
REST API Plug-in Technical Reference


The REST API plug-in enables a sampler to listen to inbound messages on an HTTP or HTTPS connection. It is available beginning the GA4.12.x Netprobe.

In contrast to the REST Extractor plug-in, which queries a source URL to pull JSON content, the REST API ingests content as pushed to its listening port.

The listening ports are provided on the probe level.

The REST API plug-in can output the data into two formats:

  • As a dataview — accepts JSON content.
  • As a stream — accepts any message type, regardless of format.

These outputs are configured through REST API endpoints. These endpoints are versioned. The current version is v1.

This technical reference contains detailed examples of REST API requests, its resulting dataviews or streams, as well as its configuration options. If you are looking to set up REST API samplers on your Netprobe, see REST API Plug-in User Guide. For more information on its available endpoints, see the Netprobe REST API.

Caution: Depending on the rate of incoming requests, the REST API plug-in may be resource-intensive and can cause the Netprobe to reach its memory protection ratio.

In cases where you encounter Netprobe restarts, consider increasing the memory protection ratio. For guidance, see Netprobe Memory Protection Settings.

Licence and version requirements

Usage of the REST API plug-in requires you to upgrade to the GA4.12.x Netprobe.

In addition, the Gateway must connect to the GA4.12.x Licence Daemon to validate the Gateway schema and tokens. For guidance, see Geneos Licence Daemon.


Sampling in dataviews

Once the REST API sampler is running and receiving API requests, the resulting dataviews on the managed entity show the following sampling information:

Note that the sampling options are greyed out, and the status bears the message, Sampling dependent on 3rd Party Application.

Streams Dataview

When you use the stream endpoint on a REST API sampler, the sampler creates a dataview to monitor the status of the stream.

The name of this dataview is Streams Dataview and is fixed. No REST API plug-in endpoint can operate on this dataview name.

Headline name Description
samplingStatus Status of the sampler.
totalStreams Number of streams that have been created on the sampler.
Column name Description
name Name of the stream.

Number of messages that the sampler holds in the stream.

The sampler holds these messages until they are consumed by another sampler.


Maximum number of messages that the sampler can hold before it starts to drop earlier messages.

This field is set by the Buffer size configuration. For more information, see Plug-in configuration.


Total number of messages that the samplers has received in the stream.

Every request counts as a message.

totalMessagesLost Total number of messages that the sampler has dropped because the buffer was full.

Note: Stream messages are stored in the buffer until they are consumed by another component. However, If there are no samplers or clients consuming the stream, then the stream registry purges the messages immediately.

Custom dataviews

Dataviews and streams from the REST API plug-in depend on the content pushed to its listening ports through API endpoints. For more information, see the Netprobe REST API.

For examples on what the dataviews could look like based on the HTTP body, see Examples.

Plug-in configuration

Note: You can safely update the configuration of this plug-in without causing the Netprobe to restart.

Field Description
Buffer size

This field applies to streams.

This field sets the maximum number of messages that the REST API sampler holds in memory at a time.

Messages clear the buffer when the stream is consumed by another sampler, such as an FKM sampler.

Default value: 1000

Note: By default, the REST API samplers listen on the HTTP port, with a default value of 7136.

If you wish to configure the listening ports or use an HTTPS connection for the REST API sampler, see probes > probe > restApiHttpPort and probes > probe > restApiHttpsPort in Probes.


This section provides example requests and their resulting dataviews or streams. For more information on the API endpoints, see the Netprobe REST API.

Create or update a dataview

Consider the following JSON data specified in the HTTP body:

	"column1": "dataA1",
	"column2": "dataA2",
	"column3": "dataA3"
	"column1": "dataB1",
	"column2": "dataB2",
	"column3": "dataB3"
	"column1": "dataC1",
	"column2": "dataC2",
	"column3": "dataC3"

Example request

PUT http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api/dataview/simpleView

Resulting dataview

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA2 dataA3
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Delete a dataview

Consider an existing dataview called simpleView:

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA2 dataA3
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Example request

DELETE http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api/dataview/simpleView

Resulting dataview

The dataview is deleted and no longer appears in the Active Console.

Create a row

Consider an existing dataview called simpleView:

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA2 dataA3
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Then, consider the following JSON data specified in the HTTP body:

	"column1": "dataD1",
	"column2": "dataD2",
	"column3": "dataD3"

Example request

PUT http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api/dataview/simpleView/row/dataD1

Resulting dataview

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA2 dataA3
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3
dataD1 dataD2 dataD3

Update a row

Consider an existing dataview called simpleView:

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA2 dataA3
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Then, consider the following JSON data specified in the HTTP body:

	"column1": "dataA1",
	"column2": "dataA4",
	"column3": "dataA5"

Example request

PUT http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api/dataview/simpleView/row/dataA1

Resulting dataview

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA4 dataA5
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Note: When you update a row, check that you include values for all cells in that row. Any missing value is considered blank and shows up as a blank cell in the dataview.

If the HTTP body has a different value for the {rowname}, then the plug-in updates the {rowname}, as well.

Delete a row

Consider an existing dataview called simpleView:

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA2 dataA3
dataB1 dataB2 dataB3
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Example request

DELETE http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api/dataview/simpleView/row/dataB1

Resulting dataview

column1 column2 column3
dataA1 dataA4 dataA5
dataC1 dataC2 dataC3

Delete a duplicate row

When a dataview receives multiple rows with the same row name, Geneos treats subsequent rows as duplicates, and appends _duplicate* to the row name after the Netprobe publishes the dataview to the Gateway. The asterisk in _duplicate* increments numerically from 1.

Consider an existing dataview called simpleView:

column1 column2 column3
dataA1_duplicate1 dataA21 dataA31
dataA1_duplicate2 dataA22 dataA32
dataA1_duplicate3 dataA23 dataA33

Example request

DELETE http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api/dataview/simpleView/row/dataA1

Resulting dataview

Note the duplicate row numbers assigned to the remaining rows.

column1 column2 column3
dataA1_duplicate1 dataA22 dataA32
dataA1_duplicate2 dataA23 dataA33

Create or update a stream

Example request — sampler with type

PUT http://localhost:7136/v1/managedEntity/rest-api-me/sampler/rest-api(typeA)/stream/fkmStream

Resulting stream

The REST API plug-in simply passes the content received to the stream, regardless of its form.

If the stream name already exists, then the sampler updates the existing stream.

Further reading

If you are interested in setting up the REST API plug-in for your organisation, see the REST API Plug-in User Guide.

For more information on the endpoints available to the REST API plug-in, see the Netprobe REST API.