OP5 Monitor ["OP5 Monitor"]
["User Guide"]["Technical Reference"]

Install OP5 Monitor


You need to be a System Administrator to install OP5 Monitor. A general knowledge of common Linux command-line tools is required.

Before you install OP5 Monitor, we recommend you read the following sections:

Note: For all procedures which require root privileges, ITRS recommends establishing non-root accounts with sudo privileges.

Install with a software package

To install OP5 Monitor with a software package:

  1. Download the OP5 Monitor installer (op5-monitor-<version>-x64.tar.gz) from the ITRS downloads.
  2. Upload the TAR file package to the server, or download it to the server directly with wget, curl, or similar.
  3. Log on to the server as root, using SSH.
  4. Unpack the tar.gz file in the /root directory:
    cd /root
    tar -zxf op5-monitor-9-x.tar.gz				
  5. Navigate to the directory that was extracted from the tar.gz file.
    cd op5monitor_install_directory
  6. Start the upgrade by executing the installation script:
  7. Reboot the server.

Success: OP5 Monitor is now running. To start using OP5 Monitor, see Get started with OP5 Monitor.

Installation program for the OP5 Monitor 9

Run install.sh without arguments to install OP5 Monitor in the interactive mode. You can also use the command line options listed below to modify the behaviour.

By default, the OP5 Monitor is installed from the RPM packages that are bundled in the same archive where the installer script is located.

Arguments Description
-V, --version Shows the version number and exit.
--noninteractive Install or update OP5 Monitor using the default settings without prompting for user input. Implies --assumeyes.
--assumeyes Pass --assumeyes to the DNF package manager.
-v, --verbose Increase console logging verbosity, and can be used twice (-vv). A debug log is always written to as well.
-C, --no-color Disables ANSI colours in the console output.
--custom-repo [CONFIG] Do not use the RPM repos bundled in the installer archive. If set with a CONFIG value, this adds the repos from that file. Without a value, this assumes that the required repos are already configured on the system. This can be used to run an online-only installation from the repo server.
--repo-dir DIR Custom path to the RPM repository (dir containing repodata/). By default, RPMs included in the installer archive are used.
--dnf-config FILE Path to the custom config file for package manager. It is also possible to customize DNF behaviour by passing CLI options in the DNF_OPTIONS environment variable.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

OP5 Monitor installer script:

usage: install.sh [-h] [--noninteractive] [-v] [--assumeyes] [-C]
                  [--custom-repo [CONFIG]] [--repo-dir DIR]
                  [--dnf-config FILE] [-V]

Offline installation

For offline installation of OP5 Monitor 9.x, a tarball containing all OP5 Monitor packages and their corresponding OS and EPEL dependencies needs to be created. A docker container is used to build the tarball which is used to install OP5 Monitor and all of the dependencies on the offline server.

The offline installation process is supported for all the released versions of OP5 Monitor 9.x and on the following operating systems:

  • Latest Red Hat Linux 8

  • Latest Rocky Linux 8

Build tarball for Red Hat Linux 8 (RHEL 8)


For building the tarball, the RHEL 8 server needs internet access, a valid RHEL 8 subscription, and podman installed.

Build tarball

To build the OP5 Monitor 9.x offline installation tarball, run the specified commands below on the server with internet access based on the operating system in use.

Note: Before you create new local docker images, remove those that were previously used to create OP5 Monitor 9.x offline installation tarballs. This is to ensure that the newly created tarball contains updated OS and EPEL dependencies etc.

$ podman run -i --rm -e "VER=<OP5 Monitor version>" -v "$PWD:/mnt/git" docker.io/op5com/op5-monitor-rhel-offline-tarball

Please see the definitions of variables:

  • VER is any previously released version of OP5 Monitor 9.x. The default is the latest version.

Build tarball for Rocky Linux 8


For building the tarball, the Rocky 8 server needs internet access and podman installed.

Build tarball

To build the OP5 Monitor 9.x offline installation tarball, run the specified commands below on the server with internet access based on the operating system in use.

Note: Before you create new local docker images, remove those that were previously used to create OP5 Monitor 9.x offline installation tarballs. This is to ensure that the newly created tarball contains updated OS and EPEL dependencies etc.

$ podman run -i --rm -e "VER=<OP5 Monitor version>" -v "$PWD:/mnt/git" docker.io/op5com/op5-monitor-rocky-offline-tarball

Please see the definitions of variables:

  • VER is any previously released version of OP5 Monitor 9.x. The default is the latest version.

The resulting tarball will be found in the output directory.

Install and update OP5 Monitor offline


The server where OP5 Monitor 9.x is to be installed requires:

  • OP5 Monitor tarball created from previous step.

  • Red Hat Linux 8 or Rocky Linux 8 updated with the latest patches.

  • Python 3.

  • SELinux in permissive mode.

To meet these requirements, run the following commands on the server where the OP5 Monitor 9.x is installed:

$ dnf install python3
$ setenforce Permissive
$ sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*$/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux

The installation needs to be run as a root user and the tarball needs to be unpacked in the root home directory: /root/.

Note: All repositories that are not reachable by the server (in the offline environment) need to be disabled before running the offline installation or update. This includes any previously installed OP5 Monitor repositories.

Upload the tarball to the server, then perform the installation and update commands.

Installation script

$ tar -zxvf op5-monitor-offline-install.tar.gz
$ dnf config-manager --add-repo op5-monitor-offline-install/offline-repos.repo
$ dnf install @op5-monitor op5-monitor-release
$ firewall-cmd --state && firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=op5-monitor && firewall-cmd --reload
$ reboot

Update script

$ tar -zxvf op5-monitor-offline-install.tar.gz
$ dnf config-manager --add-repo op5-monitor-offline-install/offline-repos.repo
$ dnf update