
Before installing Obcerv, you must have the following:

  1. Kubernetes cluster running a compatible version with the Obcerv Platform.
  2. The cluster must have an ingress controller installed. You will need to ensure port 443 is open to your desired network(s) for each ingress.
  3. The cluster must have enough resources for all Obcerv components as well as all Obcerv apps. See the sample configuration files for the total resources required for Obcerv components. Additionally, extra resources are required based on the number of Obcerv apps that will be installed.
  4. kubectl version 1.20 or newer
    • To check this, run kubectl version.
  5. helm version 3.x
    • To check this, run helm version.
    • To check this, look for its pods by running kubectl get pods --namespace=itrs.
  6. linkerd CLI version 2.9 or newer
    • To check this, run linkerd version.
  7. Credentials for the ITRS Docker Registry ( Obcerv is distributed via Docker images from the ITRS registry. If your Kubernetes cluster is not permitted to access our registry, the images must be manually added to your private registry.


    Using a private Docker registry is an efficient way to cache ITRS product images and is recommended if you plan to deploy large Obcerv instances. This will ensure that images get pulled in a timely manner by reducing the overall load on the ITRS public registry.
  8. DNS names for accessing Obcerv from outside the Kubernetes cluster.
    • Web UI: for example obcerv.mydomain.internal.
    • Data ingestion: to publish from Geneos Gateways; for example obcerv-ingestion.mydomain.internal. These DNS names must be mapped, either manually or dynamically, to the corresponding Kubernetes services that will be created during installation.
  9. TLS certificate(s) for the DNS names. You must generate these using your existing certificate management process. Alternatively, you may skip this and configure Obcerv to automatically create self-signed certificates during the installation.

You should also consult the Compatibility matrix to ensure you select compatible component versions.

["Obcerv"] ["Technical Reference"]

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