
The end of life (EOL) date for this module is on 31 January, 2020.

Use Case: A Large Estate

Step 1: Split the estate into groups of gateways

In this example we will split the gateways into groups. We create a gateway file for each group group1.conf, group2.conf, etc.


It is important that there are no duplicate gateways across the groups; the report aggregation will not work if there are duplicate gateways!

group1.conf might look like this:

    first-gateway {
        host = "my-gateway"        port = 7001
    second-gateway {
        host = "other-gateway"        port = 7002
    fiftieth-gateway {
        host = "other-gateway"        port = 7050

Step 2: Run the diagnostics

We can now run the diagnostics tool against the gateway files. We can run the tool against a single group:

$ ./ -Dname=group1 -Doa=localhost:2551 -Dgws=group1.conf
Connecting to Open Access @ geneos.cluster://localhost:2551...
50 gateway(s) configured. Reading cluster configuration...
$ ./ -Dname=group2 -Doa=localhost:2551 -Dgws=group2.conf
Connecting to Open Access @ geneos.cluster://localhost:2551...
37 gateway(s) configured. Reading cluster configuration...

Or against multiple groups:

$ ./ -Dname=group1and2 -Doa=localhost:2551 -Dgws=group1.conf,group2.conf

Step 3: Aggregate a report

Once we have run the tool against multiple groups of gateways, we can aggregate a report from multiple sources like this:

$ ./ -Dname=AllGroups -Dreport=group1,group2,group3

The values passed to -Dreport are the names passed to -Dname in the previous step.