Azure Monitor Integration Technical Reference


The Azure Monitor integration enables you to retrieve all metrics and logs available in your Azure Monitor setup and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

The integration provides a Gateway configuration file that enables monitoring of Azure Monitor through a set of pre-configured Toolkit samplers. You can query and list the available metrics for your environment and running instances.

This technical reference provides information on the metrics and dataviews for the samplers available through the Azure Monitor integration. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, see the Azure Monitor Integration User Guide.


This technical reference is intended for users who are monitoring data from the Azure Monitor environment. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, see the Azure Monitor Integration User Guide.

Environment variables

The azureMonitoring.xml script provides the variables that are set in the Environments section. They are configured to ensure that the integration monitors your target Azure Monitor environment.

Variable Type Description

Your tenant ID from the service principal (this is called tenant in the Azure environment).

AZURE_CLIENT_ID String Your client ID from the service principal (this is called appId in the Azure environment).

Your password from the service principal (this is called password in the Azure environment).

AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID String Your subscription ID from your Azure account.
AZURE_RESOURCE_ID String The resource ID for your Azure appliance when viewing metrics.
AZURE_METRIC_INT String The interval in which your data is based on.


Variable used to list out the metric names and their units.

Frequency of sampling. If checks are executed manually, the value is shown as 0.

PYTHON_PATH String Path of the Python library located on the machine where the Netprobeis running.

Command line options

Command line options can be used along with the Environment variables.

Option (long) Option (short) Type Description
--list-res-names -lr Boolean

List names, location and details of your Azure account resource groups.

--list-res-metrics -lm Boolean

List metrics for a particular VM.

--list-db-servers -lds Boolean

List database servers information.

--list-databases -db Boolean List databases information.
--list-networks -lvn Boolean List virtual networks.
--list-interfaces -lvi Boolean List virtual interfaces.
--list-load-balancers -llb Boolean List your load balancers.
--list-storage-accounts -lsa Boolean List your storage accounts.
--list-cosmosdb-accounts -lca Boolean List your CosmosDB accounts.
--get-powerstate -gp Boolean Powerstate is not automatically shown on VM view listing, this option makes calls to each VM status directly.

Metrics and dataviews

The sections below show example dataviews available with the Azure Monitor integration.

Note: Samplers make multiple HTTP queries to build one single dataview. Depending on the API response time, and the number of items in the dataview, these samplers can take longer to run than most Geneos samplers.


This sampler provides a list of your available metrics.

Azure Dataview - MyDB


This sampler displays aggregated information about specific instances.


This sampler provides a list of available metrics for the VM.


This sampler provides a list of available metrics for the CosmoDB.

Azure Dataview - MyCosmoDb


This sampler displays information about the virtual networks.


This sampler displays a list and details about the available VMs.


This sampler displays information about the available SQL servers.


This sampler displays information about the available SQL databases.


This sampler displays information about power states of virtual machines.


This sampler displays a list of available resource groups.


This sampler displays a list and details of virtual interfaces.

Azure Dataview - VInterfaces

Further reading

To learn more about setting up the Azure Monitor monitoring samplers on a Gateway, see the Azure Monitor Integration User Guide.