["Geneos > Netprobe"]["Technical Reference"] "1"

OpenShift Monitoring Technical Reference

The end of life (EOL) date for this integration is 30 September 2020. This documentation is now archived and is no longer updated. The Collection Agent plugin for Kubernetes now replaces this integration, see Installation in a or environment.


Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is an enterprise application platform, built for containers that use Kubernetes and offering full control over Kubernetes environments.

OpenShift integration enables you to retrieve all metrics and metadata available in your OpenShift environment and display them as dataviews in Geneos. You can query services of your OpenShift running environment, see the number of pods, list the available images you can deploy, check the ability to deploy builds, and tail logs from a pod or from a container.

The integration provides a Gateway configuration file that enables monitoring of (Undefined variable: Integrations/openshift.openshift-name) through a set of pre-configured Toolkit samplers.

This technical reference provides information on the metrics and dataviews for the samplers available through the OpenShift monitoring integration. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, see the OpenShift Monitoring User Guide.

Intended audience

This technical reference is intended for users who are monitoring data from the OpenShift environment. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, see the OpenShift Monitoring User Guide.

Environment variables

The openshiftMonitoring.xml script provides the variables that are set in the Environments section. They need to be configured to ensure that the integration monitors your target OpenShift environment.

Variable Type Description
PYTHON_PATH String Path of the Python library located on the machine where the Netprobeis running.
OC_PATH String

Path of the oc client used to connect to a cluster.

OPENSHIFT_URL String URL of your OpenShift web console.
OPENSHIFT_LABEL String Used to assign a name to a group of samplers.
OPENSHIFT_MANUAL_SAMPLE Integer Frequency of sampling. If checks are executed manually, the value is 0.

You can also use environment variables when configuring the samplers. The available environment variables are:

Variable Type Description
OC_GET_ALL_SPACES String Get a list of all name spaces. This is used by administrators to get access to everything in the OpenShift environment.
OC_GET_AUTH String Get a list of authorize tokens and their expiration.

Get a list of routes and their target ports.

OC_GET_PROJECTS String Get a list of associated projects.
OC_GET_QUOTAS String Get a list of quotas and limits.
OC_GET_PODS_METADATA String Get a list of pods and their metadata.
OC_GET_PODS_SPECDATA String Get a list of pods and their specdata.
OC_GET_PODS_HEALTH String Get a list of pod's health conditions. You must provide pod's name or uid.
OC_GET_POD_CONTAINERS String Get a list of a pod's containers and their statuses. You must provide pod's name or uid.
OC_GET_SERVICES String Get a list of services and their port info.
OC_GET_EVENTS String Get a list of recent events and their descriptions.
OC_GET_NODES_METADATA String Get a list of nodes and their associated metadata.
OC_GET_NODES_STATUS String Get a list of nodes and their hardware status.
OC_GET_NODES_INFO String Get a list of nodes and their hardware info (for example, OS, Arch, etc).
OC_GET_NODE_HEALTH String Get a list of node's health conditions. You must provide node's name or uid.

Metrics and dataviews

The OpenShift monitoring integration provides a number of samplers each with a default dataview. The sections below show example dataviews.

Note: Your access to the dataviews in Geneos depends on your permission levels in OpenShift. If you do not have permission to view a certain pod, you cannot see applicable dataviews in Geneos.


This dataview displays a list of events and the number of times the events occurred along with their details.


This dataview retrieves data about the condition and state of your OpenShift node.


This dataview lists cluster and machines that host the compartmentalized environment.


This dataview displays a list of connected cluster nodes and their metadata.


This dataview displays a high level overview of all nodes, capacity, and where they are located.


This dataview displays a list of access tokens to accounts that logged into your OpenShift project. You can check if users logged through the client or the web console, how many successful logins there were, and how much time the person has in their session.


This dataview displays a list of containers in a specific pod, it also shows the state of the containers.


This dataview displays condition and state of a specific pod.


This dataview displays an overview of all pods running in your environment. OpenShift uses the labelling system as a way to identify and add properties to these pods. This information is stored in the labels.


This dataview displays specification of the pods and how many containers there are. For example, if you forget which node your pod is running on, you can check it here. You can also check how long it takes for the pod to terminate.


This dataview displays a list of projects, their details and current running state.


This dataview displays a list of quota limits and current consumption on pods, secrets and other resources.


This dataview displays a list of services showing their route and port information (for example, available ports).


This dataview displays a list of services available in your OpenShift environment and their current status.

Further reading

To learn more about setting up the OpenShift monitoring samplers on a Gateway, see the OpenShift Monitoring User Guide.