
Clearvision Status Plug-in - Technical Reference


The ClearVision status plug-in reads the status webpage as produced by a GL ClearVision server, making the values produced available within the Geneos monitoring framework. Once available these values can then be used for rules and alerts as normal.

Each instance of the plug-in will produce two views for the configured server. Multiple servers can be monitored by running multiple plug-in instances - one plug-in per server required.


Server View

The server view displays general server state information as reported by the ClearVision status page. An example view is shown below.


Server Table Legend

Name Description
connectedMarketWatchs Number of connected Market Watch processes.
DBMS DBMS status.
DBMSactiveConnections Number of active connections to the DBMS.
exchange Exchange connection status.
lastSQLError Last SQL error encountered, if any.
lastUpdate Last update time.
serverName Name of the GL Clearvision server being monitored.
startButton Start button status.
stations Stations status (e.g. GL-Win).

Exchange View

The exchange view displays statistics relating to the ClearVision exchange. An example view is shown below.


Exchange Table Legend

Name Description
averageClearingTime The average time to clear a trade, in seconds.
averageReadingTime Average time to read from the exchange.
lastClearingTime Time of the last trade cleared.
lastReadingTime Last read time from the exchange.
lastUnclearingTime Time of the last trade not cleared.
nextReadingTime Next read time from the exchange.
ticketRead Number of tickets read.
totalCleared Total number of trades cleared.
totalUncleared Total number of trades not cleared.

Tickets View

The tickets view displays metrics on the tickets and orders being processed by the ClearVision server. An example view is shown below.


Tickets Table Legend

Name Description
clearinginprogress Number of tickets currently being cleared.
exchangeTickets Number of tickets read from the exchange.
ordersCleared Number of orders cleared.
ordersToClear Number of orders to clear.
ticketsCleared Number of tickets cleared.
ticketsUnknownExtCode Number of tickets with an unknown external code.
totalOrders Total number of orders.
totalOrdersCleared Total number of orders cleared.
totalTicketsCleared Total number of tickets cleared.

Plug-in Configuration

The ClearVision status plug-in is only available when running a Windows Netprobe. The plug-in reads information from the status webpage generated by the ClearVision server, and so must be able to access this file to operate correctly.

The plug-in may optionally read the location of the status file from the Windows registry. In this case the Netprobe must run on the same host as the ClearVision server, and have read access to the registry to read these values.

Configuration for this plug-in is placed in the clearvision-status configuration section.


Specifies the name of the server to monitor. The plug-in will then use this name to access the following registry key where (by default) the status file location is stored in the "path" value.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ClearVision\Server\<name>\Options\Web page\Server status

Mandatory: No (however one of serverName, fileLocation or registry must be specified).


Specifies the location of the ClearVision status file as a path - this can be a UNC path if required. When using this parameter the Netprobe does not have to be on the same host as the ClearVision server, provided the file is still accessible.

Mandatory: No (however one of serverName, fileLocation or registry must be specified).


Specifies a registry key containing the location of the ClearVision status file. When using this setting the Netprobe must be running on the host that holds the registry entry (typically the ClearVision server host).

Mandatory: No (however one of serverName, fileLocation or registry must be specified).

registry > key

Specifies the location of the registry key to read a value from. This key must be a sub-path from HKEY_CURRENT_USER. E.g. specifying path "Software\Windows" will open the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Windows".

Mandatory: Yes

registry > value

The value to read inside the specified registry > key.

Mandatory: Yes