Agents installation

There are three basic approaches to monitoring devices on your network:

This document discusses how to achieve the last item in the list.

Using the ITRS Infrastructure Agent

The ITRS Infrastructure Agent is the recommended agent to install on monitored servers, and supports both Windows and Linux.

The Infrastructure Agent enables communication between systems by running a daemon that Opsview Monitor Collectors can use to interrogate the status of the system. It provides some default plugins (for checking on RAM, CPU, and DISK, amongst others) that Host Templates within Opsview Monitor can make use of straight away, but can be extended with additional plugins.

For installation details on any distribution see Infrastructure Agent Installation.


We do not recommend manually installing or upgrading the Infrastructure Agent on servers which run Opsview Monitor itself, as these already have packages managed by Opsview Deploy.

Using the Opsview Agent

End of life for Opsview Agent

The Opsview Agent is deprecated and is no longer supported. You can still access the older version of the documentation to view the information, but we recommend that you use the ITRS Infrastructure Agent.

Please follow the instructions above for the most up-to-date information.

["Opsview"] ["User Guide"]

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