
This plug-in is deprecated and is no longer supported by Geneos.
We recommend that you not use any deprecated features, as these may be removed in future releases.

For more information, see Deprecated and removed features in Geneos Compatibility Matrix.

TIB View Plug-in - Technical Reference


GENEOS TIB View plug-in monitors the CiServer TIB Network protocol.

Only one Netprobe is required to run the ciServer monitoring module per subnet


The TIB View plug-in produces three views, SUMMARY, RECEIVERS and SENDERS.

Summary View

The TIB View plug-in produces three views, SUMMARY, RECEIVERS and SENDERS.


Summary Table Legend

Name Description
WorstTotal The highest number of total packets of the averages of the samples taken
Total The total number of packets per sample interval
Bcasts The number of broadcast packets per sample interval.
Ptps The number of point-to-point packets per sample interval.
Acks The number of acknowledgement packets per sample interval.
Reqs The number of request packets per sample interval.
Rejs The number of reject packets per sample interval.
Nulls The number of null packets per interval.
Errors The number of error packets per TibView sample interval.

Receivers View


Receivers Table Legend

Name Description
Host Name or IP address of the host
WorstTotal The highest number of total packets of the averages of the samples taken
Total The total number of packets per sample interval
Bcasts The number of broadcast packets per sample interval.
Ptps The number of point-to-point packets per sample interval.
Acks The number of acknowledgement packets per sample interval.
Reqs The number of request packets per sample interval.
Rejs The number of reject packets per sample interval.
Nulls The number of null packets per interval.
Errors The number of error packets per TibView sample interval.

Senders View


Senders Table Legend

Name Description
Host Name or IP address of the host
WorstTotal The highest number of total packets of the averages of the samples taken
Total The total number of packets per sample interval
Bcasts The number of broadcast packets per sample interval.
Ptps The number of point-to-point packets per sample interval.
Acks The number of acknowledgement packets per sample interval.
Reqs The number of request packets per sample interval.
Rejs The number of reject packets per sample interval.
Nulls The number of null packets per interval.
Errors The number of error packets per TibView sample interval.

Plug-in Configuration

The following parameters can be configured for this plug-in:


The command to run TIBView

Mandatory: No
Default: tibView