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Links examples

This page demonstrates the types of links you can create.

Links within a project use the normal markdown syntax:

[Link to topic in project ](/web-console/about/ "tooltip defined by title attribute")

Resulting in a link to a topic in the project .

The rules for rendering a markdown link are given by the core-docs/core/themes/itrs/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html file. Here we have used the standard Hugo example to extend the default Goldmark behavior.

When adding links to other docs projects in Hugo (i.e in a capacity planner app topic you might want to link to the main capacity planner docs) you need to adjust the url a bit to ensure it grabs the correct devdocs/uatdocs/docs environment.

[Obcerv Quickstart](__tcproject__/docs/geneos/current/processing/data-access-and-publishing/connect_geneos_to_obcerv/index.html)

Resulting in a link to geneos.

For large example files, you may want to have a download link rather than include a long code block in a topic.

For file types that a browser recognises such as json, txt or pdf a naive <a> link will cause the browser to render that file internally instead of downloading.

To force a download from the CDN/AWS:

  1. Add a link using the [script]( format
  2. Navigate to the file in AWS and set the folllowing metadata:
    • Type: System defined
    • Key: Content-Disposition
    • Value: attachment
Note: Step 1 lists the direct docscdn formatting, this pulls from the prod environment only. To dynamically fetch from the correct environment instead use [script](__tcproject__/docscdn/project/resources/file) however, this may cause problems in some browsers.

To force a download from a local file, add a tooltip beginning with Download. This behaviour is case sensitive.

The ```examplez.yaml``` [configuration file](/best-practice-examples/examplez.yaml "Download examplez") can be used to demo this feature.

This causes our custom render-link.html to add the ‘download’ attribute to the output html link.

Our changes to /layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html mean that when a link explicitly includes the http(s) protocol it is opened in a new tab.

[link to external site]( "tooltip defined by title attribute")

Resulting in a link to external site.

["ITRS Analytics"] ["User Guide"]

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