done to correct this is fairly significant (vs just fixing the immediate problem).Now whenever a dashboard is imported into the work space or user definable tools are added all the modifiers connected to these which are not in the workspace are added as custom modifiers. They are keyed on the name. So if there is already a modifier in the work space with that name they will not be imported. This means that from the version of this change the custom modifier list will be much more verbose driven both by user imputed modifiers and the modifiers in the tools in the palette.
Bug COL-825 FTM Plug-in Previously, adding files to be monitored in FTM plugin with corresponding aliases will result in file open failures. The alias lookup mechanism was improved to fix the said issue.
Enhancement COL-4586 Netprobe RMS features exec and launch were updated to only run shell commands that are listed in the command whitelist. Users will be notified to check the Netprobe setup file when an attempt to run a non-whitelisted command is detected.
Enhancement AA-3549 Fix Analyser 2 Removes the Connector thread from lib/database
Enhancement AA-2922 Gateway 2 Some commands, such as “/PLUGIN:PROCESSES:stopWithPassword”, take a password as an argument. By convention probe commands take a password as their last argument and the Gateway can supply this implicitly. This breaks however if the command is altered to take additional arguments. This update introduces a secure password argument type which can be used to pass passwords to these commands or other commands that know how to decrypt the passwords they receive.
Bug VI-1509 Active Console Spelling of Doughnut tool is corrected.
Bug VI-602 Active Console The Dashboard repaints its grid when the apply button is pressed in its configuration dialog.
Bug VI1486 Active Console Removes the Gateway Version indicator the general settings dialog. This showed whether it was a Gateway 1 or Gateway2, but since Gateway 1 is no longer supported we have removed this. We have also removed the old list view sizing settings, which do not effect the list view (just the Gateway view) and so were no longer really in use.
Bug VI-2237 Active Console The Light Theme dashboard icons have been rationalised, removing the small, medium and large versions. Corrections have also been done where some of the modifiers were incorrect.
Bug VI-1570 Active Console The Modification dialog in the custom modifiers stops you applying if the modifications are incomplete.
Bug VI-83 Active Console The Polygon tool has been removed from the palette.
Bug VI-849 Active Console The Samll Rack LT tool has been removed from the Dashboard palette in favour of newer tools that use the new custom modifier functionality.
Story VI-4660 Active Console The colour choosers in the custom modifier dialogue are now in order of severity (Undefined –> Critical).
Bug VI-837 Active Console There have been corrections to the modifier dialog which means you can correctly edit multiple modifiers. Prior to this it sometimes failed on apply. Note that if you edit the path directly (not via the oath editor), then you need to ensure that after the edit the text box loses focus. This has been resolved as part of ACX-3713.
Story VI-6995 Web Dashboard Creates a different Web Dashboard package with no JRE packaged. This allows for a smaller binary file and allow the user to use a different JRE for running the Web Dashboard (JRE 1.8 is still required). The Web Dashboard will still have a package available with a JRE included.
Bug COL-1875 FTM Plug-in Fixes the previously non-working FTM “Accept File Delay” function when file Alias containing formatting function has been specified.
Story VI-6996 Active Console Updates the JRE packaged with Web Dashboardand Active Console to 1.8.0_144.
Bug VI-2492 Web Dashboard Updates the sprint security and spring framework libraries used by the Web Dashboard to address security risks associated with older versions of those libraries.
Story VI-6994 Web Dashboard Adds support for authentication and authorization through the SSO Agent for access to the web dashboard dashboard and config pages.
Bug AA-1693 Gateway 2 Prevents possible loss of a record when logging to MS SQL Server and the connection is unexpectedly dropped.
Enhancement AA-2948 Gateway 2 Users will have to explicitly turn on the feature and downgrade if they wish to use original Geneos password encoding without warnings.
Enhancement VI-5278 Gateway Setup Editor When changing the editor to XML mode, encrypted passwords are obfuscated so that they are not visible even in their encrypted form. When the Copy XML or Copy Attributes -> XML commands are used, encrypted passwords are removed such that they have to be replaced when the XML is pasted. This also ensures that if XML is copied in order to be pasted into an editor, the encrypted version of the password is not revealed.
Bug COL-466 X Plug-ins X-Traffic columns dataSendRate and dataRecvRate have ’tab’ white space between the value of amount of data sent in ‘kb’ and time in ‘sec’
Story COL-5710 Self-announcing probes When a Self-announcing Netprobe or Floating Netprobe is suspended, the new default behaviour is for the Gateway to send it a message telling it how long it should wait before attempting to connect to another Gateway. This is controlled by the new selfAnnouncingProbes > pinSuspendedProbes setting: if this is disabled, a suspended probe will attempt to re-connect to another Gateway after a short timeout. This allows the Gateway administrator to make SAN probes suspend in a similar manner to normal probes. This enhancements require an upgraded Gateway as well as an upgraded Netprobe. Only an upgraded Netprobe will respect the request to remain pinned to the suspending Gateway.
Story COL-5709 Self-announcing probes When a Self-announcing Netprobe chooses between Gateways, it can now inform the Gateways that it has not chosen as well as the Gateway that it chooses. If a Gateway is informed that it has not been chosen, it removes the probe from its directory. This allows a self-announcing probe to migrate successfully to a different Gateway if it is suspended manually or by automatic load management. This enhancements require an upgraded Gateway as well as an upgraded Netprobe. An upgraded Netprobe will only send the “not chosen” message to Gateways which are able to handle it correctly.
Story COL-5711 Self-announcing probes The algorithm used to allocate Self-announcing Netprobes between Gateways has been enhanced so that Gateways inform each probe about the other probes which are negotiating a connection. Probes make use of this information to determine which other connections are about to be made when deciding which Gateway to connect to. This ensures that load is reasonably evenly distributed if many probes are started at once or if a number of probes have to choose between two or more remaining Gateways when one Gateway is stopped.
Bug VI-645 Active Console Fixes an issue where the version for Geneos components was set to a sequential value not indicative of the release date. This caused issues when checking for the ReleaseAge.
Bug AA-3795 Gateway 2 Some password errors that can arise due to hand editing XML and mis-entering passwords have now been caught.
Bug AA-3796 Gateway 2 When passwords were obfuscated in Gateway Setup Editor XML mode, command passwords were missed. That has been corrected.
Story AA-3794 Gateway 2 stdEncodedPassword is only presented as a password option if it is being used. In all other circumstances only plaintext and stdAESPassword will be presented to the user.
Bug DPS-15 All Geneos components Fixes an issue where the version for Geneos components was set to a sequential value not indicative of the release date. This caused issues when checking for the ReleaseAge.
Bug AA-769 Gateway 2 GatewayData and DatabaseLogging dataviews now hide the port and host if not set GatewayData and DatabaseLogging dataviews no longer show information that is only used by the Gateway client. (example being databaseLogging > connection > database > oracle > clientConnection > server > port)
Bug COL-1329 FKM Plug-in Added option to enable case insensitive filename matching for unix based OSes. Default is case sensitive.
Enhancement COL-3984 Webmon Plug-in Added support for SSL client authentication. Three additional WebMon parameters were exposed. Namely, Client Certificate, Client Key and Client Key Passphrase.
Bug VI-7090 Active Console This change fixes an issue where Active Console configurations aren’tbeing loaded if workspace configurations don’t haveSSOAgentUrl defined.

Geneos 4.2.0 Copied

Released: 1 August, 2017

Updated: 17 August, 2017

Note: Geneos Web Server (Web Dashboard) version 4.2.0 is available with fix for WEB-474 that resolves an issue with delays in updating the Web Dashboard browser interface.

Updated: 24 August, 2017

Note: The new 64-bit Windows Netprobe binary is available to download from ITRS Downloads.

Last updated: 9 February, 2018


Geneos version 4.2.1 is available with fix for COL-6049 that resolves an issue where Disk plug-in inode columns show zero while waiting for NFS partition data. The fix for COL-5714 is also available which resolves an issue where Disk plug-in significantly increase virtual memory usage in NFS partition.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Enhancement GSE-1503 Active Console Gateway Setup Editor supports copying named setup items to the system clipboard XML as XML and pasting such items from the clipboard. This allows setup items to be copied from one setup to another. .
Bug GSE-1504 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor A single star no longer causes display issues in Path Editor.
Enhancement GSE-1505 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Fixes incorrect defaults listed in the attached document.
Bug GSE-1350 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Pop up dialog box for XML settings are constrained to 2/3 of screen height when packed. This enables scrollbars to become active when adding many rows. Border adjusted for table settings panel to allow space for scrollbars.
Enhancement GSE-1424 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adds the ability to group Scheduled command in “Scheduled command Groups”. These groups allow for better management and support the standard Gateway Setup Editor group disable feature.
Bug GSE-1290 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor For settings, such as string list variables where a dialog box of table settings is popped up, the dialog will be restricted 2/3 of the screen height when it is redrawn.
Bug GSE-1502 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Editing the top level include file settings in XML mode could previously lead to an internal error which rendered the Gateway Setup Editor inoperable.
Bug GSE-1185 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When some types of error are detected by the Gateway Setup Editor (Gateway Setup Editor) in an include file, the linkage needed to allow the error to be shown in context was not previously saved correctly. This affected the Rule Editor and XML editor components of Gateway Setup Editor. For example, deleting a required keyword in the rule block of a rule defined in a setup include file would generate an error which, when double-clicked in the Gateway Setup Editor error dockable, would be reported against an unrelated part of the main setup file.
Bug GSE-1243 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Pop up dialog box for XML settings are constrained to 2/3 of screen height when packed. This enables scrollbars to become active when adding many rows. Border adjusted for table settings panel to allow space for scrollbars.
Enhancement GSE-1137 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The “Evaluate Alert” dialog box is of fixed size which makes it difficult to use when a lot of results are returned. The dialog is now resizeable to make it easier to navigate the results.
Bug GSE-1281, GSE-1054, GSE-1426, GSE-1446, GSE-1236 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Enhances the code input sections of the following plug-ins:
  • gateway-valoStreamData : streams > stream > query * gateway-sql : views > view > sql
  • gateway-sql : setupSql > sql
  • gateway-sql : sqmpleSql > sql
  • toolkit : script > contents
  • sql-toolkit : queries > query > sql
  • market-data-monitor : inline files > content and parameters
  • market-data-monitor : parameters Size is now bigger by default. Size changes still occur when text is typed. Scrollbars correctly update as the data is changed. Also changed other multiline text entry boxes so that scroll bars no longer obscure text. Changes to schema are purely annotation so that, Old instances of GSE can use new schemas with no loss of functionality. Use of new Gateway Setup Editor with old Gateways will not show not of the resizing of the code sections listed above as these require a schema change.
Bug GSE-1456 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor In Gateway Setup Editor warning for no samplers or types in a managed entity, the Gateway Setup Editor no longer highlights the probe field.
Bug GSE-1464 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Double-clicking on item error now only take the user to the item and does not highlight any sub part of the item. This is correct as the item is at fault not any sub part that can be identified in the Gateway Setup Editor.
Bug GWX-2858 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Gateway, Netprobe, Fix Analyser 2 The new script that generates version information for Geneos release was updated to also include git (code repository) specific information. The required information is embedded into the binary and can be viewed when running the command (on non-windows) {binary_name} -version. The schema version used by Gateway Setup Editor should always be the latest version embedded in Gateway or Netprobe. The schema version is now retrieved from the latest git commit date of the codes instead of using a sequential 6 digit number.
Enhancement ACX-4430 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor You can now remove path elements in droppeditem and followselection paths as well as append. Three new path manipulation functions have been added:
  • Remove ( …)
  • RemoveAfter ( .. )
  • RemoveBefore ( …)
Enhancement ACX-4429 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor You can use follow section paths on dashboards. This allows the contents of a dashboard to update as you click around the console (state tree, Gateway and list views). These can also be added to user defined tools allowing much more general tools to be added to the palette.
Bug ACX-4416 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor You can add a cell element after an append, merge or replace in a GeneosURL. Before you had to artificially add a ‘Table cell’, then turn off auto complete and manually adjust the path.
Bug ACX-3504 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Logging Success property is available in the Cell property list in the path editor.
Bug ACX-2798 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Fixes an issue in the path editor where the use of a ! and a * was not persisted correctly between path edits within the path editor.
Bug ACX-4350 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Advanced path editor is no longer be used for Droppeditem and Userselection paths. These paths are not really xpath centric, but Geneos constructs so not suitable material for the advanced editor.
Bug ACX-4353 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor A modifier linked to a non -numeric cell value will not change the border thickness, this is opposed to falling back to some default.
Enhancement ACX-4254 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor X and Y position controls have been added for dashboard objects and the line thickness is now a text entry rather than a slider.
Bug ACX-3007 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected minor Typos (this and cell) in the path editors.
Enhancement ACX-4348 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Any Leading and trailing spaces in modifier names are now removed at the time they are created.
Bug ACX-4352 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When a modifier that try’s to apply a string to a X / Y / Height or width property is used no action will be taken. This is in contrast to the previous behavior where that property would be set to 0.
Enhancement ACX-3357 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor This change closes metrics overview dockables when a window is closed. This prevents a build-up of hidden dockables which can possibly cause performance issues.
Enhancement ACX-3961 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor This enhancement changes the default behavior to close the metric overview dockables when the window is closed. In addition, this enhancement adds a “Persistent Overview” check box to the overview metrics wizard (which is initially turned off). Since the default current behavior is that, when closed, the overview is terminated, turning “Persistent Overview” on prevents this.
Enhancement ACX-4188 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The legend version of a data set in an active chart now shows the correct transparency. Before if you made the data set line partially transparent the legend did not update in the same way.
Bug GWX-2611 Gateway If a command is triggered as part of an action, its environment will have the appropriate environment variables and userdata added.
Enhancement GWX-629 Gateway Gateway checks that Gateway Setup Editor user will retain permission to edit setup.
Enhancement GFR-716 Gateway, Netprobe, EUEM Netprobe, Fix Analyser 2, Netprobe Enhances Geneos connection security:
  • Netprobes can reject EMF2 connections that do not supply Valid SSL certificates
  • Gateways can reject Netprobe connections that do not supply Valid SSL certificates
  • Gateways can reject Secondary Gateway connections that do not supply Valid SSL certificates
  • Gateways can reject Importing Gateway connections that do not supply Valid SSL certificates
  • Netprobe TRUSTED_GATEWAY_HOSTS is no longer limited to 300 chars. As part of this fixed an issue where Netprobe crashed with very large environment variable for TRUSTED_GATEWAY_HOSTS.
Enhancement GSE-1480 Gateway When performing a search in the Gateway Setup Editor you can now choose whether to include disabled items in the results. If disabled items are included, they will be shown in strikethrough font, to distinguish them from enabled items. (In this context, “disabled items” includes items which are found in disabled sections of the setup.)
Bug GWX-1538 Gateway Rule targets are re-evaluated when a relevant managed entity attribute changes.
Enhancement GWX-1435 Gateway Allows you to use geneos stringList variables in the inList function. ShowRules also updated to show the contents of a stringList variable when hovered over.
Enhancement GWX-1534 Gateway The Gateway on startup will attempt to verify the cache. This relies on file hashes maintained by the Gateway which will not initially exist. If writes or reads to the cache fail during a Gateway run the Gateway will attempt to keep going but will not allow setups to be saved until the Gateway is restarted. The Gateway will also advise that the cache is renamed or deleted before proceeding.
Bug GWX-2838 Gateway Fixes Gateway to log and pause connection when primary key of the table ref goes out of range.
Bug GWX-2778 Gateway Fixes Gateway to log and pause connection when primary key of the var_ref_table goes out of range.
Bug GWX-2800 Gateway Add fix for GatewaySql crash.
Bug GWX-2831 Gateway When rule startup is delayed, Gateway will not use setup which has validated unless it has also been saved.
Enhancement GWX-2833 Gateway, Netprobe, Express Reports Support for MS SQL Server ODBC Driver 13 on Linux 64-bit.
Bug GWX-2810 Gateway Links to groups in UserManager debug page works correctly.
Bug GWX-2828 Gateway Gateway sharing propagates severity correctly on ‘Import severity’.
Bug PLW-728 Netprobe Fixes Netprobe crash when there are a large number of mounted partitions.
Bug PLI-2283 Netprobe Fixes the issue where Win-service plug-in data view is blank when there’s an issue with a service being sampled. The fixed is to list all services in data view and error description is displayed in new tab called ‘sample state’ for services with errors.
Bug PLI-2204 Netprobe Fixes the incorrect “percentageUsed” & “freeSpace” column values on disk plug-in dataview when using Windows Netprobe on some “mapped” drives.
Enhancement PLI-2297 Netprobe Modifies FKM to use the fileId from FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR to handle each file, instead of file ctime. This is only applicable for Windows platforms.
Bug PLI-2226 Netprobe Fixes incorrect FTM dataview display of actualFilename when Alias with additional date formatting has been set. Also fixed the incorrect FTM dataview file displayName when Alias with additional date formatting has been specified.
Bug PLW-615 Netprobe The attribute search mechanism of the Stats format mask was modified to handle unsorted keys (e.g. name). Furthermore, a bug that prevented an attribute value to be retrieved when the key used is the first attribute of the first Statistic (or row) was also fixed.
Bug PLI-2211 Netprobe Fixes bugs on Network plug-in’s “show loopback” and “show Virtual Interface” options.
Bug PLI-2324 Netprobe Removes unnecessary access to /proc/*/fd directory to avoid frequent logging in audit logs.
Enhancement PLW-685 Netprobe The Stats mask is capable of retrieving attributes of nested Stats exposed in an MBean. Usage: KEY=VALUE,FIELD[,STATS NAME] When dealing nested Stats objects, the STATS NAME can be specified to identify the target Stats object. For non-nested Stats object, STATS NAME may be left out.
Bug PLI-2232 Netprobe Fixes an issue where incorrect network statistics are displayed for some network interfaces in Solaris.
Bug COL-6049 Netprobe Fixes an issue wherein Disk plug-in inode columns show zero while waiting for NFS partition data.
Bug COL-5714 Netprobe Reduces memory size of NFS threads from system default to 256kb each.

Geneos 4.1.0 Copied

Released: 31 May, 2017

Last updated: 16 June, 2017


Active Console is upgraded to 4.1.1 that includes the fix for ACX-4412 to make tooltips appear correctly in the entities view.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug ACX-4412 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Fixes the tooltips to make it appear when you hover Managed Entity in the entities view.
Bug GSE-1455 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The first time one of these options was used the File name text file was uneditable. This is no longer the case.
Bug GFR-713 Gateway, Licence Daemon Gateway uses cached licenses correctly for samplers when licensing daemon is offline.
Enhancement GWX-2773 Gateway The absolute path of the diagnostics file is now logged on command completion.
Documentation GWX-2668 Gateway Amends the database schema version indicated in the Gateway reference guide.
Enhancement GWX-2823 Gateway A statistics category, “restService” has been added to the Gateway Load Monitoring feature. Time spent running code related to the REST service is recorded in this category.
Bug GWX-2817 Gateway Stats iterator is not locking structure, it is iterating over leading to possibility of corrupt pointers being referenced.
Bug GSE-1224 Gateway Gateway Setup Editor correctly jumps to correct part of the setup when errors are selected in the Gateway Setup Editor.
Bug GWX-2792 Gateway Schema description for event max description length under database logging has been mentioned incorrectly as audit max description length. this has been corrected to event max description length. Audit table logging can be enabled by adding auditing section in setup. The length of the description logged can be edited by enabling the max description in auditing section.
Documentation GWX-2763 Gateway Improves Breach Predictor documentation guide.
Enhancement GWX-2820 Gateway Allows you to generate a structured output from -validate and log the output to a json file. Also fix -validate to report errors on the schema version number and compatibility level.
Bug GSE-1495 Gateway Fixes lock time reported by Gateway Setup Editor to be Year-Month-Day.
Documentation GWX-2682 Gateway Corrects typo in GW-SQL xpath screenshot.
Documentation GWX-2812 Gateway The secure flags and ports were not documented in the Gateway Reference guide. That has been corrected.
Bug GWX-2825 Gateway Evaluate xpaths in probe commands at execution time, where the command was previously unpublished.
Bug GWX-2784 Gateway Database Logging is fixed to resume connection after a pause with primary/secondary restart.
Bug GWX-2816 Gateway, Netprobe, EUEM Netprobe, Licence Auditor, Webslinger, Licence Daemon, Web Server, Gateway Recorder, Fix Analyser 2, File Agent When an i/o request on a secure connection was interrupted, the EMF2 communications layer would set both read and write interest on the file descriptor. It is possible that this could cause a busy loop in some circumstances. The code has been amended to only set write interest when the openSSL library indicates that this is required.
Enhancement GWX-2786 Gateway REST commands accept any target that matches a a single data item.
Enhancement GFR-690 Gateway. Netprobe, Licence Daemon, Webslinger When a Geneos server component (Gateway, Netprobe, Licence Daemon or Webslinger) is configured to provide secure connections by using an SSL certificate, it will check the “notBefore” and “notAfter” dates of the certificate. If the certificate has expired, or is not yet valid, a warning message will be written to the log file. If the certificate is valid, an informational message will be written stating how many days of validity remain. Additionally, the GatewayData Gateway plug-in now includes a row showing sslCertificateDaysRemaining. This allows Geneos administrators to set up a rule so that they can be alerted when the Gateway certificate is about to expire.
Enhancement GWX-2821 Gateway The Gateway REST service allows you to issue a validation request against the Gateway, as long as they have view permission against the main setup file. The response to this request is a report in JSON format of the issues (if any) detected by the Gateway as it applied its setup.
Bug GWX-2796 Gateway Previously a Task containing probe commands would fail if the command required arguments. This was because at the time of validation the commands were not published by the Netprobe. The Gateway will now look up the command definition when the task is executed and reapply the configuration for the task at hand checking for errors. Errors found are reported in the execution log and Gateway log.
Documentation GSE-1498 Gateway Gateway now correctly jumps to correct help section for Data Sets settings in the Gateway Setup Editor.
Documentation GWX-2742 Gateway For variable _VALIDATE_TYPE passed to validation hooks, we now list all the values the variable can take.
Bug GWX-2776 Gateway getCreateFastName does not use the mutex provided to control the creation of fastname. That has been created.
Enhancement GWX-2822 Gateway New REST endpoints have been added to make it easy to get a list of targets against which to execute commands. The /rest/xpaths/match endpoint returns a list of data item paths matching an xpath target expression. The /rest/xpaths/commandTargets returns a list of data item paths which are valid targets for a given command. A sample script has been provided in the Gateway resources directory to use this feature to run a given command against the targets that match a given xpath target expression.
Bug GWX-2718 Gateway Improves Gateway validation errors.
Bug GWX-2779 Gateway Gateway no longer crashes if connection is dropped due to authentication changes.
Enhancement GSE-1481 Gateway Validates the Operating environment timezone against understood formats and against zoneinfo database where available.
Documentation GWX-2697 Gateway A number of errors and omissions have been corrected in the database section in Gateway reference manual and database manual.
Documentation GWX-1232 Gateway Updates screenshots to reflect the current UI provided by the Gateway Setup Editor.
Bug GSE-1482 Gateway Links from errors to setup now work for both main and include files.
Bug GWX-2813 Gateway Adds the missing files back into Auditor package:
  • Templates dir on all platforms.
  • DLL on Windows platforms.
Bug GWX-2775 Gateway Fixes the argument processing of Tasks.
Bug GWX-2824 Gateway Fixes the metadata stream targets published viathe publishing module of Gateway.
Bug GWX-2814 Gateway Adds directory-resend request to nanomsg_stats. This isrequired for correct operation with Nanomsg publisherAdded new columns (all name and filter attributes) .
Bug GWX-2787 Gateway Only active Gateways can run REST commands successfully. If aREST request is sent to the inactive Gateway in a hot standbypair, it will return an error, with the explanatory text “Gateway is not active”.
Enhancement GWX-2788 Gateway Add info to Gateway Data view about database Schema Version used and maximum schema version supported by Gateway.
Bug GWX-2777 Gateway Locks in DirectoryNameProcessor::getAttributeDirect were not complete. Core review highlighted code paths where locks that should have been acquired were not.
Enhancement GWX-2737 Gateway When Gateway Sharing is used, a number of Gateway plugins support a user command to “Connect to Source Gateway”. In some cases the hostname and port configured on the exporting Gateway are not the connection parameters which the Active Console needs to use. The Gateway now supports configuration settings to allow other values to be specified forthese parameters.
Bug PLI-2309 Netprobe Fixes an issue wherein when Netprobe runs under elevated privileges (example, using setcap/setuid), the runtime libraries are not loaded properly.
Bug GWX-2794 Netprobe ‘Last sample info’ command works if sampler name contains a space character. Changed Netprobe to publish sample info correctly when sampler name has a space character.
Bug PLI-2256 Netprobe Updates the Error messages of Perfmon plug-in to be more descriptive.
Bug PLW-746 Netprobe Changes the environment variable paths of AIX build server.
Enhancement PLI-2178 Netprobe Updates the Error messages of Perfmon plug-in to be more descriptive.
Enhancement NPX-917 Netprobe Modifies the template files of Netprobe, File Agent, and EUEM Netprobeso that these run the 64-bit components instead of the 32-bit components, since the 32-bit components are not available starting Geneos 4.0.0.
Bug WEB-456 Webslinger Webslinger no longer fails to display cells that contain angle brackets.
Bug PLT-613 File Agent Fixes the File Agent Start Script Template file to refer to correctexecutable.

Geneos 4.0.0 Copied

Released: 20 February, 2017

Last updated: 24 March, 2017

Geneos 4.0.0 succeeds 3.8.0 as the latest version of ITRS application performance monitoring tool. It is the next step in the Geneos evolution, introducing new capabilities that co-exist with existing Geneos deployments and giving ITRS customers the flexibility to adapt and evolve at their own pace.

The first release, 4.0.0, focuses on laying the technical foundations to support those new capabilities and features coming up over the next few releases.

This release delivers the updated binaries for in the ITRS Downloads page.

Highlights Copied

These are the highlights of this release:

New features and fixed issues Copied

These are the new features and issues we have fixed in this release:

Issue type Issue key Release component Release description
Bug ACX-4409 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor This change adds back the signed euem xpi in the Active Console package. Previously, the unsigned xpi was included in the package.
Enhancement ACX-4290 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The opposite value for boolean data item properties can now be mapped to dashboard object properties.
Enhancement ACX-4223 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor It is now possible to display and persist unicode character captions, labels and texts in the dashboard. This is done by editing the ActiveConsole.gci file and changing the file encoding and by selecting a font that is able to display the desired unicode characters.
Enhancement ACX-4211 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Now when you paste into the active dashboard, if the mouse has not moved, each subsequent paste will be off set (down and right). This is to help the user see how many additional paste operations they have performed.
Enhancement ACX-4283 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Details mode in the dashboard palette has been removed. It had limited value over and above the popular icon mode.
Enhancement ACX-4273 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Now that licensing has been removed for the dashboard we have removed sort by licensed in the dashboard palette.
Enhancement ACX-4253 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Copy and paste are now available via a right click menu in the dashboard. before they were only accessible via CTRL-C, CTRL-V.
Enhancement ACX-4205 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The maximum time data retained and display options have been increased in the active charts. The new limit for both settings is now 500 hours.
Enhancement ACX-4171 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor There is now a modifier option that affects the image transparency. It is available via the custom modifier dialog.
Enhancement ACX-3930 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adding a modifier to a shape no longer updates the tool tip for a dashboard object. This is opposed to the previous behaviour which meant that whenever a modifier was added or loaded onto a shape the tooltip would be updated with the modifier information.
Enhancement ACX-4270 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The ReplaceURL modifier no longer wraps the target with dataitem( … ). In addition it replaces all URLs rather than add to the existing set.
Enhancement ACX-4363 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor You can now create a modifier that sets the colour of a dashboard object to be the value of a cell. The modifier assumes that the cell value will be of an RGB format, I.E. 255,255,255 for white. If the value of the cell is not of this format it defaults to white.
Enhancement ACX-4368 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Using the custom modifiers you can now link value to Font Transparency. the system assumes that the value of the cell is in the 0 -1, where 1 is opaque.
Enhancement ACX-4339 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor This change provides a default User-Agent string in the form “Geneos/ (ActiveConsole2)”.
Bug ACX-4291 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Default value now being cast to its correct type, based on the data item property type.
Bug GSE-1168 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Remove the table of include file information from the advanced tab of the includes node in Gateway Setup Editor.
Bug ACX-4251 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor This change fixes an issue when an object being copy-pasted doesn’t clone some properties. Properties added to a copy-paste include multiline, anti-alias, and keep aspect ratio.
Bug ACX-4341 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor This change fixes an issue with overflowing text in chart legends when a dashboard is imported when unicode is enabled.
Bug ACX-4202 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The ‘Fat Gauge’ has been removed from the palette in favour of updated designs. We have also corrected an issue which slowed down the loading of workspaces.
Bug ACX-4084 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Best practice dashboard tools have been refactored. This includes removal of the small, medium and large concepts in favour of a simple ‘one size’ set. They are also now designed based on the custom modifiers rather then using hard coded modifier settings. So they can be decomposed and understood.
Bug ACX-2956 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor If a dashboard has been locked down then you can no longer edit the text on the dash board. By locked down it means that objects cannot be selected (set in the dashboard level settings).
Bug ACX-3215 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Previously there was a bug where deleting a chart caused the next chart added to have the same name as the chart added immediately before it. Now, chart naming is consistent and the number is always unique.
Bug ACX-3830 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The licensing of the active dashboard has been removed from the active console. This means this defect is not longer applicable.
Bug ACX-4288 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When dashboard objects have their aesthetic style linked, gradient colour is now correctly synced. before if that was the only property that was changed the sync could not occur.
Bug ACX-4252 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Shapes with no fill on the dashboard are now only selectable by clicking on their border. Note to testers, this will only work for newly created dashboard objects, since the use fill in hotspot code is part if the persistence.
Bug ACX-4217 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor If a modifier is included in a sub-group in a dashboard tool it now works correctly after the work space is reloaded. Prior to this change the modifiers were not being correctly reloaded on a work space load, so the tool did not work.
Bug ACX-4326 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When new charts are created it now creates a unique name for that chart. in the past if charts were deleted and recreated charts could end up with the same name.
Bug ACX-4264 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The URL for the Online Geneos Docs has been updated in the console.
Bug ACX-3057 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The license banner has now been removed from the Active Dashboard.
Bug ACX-3016 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When changing modifier paths it no longer adds snooze =false and active = true by default. If the designer what’s these restrictions they can now add them themselves.
Bug ACX-3592 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Adding a modifier to a shape no longer updates the tool tip for a dashboard object. This is opposed to the previous behaviour which meant that whenever a modifier was added or loaded onto a shape the tooltip would be updated with the modifierinformation. Note this will not affect any existing tool tips present in saved work spaces. So any existing tool tips of modifier origin will still be present.
Bug ACX-3713 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue whereby the modifier dialog replicated modifiers when using the + and - buttons.
Bug ACX-3858 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue that meant that modifiers were not correctly restored on user defined palette tools that had some groups.
Bug ACX-3289 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue that meant that using snooze in a custom modifier did not work asintended. This was actually fixed as a result of ACX-3016 which stopped the auto addition of active = true, and snoozed = false into modifier paths.
Bug ACX-3051 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The modifier dialog no longer auto appends Snooze=true, and active=false when changing a modifier path. If the user needs these restrictions they can be manually added to the path by the designer of the dashboard object or tool.
Bug ACX-3882 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue that meant that corrupted modifiers stop all modifiers working. This occurred more frequently when you had to script your own modifiers via the manual files.
Bug ACX-3845 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The tooltips on the dashboards now respect the grouping atomic flag, before this change they will always have gone down to the lowest level basic object under the mouse pointer.
Bug ACX-4058 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor When changing modifier paths it no longer adds snooze =false and active = true by default. If the designer wants to have these restrictions they need to add them themselves. This was completed as a result of the work in ACX-3016.
Bug ACX-4203 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue that meant that new dashboards reported a refresh rate of 0 seconds. Fixed as a result of ACX-4230.
Bug ACX-4166 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue that meant that new dashboards reported a refresh rate of 0 seconds.
Bug ACX-4038 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Tool tips are now no longer set by applying modifiers to dashboard objects. While existing tool tips will be unchanged (an important point when testing this PEBL), this scenario is no longer possible. This change was completed as part of ACX-3845.
Bug ACX-4256 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue where links are left behind on dashboard objects when the links have been deleted.
Bug ACX-4325 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Added additional protection around how modifiers can change the properties of the dashboard objects. Where a property is set that is not valid (I.E. a negative border thickness) the modification will simply not apply.
Bug ACX-4241 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue whereby the modifier dialog replicated modifiers when using the + and - buttons. This was solved via ACX-3713.
Bug ACX-4315 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected issue that meant that if a custom modifier had not dashboard object property the dialog did not appear (the one that should come up when you drop a data item on to the dashboard).
Bug ACX-4318 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor The Line Arrow height modifier function has been removed.
Bug ACX-4230 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected issue that meant that the dashboard refresh rate was shown in milliseconds rather than seconds.
Bug ACX-4179 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Effective from this change when you right click on a grouped object on the dashboard it will only pick up the links from the first (atomic) object under the mouse pointer, rather than all links on all objects within the group. This will be a basic shape, OR a non-atomic group. The exception to this is when the Group is marked as atomic, in which case only the links explicitly defined on the group will be used. With respect to compatibility, on dashboards build prior to this version the unified set of links will still be available on the group until such a time as the group has been removed (ungrouped). Therefore, there should not be any changes to existing dashboards until the user starts manipulating the group structures.
Bug ACX-4306 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Effective from this change when you right click on a grouped object on the dashboard it will only pick up the links from the first (atomic) object under the mouse pointer, rather than all links on all objects within the group. This will be a basic shape, OR a non-atomic group. The exception to this is when the Group is marked as atomic, in which case only the links explicitly defined on the group will be used. With respect to compatibility, on dashboards build prior to this version the unified set of links will still be available on the group until such a time as the group has been removed (ungrouped). Therefore, there should not be any changes to existing dashboards until the user starts manipulating the group structures.
Bug ACX-4060 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor Corrected an issue where links added to dashboard objects are lost after a workspace save.
Enhancement GFR-680 Active Console, Gateway Setup Editor, Netprobe, EUEM Netprobe, Licence Auditor Boost version has been updated to 1.47.0. This is being used as an internal dependency of Geneos libraries.
Enhancement GWX-2732 Gateway When an Alert is triggered from a data item, the same _KBA_URLS environment variable is now provided to the effect as when an action is triggered on the same data item.
Documentation GWX-2756 Gateway Clarify meaning of ‘unreachable’ in Gateway-probeData plugin.
Documentation GWX-2767 Gateway The explanation of user authentication for REST commands in the Gateway Reference Guide has been expanded to include a usage example and to clarify that System and PAO authentication are not available for the REST API.
Bug GWX-2761 Gateway Ticker events triggered through update from undefined severity now contain the updated value rather than previous one.
Bug GWX-2733 Gateway Actions can again override environment variable generated by a managed entity attribute by using setting a userdata value in a rule. This fixes a regression issue.
Bug GWX-2760 Gateway Broken Gateway SQL views were incorrectly labelled if there was a Disabled view before them in the Sampler’s config. This has been fixed. Disabled views are ignored at setup time rather than read and then skipped.
Bug GWX-2805 Gateway Gateway will now correctly generate ‘raw.table’ metrics when the pivot strategy is applied to a dataview which has one or more computed rows. (In previous releases, the computed rows would be included in the ‘raw.table’ message and a corresponding number of base rows would be omitted.)
Bug GWX-2824 Gateway Fixed metadata stream targets published via the publishing module of Gateway.
Enhancement GFR-712 Netprobe, EUEM Netprobe, Licence Daemon, Webslinger, Web server, Fix Analyser 2, File Agent, Gateway When an SSL error is detected but the SSL library does not return an error we now report the unix/Windows error number to the Geneos Log.
Enhancement PLD-206 Gateway, Netprobe The Application name passed to the Database connection can now be configured. This fix is applicable for the following plugins:
  • Sybase (Default: “NetProbe (listen-port <Netprobe’s port#>”)
  • SybaseServer (Default: “NetProbe (listen-port <Netprobe’s port#>”)
  • SQLToolkit (Default: “NetProbe (listen-port <Netprobe’s port#>”)
  • DBLogging (Default: “gateway2 (listen-port <Gateway’s port#>”)
  • ExpressReports (Default: “ExpressReports (listen-port <Gateway’s port#>”)
Bug PLD-207 Gateway, Netprobe The Application name passed to the Database connection can now be configured. This fix is applicable for the following plugins:
  • Sybase (Default: “NetProbe (listen-port <Netprobe’s port#>”)
  • SybaseServer (Default: “NetProbe (listen-port <Netprobe’s port#>”)
  • SQLToolkit (Default: “NetProbe (listen-port <Netprobe’s port#>”)
  • DBLogging (Default: “gateway2 (listen-port <Gateway’s port#>”)
  • ExpressReports (Default: “ExpressReports (listen-port <Gateway’s port#>”)
Bug GWX-2744 Gateway, Schema It is possible for an item to be triggered by a rule but to run at a later time, either because it is configured to repeat or because it is queued until an active time becomes active or until a restriction is lifted. If the target of the triggering rule is a dataview cell, the values of other cells which are provided in environment values will now be the values current when the action is run. (Previously, only the target cell severity and value were current; other cell values were provided as of the time the action was triggered.)
Bug GWX-2714 Gateway, Schema A throttle with a summary interval of zero effectly tells the Gateway to not wait and summarise throttling if necessary. This then schedules another immediately update and so on throughout the lifetime of the throttling period causing CPU usage to spike.
Enhancement PLW-738 Netprobe MQ plugins have been provided fields for the username and password in order to access the MQ server with Security Connection Authentication feature.
Bug PLW-739 Netprobe This fixes an issue where no dataview is being created when tibjmsadmin.jar is missing.
Bug PLI-2287 Netprobe Network plugin’s send packet and receive packet fields can now compute the correct value and are not producing garbage value anymore.
Bug PLI-2298 Netprobe There were instances that the Trapmon plugin’s Custom view and All Traps view does not contain the same data. The data on the Custom view are being truncated after the first instance of a blank-space character. The modification here was to make both views show the exact same data. The format of all the timeticks data type was also changed from DD days, HH:MM:SS.SS to DD:HH:MM:SS.SS.
Bug PLI-2314 Netprobe Fixed missing files in EUEM Package.
Bug NPX-905 Netprobe Change default name of certificates used by Windows Installer from cert.pem and cert-chain.pem to cert.netprobe.pem and cert-chain.netprobe.pem. This is to match the default values written in the documentation.
Bug PLM-303 Netprobe Update RFA dictionary from version 16.51 to 17.11.
Bug PLT-522 Netprobe The rewind flag is now behaving correctly such that the file will be read from the end if the flag is set to false, otherwise it will be read from the start.
Bug PLI-2221 Netprobe Fix for GIN-499 (Plug-ins with POPEN hang when there’s a Disk Plug-in monitoring a disconnected NFS mount), GIN-342 (PLI-2221: Disk plugin on Solaris Sparc platform does not handle monitoring large amount of partitions efficiently), and GIN-322 (PLW-728: Combination of JMX/Disk plugin on Solaris Sparc causes High memory spike / NetProbe crash).
Bug NPX-914 Netprobe Fix crash in Toolkit Plug-in when sampling becomes okay after a sampling which previously timed out.
Bug NPX-916 EUEM Netprobe The installer was removed in the Netprobe binary for Windows.
Enhancement NPX-875 Netprobe, File Agent, Signed files for Windows binary of Netprobe and File Agent.
Enhancement WEB-440 Web server This enhancement creates a 64-bit binary for the Web Dashboard on Solaris (x86 and sparc).
Enhancement WEB-442 Web server This change adds support for Java 8 for the Solaris Web Dashboard (x86 and sparc).
Enhancement GSE-1490 Active Console, Gateway Additionally when GSEs other than the locking one connect to the Gateway they will display the locking users full name where available along with the system username in the configuration tree.

Other Geneos releases Copied

Release Date
7.x Release Notes Released: August 2024
6.x Release Notes Released: September 2022
5.x Release Notes Released: December 2019


The information contained in this document is for general information and guidance on our products, services, and other matters. It is only for information purposes and is not intended as advice which should be relied upon. We try to ensure that the content of this document is accurate and up-to-date, but this cannot be guaranteed. Changes may be made to our products, services, and other matters which are not noted or recorded herein. All liability for loss and damage arising from reliance on this document is excluded (except where death or personal injury arises from our negligence or loss or damage arises from any fraud on our part).
["Geneos"] ["Release Notes"]

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