Overview Use Cases.sv

title: "Om användningsfall"
draft: false

# Algolia labels:
   ContentType: [
     "User Guide"

## Översikt

Den här guiden innehåller information om typiska användningsfall som beskriver mer i detalj hur man använder Capacity Planner i specifika operativa och framsynta scenarier. Dessa exempel tillhandahåller ett användningsfall som kan vara tillämpligt  din situation, samt en översikt över de åtgärder som kan utföras i varje fall. Du kan använda dessa exempelscenarier som en utgångspunkt för idéer om hur du konfigurerar dina egna scenariomodeller i Capacity Planner.

## Operativa faser

[//]: # (## Operational phases)

Capacity Planner addresses a wide number of use cases across various operational and transformational phases of IT infrastructure management. Below is a general list of these phases with an overview of how Capacity Planner can help address them.

* **Planning phase**  when your business is planning for change,  helps you ensure that enough physical and virtual server and storage capacity is available to meet the new demands of the IT infrastructure.
* **Running phase**  as part of your day-to-day operations, Capacity Planner  can extrapolate growth and behavioural trends in your existing data and predict potential capacity issues in advance, so that you can take action.
* **Optimisation phase**   can help you to continually improve and optimise your infrastructure, whether youre looking to reduce your server estate, make best use of the infrastructure you have available, or evaluate outsourcing options for infrastructure on demand through cloud services.

For more information on specific use cases and how they can be addressed, see [Use Case Scenarios ](/use-cases/use-case-scenarios/).
["Capacity Planner"] ["User Guide"]

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