Citrix XenApp Monitoring Technical Reference


Geneos provides a monitoring solution for the Citrix XenApp virtualisation architecture and its components. This integration is available through the Toolkit plug-in.

Geneos monitoring for Citrix XenApp produces three samplers, each providing monitoring and dataviews:

  • Citrix-Apps — for published applications, as defined by Citrix XenApp.
  • Citrix-Processes — for processes running on a virtual machine.
  • Citrix-Sessions — for each unique session based on the user, applications used, and virtual machine logged into.

This technical reference provides information on the metrics and dataviews for the samplers available through the Citrix XenApp integration. If you are setting up the Citrix XenApp integration for the first time, see the Citrix XenApp Monitoring User Guide.

Metrics and dataviews

Note: All date and timestamps follow the ISO 8601 date-time format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|-hh:mm


Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds (s)

appCount Total number of published applications running.
Field Description
ApplicationId Unique ID assigned by Citrix XenApp on a published application.
Name Name of the published application.
Path Location of the application on the file directory.
UserName User logged in when the application is published.
MachineName Virtual machine from where the application is published.
IP Address IP address of the virtual machine.
StartDate Date and timestamp of when the published application starts running.
EndDate Date and timestamp of when the published application is terminated.
CreatedDate Date and timestamp of when the instance of the published application is created.
ModifiedDate Date and timestamp of when the published application is last accessed.


Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds (s)

Field Description
ProcessKey Unique ID assigned by Citrix XenApp on a process.
ProcessId Process ID as it appears on the machine.
ProcessName Name of the process.
ProcessCreationDate Date and timestamp of when the process starts running.
ApplicationName Name of the application from where the process runs.
CurrentConnectionId Unique connection ID identifying the connection on which the process runs.
UserName User logged in when the process starts.
MachineName Virtual machine from where the process runs.
PercentMemory Percentage of memory consumed by the process.
PercentCpu Percentage of the CPU consumed by the process.
CollectedDate Date and timestamp of when the metrics shown are collected.


Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds (s)

serverName Name of the server from which the sessions are being run.
Connected Number of connected sessions.
Active Number of active sessions.
Disconnected Number of disconnected sessions.
Terminated Number of terminated sessions.
Reconnecting Number of sessions that are reconnecting.
PreparingSession Number of sessions that are in the preparing state.
NonBrokeredSession Number of non-brokered sessions.
Pending Number of sessions whose connection state is pending.
Other Number of sessions whose status do not fall under any of the aforementioned headline fields.
Unknown Number of sessions whose statuses are not known.
Field Description
CurrentConnectionId Unique connection ID identifying the connection on which the session runs.
UserName User logged in for the session.
MachineName Virtual machine from where the session is held.
SessionType Indicates if the session is based on a desktop login or a specific application.
StartDate Date and timestamp of when the session starts running.
EndDate Date and timestamp of when the session ends.
LogOnDuration Elapsed time since the start of the session, based on the user login.
ConnectionState Indicates if the session is active or disconnected.
ConnectionStateChangeDate Date and timestamp of the last change in the connection state.
SessionIdleTime Date and timestamp of the most recent inactivity.
LifecycleState Lifecycle state for the session. This field is for internal tracking and management.
IsAnonymous Indicates if the session is anonymous or not.
CreatedDate Date and timestamp of when the session is created.
ModifiedDate Date and timestamp of the last activity in the session.
FailureDate Date and timestamp of when the connection failed. If the connection has not failed, then this field is empty.
ExitCode Session termination exit code.

Environment configuration

When you run the Citrix XenApp integration file, it automatically configures its own sub-folders, files, and samplers in the Includes folder on the Gateway Setup Editor.

In its Environments folder, you can configure the environment variables to ensure that the Citrix XenApp integration monitors your target machine.

Name Description

Installation directory where the PowerShell executable file resides.

Default value:


OData REST endpoint of the Delivery Controller.

Default value:


User account with Citrix monitoring privileges.

Default value:


Password for the user account with Citrix monitoring privileges. Supplied password should be encrypted. See Citrix XenApp Monitoring User Guide for more information.

Default value:


OData filter for the Citrix-Session dataview.

You can modify this variable to fine-tune your session metrics.

Default value:
?$filter=EndDate eq null (This expression filters out inactive sessions.)


OData filter for the Citrix-Apps dataview.

You can modify this variable to fine-tune your session metrics.

Default value:
?$filter=EndDate eq null (This expression filters out inactive sessions.)


Designated location for the PowerShell scripts.

Default value:
. (Designates the script into the same folder as your Netprobe.)


Group name of the integration samplers.

Default value:

Further reading

If you are interested in using the Citrix XenApp monitoring samplers on a Gateway, see the Citrix XenApp Monitoring User Guide.