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Geneos 4.x.x is no longer supported as of 31 May 2023.
We highly recommend that you access the latest Geneos 6.x.x release notes and check Geneos Compatibility Matrix to get the recent resources and security updates.

Geneos 4.x Compatibility Matrix

Supported Geneos versions Copied

ITRS supports all released versions based on the current plus the previous major versions of Geneos. Only the latest major version (currently GA4.x.x) will receive regular fixes and enhancements. In exceptional circumstances, critical fixes may be back ported to previous major versions where it is not reasonably possibly to upgrade to newer versions.

The supported Geneos versions are:

Operating system support Copied

Operating Systems Versions Supported
Windows Desktop 8.1 and 10Server 2012, 2012 R2, and 2016
Linux Linux Redhat: RHEL 5.x [kernel 2.6.18] (Netprobe and Plug-ins ONLY)Linux Redhat: RHEL 6.x [kernel 2.6.32]Linux Redhat: RHEL 7.x [kernel 3.10.0]Linux Suse: SLES 11.x, 12.x
Solaris x64 10, 11
Solaris Sparc 10, 11
IBM AIX 7.1, 7.2
IBM i (OS/400) 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Linux on IBM POWER8 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.2 (Maipo) [Little Endian]
macOS 10.14.x (Mojave)

For Linux Copied

When Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is running in Enforcing mode, it may deny certain functions of depending on the implemented configurations and policies.

To see which functions denies, check the audit log. The log is typically located in /var/log/audit.log, where the log type entry is AVC. The audit log provides the details of any denied access. For example, denied connection to the TCP port.

If you experience issues related to this mode, you may opt to disable , or create policy modules to grant the required access. Please contact your administrator or security team for assistance.

Windows Linux Linux on IBM POWER8 Solaris x64 Solaris Sparc macOS IBM AIX
Active Console (64-bit)
Active Console Lite (Java)          
EUEM Netprobe (64-bit) (EOL 30 April, 2019)          
File Agent (32-bit)          
Fix Analyser File Agent (32-bit)
Fix Analyser File Agent (64-bit)  
Fix Analyser 2 Netprobe (64-bit)        
Gateway 2 (64-bit)      
Gateway Hub (64-bit)
Licence Daemon (32-bit)        
Licence Daemon (64-bit)      
Netprobe (64-bit)
Open Access (32-bit) (EOL 31 January, 2020)    
Open Access (64-bit) (EOL 31 January, 2020)        
Wed Dashboard (Web Server) (64-bit)      
Web Montage (Web Services) (Java) (EOL 31 January, 2020)      
Web Slinger (64-bit)        


Active Console on Ubuntu is only available as a technology preview with limited support. It will become fully supported in a future release.

Containerised environment support Copied

Provides docker container images of the following components. Each component should meet the documented minimum operating system requirements.

Geneos Component Enterprise version 18.06 or higher Native Kubernetes 1.18 or higher  EKS AKS
Collection Agent

Cloud environment support Copied

Supports running components version 4.8.0 and newer in cloud environments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. Each component should meet the documented minimum operating system requirements.

Deploying into any cloud environments should take into consideration connectivity, performance, network traffic, and cost implications.

For more information, see Geneos on Amazon Web Services Cloud.

Plug-ins Copied

Windows Linux Linux on IBM POWER8 Solaris x64 Solaris Sparc macOS IBM AIX
API Streams  
Bloomberg B-Pipe      
Citrix Plug-ins (EOL 28th February 2019)        
Clearvision Status        
Combo (EOL 31 July, 2019)
Component Versions (EOL 31 July, 2019)  
Control-M (REST API)
Desktop PC Monitoring        
Device IO    
E4JMS Plug-ins (Tibco EMS)  
End User Experience Monitoring (EUEM) (EOL 30 April, 2019)        
Fidessa DQ    
Fix Analyser 2        
GL Greffon  
GL Lost Orders      
GL Order Book      
GL Permissions  
GL Router  
GL SLC Relay  
Informix (EOL 31 July, 2019)    
IBM i Job        
IBM i Message        
IBM i Pool        
IBM i Queue        
IBM i Subsystem        
IBM i System        
IX Message Analyser  
JMX Plug-ins
Market Data Monitor  
Message Tracker  
MIB Monitor  
MQ Channel
MQ Queue Info
MQ Queue
NET Ping  
NYXT Papastats  
PATS Status  
PATS Trading Breaches  
PATS Users  
REST Extractor
RMC Interface    
RTIC Latency (32-bit Netprobe only) End of support 30th April 2017, Upgrade to Market Data Monitor (MDM) Plug-in
SQL Toolkit
State Tracker
Sybase Server
TCP Links
TIB RV Publisher  
TIB RV Stream  
Trading Technologies  
Trap Monitor Limited  
UNIX Users  
Veritas Cluster Server  
Web Monitor  
Win Apps        
Win Cluster        
Win Services        
WTS Plug-ins        
X Broadcast  
X Mcast  
X Multicast  
X Ping  
X Route  
X Services  
X Top  
X Traffic  
X25 Links Deprecated Plug-in

Supported characters Copied

All Geneos components only support ASCII characters 32-126.

Extended ASCII characters are not supported.

Database support Copied

Database Versions Supported
MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
SAP ASE (Sybase) 15.7, 16.0, 16.1, 16.2
Oracle 11.2, 12.1, 12.2
MSSQL Server (MS ODBC Driver 13 and 17) 2012, 2014, 2016, (2017 coming soon)
IBM DB2 DB2 10.1, 10.5
POSTGRES (from GA3.1.1) 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, (10 coming soon)
MariaDB 10.0, 10.1, (10.2 coming soon)

Component support Copied

Geneos component MySQL Sybase Oracle MSSQL DB2 POSTGRES MariaDB
Active Console      
Gateway 2- MSSQL server is only supported for Gateway 2 running on Linux platform. ✓ *    
Plug-in: Fix Analyser 2            
Plug-in: Message Tracker          
Plug-in: Oracle            
Plug-in: SQL Toolkit - MSSQL server is only supported on Linux and Windows Netprobes. - DB2 is NOT supported on Solaris Sparc 64-bit Netprobe.- Sybase and MSSQL server are NOT supported on Linux on IBM POWER8.
Plug-in: Sybase            
Plug-in: Sybase Server            

Browser support Copied

Browser Versions Supported
Chrome Latest stable version
Firefox ESR 52.x
Internet Explorer 11
MS Edge 40.x

Component support Copied

Geneos Component IE MS Edge Firefox ESR Chrome
Gateway 2 (Express Report 2 only)
EUEM Netprobe (EUEM Plug-in) (EOL 30 April, 2019)
Fix Analyser Netprobe (Analyser 2 Reports)
Web Dashboard (Web Server)
Web Montage (Web Services) (EOL 31 January, 2020)
Web Console

Java support Copied

Beginning GA4.12.x, Java support is standardised among all Geneos components based on the Long-Term Support (LTS) Java versions, namely Java 8 and 11.

Lower Java versions are no longer supported, unless otherwise indicated.

Platform support Copied

Asterisk (*) indicates build version.

  Platform Java version supported 8 Java version supported 11
Linux ✓*
Linux on IBM POWER8 ✓*
Windows ✓*
Solaris x64 ✓*
Solaris Sparc ✓*

Verified versions Copied

All Geneos components, excepting the Active Console and Web Dashboard, are tested using OpenJDK Java 8 and 11. The Active Console and Web Dashboard are tested using OpenJDK Java 8.

Application and plug-in specific information Copied

Geneos Copied

Geneos Component Application Support Notes
ActiveMQ monitoring integration * Requires 3 JMX Server Plug-in instances. * Verified with ActiveMQ version 5.15.3 * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
Amazon Web Services monitoring integration * Requires at least one Toolkit Plug-in instance per service monitored. * Verified with Python 2.7 or higher, and Python 3.7 or higher.
Azure Monitor integration * Requires at least one Toolkit Plug-in instance per service monitored. * Verified with Python 3.6 or higher.
Cassandra monitoring integration * Requires 6 JMX Server Plug-in instances. * Verified with Cassandra version 3.11.1 * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
Citrix Monitoring integration * Requires 4 Toolkit Plug-in instances. * PowerShell versions 4.0 or above must be available on the machine where the Netprobe runs. * PowerShell’s execution policy must be allowed to execute scripts. * You must have an Active Directory user account with Citrix monitoring privileges configured in the Citrix Delivery Controller. * Application monitoring must be enabled in the Citrix Delivery Controller. * Verified with Citrix XenApp version 7.x.
Citrix Plug-ins (EOL 28th February 2019) Citrix Presentation Server versions 4.5 and Citrix XenApp 5.0 are supported. For XenApp 6.0 and newer, Citrix now provides a Windows powershell based api that can be used with Geneos Toolkit plug-in. Please refer to Citrix Monitoring integration for more information.
Control-M Monitoring integration * Verified with Control-M version 9.0.0. * CORBA Connection (No SSL) to EM Server supported only. * Requires API Plug-in. * Java 8 and 11 * Control-M integration licence: ControlMMonitor.lic.Please contact for a trial licence.
Control-M plug-in * Verified with Control-M version * Java 8 and 11
Docker monitoring integration * Requires 2 Toolkit Plug-in instances. * Verified with Docker version 17.12.0-ce and Centos 7. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
E4JMS (TIBCO EMS) Plug-ins * Supports TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) versions 7.0, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4.1. * Java 8 and 11. It is recommended you configure the plug-in to the use Java version that is packaged with or supported by your version of EMS.
Elasticsearch monitoring integration * Requires 8 Toolkit Plug-in instances * Verified with Elasticsearch version 6.1.2. * Python 2.7/3.6. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
End User Experience Monitoring (EOL 30 April 2019) Requires EUEM Netprobe (Linux 64-bit only). Requires Mozilla Firefox and Selenium IDE for creating user interaction scenarios. EUEM has been verified to work with Selenium IDE version 2.9.1.
Fidessa Plug-in (Users View) Fidessa plug-in uses a command line utility called netstat. On Linux this utility is part of net-tools package. By default, net-tools package is no longer included in minimal RHEL 7 + distributions. Please make sure netstat utility is available on the host where Fidessa plug-in is run.
Fix Analyser 2 Plugin Requires Fix Analyser 2 Netprobe (Linux 64-bit only) with File Agents that can run on Linux, Solaris (x86 and Sparc), Windows and AIX for collecting Fix Logs. FIX Analyser 2 plugin tracks the state of FIX protocol version 4.2 orders.
Google Stackdriver integration * Requires at least one Toolkit Plug-in instance per service monitored. * Verified with Python 3.5 or higher.
Hadoop (HDFS and YARN) monitoring integration * Requires 4 JMX Server and 3 Toolkit Plug-in instances. * Verified with Hadoop version 3.0.0. * Python 2.7/3.6. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
IBM i Plug-ins * IBM i Operating System versions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 are supported * IBM i Server must be IBM i, i5/OS, or OS/400 V4R3 or higher * Requires JRE (supported versions 1.7 and 1.8)
ITRS Synthetic Monitoring integration * Requires 4 Toolkit Plug-in instances * Verified with Python 2.7 or higher, and Python 3.7 or higher
JMX Plug-ins * Generic connection to a JMX-enabled application is supported for Java 8 and 11. * WebSphere connection to an IBM WebSphere Application Server is supported on WebSphere versions 8.5 and 8.5.5 (9.0 coming soon). It is recommended you configure Netprobe to use Java version that is packaged with your version of WebSphere. * WebLogic connection to an Oracle WebLogic Server is supported on WebLogic versions 10.3, 11.1, 12.1 and 12.2. It is recommended you configure Netprobe to use the Java version that is packaged with your version of WebLogic.
Kafka monitoring integration * Requires 4 JMX Server instances. * Verified with Kafka version 1.0.0. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
Kubernetes monitoring integration *Requires maximum 14 Toolkit Plug-in instances, as required. *Verified with Kubernetes (client and server) version 1.9.3 (requires version 1.1 or higher). *Python version 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6. Note: The end of life (EOL) date for this integration is 30 September, 2020. The Collection Agent plugin for Kubernetes now replaces this integration, see plug-in. The integration remains available to download from the Archived section of ITRS Downloads.
MongoDB monitoring integration * Requires 10 Toolkit Plug-in instances * Verified with MongoDB version 3.6 and RHEL 6. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
MQ Plug-ins IBM MQ versions 7.5.x, 8.0.x, 9.0.x are supported.
OpenShift monitoring integration *Requires maximum 14 Toolkit Plug-in instances, as required. *Verified with OpenShift version 3.10 (requires version 3.10 or higher or access to the OpenShift online service). *Python version 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6. Note: The end of life (EOL) date for this integration is 30 September, 2020. The Collection Agent plugin for Kubernetes now replaces this integration, see plug-in. The integration remains available to download from the Archived section of ITRS Downloads
Postgresql monitoring integration * Requires 1 SQL Toolkit Plug-in instances. * Verified with PostgreSQL version 9.6. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.
RabbitMQ monitoring integration * Geneos version 4.11 or higher.*Python version 2.7 or higher.
REST API * Java 8 and 11 * Netprobe version 4.12.x or higher. * Connection to the Licence Daemon version 4.12.x or higher.
REST Extractor *Java 8 and 11
TCP-Links TCP-Links plug-in uses a command line utility called netstat. On Linux this utility is part of net-tools package. By default, net-tools package is no longer included in minimal RHEL 7 + distributions. Please make sure netstat utility is available on the host where TCP-Links plug-in is run.
Trapmon Plug-in Trap Monitor plug-in on windows Netprobe does not support the new Mib Files, Custom View and Clear trap command features.
TREP Integration * Requires RMC, Toolkit, and SQL Toolkit Plug-ins, Verified with TREP 3.x. For RRCP daemonless, the minimum requirement is TREP 3.2.1.
Terracotta Universal Messaging Monitoring integration * Requires API Plug-in. * Java 8 and 11 * Universal Messaging integration license: UMMonitor.lic.Please contact for a trial licence.
Velocimetrics Health Monitoring integration * Requires 5 JMX-server Plug-in instances * Verified with Java 8 and 11
Veritas Cluster Server Plug-in Veritas Cluster Server plug-in supports Symantec Veritas Cluster Server versions 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0
VMWare Monitoring integration * Requires API Plug-in. * Java 8 and 11 * VMWare integration licence: VMWareMonitor.lic.Please contact for a trial licence.
Web Dashboard (Web Server) There is a Web Dashboard package available without a JRE packaged. Users need to make sure Web Dashboard can access a supported JRE environment. We support Java 8 and 11.
Win Cluster Plug-in Win Cluster plug-in supports Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 2012 Enterprise and Datacenter editions. 
WTS Plug-ins WTS Licenses plug-in requires Microsoft Licensing Reporter Tool (lsreport.exe) installed and functioning. This tool is no longer supported by Microsoft in Windows Server 2008 and newer. 
Zookeeper monitoring integration * Requires 2 JMX Server Plug-in instances. * Verified with Zookeeper version 3.4.11. * Netprobe version 4.6 or higher. * Gateway version 4.8 or higher.

FLM Netprobe data feeds Copied

Netprobe Platform RFA (OMM) GL TT NYXT


RFA version 8 supports the microseconds and nanoseconds timestamps that are useful for RawLatency and DataQuality solutions.
MDI connections on RFA are no longer supported.
The 64-bit Solaris x86 version of the Netprobe does not support charting for FLM plug-in Reporting feature.

 See Publishing data to external systems for more information.

Supported adapters for Gateway publishing Copied

Gateway Platform Nanomsg Kafka
Gateway-linux-x64 ✓ Nanomsg Gateway Publishing adapter End of Life date is set on the 30th of November 2018.

Gateway Hub Copied

Gateway Hub version Gateway version Active Console version
1.1.x 4.8.x, 4.9.x 4.9.x
1.2.x 4.8.x, 4.9.x, 4.10.x 4.9.x, 4.10.x
1.3.x 4.8.x, 4.9.x, 4.10.x, 4.11.x 4.9.x, 4.10.x, 4.11.x

Market Data Monitor (MDM) Copied

Market Data Monitor provides feed adapter libraries used for subscribing to market data feeds. The table below illustrates the different market data feeds and their supported platforms.

Netprobe Platform RFA (OMM) GL TT NYXT Bloomberg Exegy QuantFeed
netprobe-linux-x64   ✓*

Beginning GA4.8.0, QuantFeed no longer supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL 5) platforms. This is due to a change in requirements for the QuantFeed OS library.MDI connections on RFA are no longer supported.


RFA version 8 supports the microseconds and nanoseconds timestamps that are useful for RawLatency and DataQuality solutions. |

Geneos compatibility and lifecycle Copied

This section outlines all the changes to Geneos compatibility and lifecycle. ITRS will always work with you to minimise impact of any changes, and to listen to your feedback. If you have any queries, please contact ITRS Support.

The notice of change in the Geneos compatibility identifies the components, plug-ins, or features that will be no longer supported by ITRS in any future releases.


The minimum compatible Geneos version that will work with version 5.0 and above is 3.6. This is related to the LZO compression library being removed in 5.0 onwards.

To view the list of supported components and changes in the latest Geneos release, see 5.x Compatibility Matrix.

End of support Copied

The end of support means that the affected component, plug-in, or feature is no longer supported and this ends the release of binaries. The table below lists the affected component, plug-in, or feature:

Notice of Change Affected Components Effective Date Alternatives/Upgrade Path
End of support for End User Experience Monitoring (EUEM) Netprobe and Plug-in EUEM Netprobe and Plug-in 30 April, 2019 ITRS Synthetic Monitoring User Guide
End of support for FIX Plug-in FIX Plug-in 30 April, 2019 FIX Analyser 2 Netprobe User Guide
End of support for Combo Plug-in Combo Plug-in 31 July, 2019 Gateway-SQL in Gateway Plug-Ins
End of support for Component Versions Component Versions Plug-in 31 July, 2019 No alternatives.
End of support for Feed Latency Monitor Plug-in (FLM) on Solaris platforms FLM Plugin on Solaris (x64 and Sparc) 31 July, 2019 Run FLM Plugin on Linux or Windows platforms.
End of support for Market Data Monitor Plug-in (MDM) on Solaris platform MDM Plug-in on Solaris (x64 and Sparc) 31 July, 2019 Run MDM Plug-in on Linux or Windows platforms.
End of support for Informix Plug-in Informix Plug-in 31 July, 2019 Toolkit script available in Resources.
End of support for all Geneos versions GA3.0.x All Geneos components version GA3.0.x 30 October, 2019 Upgrade to Geneos version GA4.x.x or newer.
End of support for Geneos on Red Hat Linux version 5.x All components of Geneos GA4.0 and up. 30 October, 2019 Upgrade to running Geneos on Red Hat version 6 or newer.
End of support for SSO Agent NTLM authentication method SSO Agent 30 October, 2019 Use SSO Agent with Kerberos or HTTP Basic authentication methods.
End of support for Web Montage Web Montage (Web Services) 31 January, 2020 Te be announced.
End of support for Open Access Open Access Cluster Node, Open Access Java Client (API) 31 January, 2020 To be announced.

End of releasing binaries Copied

The end of releasing binaries means that the affected component, plug-in, or feature is no longer getting binaries for certain platforms, but the support continues. The table below lists the affected component, plug-in, or feature:

Notice of Change Affected Components Effective Date Alternatives/Upgrade Path
End of releasing binaries for Netprobe for 32-bit Windows Platforms Netprobe on 32-bit Windows 30 April, 2019 Use 64-bit Windows Netprobe.
End of releasing binaries for Licence Daemon for Solaris Platforms Licence Daemon on Solaris (x64 and Sparc) 31 July, 2019 Use Linux distribution of Licence Daemon. Solaris distribution of Licence Daemon is still supported for already available versions of GA3.x and GA4.x.
End of releasing binaries for Web Dashboard for Solaris platform Web Dashboard on Solaris (x64 and Sparc) 31 July, 2019 Use Linux distribution of Web Dashboard. Solaris distribution of Web Dashboard is still supported for already available versions of GA3.x and GA4.x.
End of releasing binaries for Webslinger for Solaris platform Webslinger on Solaris (Sparc) 31 July, 2019 Use Linux distribution of Webslinger. Solaris distribution of Web Slinger is still supported for already available versions of GA3.x and GA4.x.
End of releasing binaries for Netprobe for Solaris Platforms Netprobe on Solaris (x64 and Sparc) 30 October, 2019 Use Linux, Linux on IBM POWER8, Windows, or IBM AIX distribution of Netprobe. Solaris distribution of Netprobe is still supported for already available versions of GA3.x and GA4.x.

Deprecated and removed features Copied

This section documents any features deprecated or removed in GA3.x.x versions of Geneos and lists any useful alternatives or upgrade paths.

Deprecated features Copied

Deprecated features are no longer supported by ITRS, but users can continue to use them if they wish. Users should avoid depending on any deprecated features as they may be removed in any future releases.

Geneos Components Versions Affected Description Alternatives
Netprobe: Deprecated Plug-ins * Brass – QMS * Wombat-Papa Stats * Wombat-Mama Stats * Latency – RTT * BGD – TRIARCH * BGS – TRIARCH * ISFS – TRIARCH * SNMP – MIBS * Sink * Source * TIB – Link * Reuters Bridge Feed * Reuters Plus * Remote SQL * Fidessa-Markets * Fidessa-To GA3.0.0 + Support ended 30 June 2013  * Brass – QMS –> No Planned Replacement * Wombat-Papa Stats –> NYXT Mama Stats * Wombat-Mama Stats –> NYXT Papa Stats * Latency – RTT –> Message Tracker * BGD – TRIARCH –> No Planned Replacement * BGS – TRIARCH –> No Planned Replacement * ISFS – TRIARCH –> No Planned Replacement * SNMP – MIBS –> Mib Monitor * Sink –> No Planned Replacement * Source –> No Planned Replacement * TIB – Link –> No Planned Replacement * Reuters Bridge Feed –> No Planned Replacement * Reuters Plus –> No Planned Replacement * Remote SQL –> SQl Toolkit * Fidessa-Markets –> No Planned Replacement * Fidessa-To –> No Planned Replacement
Netprobe: Datacom Plug-in GA3.0.22 + Plug-in renamed in GA3.0.22 Datacom Plug-in renamed to Tradeview Plug-in
Netprobe: Plug-ins* MQ Channel Details * MQ Channel Overview * MQ Queue Details * MQ Queue Overview * Win-CPU * X-25 Links GA3.1.x + Support ended 31 March 2015 * MQ Channel Details à MQ Channel * MQ Channel Overview à MQ Channel * MQ Queue Details à MQ Queue * MQ Queue Overviewà MQ Queue * Win-CPU à CPU * X-25 Links à No Planned Replacement
Netprobe: Plug-ins* Effix Status * Fix Analyser * Fix Cameron Status * Gissing * NYXT mama * RTIC Latency * SWX * TIB GSM * TIB Tic * Tib View * Triarch Latency * UL Bridge GA4.2.x + Support ended 30 April 2017  * Effix Status–> no replacement * Fix Analyser –> upgrade to Fix Analyser 2 * Fix Cameron Status –> no replacement * Gissing –> Upgrade to TR ConteX * integration to Geneos provided by TR * NYXT mama –> no replacement * RTIC Latency –> Upgrade to Market Data * Monitor (MDM) * SWX –> no replacement * TIB GSM –> no replacement * TIB Tic –> no replacement * Tib View –> no replacement * Triarch Latency –> no replacement * UL Bridge –> Upgrade to ULLink * integration to Geneos provided by ULLink

Removed features Copied

Removed features are no longer supported and have been removed or disabled in this version of Geneos. To view the list of removed features in the latest compatibility matrix, see 5.x Compatibility Matrix.

Geneos Components Description Alternatives
Active Console 1 Active Console 1 is no longer available to download. The end of support ended on 30 June, 2013. Migrate to Active Console2
Active Console Lite Active Console Lite is no longer available to download. The end of support ended on 30 September, 2018. Active Console
Active Console The end of releasing binaries for Active Console for 32-bit Windows platform ended on 31 January, 2019. Use Active Console for 64-bit Windows Platform 32-bit Windows. Active Console is still supported for already available versions of GA3.x and GA4.x.
Citrix Plug-in The end of support for Citrix Plug-in ended on 28 February, 2019. Citrix XenApp Monitoring User Guide
Gateway 1 Gateway 1 is no longer available to download. The end of support ended on 30 November, 2013 Migrate to Gateway 2
Express Report (Standalone Version) Express Report (Standalone Version) is no longer available to download. The end of support ended on 31 July, 2013 Migrate to Express Report 2 (Part of Gateway 2)
Nanomsg Gateway Publishing adapter The end of support for Nanomsg Gateway Publishing adapter ended on 30 November, 2018. Kafka Gateway Publishing adapter
Visio to Dashboard Converter Visio to dashboard Converter is no longer available to download. Support ended 30 June 2013 No planned replacement
Setup Converter Setup Converter is no longer available to download. Support ended 30 November 2013 No planned replacement
Web Montage: GA3.0.x and older Support for Web Montage versions GA 3.0.x and older ended on the 15 September 2015 Upgrade to GA3.1.x or newer  
Geneos: versions GA2011.2.x and older End support for Geneos versions GA2011.2.x and older Upgrade to Geneos version GA3.x and newer
Geneos: Platform Support End support for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 2003 Migrate to Windows 7 / 2008 or newer
Geneos: Platform Support End support for AIX 5.3 and 6.1 Migrate to AIX 7.1 or newer
Geneos: Platform Support End support for Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Migrate to Solaris 10 or newer
Geneos: Platform Support End support for Linux 4 and older for NetprobeEnd support for Linux 5 and older for all other components Migrate to Linux 5 or newer for NetprobeMigrate to Linux 6 or newer for all other components
["Geneos"] ["Compatibility Matrix", "Technical Reference"]

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