Elasticsearch Monitoring User Guide


Elasticsearch monitoring is a Gateway configuration file that enables monitoring of Elasticsearch Cluster through the Toolkit plug-in.

Elasticsearch is a distributed, search, and analytics engine that is capable of scaling horizontally, allowing to add more nodes to the cluster. This means that it can search and analyze large scale of data.

The elements that make Elasticsearch work are defined as follows:

  • Node is a running instance of Elasticsearch that is capable of knowing the location of the document.
  • Cluster consists of one or more nodes with the same cluster name that can share their data and load.

Track the following key areas when using Elasticsearch monitoring:

Key Area Description
Search performance Determine how the search function perform over time by monitoring the query operations, load or latency, field data cache and evictions.
Indexing performance Each shard in the index can be updated through flush and refresh process.

Shard is a container for data that can be either a primary or a replica shard. It is how the Elasticsearch distributes data in the clusters.

  • Index refresh - creates a new in-memory segment allowing the newly indexed documents searchable.
  • Index flush - new documents are added to the in-memory buffer, the segments are committed, and the transaction log is cleared.
Cluster health and node availability Monitors the current state of all clusters and nodes.
Resource utilisation Provides information on how the thread pool queues and rejection works in monitoring the bulk, index, merge, and operations.
System and network metrics Shows information about every node in the cluster, resource and memory usage, and active connections opened over time.

In this Elasticsearch monitoring template, you will see these metrics in your dataview:

  • Cluster health
  • Indexing performance
  • Search performance
  • Node and resource information
  • Thread pool

To view the sample metrics and dataviews, see Elasticsearch Monitoring Technical Reference.

Intended audience

This guide is intended for users who are setting up, configuring, troubleshooting and maintaining this integration. Once the integration is set up, the samplers providing the dataviews become available to that Gateway.

As a user, you should be familiar with Linux or any other database, and with the administration of the Elasticsearch services.


The following requirements must be met prior to the installation and setup of the template:

  • A machine running the Netprobe must have access to the host where the Elasticsearch instance is installed and the port Elasticsearch is listening to.
  • Netprobe 4.6 or higher.
  • Gateway 4.8 or higher.
  • Python 2.7 or 3.6 installation on the machine where the Netprobe resides.
  • Elasticsearch 6.1.2.

Installation procedure

Ensure that you have read and can follow the system requirements prior to installation and setup of this integration template.

  1. Download the integration package geneos-integration-elasticsearch-<version>.zip from the ITRS Downloads site.
  2. Open Gateway Setup Editor.
  3. In the Navigation panel, click Includes to create a new file.
  4. Enter the location of the file to include in the Location field. In this example, it is the include/ElasticsearchMonitoring.xml.
  5. Update the Priority field. This can be any value except 1. If you input a priority of 1, the Gateway Setup Editor returns an error.
  6. Expand the file location in the Include section.
  7. Select Click to load.
  8. Click Yes to load the new Elasticsearch include file.
  9. Click Managed entities in the Navigation panel.
  10. Add the Elasticsearch type to the Managed Entity section that you will use to monitor Elasticsearch.
  11. Click the Validate button to check your configuration and save if everything is correct.

Set up the samplers

These are the pre-configured samplers available to use in include/ElasticsearchMonitoring.xml.

Configure the required fields by referring to the table below:


Set up the variables

The include/ElasticsearchMonitoring.xml template provides the following variables that are set in the Environments section:

Variable Description
Default: Elasticsearch-Monitoring
ELASTICSEARCHMON_HOST IP/Hostname of the Elasticsearch Node.
Default: localhost
ELASTICSEARCHMON_PORT Port assigned to the Elasticsearch HTTP service .
Default: 9200
ELASTICSEARCHMON_PYTHON_EXE Name of the executable script that calls the python code.

Set up the rules

The ElasticsearchMonitoring-SampleRules.xml template also provides a separate sample rules that you can use to configure the Gateway Setup Editor.

Your configuration rules must be set in the Includes section. In the Navigation panel, click Rules.

The table below shows the included rule setup in the configuration file:

Rules Sample Rules
Resource Elasticsearch-Diskspace
ClusterHealth Elasticsearch-ClusterStatus
Indexing Elasticsearch-IndexingLatency
Search Elasticsearch-QueryLatency