Ultra Messaging Monitoring Technical Reference


The Ultra Messaging (UM) integration enables Geneos to monitor status and performance data coming from applications based on the Ultra Messaging high-performance message streaming (UMS) application.

When set up, the integration and its associated API plug-in comprise the Ultra Messaging plug-in (UMPI). The UMPI supports the following:

  • Monitoring of the UMS application.
  • Monitoring of dynamic routers or gateways generated by the UM Router Daemon (called the tnwgd).

umpiConfig view

Headline field Description
version Version number of the UMPI configuration file.
umsVersion Version string of the UMS dynamic library loaded by the UMPI (as returned by lbm_version()).
hostName Network hostname of the Netprobe that the UMPI is connected to.
port Network port of the Netprobe that the UMPI is connected to.

Delay between attempts to recover from network failures.

Unit: seconds


Indicates if UMPI is running as a detached daemon process or if it is attached to the initiating terminal.

  • Contains Y if running as a detached daemon process.
  • Contains N if attached to the initiating terminal.

Path to the directory in which the log files (PID) are created.

This field is only present only when the UMPI is running as a detached process.


ID of the user under which the UMPI process is being executed.

This field is only present only when the UMPI is running as a detached process.


Name of the file to which UMPIwrites its PID.

This field is only present only when the UMPI is running as a detached process.

loggingTo Name of the UMPI log file (present in the working directory).
logLevel Configured logging verbosity level.
licenseFile Name of the UMPI license file.
umCfgFile Name of the plain text UMS configuration file that is used to configure a single context for the receipt of source notifications.

Indicates if a single context is used for receipt notifications.

Values: Y or N

xmlCfgFile Name of an XML UMS configuration file from which the UMPI configures the context or contexts used to receive source notifications.
monitoringConfigFile Name in the plain text UMS configuration file used by the UMPI to configure the UMS transport used to receive monitoring statistics from the UMS applications that are monitored.
monitoringTopic Name of the topic used by the UMPI to receive monitoring statistics from the UMS applications that are monitored.
monitoringWSTopic Name of any wild-card topic used by the UMPI to receive monitoring statistics from the UMS applications that are monitored.
maxViewRows Maximum number of rows that can be applied to a UMS view.
maxGWDaemon Maximum number of instances of the TNWGD_URLnn and TNWGD_PPSnn Geneos sampler parameters configured in the API sampler.

Maximum time that a statistics packet can be queued internally within UMPI before throttling is initiated.

Unit: milliseconds

commandSocket Filename that identifies the socket used by the UMPI to receive the commands from the Netprobe,

Timeout applied to receiving commands from the Netprobe.

Unit: seconds


Indicates if advertisements are requested from quiescent sources at start-up and restart.

Values: Y or N


Indicates if advertisements are requested from quiescent receivers at start-up and restart.

Values: Y or N


Indicates if advertisements are requested from quiescent wild-card receivers at start-up and restart.

Values: Y or N

topicResReqIntervalMs Interval between advertisement requests.


Minimum duration of advertisement requests.
group Group used for communication with the UMPI sampler.
licenseExpires Date and time when the evaluation or rental license expires, displayed in human readable format. The value NEVER is displayed for perpetual licenses.

Number of seconds since UMPI started or was restarted through a configuration change or receipt of a HUP signal. Updated every few seconds.

Unit: seconds

Common UMS headlines and columns

Each operational and full UMS view has a common set of headlines and columns that are used alongside the headlines and columns specific for each view.

Common headlines

List of common headlines that appear in operational and full views:

Headline field Description
filter Optional headline that shows any configured filter pattern.
total Total number of objects for which statistics have been received.
totalActive Total number of objects for which statistics are currently being received.
totalDefunct Number of defunct objects.

Set of headlines showing the number of unique attribute block values:

  • appId
  • contextId
  • ipAddr
  • hostname
  • PID

It is present in all active objects of the type relevant to the view.

Common columns

List of common columns that appear in operational and full views:

Column field Description
key Unique identifier of each monitored UMS object. It is used for snoozing.
rank Sorting column which identifies the priority relevant to the view. For example, an object which has a rank of 1 in an activity view is the busiest object of the type displayed in that view.
appId Application source ID string.
contextId Context ID number.

IP address of the originating process.

PID Process ID of the originating process.
timestamp Timestamp for the statistics packet.

Operational UMS views

Each UMS source and receiver operational view has a common set of headlines and columns. If a column is not available for a particular transport type then each relevant cell in the operational view is blank.

Note: Operational views for contexts and event queues contain a subset of the information available in the relevant full view.

Source views

List of operational headlines for UMPI UMS source views:

Headline field Description
clients Total number of receivers known to be connected to all sources.
msgTxRate Total rate of transport message transmission by all sources.
byteTxRate Total rate of data transmission by all sources.
msgRxsRate Total rate of transport message retransmission by all sources.
byteRxsRate Total rate of data retransmission by all sources.
NAKRxRate Total rate of NAK receipt for all sources.

List of operational columns for UMPI UMS source views:

Column field Description
msgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission by the source.
byteTxRate Rate of data transmission by the source.
rxsMsgTxRate Rate of transport message retransmission by the source.
rxsByteTxRate Rate of data retransmission by the source.
NAKRxRate Rate of NAK receipt by the source.
clients Number of receivers known to be connected to the source.

Receiver views

List of operational headlines for UMPI UMS receiver views:

Headline field Description
msgRxRate Total rate of transport message receipt for all receivers.
byteRxRate Total rate of data receipt for all receivers.
msgsUnrcvrdRate Total rate of irrecoverable transport message loss for all receivers.
msgsUnrcvrd% Percentage of transport messages transmitted that are lost irrecoverably for all receivers.
NAKTxRate Rate at which NAKs are transmitted by all receivers.
lostRate Rate at which transport messages are lost for all receivers.

List of operational columns for UMPI UMS receiver views:

Column field Description
msgRxRate Rate at which transport messages are received by this receiver.
byteRxRate Rate at which data is received by this receiver.
msgUnrcvrdRate Rate of irrecoverable transport message loss for this receiver.
msgUnrcvrd% Percentage of transport messages transmitted that are lost irrecoverably for this receiver.
NAKTxRate Rate at which NAKs are transmitted by this receiver.
lossRate Rate at which transport messages are lost by this receiver.
dgmsDpdRate Rate at which datagrams are dropped by this receiver.
outOfOrderRate Rate at which transport messages are being received out-of-order.
dupMsgRxRate The rate at which duplicate transport messages are being received.
lastUnrecovered The number of transport messages lost irrecoverably between the most recent two statistics reported by this receiver.
lastLost The number of transport messages lost between the most recent two statistics reported by this receiver.

Metrics and dataviews

Context views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For contexts, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views are the same.

List of headlines for UMPI context views:

Headline field Description
totalTRDgmRate Rate of topic resolution datagram transmission for all current contexts.
toalTRDgmTxFailRate Total rate of topic resolution datagram transmission failure for all current contexts.
totalTRDgms Total number of topic resolution datagrams transmitted by all contexts, both current and defunct.
totalTRDgmsTxFail Total number of topic resolution datagram transmission failures by all contexts, both current and defunct.
totalTRUnresTpcsRcv Total number of unresolved topics in the receiver topic map of all current contexts.

List of derived columns for UMPI context views:

Column field Description
trDgmsTxRate Rate of topic resolution datagram transmission.
trDgmsRxRate Rate of topic resolution datagram receipt.
trDgmsTxFailRate Rate of topic resolution datagram transmission failure.
trDgmsDrpdRate Rate of receipt of topic resolution datagrams that are dropped. The value is calculated in the following way: TRDgmsDrpdVer + TRDgmsDrpdTyp + TRDgmsDrpdMal.
unknDgmsRate Rate of receipt of datagrams not belonging to any transport session. The value is calculated in the following way: RMUnknDgm + RUUnknDgm.
txBlkdRate Rate of LBM send calls that are blocked.
txWldBlkRate Rate of LBM send calls that would be blocked.
respBlkdRate Rate of LBM response send calls that are blocked.
respWldBlkRate Rate of LBM response send calls that would be blocked.

List of native columns for UMPI context views:

Column field Structure member Description
trDgmsTx tr_dgrams_sent Number of topic resolution datagrams sent.
trBytesTx tr_bytes_sent Number of topic resolution datagram bytes sent.
trDgmsRx tr_dgrams_rcved Number of topic resolution datagram received.
trBytesRx tr_bytes_rcved Number of topic resolution datagram bytes received.
trDgmsDrpdVer tr_dgrams_dropped_ver Number of topic resolution datagrams dropped due to incorrect version.
trDgmsDrpdTyp tr_dgrams_dropped_type Number of topic resolution datagrams dropped due to incorrect type.
trDgmsDrpdMal tr_dgrams_dropped_malformed Number of topic resolution datagrams dropped due to being malformed.
trDgmsTxFail tr_dgrams_send_failed Number of topic resolution datagram sends which failed.
trSrcTpcs tr_src_topics Number of topics in the source topic map.
trRcvTpcs tr_rcv_topics Number of topics in the receiver topic map.
trUnresTpcsRcv tr_rcv_unresolved_topics Number of unresolved topics in the receiver topic map.
RMUnknDgm lbtrm_unknown_msgs_rcved Number of LBT-RM datagrams received not belonging to any transport session.
RUUnknDgm lbtru_unknown_msgs_rcved Number of LBT-RU datagrams received not belonging to any transport session.
txBlkd send_blocked Number of LBM send calls which blocked.
txWldBlk send_would_block Number of LBM send calls which returned EWOULDBLOCK.
respBlkd resp_blocked Number of LBM send response calls which blocked.
respWldBlk resp_would_block Number of LBM send response calls which returned EWOULDBLOCK.
uimDupMsgRx uim_dup_msgs_rcved Number of duplicate unicast immediate messages (UIMs) received and dropped.
uimMsgNStrmRx uim_msgs_no_stream_rcved Number of unicast immediate messages (UIMs) received without stream information.
fgmtLost fragments_lost Number of data message fragments detected as lost in the context.
fgmtUnrcvd fragments_unrecoverably_lost Number of data message fragments detected as lost in the context and impossible to be recovered.
rcvCbSvcTmMin rcv_cb_svc_time_min

The minimum time used to call user receive callbacks of type lbm_rcv_cb_proc() for wildcard, hot-failover, and regular receivers. Does not include SMX receivers.

Unit: microseconds

rcvCbSvcTmMax rcv_cb_svc_time_max

The maximum time used to call user receive callbacks of type lbm_rcv_cb_proc() for wildcard, hot-failover, and regular receivers. Does not include SMX receivers.

Unit: microseconds

rcvCbSvcTmMean rcv_cb_svc_time_mean

The mean time used to call user receive callbacks of type lbm_rcv_cb_proc() for wildcard, hot-failover, and regular receivers. Does not include SMX receivers.

Unit: microseconds

Active sort order of UMPI context views:

Priority Column field Description
1 trDgmTxRate Rate of topic resolution datagram transmission.
2 trDgmRxRate Rate of topic resolution datagram receipt.
3 trDgmsTx Number of topic resolution datagrams transmitted.
4 trDgmsRx Number of topic resolution datagrams received.
5 trSrcTpcs Number of topics in the source topic map.
6 trRcvTpcs Number of topics in the receiver topic map.

Status sort order of UMPI context views:

Priority Column field Description
1 trDgmTxFailRate Rate of topic resolution datagram transmission failure.
2 trDgmDrpdRate Rate of receipt of topic resolution datagrams that are dropped. The value is calculated in the following way: TRDgmsDrpdVer + TRDgmsDrpdTyp + TRDgmsDrp.
3 trUnresTpcsRcv Number of unresolved topics in the receiver topic map.
4 unknDgmRate Rate of receipt of datagrams not belonging to any transport session. The value is calculated in the following way: RMUnknDgm + RUUnknDgm.
5 txBlkdRate Rate of LBM send calls that are blocked.
6 txWldBlkRate Rate of LBM send calls that would be blocked.
7 respBlkRate Rate of LBM response send calls that are blocked.
8 respWldBlkRate Rate of LBM response send calls that would be blocked.
9 trDgmsTxFail Number of topic resolution datagram transmission failures.
10 Not available Number of topic resolution datagrams received that are dropped. The value is calculated in the following way: TRDgmsDrpdVer + TRDgmsDrpdTyp + TRDgmsDrpdMal.
11 Not available Number of datagrams received not belonging to any transport session. The value is calculated in the following way: RMUnknDgm + RUUnknDgm.
12 txBlkd Number of LBM send calls that are blocked.
13 txWldBlk Number of LBM send calls that would be blocked.
14 respBlk Number LBM response send calls that are blocked.
15 respWldBlk Number of LBM response send calls that would be blocked.

Event queue views¶

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For event queues, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views are the same.

List of headlines for UMPI event queue views:

Headline field Description
totalEvntQd Total number of events currently enqueued by all current event queues.
totalEvntQdTtl Total number of events enqueued by all event queues, both current and defunct.

Note: There are no derived columns for event queue views.

List of native columns for UMPI event queues views (there are no derived columns in event queue views):

Column field Structure member Description
dtaMsqqd data_msgs Number of data messages currently enqueued.
dtaMsgQdTtl data_msgs_tot Total number of data messages enqueued.
dtaMsgSvcMin data_msgs_svc_min

Minimum service time for data messages.

Unit: microseconds

dtaMsgSvcMean data_msgs_svc_mean

Mean service time for data messages.

Unit: microseconds

dtaMsgSvcMax data_msgs_svc_max

Maximum service time for data messages.

Unit: microseconds

respMsgQd resp_msgs Number of response messages currently enqueued.
respMsgQdTtl resp_msgs_tot Total number of response messages enqueued.
respMsgSvcMin resp_msgs_svc_min

Minimum service time for response messages.

Unit: microseconds

respMsgSvcMean resp_msgs_svc_mean

Mean service time for response messages.

Unit: microseconds

respMsgSvcMax resp_msgs_svc_max

Maximum service time for response messages.

Unit: microseconds

imMsgQd topicless_im_msgs Number of topicless immediate messages currently enqueued.
imMsgQdTtl topicless_im_msgs_tot Total number of topicless immediate messages enqueued.
imMsgSvcMin topicless_im_msgs_svc_min

Minimum service time for topicless immediate messages.

Unit: microseconds

imMsgSvcMean topicless_im_msgs_svc_mean Mean service time for topicless immediate messages.
imMsgSvcMax topicless_im_msgs_svc_max

Maximum service time for topicless immediate messages.

Unit: microseconds

wrcvMsgQd wrcv_msgs Number of wildcard receiver messages currently enqueued.
wrcvMsgQdTtl wrcv_msgs_tot Total number of wildcard receiver messages enqueued.
wrcvMsgSvcMin wrcv_msgs_svc_min

Minimum service time for wildcard receiver messages.

Unit: microseconds

wrcvMsgSvcMean wrcv_msgs_svc_mean

Mean service time for wildcard receiver messages.

Unit: microseconds

wrcvMsgSvcMax wrcv_msgs_svc_max

Maximum service time for wildcard receiver messages.

Unit: microseconds

ioEvntQd io_events Number of I/O events currently enqueued.
ioEvntQdTtl io_events_tot Total number of I/O events enqueued.
ioEvntSvcMin io_events_svc_min

Minimum service time for I/O events.

Unit: microseconds

ioEvntSvcMean io_events_svc_mean

Mean service time for I/O events.

Unit: microseconds

ioEvntSvcMax io_events_svc_max

Maximum service time for I/O events.

Unit: microseconds

tmrEvntQd timer_events Number of timer events currently enqueued.
tmrEvntQdTtl timer_events_tot Total number of timer events enqueued.
tmrEvntSvcMin timer_events_svc_min

Minimum service time for timer events.

Unit: microseconds

tmrEvntSvcMean timer_events_svc_mean

Mean service time for timer events.

Unit: microseconds

tmrEvntSvcMax timer_events_svc_max

Maximum service time for timer events.

Unit: microseconds

srcEvntQd source_events Number of source events currently enqueued.
srcEvntQdTtl source_events_tot Total number of source events enqueued.
srcEvntSvcMin source_events_svc_min

Minimum service time for source events.

Unit: microseconds

srcEvntSvcMean source_events_svc_mean

Mean service time for source events.

Unit: microseconds

srcEvntSvcMax source_events_svc_max

Maximum service time for source events.

Unit: microseconds

unblkEvntQd unblock_events Number of unblock events currently enqueued.
unblkEvntQdTtl unblock_events_tot Total number of unblock events enqueued.
cnclEvntQd cancel_events Number of cancel events currently enqueued.
cnclEvntQdTtl cancel_events_tot Total number of cancel events enqueued.
cnclEvntSvcMin cancel_events_svc_min

Minimum service time for cancel events.

Unit: microseconds

cnclEvntSvcMean cancel_events_svc_mean

Mean service time for cancel events.

Unit: microseconds

cnclEvntSvcMax cancel_events_svc_max

Maximum service time for cancel events.

Unit: microseconds

cntxEvntQd context_source_events Number of context source events currently enqueued.
cntxEvntQdTtl context_source_events_tot Total number of context source events enqueued.
cntxEvntSvcMin context_source_events_svc_min

Minimum service time for context source events.

Unit: microseconds

cntxEvntSvcMean context_source_events_svc_mean

Mean service time for context source events.

Unit: microseconds

cntxEvntSvcMax context_source_events_svc_max

Maximum service time for context source events.

Unit: microseconds

evntQd events Number of events currently enqueued.
evntQdTtl events_tot Total number of events enqueued.
ageMin age_min

Minimum age of event queue entry when dequeued.

Unit: microseconds

ageMean age_mean

Mean age of event queue entry when dequeued.

Unit: microseconds

ageMax age_max

Maximum age of event queue entry when dequeued.

Unit: microseconds

clbkEvntQd callback_events Number of callback events currently enqueued.
clbkEvntQdTtl callback_events_tot Number of callback events enqueued.
clbkEvntSvcMin callback_events_svc_min Minimum service time for callback events (in microseconds).
clbkEvntSvcMean callback_events_svc_mean Mean service time for callback events (in microseconds).
clbkEvntSvcMax callback_events_svc_max Maximum service time for callback events (in microseconds).

Active sort order of UMPI event queue views:

Priority Column field Description
1 eventQd Number of events currently enqueued.
2 eventQdTtl Total number of events enqueued.

Status sort order of UMPI event queue views:

Priority Column field Description
1 ageMax Maximum age of event queue entries when dequeued.
2 ageMean Mean age of event queue entries when dequeued.
3 ageMin Minimum age of event queue entries when dequeued.

TCP source views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For source views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational source views, see Source views.

List of headlines for UMPI TCP source views:

Headline field Description
totalClients Total number of clients (receivers) connected to all current TCP sources.

List of native columns for UMPI TCP source views (there are no derived columns in TCP source views):

Column field Structure member Description
clients num_clients Number of currently connected TCP clients (receivers).
buffered bytes_buffered Bytes currently buffered by LBM.

Active sort order of UMPI TCP source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 clients Number of connected clients.

Status sort order of UMPI TCP source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 buffered Number of bytes buffered.

TCP receiver views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For receiver views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational receiver views, see Receiver views.

List of headlines for UMPI TCP receiver views:

Headline field Description
totalMsgRxRate Total rate of messages receipt by all current TCP receivers.
totalByteRxRate Total rate of data receipt by all current TCP receivers.
totalMsgsRx Total number of LBM messages received by all TCP receivers, both current and defunct.
totalBytesRx Total data received by all TCP receivers, both current and defunct.

List of derived columns for UMPI TCP receiver views:

Column field Description
msgsRxRate Rate of message receipt.
bytesRxRate Rate of data receipt.
msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of messages with no topic.

List of native columns for UMPI TCP receiver views:

Column field Structure member Description
bytesRx bytes_rcved Bytes received by TCP transport.
msgsRx lbm_msgs_rcved Number of LBM messages received by TCP transport.
msgsRxNTpc lbm_msgs_rcved _no_topic Number of LBM messages received by TCP transport with no topic associated.
reqsRx lbm_reqs_rcved Number of LBM requests received by TCP transport.

Active sort order of UMPI TCP receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgRxRate Rate of message receipt.
2 msgsRx Number of messages received.

Status sort order of UMPI TCP receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of messages with no topic.
2 msgsRxNTpc Number of messages received with no topic.

LBT-RU source views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For source views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational source views, see Source views.

List of headlines for UMPI LBT-RU source views:

Headline field Description
totalMsgTxRate Total rate of transport message transmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalByteTxRate Total rate of data transmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalRxsMsgTxRate Total rate of transport message retransmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalRxsByteTxRate Total rate of data retransmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalMsgsTx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalBytesTx Total data transmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalRxsMsgsTx Total number of transport messages retransmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalRxsBytesTx Total data retransmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalClients Total number of clients (receivers) connected to all current LBT-RU sources.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-RU source views:

Column field Description
RUMsgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
byteTxRate Rate of data transmission.
rxsMsgTxRate Rate of transport message retransmission.
rxsByteTxRate Rate of data retransmission.
%msgTxRxs Percentage of messages that are retransmissions. The value is calculated in the following way: RxsMsgsTx / (MsgsTx + RxsMsgsTx).
%byteTxRxs Percentage of data that is are retransmitted. The value is calculated in the following way: RxsBytesTx / (BytesTx + RxsBytesTx).
NAKRxRate Rate of NAK receipt.
%msgNAKd The percentage of messages for which a NAK is received. The value is calculated in the following way: NAKRx / RUMsgsTx.
%NAKShed The percentage of NAKs shed. The value is calculated in the following way: NAKShed / NAKRx.
NAKGrpng The extent to which NAKs arrive in groups. The value is calculated in the following wa: NAKPktRx / NAKRx.

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-RU source views:

Column field Structure member Description
RUMsgsTx msgs_sent Number of LBT-RU transport messages sent.
bytesTx bytes_sent Number of bytes sent. This includes the total length of all LBT-RU packets, including LBM-level header information.
NAKPktRx nak_pckts_rcved Number of NAK packets received by this source.
NAKRx naks_rcved Number of individual NAKs received by the source.
NAKIgnrd naks_ignored Number of NAKs the source ignored by sending an NCF with the reason code set to ignored.
NAKShed naks_shed Number of NAKs this source shed by sending an NCF with the reason code set to shed.
NAKRxDelayIgnrd naks_rx_delay_ignored Number of NAKs this source did not process because it met its retransmission rate limit.
rxsMsgsTx rxs_sent Number of LBT-RU transport messages retransmitted by this source.
clients num_clients Number of receivers that are currently connected to this source.
rxsBytesTx rx_bytes_sent Number of LBT-RU transport bytes retransmitted by this source.

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-RU source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
2 msgsTx Number of transport messages transmitted.
3 clients Number of receivers that are currently connected to this source.

Status sort order of UMPI LBT-RU source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 rxsMsgTxRate Rate of transport message retransmission.
2 NAKRxRate Rate of NAK receipt.
3 rxsMsgsTx Number of transport messages retransmitted.
4 NAKRx Number of NAKs received.

LBT-RU receiver views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For receiver views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational receiver views, see Receiver views.

List of headlines for UMPI LBT-RU receiver views:

Headline field Description
totalRUMsgRxRate Total rate of transport message receipt by all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalByteRxRate Total rate of data receipt by all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalMsgsUnrcvrdRate Total rate of irrecoverable loss of transport messages by all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalLossRate Total rate of transport message loss across all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalRUMsgsRx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.
totalBytesRx Total data transmitted by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.
totalMsgsUnrcvrd Total number of transport messages irrecoverably lost by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.
totalLost Total number of transport messages lost by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-RU receiver views:

Column field Description
RUMsgsRxRate Rate of transport message receipt.
bytesRxRate Rate of data receipt.
msgsUnrcvrdRate Rate of irrecoverable loss of transport messages. The value is calculated in the following way: msgsUnrcvrdTxw + msgsUnrcvrdTmo.
msgsUnrcvrd% Percentage of transport messages transmitted that are lost irrecoverably for all receivers.
NAKTxRate Rate of NAK transmission.
lossRate Rate of transport message loss.
dgmsDpdRate Rate at which datagrams are discarded. The value is calculated in the followign way: DgmsDpdSz + DgmsDpdTyp + DgmsDpdVsn + DgmsDpdHdr + DgmsDpdsid + DgmsDpdOth.
dupMsgsRxRate Rate of receipt of duplicate messages.
msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of application messages of no interest to the receiver.

Estimated total latency added by recovery operations. The value is calculated in the following way: (Lost * RcvryMean / 1000).

Unit: seconds

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-RU receiver views:

Column field Structure members Description
RUMsgsRx msgs_rcved Number of LBT-RU transport messages received.
bytesRx bytes_rcved Number of bytes received. This includes the total length of all LBT-RU packets, including LBM-level header information.
NAKPktTx nak_pckts_sent Number of NAK packets sent by the receiver.
NAKTx naks_sent Number of individual NAKs sent by the receiver.
lost lost Number of LBT-RU transport messages detected as lost.
NCFRxIgnrd ncfs_ignored Number of NCFs received from a source with the reason code set to ignored.
NCFRxShed ncfs_shed Number of NCFs received with the reason code set to shed.
NCFRxDelay ncfs_rx_delay Number of NCFs received with the reason code set to rx_delay.
NCFRxUnkn ncfs_unknown

Number of NCFs received with the reason code set to unknown.

rcvryMin nak_stm_min

Minimum time in which loss recovery was accomplished.

Unit: milliseconds

rcvryMean nak_stm_mean

Mean time in which loss recovery was accomplished.

Unit: milliseconds

rcvryMax nak_stm_max

Maximum time in which loss recovery was accomplished.

Unit: milliseconds

NAKTxMin nak_tx_min Minimum number of times that an individual NAK was transmitted.
NAKTxMean nak_tx_mean Mean number of times that an individual NAK was transmitted.
NAKTxMax nak_tx_max Maximum number of times that an individual NAK was transmitted.
dupMsgRx duplicate_data Number of duplicate LBT-RU transport messages received.
msgsUnrcvrdTxw unrecovered_txw Number of LBT-RU transport messages that were unrecovered (LBM_MSG_UNRECOVERABLE_LOSS message was delivered) due to transmission window advance.
msgsUnrcvrdTmo unrecovered_tmo Number of LBT-RU transport messages that were unrecovered (LBM_MSG_UNRECOVERABLE_LOSS message was delivered) because a retransmission was not successfully received within the NAK generation interval.
msgsRx lbm_msgs_rcved Number of application messages received.
msgsRxNTpc lbm_msgs_no_topic_rcved Number of application messages received that were not sent on a topic of interest to the receiver.
reqsRx lbm_reqs_rcved Number of LBM request messages received (message type: LBM_MSG_REQUEST).
dgmsDpdSz dgrams_dropped_size Number of datagrams dropped due to incorrect datagram size.
dgmsDpdTyp dgrams_dropped_type Number of datagrams discarded due to bad packet type.
dgmsDpdVsn dgrams_dropped_version Number of datagrams discarded due to version mismatch.
dgmsDpdHdr dgrams_dropped_hdr Number of datagrams discarded due to bad header type.
dgmsDpdSid dgrams_dropped_sid Number of datagrams discarded due to session ID mismatch.
dgmsDpdOth dgrams_dropped_other Number of datagrams discarded due to other reasons.

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-RU receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 RUMsgRxRate Rate of transport message receipt.
2 RUMsgRx Number of transport messages received.

Status sort order of UMPI LBT-RU receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgsUnrcvrdRate Rate of irrecoverable loss of transport messages. The value is calculated in the following way: MsgsUnrcvrdTxw + MsgsUnrcvrdTmo.
2 NAKTxRate Rate of NAK transmission.
3 dgmsDpdRate The rate at which datagrams are discarded. The value is calculated in the following way: DgmsDpdSz + DgmsDpdTyp + DgmsDpdVsn + DgmsDpdHdr + DgmsDpdSid + DgmsDpdOth.
4 dupMsgRxRate Rate of receipt of duplicate messages.
5 msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of application messages of no interest to the receiver.
6 Not available Number of transport messages irrecoverably lost. The value is calculated in the following wa: MsgsUnrcvrdTxw + MsgsUnrcvrdTmo.
7 NAKTx Number of NAKs transmitted.
8 Not available The number of datagrams discarded. The value is calculated in the following way: DgmsDpdSz + DgmsDpdTyp + DgmsDpdVsn + DgmsDpdHdr + DgmsDpdSid + DgmsDpdOth.
9 dupMsgRx Number of duplicate messages received.
10 msgsRxNTpc Number of application messages received of no interest to the receiver.

LBT-RM source views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For source views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational source views, see Source views.

List of headlines forUMPI LBT-RM source views:

Headline field Description
totalMsgTxRate Total rate of transport message transmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalByteTxRate Total rate of data transmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalRxsMsgTxRate Total rate of transport message retransmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalRxsByteTxRate Total rate of data retransmission by all current LBT-RU sources.
totalMsgsTx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalBytesTx Total data transmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalRxsMsgsTx Total number of transport messages retransmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalRxsBytesTx Total data retransmitted by all LBT-RU sources, both current and defunct.
totalClients Total number of clients (receivers) connected to all current LBT-RU sources.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-RM source views:

Column field Description
RMMsgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
byteTxRate Rate of data transmission.
rxsMsgTxRate Rate of transport message retransmission.
rxsByteTxRate Rate of data retransmission.
%msgTxRxs Percentage of messages that are retransmissions. The value is calculated in the following way: RxsMsgsTx / (MsgsTx + RxsMsgsTx).
%byteTxRxs Percentage of data that is are retransmitted. The value is calculated in the following way: RxsBytesTx / (BytesTx + RxsBytesTx).
NAKRxRate Rate of NAK receipt.
%msgNAKd The percentage of messages for which a NAK is received. The value is calculated in the following way: NAKRx / RUMsgsTx.
%NAKShed The percentage of NAKs shed. The value is calculated in the following way: NAKShed / NAKRx.
NAKGrpng The extent to which NAKs arrive in groups. The value is calculated in the following wa: NAKPktRx / NAKRx.

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-RM source views:

Column field Structure member Description
RMMsgsTx msgs_sent Number of LBT-RM transport messages sent.
bytesTx bytes_sent Number of bytes sent. This includes the total length of all LBT-RU packets, including LBM-level header information.
txwMsgs txw_msgs Number of LBT-RM transport messages currently in the transmission window.
txwBytes txw_bytes Number of bytes currently in the transmission window.
NAKPktRx nak_pckts_rcved Number of NAK packets received by this source.
NAKRx naks_rcved Number of individual NAKs received by the source.
NAKIgnrd naks_ignored Number of NAKs the source ignored by sending an NCF with the reason code set to ignored.
NAKShed naks_shed Number of NAKs this source shed by sending an NCF with the reason code set to shed.
NAKRxDelayIgnrd naks_rx_delay_ignored Number of NAKs this source did not process because it met its retransmission rate limit.
rxsMsgsTx rxs_sent Number of LBT-RU transport messages retransmitted by this source.
rctlrQ rctlr_data_msgs Number of LBT-RM transport messages currently queued by the rate controller.
rctlrRxsQ rctlr_rx_msgs Number of LBT-RM transport retransmissions currently queued by the retransmission rate controller.
rxsBytesTx rx_bytes_sent Number of LBT-RU transport bytes retransmitted by this source.

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-RM source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
2 msgsTx Number of transport messages transmitted.

Status sort order of UMPI LBT-RM source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 rxsMsgTxRate Rate of transport message retransmission.
2 NAKRxRate Rate of NAK receipt by this source.
3 rctlrRxsQ Number of retransmissions queued by the rate controller.
4 rctlrQ Number of transport messages queued by the rate ontroller.
5 rxsMsgsTx Number of transport messages retransmitted.
6 NAKRx Number of NAKs received.

LBT-RM receiver views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For receiver views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational receiver views, see Receiver views.

List of headlines for UMPI LBT-RM receiver views:

Headline field Description
totalRUMsgRxRate Total rate of transport message receipt by all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalByteRxRate Total rate of data receipt by all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalMsgsUnrcvrdRate Total rate of irrecoverable loss of transport messages by all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalLossRate Total rate of transport message loss across all current LBT-RU receivers.
totalRUMsgsRx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.
totalBytesRx Total data transmitted by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.
totalMsgsUnrcvrd Total number of transport messages irrecoverably lost by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.
totalLost Total number of transport messages lost by all LBT-RU receivers, both current and defunct.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-RM receiver views:

Column field Description
RUMsgsRxRate Rate of transport message receipt.
bytesRxRate Rate of data receipt.
msgsUnrcvrdRate Rate of irrecoverable loss of transport messages. The value is calculated in the following way: msgsUnrcvrdTxw + msgsUnrcvrdTmo.
msgsUnrcvrd% Percentage of transport messages transmitted that are lost irrecoverably for all receivers.
NAKTxRate Rate of NAK transmission.
lossRate Rate of transport message loss.
dgmsDpdRate Rate at which datagrams are discarded. The value is calculated in the followign way: DgmsDpdSz + DgmsDpdTyp + DgmsDpdVsn + DgmsDpdHdr + DgmsDpdsid + DgmsDpdOth.
dupMsgsRxRate Rate of receipt of duplicate messages.
outOfOrderRate Rate of receipt of out-of-order LBT-RM transport datagrams (LBM 4.1 and later).
msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of application messages of no interest to the receiver.

Estimated total latency added by recovery operations. The value is calculated in the following way: (Lost * RcvryMean / 1000).

Unit: seconds

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-RM receiver views:

Column field Structure member Description
RNMsgsRx msgs_rcved Number of LBT-RU transport messages received.
bytesRx bytes_rcved Number of bytes received. This includes the total length of all LBT-RU packets, including LBM-level header information.
NAKPktTx nak_pckts_sent Number of NAK packets sent by the receiver.
NAKTx naks_sent Number of individual NAKs sent by the receiver.
lost lost Number of LBT-RU transport messages detected as lost.
NCFRxIgnrd ncfs_ignored Number of NCFs received from a source with the reason code set to ignored.
NCFRxShed ncfs_shed Number of NCFs received with the reason code set to shed.
NCFRxDelay ncfs_rx_delay Number of NCFs received with the reason code set to rx_delay.
NCFRxUnkn ncfs_unknown

Number of NCFs received with the reason code set to unknown.

rcvryMin nak_stm_min

Minimum time in which loss recovery was accomplished.

Unit: milliseconds

rcvryMean nak_stm_mean

Mean time in which loss recovery was accomplished.

Unit: milliseconds

rcvryMax nak_stm_max

Maximum time in which loss recovery was accomplished.

Unit: milliseconds

NAKTxMin nak_tx_min Minimum number of times that an individual NAK was transmitted.
NAKTxMean nak_tx_mean Mean number of times that an individual NAK was transmitted.
NAKTxMax nak_tx_max Maximum number of times that an individual NAK was transmitted.
dupMsgRx duplicate_data Number of duplicate LBT-RU transport messages received.
msgsUnrcvrdTxw unrecovered_txw Number of LBT-RU transport messages that were unrecovered (LBM_MSG_UNRECOVERABLE_LOSS message was delivered) due to transmission window advance.
msgsUnrcvrdTmo unrecovered_tmo Number of LBT-RU transport messages that were unrecovered (LBM_MSG_UNRECOVERABLE_LOSS message was delivered) because a retransmission was not successfully received within the NAK generation interval.
msgsRx lbm_msgs_rcved Number of application messages received.
msgsRxNTpc lbm_msgs_no_topic_rcved Number of application messages received that were not sent on a topic of interest to the receiver.
reqsRx lbm_reqs_rcved Number of LBM request messages received (message type: LBM_MSG_REQUEST).
dgmsDpdSz dgrams_dropped_size Number of datagrams dropped due to incorrect datagram size.
dgmsDpdTyp dgrams_dropped_type Number of datagrams discarded due to bad packet type.
dgmsDpdVsn dgrams_dropped_version Number of datagrams discarded due to version mismatch.
dgmsDpdHdr dgrams_dropped_hdr Number of datagrams discarded due to bad header type.
dgmsDpdSid dgrams_dropped_other Number of datagrams discarded due to session ID mismatch.
dgmsDpdOth out_of_order Number of datagrams discarded due to other reasons.

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-RM receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 RNMsgRxRate Rate of transport message receipt.
2 RNMsgRx Number of transport messages received.

Status sort order of UMPI LBT-RM receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgsUnrcvrdRate Rate of irrecoverable loss of transport messages. The value is calculated in the following way: MsgsUnrcvrdTxw + MsgsUnrcvrdTmo.
2 NAKTxRate Rate of NAK transmission.
3 dgmsDpdRate The rate at which datagrams are discarded. The value is calculated in the following way: DgmsDpdSz + DgmsDpdTyp + DgmsDpdVsn + DgmsDpdHdr + DgmsDpdSid + DgmsDpdOth.
4 dupMsgRxRate Rate of receipt of duplicate messages.
5 outOfOrderRate Rate of receipt of out-of-order transport messages (LBM 4.1 and later).
6 msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of application messages of no interest to the receiver.
7 Not available Number of transport messages irrecoverably lost. The value is calculated in the following wa: MsgsUnrcvrdTxw + MsgsUnrcvrdTmo.
8 NAKTx Number of NAKs transmitted.
9 Not available The number of datagrams discarded. The value is calculated in the following way: DgmsDpdSz + DgmsDpdTyp + DgmsDpdVsn + DgmsDpdHdr + DgmsDpdSid + DgmsDpdOth.
10 dupMsgRx Number of duplicate messages received.
11 outOfOrder Number of out-of-order transport messages received.
12 msgsRxNTpc Number of application messages received of no interest to the receiver.

LBT-IPC source views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For source views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational source views, see Source views.

List of headlines for UMPI LBT-IPC source views:

Headline field Description
totalMsgTxRate Total rate of transport message transmission by all current LBT-IPC sources.
totalByteTxRate Total rate of data transmission by all current LBT-IPC sources.
totalMsgsTx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-IPC sources, both current and defunct.
totalBytesTx Total data transmitted by all LBT-IPC sources, both current and defunct.
totalClients Total number of clients (receivers) connected to all current LBT-IPC sources.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-IPC source views:

Column field Description
IPCMsgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
byteTxRate Rate of data transmission.

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-IPC source views:

Column field Structure member Description
clients num_clients Number of receivers that are currently connected to this source.
IPCMsgsTx msgs_sent Number of LBT-IPC transport messages sent.
bytesTx bytes_sent Number of bytes sent. This includes the total length of all LBT-IPC packets, including LBM-level header information.

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-IPC source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
2 msgsTx Number of transport messages transmitted.
3 clients Number of receivers that are currently connected to this source.

UMPI LBT-IPC source has no status views.

LBT-IPC receiver views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For receiver views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational receiver views, see Receiver views.

List of headlines for UMPI LBT-IPC receiver views:

Headline field Description
totalIPCMsgRxRate Total rate of transport message receipt by all current LBT-IPC receivers.
totalByteRxRate Total rate of data receipt by all current LBT-IPC receivers.
totalIPCMsgsRx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-IPC receivers, both current and defunct.
totalBytesRx Total data transmitted by all LBT-IPC receivers, both current and defunct.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-IPC receiver views:

Column field Description
IPCMsgTxRate Rate of transport message receipt.
byteTxRate Rate of data receipt.
msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of transport messages sent on a topic of no interest to the receiver.

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-IPC receiver views:

Column field Structure member Description
IPCMsgsRx msgs_rcved Number of LBT-IPC transport messages received.
bytesRx bytes_rcved Number of bytes received. This includes the total length of all LBT-IPC packets, including LBM-level header information.
msgsRx lbm_msgs_rcved Number of application messages received.
msgsRxNTpc lbm_msgs_no_topic_rcved Number of application messages received that were not sent on a topic of interest to the receiver.
reqsRx lbm_reqs_rcved Number of LBM request messages received (message type: LBM_MSG_REQUEST).

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-IPC receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 IPCMsgRxRate Rate of message receipt.
2 IPCMsgsRx Number of messages received.

Status sort order of UMPI LBT-IPC receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of messages with no topic.
2 msgsRxNTpc Number of messages received with no topic.

LBT-RDMA source views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For source views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational source views, see Source views.

List of headlines for UMPI LBT-RDMA source views:

Headline field Description
totalMsgTxRate Total rate of transport message transmission by all current LBT-RDMA sources.
totalByteTxRate Total rate of data transmission by all current LBT-RDMA sources.
totalMsgsTx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-RDMA sources, both current and defunct.
totalBytesTx Total data transmitted by all LBT-RDMA sources, both current and defunct.
totalClients Total number of clients (receivers) connected to all current LBT-RDMA sources.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-RDMA source views:

Column field Description
RDMAMsgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
byteTxRate Rate of data transmission.

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-RDMA source views:

Column field Structure member Description
clients num_clients Number of receivers that are currently connected to this source.
RDMAMsgsTx msgs_sent Number of LBT-RDMA transport messages sent.
bytesTx bytes_sent Number of bytes sent. This includes the total length of all LBT-RDMA packets, including LBM-level header information.

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-RDMA source views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgTxRate Rate of transport message transmission.
2 msgsTx Number of transport messages transmitted.
3 clients Number of receivers that are currently connected to this source.

UMPI LBT-RDMA source has no status views.

LBT-RDMA receiver views

By default, geneos-umpi displays a subset of data available for a UMS object. This subset is referred to as operational views. The tables below show the complete set of data items available through the use of full commands.

Headlines and columns that are common for all views are also displayed, see Common [[[Undefined variable integrations.umpi-app-name-short]]] headlines and columns for a full list.

Note: For receiver views, the names of columns in the operational views and in full views may differ. For more information about different columns in operational receiver views, see Receiver views.

List of headlines UMPI LBT-RDMA receiver views:

Headline field Description
totalRDMAMsgRxRate Total rate of transport message receipt by all current LBT-RDMA receivers.
totalByteRxRate Total rate of data receipt by all current LBT-RDMA receivers.
totalRDMAMsgsRx Total number of transport messages transmitted by all LBT-RDMA receivers, both current and defunct.
totalBytesRx Total data transmitted by all LBT-RDMA receivers, both current and defunct.

List of derived columns for UMPI LBT-RDMA receiver views:

Column field Description
RDMAMsgTxRate Rate of transport message receipt.
byteTxRate Rate of data receipt.
msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of transport messages sent on a topic of no interest to the receiver.

List of native columns for UMPI LBT-RDMA receiver views:

Column field Structure member Description
IPCMsgsRx msgs_rcved Number of LBT-RDMA transport messages received.
bytesRx bytes_rcved Number of bytes received. This includes the total length of all LBT-RDMA packets, including LBM-level header information.
msgsRx lbm_msgs_rcved Number of application messages received.
msgsRxNTpc lbm_msgs_no_topic_rcved Number of application messages received that were not sent on a topic of interest to the receiver.
reqsRx lbm_reqs_rcved Number of LBM request messages received (message type: LBM_MSG_REQUEST).

Active sort order of UMPI LBT-RDMA receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 RDMAMsgRxRate Rate of message receipt.
2 RDMAMsgsRx Number of messages received.

Status sort order of UMPI LBT-RDMA receiver views:

Priority Column field Description
1 msgsRxNTpcRate Rate of receipt of messages with no topic.
2 msgsRxNTpc Number of messages received with no topic.

UMS 5.2 Gateway daemon tnwgd views

The UMPI displays up to three Gateway related views. Gateway related views are displayed if at least one Gateway is configured on the API sampler using a TNWGD_URLnn configuration parameter. Portal specific views (GW-PeerPortals and GW-EndpointPortals) appear if at least one portal of the appropriate type is found on a configured Gateway that is providing monitoring statistics correctly (specifically where the value of the OK column of the relevant row in the GW-tnwgd view is Y).

List of UMPI GW-tngwd view columns:

Column field Description
URL The URL of the HTTP/HTML interface configured for this instance of the daemon.

Indicates if this instance of the daemon can be satisfactorily monitored.

Values: Y or N

If N is displayed, the Reason column indicates why this instance cannot be monitored.

PrsErrs Number of parse errors experienced during the monitoring of this Gateway.
MapTpcs Topics in topic map.
MapPttns Patterns in pattern map.
RxUnknFmts Unknown transport fragments received.
RxUnknBytes Unknown transport fragment bytes received.
EPortals Number of endpoint portals configured on this instance.
PPortals Number of peer portals configured on this instance.
SHMemUsage SmartHeap memory usage.
SHActvAllocCnt SmartHeap active allocation count.
SHSmlBlkSz SmartHeap small block size.
SHPageSize SmartHeap page size.

Total size of memory allocated with sbrk by malloc.

Unit: bytes

GMOrdBlks Number of chunks that are not in use.
GMHBlks Total number of chunks allocated with mmap.

The total size of memory allocated with mmap.

Unit: bytes

GMUOrdBlks Total size of memory occupied by chunks handed out by malloc.
GMFOrdBlks Size of the top-most releasable chunk that normally borders the end of the heap.
Reason Textural explanation of why this instance is not OK.

List of UMPI GW-PeerPortals view columns:

Column field Description
Name The configured name of this peer portal.
Cost The cost associated with this portal.
SrcMapTpc Source topics in map.
RcvMapTpc Receiver topics in map.
SrcMapPttn Source patterns in map.
RcvMapPttn Receiver patterns in map.
RxDatMsg Data messages received.
RxDatByt Data bytes received.
RxDatMsgNSrcIdx Data messages received with no source index.
RxDatBytNSrcIdx Data bytes received with no source index.
RxTpcMsg Transport topic fragment data messages received.
RxTpcByt Transport topic fragment data bytes received.
RxTpcMsgUnSrc Transport topic fragment data messages received with unknown source.
RxTpcBytUnSrc Transport topic fragment data bytes received with unknown source.
RxReqFmtMsg Transport topic request fragment data messages received.
RxReqFmtByt Transport topic request fragment data bytes received.
RxTpcReqMsgUnSrc Transport topic request fragment data messages received with unknown source.
RxTpcReqBytUnSrc Transport topic request fragment data bytes received with unknown source.
RxImTpcMsg Immediate topic fragment data messages received.
RxImTpcByt Immediate topic fragment data bytes received.
RxImTpcReqMsg Immediate topic request fragment data messages received.
RxImTpcReqByt Immediate topic request fragment data bytes received.
RxImMsg Immediate topicless fragment data messages received.
RxImByt Immediate topicless fragment data bytes received.
RxImReqMsg Immediate topicless request fragment data messages received.
RxImReqByt Immediate topicless request fragment data bytes received.
RxUniMsg Unicast data messages received.
RxUniByt Unicast data bytes received.
RxUniMsgNFwd Unicast data messages received with no forwarding information.
RxUniBytNFwd Unicast data bytes received with no forwarding information.
RxUniMsgUnFwd Unicast data messages received with unknown forwarding destination.
RxUniBytUnFwd Unicast data bytes received with unknown forwarding destination.
RxUniMsgNSInfo Unicast data messages received with no stream information.
RxUniBytNSInfo Unicast data bytes received with no stream information.
RxCtlMsg Control messages received.
RxCtlByt Control bytes received.
RxRsnReqMsg Retransmisssion request messages received.
RxRsnReqByt Retransmisssion request bytes received.
RxCtlMsgNSInfo Control messages received with no stream information.
RxCtlBytNSInfo Control bytes received with no stream information.
RxCtlMsgUhndld Unhandled control messages received.
RxCtlBytUhndld Unhandled control bytes received.
RxGwCtlMsg Gateway control messages received.
RxGwCtlByt Gateway control bytes received.
TxTpcFmtFwd Transport topic data fragments forwarded.
TxTpcBytFwd Transport topic data bytes forwarded.
TxTpcFmt Transport topic data fragments sent.
TxTpcByt Transport topic data bytes sent.
TxTpcFmtDpdDup Transport topic data fragments dropped (duplicate).
TxTpcBytDpdDup Transport topic data bytes dropped (duplicate).
TxTpcFmtDpdBlk Transport topic data fragments dropped (blocking).
TxTpcBytDpdBlk Transport topic data bytes dropped (blocking).
TxTpcFmtDpdNOp Transport topic data fragments dropped (not operational).
TxTpcBytDpdNOp Transport topic data bytes dropped (not operational).
TxTpcFmtDpdQFl Transport topic data fragments dropped (queue failure).
TxTpcBytDpdQFl Transport topic data bytes dropped (queue failure).
TxTpcFmtDpdNSrc Transport topic data fragments dropped (no source).
TxTpcBytDpdNSrc Transport topic data bytes dropped (no source).
TxUniMsgFwd Unicast data messages forwarded.
TxUniBytFwd Unicast data bytes forwarded.
TxUniMsg Unicast data messages sent.
TxUniByt Unicast data bytes sent.
TxUniMsgDpdDup Unicast data messages dropped (duplicate).
TxUniBytDpdDup Unicast data bytes dropped (duplicate).
TxUniMsgDpdBlk Unicast data messages dropped (blocking).
TxUniBytDpdBlk Unicast data bytes dropped (blocking).
TxUniMsgDpdNOp Unicast data messages dropped (not operational).
TxUniBytDpdNOp Unicast data bytes dropped (not operational).
TxUniMsgDpdQFl Unicast data messages dropped (queue failure).
TxUniBytDpdQFl Unicast data bytes dropped (queue failure).
TxUniCtlMsgFwd Unicast control messages forwarded.
TxUniCtlBytFwd Unicast control bytes forwarded.
TxUniCtlMsg Unicast control messages sent.
TxUniCtlByt Unicast control bytes sent.
TxCtlMsgDpdDup Unicast control messages dropped (duplicate).
TxCtlBytDpdDup Unicast control bytes dropped (duplicate).
TxCtlMsgDpdBlk Unicast control messages dropped (blocking).
TxCtlBytDpdBlk Unicast control bytes dropped (blocking).
TxCtlMsgDpdNOp Unicast control messages dropped (not operational).
TxCtlBytDpdNOp Unicast control bytes dropped (not operational).
TxCtlMsgDpdQFl Unicast control messages dropped (queue failure).
TxCtlBytDpdQFl Unicast control bytes dropped (queue failure).
TxGwCtlMsg Gateway control messages sent.
TxGwCtlByt Gateway control bytes sent.
TxGwCtlMsgDpdBlk Gateway control messages dropped (blocking).
TxGwCtlBytDpdBlk Gateway control bytes dropped (blocking).
TxGwCtlMsgDpdNOp Gateway control messages dropped (not operational).
TxGwCtlBytDpdNOp Gateway control bytes dropped (not operational).
TxGwCtlMsgDpdQFl Gateway control messages dropped (queue failure).
TxGwCtlBytDpdQFl Gateway control bytes dropped (queue failure).
TxBtchs Batches.
TxMsgBtchMin Minimum messages per batch.
TxBytBtchMin Minimum bytes per batch.
TxMsgBtchAvg Average messages per batch.
TxBytBtchAvg Average bytes per batch.
TxMsgBtchMax Maximum messages per batch.
TxBytBtchMax Maximum bytes per batch.
TxBytQdCur Current data bytes enqueued.
TxBytQdMax Maximum data bytes enqueued.
KaRttSamples Keepalive/RTT samples.
RttMin Minimum RTT (microseconds).
RttMean Mean RTT (microseconds).
RttMax Maximum RTT (microseconds).
LastKaRspnd Last keepalive responded to.

List of UMPI GW-EndpointPortals view columns:

Column field Description
Name The configured name of this endpoint portal.
DomainID The domain-id associated with this portal.
Cost The cost associated with this portal.
SrcMapTpc Source topics in map.
RcvMapTpc Receiver topics in map.
SrcMapPttn Source patterns in map.
RcvMapPttn Receiver patterns in map.
RxTpcFmt Transport topic fragments received.
RxTpcByt Transport topic bytes received.
RxTpcFmtUnSrc Transport topic fragments received from an unknown source.
RxTpcBytUnSrc Transport topic bytes received from an unknown source.
RxTpcReqFmt Transport topic request fragments received.
RxTpcReqByt Transport topic request bytes received.
RxTpcFmtNInfo Transport topic request fragments received with no forwarding info.
RxTpcBytNInfo Transport topic request bytes received with no forwarding info.
RxImTpcFmt Immediate topic fragments received.
RxImTpcByt Immediate topic bytes received.
RxImTpcReqFmt Immediate topic request fragments received.
RxImTpcReqByt Immediate topic request bytes received.
RxImTpcReqFmtNinfo Immediate topic request fragments received with no forwarding info.
RxImTpcReqBytNinfo Immediate topic request bytes received with no forwarding info.
RxImFmt Immediate topicless fragments received.
RxImByt Immediate topicless bytes received.
RxImReqFmt Immediate topicless request fragments received.
RxImReqByt Immediate topicless request bytes received.
RxImReqFmtNInfo Immediate topicless request fragments received with no forwarding info.
RxImReqBytNinfo Immediate topicless request bytes received with no forwarding info.
RxUniMsg Unicast data messages received.
RxUniByt Unicast data bytes received.
RxUniMsgNInfo Unicast data messages received with no forwarding info.
RxUniBytNInfo Unicast data bytes received with no forwarding info.
RxUniMsgUInfo Unicast data messages received with unknown forwarding info.
RxUniBytUInfo Unicast data bytes received with unknown forwarding info.
RxUniMsgNSInfo Unicast data messages received with no stream info.
RxUniBytNSInfo Unicast data bytes received with no stream info.
RxUniCtlMsg Unicast control messages received.
RxUniCtlByt Unicast control bytes received.
RxUniCtlMsgUhndld Unhandled unicast control messages received.
RxUniCtlBytUhndld Unhandled unicast control bytes received.
RxUniCtlMsgNSInfo Unicast control messages received with no stream info.
RxUniCtlBytNSInfo Unicast control bytes received with no stream info.
RxRxnReqRx Retransmission requests received.
RxRxnBytRx Retransmission bytes received.
RxRxnReqLcl Retransmission requests handled locally.
RxRxnBytLcl Retransmission bytes handled locally.
RxRxnReqFwd Retransmission requests forwarded.
RxRxnBytFwd Retransmission bytes forwarded.
RxRxnReqUnSrc Retransmission requests for an unknown source.
RxRxnBytUnSrc Retransmission bytes for an unknown source.
RxUniCtlMsgLcl Unicast control messages handled locally.
RxUniCtlBytLcl Unicast control bytes handled locally.
RxUniCtlMsgFwd Unicast control messages forwarded.
RxUniCtlBytFwd Unicast control bytes forwarded.
RxUniCtlMsgUnSrc Unicast control messages for an unknown source.
RxUniCtlBytUnSrc Unicast control bytes for an unknown source.
RxUniCtlMsgNInfo Unicast control messages received with no forwarding info.
RxUniCtlBytNInfo Unicast control bytes received with no forwarding info.
RxUniCtlMsgUInfo Unicast control messages received with unknown forwarding info.
RxUniCtlBytUInfo Unicast control bytes received with unknown forwarding info.
TxTpcFmtFwd Transport topic fragments forwarded.
TxTpcBytFwd Transport topic bytes forwarded.
TxTpcFmt Transport topic fragments sent.
TxTpcByt Transport topic bytes sent.
TxTpcReqFmt Transport topic request fragments sent.
TxTpcReqByt Transport topic request bytes sent.
TxTpcFmtDpdDup Duplicate transport topic fragments dropped.
TxTpcBytDpdDup Duplicate transport topic bytes dropped.
TxTpcFmtDpdBlk Transport topic fragments dropped due to blocking.
TxTpcBytDpdBlk Transport topic bytes dropped due to blocking.
TxTpcFmtDpdErr Transport topic fragments dropped due to error.
TxTpcBytDpdErr Transport topic bytes dropped due to error.
TxTpcFmtDpdSz Transport topic fragments dropped due to fragment size error.
TxTpcBytDpdSz Transport topic bytes dropped due to fragment size error.
TxTpcFmtDpdNSrc Transport topic fragments dropped due to no source.
TxTpcBytDpdNSrc Transport topic bytes dropped due to no source.
TxImTpcFmtFwd Immediate topic fragments forwarded.
TxImTpcBytFwd Immediate topic bytes forwarded.
TxImTpcFmt Immediate topic fragments sent.
TxImTpcByt Immediate topic bytes sent.
TxImTpcReqFmt Immediate topic request fragments sent.
TxImTpcReqByt Immediate topic request bytes sent.
TxImTpcFmtDpdDup Duplicate immediate topic fragments dropped.
TxImTpcBytDpdDup Duplicate immediate topic bytes dropped.
TxImTpcFmtDpdBlk Immediate topic fragments dropped due to blocking.
TxImTpcBytDpdBlk Immediate topic bytes dropped due to blocking.
TxImTpcFmtDpdErr Immediate topic fragments dropped due to error.
TxImTpcBytDpdErr Immediate topic bytes dropped due to error.
TxImTpcFmtDpdSz Immediate topic fragments dropped due to fragment size error.
TxImTpcBytDpdSz Immediate topic bytes dropped due to fragment size error.
TxImFmtFwd Immediate topicless fragments forwarded.
TxImBytFwd Immediate topicless bytes forwarded.
TxImFmt Immediate topicless fragments sent.
TxImByt Immediate topicless bytes sent.
TxImReqFmt Immediate topicless request fragments sent.
TxImReqByt Immediate topicless request bytes sent.
TxImFmtDpdDup Duplicate immediate topicless fragments dropped.
TxImBytDpdDup Duplicate immediate topicless bytes dropped.
TxImFmtDpdBlk Immediate topicless fragments dropped due to blocking.
TxImBytDpdBlk Immediate topicless bytes dropped due to blocking.
TxImFmtDpdErr Immediate topicless fragments dropped due to error.
TxImBytDpdErr Immediate topicless bytes dropped due to error.
TxImFmtDpdSz Immediate topicless fragments dropped due to fragment size error.
TxImBytDpdSz Immediate topicless bytes dropped due to fragment size error.
TxUniMsgFwd Unicast data messages forwarded.
TxUniBytFwd Unicast data bytes forwarded.
TxUniMsg Unicast data messages sent.
TxUniByt Unicast data bytes sent.
TxUniMsgDpdDup Duplicate unicast data messages dropped.
TxUniBytDpdDup Duplicate unicast data bytes dropped.
TxUniMsgDpdErr Unicast data messages dropped due to error.
TxUniBytDpdErr Unicast data bytes dropped due to error.
TxUniCtlMsgFwd Unicast control messages forwarded.
TxUniCtlBytFwd Unicast control bytes forwarded.
TxUniCtlMsg Unicast control messages sent.
TxUniCtlByt Unicast control bytes sent.
TxUniCtlMsgDpdDup Duplicate unicast control messages dropped.
TxUniCtlBytDpdDup Duplicate unicast control bytes dropped.
TxUniCtlMsgDpdErr Unicast control messages dropped due to error.
TxUniCtlBytDpdErr Unicast control bytes dropped due to error.

Dynamic router daemon tnwgd views

The UMPI displays up to three router related views. Router related views are displayed if at least one router is configured on the API sampler using a TNWGD_URLnnn configuration parameter. Portal specific views (peerPortals and endPointPortals) appear if at least one portal of the appropriate type is found on a configured router that is providing monitoring statistics correctly (specifically where the value of the OK column of the relevant row in the dynamicRouters view is Y).

List of UMPI dynamicRouters view columns:

Column field Description
URL The URL of the HTTP/HTML interface configured for this instance of the daemon.
OK Whether this instance of the daemon can be satisfactorily monitored (Y / N). Where N, the Reason column, below, will indicate why this instance cannot be monitored.
prsErrs The number of parse errors experienced during monitoring this gateway.
endPointPortals The number of endpoint portals configured on this instance.
peerPortals The number of peer portals configured on this instance.
shMemUsage SmartHeap memory usage.
shActvAllocCnt SmartHeap active allocation count.
shSmlBlkSz SmartHeap small block size.
shPageSize SmartHeap page size.
gmArena The total size of memory allocated with sbrk by malloc, in bytes.
gmOrdBlks The number of chunks not in use.
gmHBlks The total number of chunks allocated with mmap.
gmHblkHd The total size of memory allocated with mmap, in bytes.
gmUOrdBlks The total size of memory occupied by chunks handed out by malloc.
gmFOrdBlks The size of the top-most releasable chunk that normally borders the end of the heap.
reason A textural explanation of why this instance is not OK.

List of UMPI peerPortals view columns:

Column field Description
name The configured name of this peer portal.
cost Cost.
interestTopics Interest/topics.
interestPCREPatterns Interest/PCRE patterns.
interestREGEXPatterns Interest/REGEX patterns.
proxyReceivers Proxy Receivers.
receiverTopics Receiver Topics.
receiverPCREPatterns Receiver PCRE patterns.
receiverREGEXPatterns Receiver REGEX patterns.
proxySources Proxy Sources.
rxDatMsg Data messages received.
rxDatByt Data bytes received.
rxTpcMsg Transport topic fragment data messages received.
rxTpcByt Transport topic fragment data bytes received.
rxTpcMsgUnSrc Transport topic fragment data messages received with unknown source.
rxTpcBytUnSrc Transport topic fragment data bytes received with unknown source.
rxReqFmtMsg Transport topic request fragment data messages received.
rxReqFmtByt Transport topic request fragment data bytes received.
rxTpcReqMsgUnSrc Transport topic request fragment data messages received with unknown source.
rxTpcReqBytUnSrc Transport topic request fragment data bytes received with unknown source.
rxImTpcMsg Immediate topic fragment data messages received.
rxImTpcByt Immediate topic fragment data bytes received.
rxImTpcReqMsg Immediate topic request fragment data messages received.
rxImTpcReqByt Immediate topic request fragment data bytes received.
rxImMsg Immediate topicless fragment data messages received.
rxImByt Immediate topicless fragment data bytes received.
rxImReqMsg Immediate topicless request fragment data messages received.
rxImReqByt Immediate topicless request fragment data bytes received.
rxUniMsg Unicast data messages received.
rxUniByt Unicast data bytes received.
rxUniMsgNSInfo Unicast data messages received with no stream information.
rxUniBytNSInfo Unicast data bytes received with no stream information.
rxUniMsgNRoute Unicast data messages received with no route to destination.
rxUniBytNRoute Unicast data bytes received with no route to destination.
rxCtlMsg Control messages received.
rxCtlByt Control bytes received.
rxTpcCtlMsg Transport topic control messages received.
rxTpcCtlByt Transport topic control bytes received.
rxTpcCtlMsgUnSrc Transport topic control messages received with unknown source.
rxTpcCtlBytUnSrc Transport topic control bytes received with unknown source.
rxUniCtlMsg Unicast control messages received.
rxUniCtlByt Unicast control bytes received.
rxRxnReqMsg Retransmission request messages received.
rxRxnReqByt Retransmission request bytes received.
rxCtlMsgNSInfo Control messages received with no stream information.
rxCtlBytNSInfo Control bytes received with no stream information.
rxCtlMsgNRoute Control messages received with no route to destination.
rxCtlBytNRoute Control bytes received with no route to destination.
rxGwCtlMsg Gateway control messages received.
rxGwCtlByt Gateway control bytes received.
rxCtlMsgUhndld Unhandled control messages received.
rxCtlBytUhndld Unhandled control bytes received.
txTpcFmtFwd Transport topic fragments forwarded.
txTpcBytFwd Transport topic bytes forwarded.
txTpcFmtTx Transport topic fragments sent.
txTpcBytTx Transport topic bytes sent.
txTpcFmtDpdDup Transport topic fragments dropped (duplicate).
txTpcBytDpdDup Transport topic bytes dropped (duplicate).
txTpcFmtDpdBlk Transport topic fragments dropped (blocking).
txTpcBytDpdBlk Transport topic bytes dropped (blocking).
txTpcFmtDpdNOp Transport topic fragments dropped (not operational).
txTpcBytDpdNOp Transport topic bytes dropped (not operational).
txTpcFmtDpdQFl Transport topic fragments dropped (queue failure).
txTpcBytDpdQFl Transport topic bytes dropped (queue failure).
txUniMsgFwd Unicast messages forwarded.
txUniBytFwd Unicast bytes forwarded.
txUniMsgTx Unicast messages sent.
txUniBytTx Unicast bytes sent.
txUniMsgDpdBlk Unicast messages dropped (blocking).
txUniBytDpdBlk Unicast bytes dropped (blocking).
txUniMsgNOp Unicast messages dropped (not operational).
txUniBytNOp Unicast bytes dropped (not operational).
txUniMsgQFl Unicast messages dropped (queue failure).
txUniBytQFl Unicast bytes dropped (queue failure).
txGwCtlMsgTtl Gateway control messages/bytes.
txGwCtlBytTtl Gateway control messages/bytes.
txGwCtlMsgTx Gateway control messages sent.
txGwCtlBytTx Gateway control bytes sent.
txGwCtlMsgDpdBlk Gateway control messages dropped (blocking).
txGwCtlBytDpdBlk Gateway control bytes dropped (blocking).
txGwCtlMsgDpdNOp Gateway control messages dropped (not operational).
txGwCtlBytDpdNOp Gateway control bytes dropped (not operational).
txGwCtlMsgDpdQFl Gateway control messages dropped (queue failure).
txGwCtlBytDpdQFl Gateway control bytes dropped (queue failure).
txBtchs Batches.
txMsgBtchMin Minimum messages per batch.
txBytBtchMin Minimum bytes per batch.
txMsgBtchAvg Average messages per batch.
txBytBtchAvg Average bytes per batch.
txMsgBtchMax Maximum messages per batch.
txBytBtchMax Maximum bytes per batch.
txBytQdCur Current data bytes enqueued.
txBytQdMax Maximum data bytes enqueued.
txBytQdLmt Configured enqueue limit (<max-queue>configuration parameter).
kaRttSamples Keepalive/RTT samples.
rttMin Minimum RTT (microseconds).
rttMean Mean RTT (microseconds).
rttMax Maximum RTT (microseconds).
lastKaRspnd Last keepalive responded to.

List of UMPI endPointPortals view columns:

Column field Description
name The configured name of this endpoint portal.
domainID The domain-id associated with this portal.
cost The cost associated with this portal.
localTopics Local interest/topics.
localPCREPatterns Local interest/PCRE patterns.
localREGEXPatterns Local interest/REGEX patterns.
remoteTopics Remote interest /topics.
remotePCREPatterns Remote interest/PCRE patterns.
remoteREGEXPatterns Remote interest/REGEXC patterns.
proxyReceivers Proxy receivers.
receiverTopics Receiver topics.
receiverPCREPatterns Receiver PCRE patterns.
receiverREGEXPatterns Receiver REGEX patterns.
proxySources Proxy sources.
rxTpcFmt Transport topic fragments received.
rxTpcByt Transport topic bytes received.
rxTpcReqFmt Transport topic request fragments received.
rxTpcReqByt Transport topic request bytes received.
rxTpcCtlMsg Transport topic control msgs received.
rxTpcCtlByt Transport topic control bytes received
rxImTpcFmt Immediate topic fragments received.
rxImTpcByt Immediate topic bytes received.
rxImTpcReqFmt Immediate topic request fragments received.
rxImTpcReqByt Immediate topic request bytes received.
rxImFmt Immediate topicless fragments received.
rxImByt Immediate topicless bytes received.
rxImReqFmt Immediate topicless request fragments received.
rxImReqByt Immediate topicless request bytes received.
rxUniMsg Unicast data messages received.
rxUniByt Unicast data bytes received.
rxDupUniMsgDpd Duplicate unicast data messages dropped.
rxDupUniBytDpd Duplicate unicast data bytes dropped.
rxUniMsgNSInfo Unicast data messages received with no stream info.
rxUniBytNSInfo Unicast data bytes received with no stream info.
rxUniMsgNRoute Unicast data messages received with no route to destination.
rxUniByteNRoute Unicast data bytes received with no route to destination.
rxUniCtlMsg Unicast control messages received.
rxUniCtlByt Unicast control bytes received.
rxDupUniCtlMsgDpd Duplicate unicast control messages dropped.
rxDupUniCtlBytDpd Duplicate unicast control bytes dropped.
rxUniCtlMsgNSInfo Unicast control messages received with no stream info.
rxUniCtlBytNSInfo Unicast control bytes received with no stream info.
rxUniCtlMsgNRoute Unicast control messages received with no route to destination.
rxUniCtlBytNRoute Unicast control bytes received with no route to destination.
txTpcFmtFwd Transport topic fragments forwarded.
txTpcBytFwd Transport topic bytes forwarded.
txTpcFmt Transport topic fragments sent.
txTpcByt Transport topic bytes sent.
txTpcReqFmt Transport topic request fragments sent.
txTpcReqByt Transport topic request bytes sent.
txTpcFmtDpdDup Duplicate transport topic fragments dropped.
txTpcBytDpdDup Duplicate transport topic bytes dropped.
txTpcFmtDpdBlk Transport topic fragments dropped due to blocking.
txTpcBytDpdBlk Transport topic bytes dropped due to blocking.
txTpcFmtDpdErr Transport topic fragments dropped due to error.
txTpcBytDpdErr Transport topic bytes dropped due to error.
txTpcFmtDpdSz Transport topic fragments dropped due to fragment size error.
txTpcBytDpdSz Transport topic bytes dropped due to fragment size error.
txImTpcFmtFwd Immediate topic fragments forwarded.
txImTpcBytFwd Immediate topic bytes forwarded.
txImTpcFmt Immediate topic fragments sent.
txImTpcByt Immediate topic bytes sent.
txImTpcReqFmt Immediate topic request fragments sent.
txImTpcReqByt Immediate topic request bytes sent.
txImTpcFmtDpdBlk Immediate topic fragments dropped due to blocking.
txImTpcBytDpdBlk Immediate topic bytes dropped due to blocking.
txImTpcFmtDpdErr Immediate topic fragments dropped due to error.
txImTpcBytDpdErr Immediate topic bytes dropped due to error.
txImTpcFmtDpdSz Immediate topic fragments dropped due to fragment size error.
txImTpcBytDpdSz Immediate topic bytes dropped due to fragment size error.
txImFmtFwd Immediate topicless fragments forwarded.
txImBytFwd Immediate topicless bytes forwarded.
txImFmt Immediate topicless fragments sent.
txImByt Immediate topicless bytes sent.
txImReqFmt Immediate topicless request fragments sent.
txImReqByt Immediate topicless request bytes sent.
txImFmtDpdBlk Immediate topicless fragments dropped due to blocking.
txImBytDpdBlk Immediate topicless bytes dropped due to blocking.
txImFmtDpdErr Immediate topicless fragments dropped due to error.
txImBytDpdErr Immediate topicless bytes dropped due to error.
txImFmtDpdSz Immediate topicless fragments dropped due to fragment size error.
txImBytDpdSz Immediate topicless bytes dropped due to fragment size error.
txUniMsgFwd Unicast messages forwarded.
txUniBytFwd Unicast bytes forwarded.
txUniMsg Unicast messages sent.
txUniByt Unicast bytes sent.
txUniMsgDpdErr Unicast messages dropped due to error.
txUniBytDpdErr Unicast bytes dropped due to error.
txBytQdCur Current data bytes enqueued.
txBytQdMax Maximum data bytes enqueued.
txBytQdLmt Configured enqueue limit (<max-queue> configuration parameter).

Defunct views

The UMPI routinely checks for activity from its monitored objects. When an object stops sending statistics, the UMPI removes that object, where applicable, from its activity and status views, and places the object in a defunct view.

The TIMEOUT sampler parameter determines how long the UMPI waits before it declares an object defunct.

If the UMPI receives statistics from a defunct object, then it removes the object from the defunct view and reinstates it in the relevant activity and status views, where applicable. If no objects remain in the defunct view, then the UMPI removes the view.

Defunct objects are automatically discarded after a configurable time period. The DEFUNCT_TIMEOUT sampler parameter determines how long the UMPI waits before it discards defunct objects.

To view the complete list of sampler parameters, see the Ultra Messaging Monitoring Technical Reference.

Plug-in configuration

This provides the configuration options available to customise the UMPI operation for different configurations of UMS.

Dynamic router and Gateway monitoring

The URL of the monitor interface of each dynamic router (6.x) or Gateway (5.x) instance to be monitored is supplied to the plug-in by a sampler parameter of the form TNWGD_URLxx, where xx is a number between 01 and 09. The maximum number of instances of the daemon for which the plug-in searches for parameters can be changed using the --max-tnwgd=number command-line option.

The plug-in must be able to poll each page necessary to extract the required monitoring information within one heartbeat.

If it is unable to do so, then it reports an error for each instance where this is the case:

"Too few polls-per-heartbeat available for useful work".

The maximum number of polls-per-second may be increased for an instance using the TNWGD_PPSxx sampler parameter, where xx matches the URL parameter of the instance reporting the error.

The number of seconds per heartbeat for the plug-in may be increased using the HEARTBEAT sampler parameter.

UMPI daemon command synopsis

The plug-in receives configuration parameters and generate views through the specified Geneos managed-entity managed-entity.

The UMPI daemon invocation command is:

geneos-umpi managed-entity|
[--version] [--help]
[--license=filename] [--hostname=hostname] [--port=number] [--sampler=name] [--retry=seconds]
| [ --detach=directory [--setuser=username] [--pidfile=filename] [--log=filename] ]]
[[--brief] | [--verbose] | [--debug]]
| [ --single-ctx= [--config=filename] [--ctx-dump] ]
| [ --xml-config=filename [--xml-ctx=name] [--ctx-dump] ]]
[--rctl-config=filename] [--rctl-topic=name] [--rctl-wctopic=name]
[--max-rows=number] [--throttle-age=ms]
[--cmd-socket=filename] [--cmd-timeout=seconds]
[--no-tr-request] [--tr-request-src] [--tr-request-rcv] [--tr-request-wcrcv] [--tr-interval=ms] [--tr-duration=seconds]

The options set out below further configure this operation:

Option Description
version Displays version information, then stops the plug-in.
help Displays the command synopsis, then stops the plug-in.

File to load as the license file for the plug-in.

Default: geneos-umpi.lic


Hostname or IP address of the machine on which the partner Netprobe is running.

Default: localhost


Port number for communication with the partner Netprobe.

Default: 7036


Name of the sampler from which Geneos views from this plug-in originates.

Default: CNE


Number of seconds to wait before retrying network connections (Netprobe ).

Default: 15


Do not detach from the initiating terminal, writing all log output to stdout.

Default: Yes


Detach from the initiating terminal as a daemon with directory as the working directory, respecting --set-user, --pid-file, and --log-file.

If present, --nodetach is the default.


Username of the user under whose privileges the plug-in must run.

Default: Invoking user


Filename to write the PID of the plug-in daemon.

Default: geneos-umpi.pid


File to which log entries are written once parameter and option processing are completed.

Default: geneos-umpi.log


Generate log entries only in the event of errors.

Default: Yes


Generate log entries for warnings and major events.

Default: brief


Generate large log entries under the control of plug-in specific environment variable values.

Use of this option is not recommended for live operation and must only be used when under instruction as part of the enquiry for a support request.

Default: brief


Use a single context for the receipt of source notifications and use the UMS configuration in the file filename to configure it.

Default: UMS configuration (no file)


Do not create any contexts for receipt of source notifications.

Default: a single context configured using the default options --single-ctx

single-ctx Use a single context for the receipt of source notifications.

Use the UMS XML configuration file filename to configure one or more contexts for the receipt of source notifications.

This can not be used with --single-ctx or --no-ctx. This requires at least one --xml-ctx=name option to be present.

Default: a single context configured using the default options --single-ctx


Create the context name configured within the application UMPI in the XML configuration file specified by xml-config option and use it to receive source notifications.

This is only valid in the presence of the xml-config option.


Dump the configuration of each source notification receipt context as it is created to the log.

Do not dump each context configuration.

rctl-config=filename Use the UMS configuration options in filename to configure the UMS transport used for the transfer performance statistics between application components and UMPI.

Use name as the name of the topic used to transfer performance statistics between application components and UMPI.

Default: /29west/statistics

rctl-wtopic=name Use name as the name of the wildcard topic used to transfer performance statistics between application components and UMPI.

Maximum number of tnwgd daemons that may be successfully configured on Geneos.

Default: 9


Maximum number of views rows that can be set by Geneos configuration.

Default: 100


Maximum time in milliseconds that a stats packet may be queued internally before throttling is initiated.

Default: 500

Unit: millisecond


Use filename as the socket for reception of client commands.

Default: /tmp/geneos-umpi.sock


Timeout for the receipt of client commands in seconds.

Default: 3

no-tr-request Specifies that UMPI must not initiate topic resolution upon start or restart (such as upon a change of this plug-in's sampler parameters on Geneos).
tr-request-src Specifies that UMPI must request advertisements from quiescent sources upon start or restart.
tr-request-rcv Specifies that UMPI must request advertisements from quiescent receivers upon start or restart.
tr-request-wcrcv Specifies that UMPI must request advertisements from quiescent wildcard receivers upon start or restart.

Interval between requests.

Default: 1000

Unit: milliseconds


Minimum duration of requests.

Default: 10

Unit: seconds

API sampler parameters

The parameters accepted through the Gateway Setup Editor sampler configuration for instances of UMPI are as follows:

Parameter Description

Frequency with which UMPI views are updated.

Default: 10

Unit: seconds


Timeout applied to statistics packets from UMS objects before such objects are declared defunct.

Default: 60

Unit: seconds


Timeout before defunct objects are deleted and forgotten.

Default: 720

Unit: minutes


Maximum number of rows that are displayed in operational views.

Default: 20


Maximum number of rows that are displayed in views generated through commands.

Default: 20


Where nn is a number between 00 and that specified by the --max-tnwgd=number command-line option.

It specifies a URL through which UMPI may access a tnwgd daemon's monitoring statistics.


Where nn is a number between 00 and that specified by the --max-tnwgd=number command-line option.

It specifies the maximum number of polls-per-second to apply to the tnwgd instance configured with a matching value of nn.

Default: 1


Specifies the Geneos group to use with this sampler.

Default: name of the sampler

Note: A current limitation of Geneos API-based applications is that the group generated by the CNPI and the group expected by Geneos must be separately configured as the same value. To facilitate this, at invocation and every restart, the UMPI attempts to read the GROUP parameter and, if found, replaces the default sampler-name group with the name specified as the value of this parameter. This value should match the group specified in the sampler configuration and in the list of expected views, if configured.

If the group names do not match, then the dataviews may become corrupted. To remove this corruption, remove the sampler from the configuration of the managed entity, save the configuration, correct the mismatch, and then add the sampler to the managed-entity.

By default, the UMPI places all views within a group that matches the name of the sampler.

umpicmd client command streamer synopsis

The umpicmd utility streams the command set out in command text to a UMPI instance through the defined socket.

Note: The command text must be sent to umpicmd as a single parameter.

On the bash shell, this is achieved by enclosing it in double quotes:

umpicmd --log=/tmp/umpicmd.log "view-full activeContexts"
Option Description

Displays version information, then stops the plug-in.


Displays the command synopsis, then stops the plug-in.


Use filename as the socket for reception of client commands.

Default: /tmp/geneos-umpi.sock


File to which log entries are written once parameter and option processing are completed.

Default: /tmp/umpicmd.log


Timeout for the receipt of client commands.

Default: 3

Unit: seconds

Further reading

If you are interested in applying the Ultra Messaging monitoring views on a Gateway, see the Ultra Messaging Monitoring User Guide.