
WTS Summary Plug-In - Technical Reference


The WTS Summary plug-in provides a quick overview of the state of the server, including the states of the sessions and the Licensing Servers being polled for licenses by each WTS Licenses plug-in.

Views (for a single view)



Headline Legend

Name Description
activeSessions The number of active sessions connected to the Terminal Server.
disconnectedSessions The number of disconnected sessions connected to the Terminal Server.
idleSessions The number of idle sessions connected to the Terminal Server.
listeningSessions The number of listening sessions on the Terminal Server.
otherSessions The number of other sessions (transitional states at time of sampling) connected to the Terminal Server.
serverType The type of server running.

Table Legend

Name Description
licenseServer The name of the licence server if it can be resolved.
IPAddress The IP address of the licence server if it can be resolved.

Plug-In Configuration

The Netprobe that contains this plug-in is called netprobent+wrs. It must run on a Windows machine running the Windows Terminal Services service.