GL Trade


Effective 15 September 2022, all GL Trade plugins, except GL Router, reached end of life. This documentation is archived and will no longer be updated.

Introduction Copied

The Geneos GL Trade plugin monitors the GL system and displays information for each dataview. This includes the plugin configurations and settings in each plugin.

GL Greffon Copied

The Geneos GL Greffon plug-in monitors the GL system and displays information about user logons through Greffon connections.

Views Copied

This plug-in produces a single view as follows:



Column Name Description
Login Key The login key used to connect to the system
Greffon The greffon used to connect to the system
Status Status of the greffon/user (shared by all users connecting using the particular greffon)
Member Number Member number associated with the greffon
User Id User id of the user connecting through this greffon
Name Name of the user connecting through this greffon

Plugin configuration Copied

Mandatory configuration:


users_ini_file = /bin/greffon/logs/users/users.ini
names_ini_file = /bin/greffon/logs/names/names.ini
traderid_ini_file = /bin/greffon/logs/traders/traderid.ini
slev5liffe_ini_file = /bin/greffon/logs/slev5liffe/slev5liffe.ini
licsym_ini_file = /bin/greffon/logs/slev5liffe/licsym.ini

gl_connect_ini_file_path = /bin/greffon/logs/glconnect-ini/
gl_connect_log_file_path = /bin/greffon/logs/glconnect-log/

Optional configuration:

gl_connect_ini_file_prefix = glconnect_
gl_connect_ini_file_extension = ini

gl_connect_log_file_prefix = glconnect_
gl_connect_log_file_extension = log

debug = true

The following sampling parameters should be set up in the [GREFFON_SAMPLER_DESCRIPTOR]

Name Description Notes
users_ini_file Full path (including filename) of the users.ini file MANDATORY
names_ini_file Full path (including filename) of the names.ini file MANDATORY
traderid_ini_file Full path (including filename) of the traderid.ini file MANDATORY
slev5liffe_ini_file Full path (including filename) of the slev5liffe.ini file MANDATORY
licsym_ini_file Full path (including filename) of the licsym.ini file MANDATORY
gl_connect_ini_file_path Location of the glconnect_XX.ini files MANDATORY
gl_connect_log_file_path Location of the glconnect_XX_DATE.log files MANDATORY
gl_connect_ini_file_prefix Prefix of the glconnect_XX.ini files (i.e. 'glconnect_') OPTIONAL
gl_connect_ini_file_extension Extension of the gl_connect_XX.ini files (i.e. 'ini') OPTIONAL
gl_connect_ log _file_prefix Prefix of the glconnect_ XX_DATE.log files (i.e. 'glconnect_') OPTIONAL
gl_connect_ log _file_extension Extension of the gl_connect_ XX_DATE.log files (i.e. 'ini') OPTIONAL
debug (true/false) The plugin will print out each line it reads from a .ini or .log file to the standard output, if this option is turned on (off by default) OPTIONAL

GL Lost Orders Copied

The GL Lost Orders plug-in compares the lirebase log before and after the GL and exchange execute order-book reset.

This automatic process will highlight any discrepancies caused by the reset process by running a “night” scan of the orders before the reset and a “day” scan of the orders after the reset.

View Copied

This plugin produces a single view showing the status of any lost orders, in the screenshot below the night-scan will activate in 59 seconds and that the day scan will happen 3 minutes later.


In the screenshot below we can see 20 valid orders have been lost between the night and day scan with the lost orders clearly shown in the grid.


Headline Legend

Name Description
totalLostOrders Total number of orders that have gone missing over night.
timeNightScan Time that the first scan is performed.
ordersNightScan Number of orders found in the night scan that should be present in the day scan.
timeDayScan Time the second scan is performed.
ordersDayScan Total number of orders found in the day scan (should match ordersNightScan)

Table Legend

Name Description
<configurable> The details of the order. The columns can be configured in the plug-in setup.

Plugin configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

columns Copied

Allows the columns to be overridden.

Mandatory: No

Default: userId,stockCode,orderStatus,quantity,price,qtyRem,expireDate

The actual fields used are:

V5 noUti,mnemo,orderStatus,quantity,price,remainQty,expireDate

V3 noUti,mnemo,orderStatus,quantity,price,qte,dval

columns > column Copied

Defines an individual column

columns > column > alias Copied

The name of the column as seen in the view

Mandatory: Yes

columns > column > name Copied

The field in the file used to populate the column

Mandatory: Yes

sleVersion Copied

Set this to the SLE version.

Mandatory: No

Default: 5

scanTimes Copied

These allow you to set the times used for scanning.

scanTimes > eveningScanTime Copied

The time to start the evening scan.

Mandatory: No

Default: 18:00

scanTimes > morningScanTime Copied

The time to start the morning scan.

Mandatory: No

Default: 06:00

orderSendCommand Copied

The script that calls the lirebase command.

Mandatory: No

Default: /bin/csh ./gl_orderdump.csh

scanMargin Copied

Used for testing between short intervals

Mandatory: No

Units: Minutes

Default: 120

commandTimeout Copied

How much time the script has to complete.

Mandatory: No

Units: Seconds

Default: 600

lirebaseIniFile Copied

The name of the lirebase ini file.

Mandatory: No

Default: ./gl_lirebase.ini

csvFile Copied

The name of the csv file

Mandatory: No

Default: ./itrsorder.csv

ignoreFileCheck Copied

The day of the week that the night scan file time/date is ignored.

Mandatory: No

Default: check every day

GL Orderbook Copied

The Geneos GL Orderbook plug-in is most effectively used as a manual trigger to produce a snap-shot of the orders on an exchange order book on the GL servers.

The published view provides the means to compare perceived orders (as seen in the GL Win) against the actual or partially executed orders in waiting.

View Copied


Headline Legend

Name Description
totalOrders Total number of orders found.
timeLastTestStart Time that the last test was started.
timeLastTestCompleted This field shows the time the test was completed

Table Legend

Name Description
<configurable> The details of the order. The columns can be configured in the plug-in setup.

Plugin configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

columns Copied

Allows the columns to be overridden.

Mandatory: No


Aliases: userId,stockCode,orderStatus,quantity,price,qtyRem

Fields: noUti,mnemo,orderStatus,quantity,price,remainQty

columns > column Copied

Defines an individual column

columns > column > alias Copied

The name of the column as seen in the view

Mandatory: Yes

columns > column > name Copied

The field in the file used to populate the column

Mandatory: Yes

orderSendCommand Copied

The command to run to collect the order information.

Mandatory: No

Default: /bin/csh ./dumpgl.command

commandTimeout Copied

How much time the script is allowed to run for

Mandatory: No

Units: Seconds

Default: 1800

retryDelay Copied

If the command times out it will delay for this many seconds before retrying again

Mandatory: No

Units Seconds

Default: 30

forceCollect Copied

Forces collection of data on startup

Mandatory: No

Default: false

qtyColumnName Copied

Used to ignore quantity’s that are < 1

Mandatory: No

Default: remainQty

cancelledToken Copied

Used to ignore cancelled orders

Mandatory: No

Default: " Can "

lirebaseIniFile Copied

Name of the ini file to use with lirebase

Mandatory: No

Default: ./gl_lirebase.ini

GL Permissions Copied

The GL Permissions plug-in monitors the GL permissions that traders and users have, as defined by the GL password.ini & traderid.ini files.

View Copied

The GL-PERMISSIONS Plug-in produces a single view:


Headline Legend

Name Description
monitoredP3 The ID of the P3 router permissions are being monitored for.

Table Legend

Name Description
UserId The GL id assigned to the user.
UserName The translation of the GL Userid, as configured in names.ini file.
Mnemonic The trade mnemonic as defined in the GL traderid.ini file.
Access Indicates the type of trader access privileges.
Selector Shows if the trader orders have been submitted to the Selector.
SupervisedUsers Lists the users (GL UserIds) that the trader is authorised to supervise.

Plugin configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

usersFile Copied

Specifies the full path to the GL users.ini or passwd.ini file

Mandatory: No

Default: ./users.ini

traderFile Copied

Specifies the full path to the GL traderid.ini file.

Mandatory: No

Default: ./traderid.ini

names Copied

This section associates textual names with the IDs of the GL users.

Mandatory: No

names > data > users Copied

This section defines a user/router community. In most cases there need only be one users section, containing all the users and all the routers. However where there is more than one user with the same ID connecting from different routers (for example on a broker site) they must be separated into different user sections.

names > data > users > router Copied

This specifies the numeric ID of a router and freeform name to describe the router. There can be more than one user entry per users section. Both the name and ID of the router are mandatory.

Mandatory: No

names > data > users > user Copied

This specifies the numeric ID of a user and freeform name to describe the user. There can be more than one user entry per users section. Both the name and ID of the user are mandatory.

Mandatory: No

namesFile Copied

This section specifies the path to a file containing the associations between textual names and GL router IDs. The format of this file is described in Names.ini configuration. If the names section has been defined, then the data in the names section will be saved in the file specified in this section in the format described.

Mandatory: No

Default: ./names.ini

p3LogDir Copied

When this is set, this plug-in will check in this directory for a file named p3_yyyymmdd.log, where yyyymmdd is replaced with the current date. This file will then be read to find the P3 router ID.

Mandatory: No

Default: .

namedUsersOnly Copied

When set to true, will only show the users.ini/passwd.ini users that are also defined in names.ini.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

uncommentedUsersOnly Copied

When set to TRUE only passwd.ini users without a minus preceding the user-id are shown.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

Names.ini configuration Copied

This is an optional reference file that associates textual names with the IDs of the GL routers and GL users. This file can be used instead of defining the data in the names section of the plugin.

The file should always contain one or more [USERS] section.

For example:

ROUTER_ID=17000, Internal 1
ROUTER_ID=17003, Internal 2
USER_ID=232, Simone Jones
USER_ID=231, Charles Stout

ROUTER_ID=13000, Internal 3
USER_ID = 130, Nina Simmons
USER_ID= 140, William Gower

USERS is a section that defines user / router communities.


The ROUTER_ID that the users connect from must also be defined in this section in addition to the USER_IDs. More than one router can be defined.

In most cases it is only necessary to define one [Names] section with all known routers and users. However where there is more than one user with the same ID connecting from different routers (for example on a broker site) they must be separated into different router communities.

GL Sets SLC Copied

The Sets SLC plug-in is a specialised monitor for SLC connectivity to the London (SETS) or Johannesburg (JSE) stock exchanges that utilises the TCP/IP connections.

View Copied

This plug-in produces a single view as shown below:


Headline Legend

Name Description
logonStatus Current status of the SLC connection to SETS.
logonTime Time the SLC logged on to SETS.

Table Legend

Name Description
serviceCode Unique three digit code identifying the service.
Name Name of the service.
isSubscribing Indicates whether the service is actively subscribing.
startSubscribeTime Time the service started subscribing.
lastActivity Time of the last activity on this session.
todaysRerequests Total number of messages requested today.
rerequestMsgCount Total number of requests to the exchange generated by the above.
MktMsgCount Number of Market messages between this service and market.
IpollMsgCount Number of Idle poll messages between this service and the market.
totalMsgCount Combined total message count between this service and the market.

Plugin configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

multicastSessions Copied

Boolean, set to true if multicast is being used.

This plug-in does not track multicast traffic and if the multicastSessions parameter is set then the columns IsSubscribing, StartSubscribeTime and Last Activity are hidden.

Mandatory: No

Default: False

logFile Copied

The full path to the SLC P1 log file.

e.g. /slc/log/p1jse*.log

The log file actually defaults to p1xxx_yyyymmdd.log, however it is recommended that the * wild card is used, as above, as this will always track the latest version of the P1 log file, even if it spans two working days.


Default: p1xxx_yyyymmdd.log

iniFile Copied

The full path to the SLC ini file.

e.g. /slc/conf/slcjse.ini

Mandatory: Yes

multipleDataFiles Copied

Use this section of multiple data files (one per session) are used - otherwise use the single dataFile parameter.

When multiple data files are used, Idle Polls are not recorded in the data files. Thus the columns IpollMsgCount and TotalMsgCount are hidden.

Mandatory: No

multipleDataFiles > dataFiles Copied

In the case where multiple data files are used, one per session. The datafile will be substitute with the session names extracted from the ini file. E.g. Instead of “/slc/data/20*.data” for the datafile you would expect to see “/slc/data/20*,.data”.

Mandatory: Yes

multipleDataFiles > iriFile Copied

Location of the IRI data file.

Mandatory: Yes

dataFile Copied

The full path to the SLC data file. This is mandatory if multipleDataFiles is not used.

e.g. /slc/data/20*.data

It is recommended that the * wild card is used, as above, as this will always track the latest version of the data file.

Mandatory: No

GL SLC Copied

Dynamic Exchange View Copied

Unlike most Geneos plug-ins view are generated dynamically. Each time an SLC log file is read the new exchanges will be added as new views and the views that already exist will be updated. Each exchange view shows the scanDate to indicate the day that it was read.


The scanDate will only be displayed after the whole SLC file is read. This allows the user to match up any Dataview to a file via the scanDate (this will match the log file’s last modified time).

Headline Legend

Name Description
scanDate Allows the user to match up any Dataview to a file via the scanDate (this will match the log file's last modified time).

Table Legend

Name Description
exchangeSegment Consists of the exchange name and market
percentValuesUtilisation Shows a percentage of how many resources were used in this run
valuesUsed The actual amount of values used
valuesLimit The maximum allowed values
percentMemoryUtilisation Shows a percentage of how many resources were used in this run
memoryUsed The actual amount of memory used
memoryLimit The maximum allowed memory

Plugin configuration Copied

Sample configuration:

logPath: /GLSLC/log
filename: survp1_CAYLON_*

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

logPath Copied

This can either be a windows or UNIX path e.g. /glslc/logs

Mandatory: No

Default: “.” (Netprobe working directory)

filename Copied

This can be a wildcarded filename e.g. survp1_CALYON_*, this will match the latest written file survp1_CALYON_20070307

Mandatory: No

Default: survp1_*

GL SLC Relay Copied

The GL SLC Relay plug-in is a specialised monitor for SLC RELAY connections.

View Copied


Headline Legend

Name Description
totalConnections The number of current connections to specific Markets.

Table Legend

Name Description
Market The name of the individual Market connected to.
Update Rate An indication of the speed of connection to the Market.
Time Since Last Update Elapsed time (in minutes).
Last Update Time The time of the last update
Cumulative Data Total number of KB transferred.

Plugin configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

logFile Copied

The full path to the SLC P1 log file. Where a * is present, the latest matching file will be used. Use of the * is recommended as this will always track the latest version of the P1 log file, even if it spans two working days.

For example:


Mandatory: No

Default: ./p1_*.log

GL SLE Copied

The Geneos GL SLE plug-in is part of a suite of modules that monitors aspects of the GL trading system.

This monitors the local SLE sending order instructions to an exchange, and receiving acknowledgements from them. It monitors the current and worst delays, number of instructions sent, and number of order instructions that have not been acknowledged.

It also handles most world exchanges, see exchange > type in the Technical Reference section for details.

View Copied


Headline Legend

Name Description
SLE Mode Indicates whether the SLE is currently functioning as a MASTER or a SLAVE. If no fail-over SLE exists, then the mode is shown as SINGLE.
SLE Database Synchronization Indicates whether SLE database synchronization is currently PRIMARY or BACKUP. If this information is not available, headline will not appear.
Sent to <exchange> today
The total number of order instructions sent to the exchange today.

Includes orders, modifications and cancellations.

Unacknowledged The number of order instructions that have not been acknowledged over a user defined period (default 10 seconds).
receivedMessages The number of order instructions received from the exchange.
totalMessages The sum of order instructions sent to and received from the exchange.
Current turnaround sec The current number of seconds that order instructions are currently taking to be acknowledged by the exchange. This will show the largest turnaround time in this sample.
Last turnaround time sec Shows the last non-zero value of Current turnaround sec.
averageTurnaround The average time, in seconds, that an order instruction took to be acknowledged by the exchange over the last X seconds, where X defaults to 600 and is configurable (see the technical reference section for details)
averageTurnaroundToday The average time, in seconds, that an order instruction took to be acknowledged by the exchange today.
maxMessagesAllowed Displays the maximum number of messages allowed to/from the SLE. This headline will only be visible if the ini file has been set.

Table Legend

Name Description
id The unique ID of the slowest acknowledged or unacknowledged order.
instruction Shows detail of the order that has the worst turnaround time and any instructions that have not been acknowledged, as they appear in the EMIS_xxxxx.log.
turnaroundTime Displays the worst order turnaround time, and any unacknowledged orders.
orderSendTime Displays the send time of the corresponding order.

Plugin commands Copied

The GL SLE plug-in has an additional internal Accept command. This command enables you to “accept” an unacknowledged order row so that it is removed from the dataview. For more information on this command, see Gateway Commands.

GL SLE configuration Copied

The plug-in depends on information supplied by the SLE process. The log level of the SLE process is crucial, and the SLE must log individual order transmissions and acknowledgements. This can be achieved by setting the tracelevel parameter in the [LOG] section of the slev5.ini file to a value of 70 or greater. A restart of the SLE process will be required for this value to take effect.

Increasing the log level of the SLE will increase the size of the log file that the SLE generates. ITRS recommends that the free disk space on this disk partition and the physical size of the log file be monitored to avoid possible issues. This may be achieved with the DISK and FKM plugins.

The GL-SLE plug-in handles millisecond resolution in SLEv5. In order to enable millisecond reporting in the P10 log files, set the following in the [LOG] section of the slev5.ini file:

millisecond = 1

Plugin configuration Copied

GENEOS GL-SLE Plug-in monitors the local SLE to exchange parameters.

exchange Copied

Allows the exchange to be configured

exchange > type Copied

For SLEv5, set this to SLEV5. For pre-SLEv5, set this to the type of exchange.

Mandatory: Yes

exchange > name Copied

This is a display name for the exchange.

Mandatory: No

Default: The exchange type

sleLogDirectory Copied

Specifies the full path to the GL directory where the general SLE log files reside.

e.g. <GL root>/sle/logs

Mandatory: Yes

marketLogDirectory Copied

Specifies the full path to the GL directory where the log files that contain send and receive order instructions reside.

e.g. <GL root>/slev5liffe/logs

Mandatory: No

Default: The same as sleLogDirectory

sendFilePrefix Copied


The part of the send file name that precedes the date. Defaults to EMIS.

For SLEv5:

Must be set to <exchange_name>_recv or P10_send (if the exchange specific log does not exist)

e.g. slev5liffe_recv

Mandatory: Yes (for SLEv5)

Default: EMIS (for pre-SLEv5)

receiveFilePrefix Copied


The part of the receive file name that precedes the date. Defaults to RECEP.

For SLEv5:

Must be set to <exchange_name>_send or P10_recv (if the exchange specific log does not exist)

e.g. slev5liffe_send

Mandatory: Yes (for SLEv5)

Default: RECEP (for pre-SLEv5)

orderMatchToken Copied

This allows the default order match tokens to be replaced. Setting this will define a single Order Match Token. The 4 match tokens that are used if this value is not defined will be ignored if this is set.

Mandatory: No

Default: SLEOrderId, SLECommandId, localSLECommandID and FENXOrderId

averageTurnaroundInterval Copied

The amount of time used for generating the average displayed in the averageTurnaround headline variable.

Mandatory: No

Units: Seconds

Default: 600 (10 minutes)

unack > unacknowledgeTime Copied

The time after which an order instruction that has not received an acknowledgement is considered to be unacknowledged.

Mandatory: No

Units: Seconds

Default: 10

unack > maxInstructionsToDisplay Copied

The maximum number of unacknowledged instructions that should be displayed. This limits the number of instructions sent from the Netprobe to the Gateway in the event of total exchange outage.

Mandatory: No

Default: 10

filenameChangeCheckInterval Copied

How often to check for new versions of the files, i.e. filenames with the current days date.

Mandatory: No

Units: Seconds

Default: 60

trackAllMessages Copied

Without this option set Quote, TACTIC, zero price and zero quantity orders will not be counted.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

includeZeroPriceOrders Copied

SLEv5 Liffe Options orders seem to sometimes have no price set. Typically these will be rejected, unless this parameter is set to ’true'.

This setting only applies to SLEv5.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

maxSendOrderLinesPerSample Copied

The maximum number of lines to process before skipping to the end of the file and clearing the unacknowledged order list. Setting this too low may cause orders to be missed, setting it too high may cause the plug-in to time out.

This parameter should not be set higher than maxReceiveOrderLinesPerSample.

Mandatory: No

Default: 30,000

maxSendOrdersPerSample Copied

The maximum number of orders to process before skipping to the end of the file and clearing the unacknowledged order list. Setting this too low may cause orders to be missed, setting it too high may cause the plug-in to time out.

This parameter should not be set higher than maxReceiveOrdersPerSample.

Mandatory: No

Default: 10,000

maxReceiveOrderLinesPerSample Copied

The maximum number of lines to process before skipping to the end of the file and clearing the unacknowledged order list. Setting this too low may cause orders to be missed, setting it too high may cause the plug-in to time out.

This parameter should not be set lower than maxSendOrderLinesPerSample.

Mandatory: No

Default: 30,000

maxReceiveOrdersPerSample Copied

The maximum number of orders to process before skipping to the end of the file and clearing the unacknowledged order list. Setting this too low may cause orders to be missed, setting it too high may cause the plug-in to time out.

This parameter should not be set lower than maxSendOrdersPerSample.

Mandatory: No

Default: 10,000

sle_ini Copied

Allows the sle ini file to be specified.

sle_ini > filename Copied

Specifies the full path (including filename) of the sle ini file. (Usually called slev5.ini or sle.ini). The Headline MaxMessagesAllowed is only shown if this parameter is specified.

Mandatory: No

sle_ini > version Copied

Indicates the version of the sle ini file.

Mandatory: No

Default: V5

duplicateOrderTest Copied

Controls how the plug-in detects duplicate outgoing orders in the log file.

Mandatory: No

Default: OFF

Value Description
OFF Do not test. Each order is tracked independent of whether it is a duplicate of a previous order.
ID Uses the ID of the message to identify and ignore duplicate messages.
ID_AND_DESC Uses the ID and description to identify and ignore duplicate messages.

doNotTimeQuoteRq Copied

If set to true, SLEv5 Quote orders (valueType=81) will be ignored.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

useMtimeToMatchLogFiles Copied

Determines what strategy to use when trying to locate the most recent log files from a directory which may contain multiple log files. If true, compares log files by modification date else compares them by creation dates.

Mandatory: No

Default: false

internalEventLevel Copied

The plugin will generate ticker events in the gateway for certain events. This option controls the severity of the event.

Value Description
CRITICAL Generate critical ticker event and log in the netprobe logfile.
WARNING Generate warning ticker event and log in the netprobe logfile.
INFO Generate info ticker event and log in the netprobe logfile.
NONE Log in the netprobe logfile only.

Mandatory: No



Views Copied

The GL-SLE-TCP plug-in produces two types of views, depending on the MONITOR_OPTION setting in the Sampler Descriptor.

Exchange Connection State View Copied

With MONITOR_OPTION set to TCP (default), the plug-in will monitor the state of the TCP/IP connections to the exchange. See example view below.


Exchange Connection State Headline Legend

Name Description
Exchange Indicates selected exchange.
Total links The total number of monitored links.
Failed connections The total number of connections that are not in an ESTABLISHED state.
Failed logons The total number of attempted logons that have failed.

Exchange Connection State Table Legend

Name Description
Connection The connection number as configured in the SLE.ini file.
TraderId The trader mnemonic that uses the connection.
LocalAddress The local address (port no) of the connection.
RemoteAddress The remote address (port no) of the connection.
SendQueue The number of bytes queuing to be sent to the server.
RecvQueue The number of bytes queuing to be processed from the server.
State The state of the connection. This should be ESTABLISHED.

Logon connection State View Copied

With MONITOR_OPTION set to LOGON, the plug-in will monitor the logon state of each connection. This for example, will detect the situation where the TCP/IP link is up, but the logon failed.


Logon Connection State Headline Legend

Name Description
Exchange Indicates selected exchange.
Total links The total number of monitored links.
Failed connections The total number of connections that are not in an ESTABLISHED state.
Failed Logons The total number of attempted logons that have failed.

Logon Connection State Table Legend

Name Description
Connection Connection id
TraderId Trader mnemonic
Logged On Logon status- YES , NO, Unknown

Plugin configuration Copied

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:

Sample Configuration:

exchange: LIFFE
connectLogDir: /sle/SLE/Liffe
connectLofFilePrefix: glconnect_
monitorOptions: LOGON

sleIniFile Copied

The full path to the SLE.ini file.

Mandatory: [Yes]

exchange Copied

Set to selected exchange. Currently only LIFFE supported.

Mandatory: [Yes]

connectLogDir Copied

The full path to the directory where the connect logs are located.

Mandatory: [Yes]

connectLogFilePrefix Copied

Set to the prefix of the connect log files.

Mandatory: [No]

Default: [glconnectf]

monitorOptions Copied

When set to ‘TCP’ the plug-in will monitor TCP/IP connection status. When set to ‘LOGON’, the plug-in will monitor the logon state.

Mandatory: [No]

Default: [TCP]

["Geneos"] ["Geneos > Netprobe"] ["Technical Reference"] "1"

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