Amazon Web ServicesMonitoring Technical Reference


Amazon Web Services (AWS) integration with Geneos enables you to retrieve live Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance information, list CloudWatch metrics, monitor volumes and other interactions configured in Amazon Web Services, and display them as dataviews in Geneos.

The AWS monitoring integration provides a Gateway configuration file that enables monitoring of the AWS environment through a set of pre-configured Toolkit samplers. The script can be configured by a set of environment variables and command line options.

This technical reference provides information on the metrics and dataviews for the samplers available through the AWS integration. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, see the Amazon Web Services Monitoring User Guide.


This technical reference is intended for users who will be using Active Console to monitor data from the AWS environment. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, see the Amazon Web Services Monitoring User Guide.

Environment variables

The awsMonitoring.xml script provides the variables that are set in the Environments section. They are configured to ensure that the integration monitors your target AWS environment. Note that only three variables are Geneos specific, the remaining ones are official environment variables for AWS that can be used in Gateway Setup Editor configuration.

For more information on AWS specific environment variables, see AWS documentation.

Variable Type Description

Geneos specific variable. Used to determine the number of days for which the bill will be displayed in the AWS Cost Usage dataview.

DRILL_AWS_SERVICE String Geneos specific variable. Used for creating Custom CloudMetrics dataviews.
AWS_BY_ID String Geneos specific variable. Used for listing out the accounts in AWS Cost Usage dataview.

Geneos specific variable. Frequency of sampling. If checks are executed manually, the value is shown as 0.

Note: The default configuration of this integration is to perform manual sampling. This is because Amazon charges for each request that you make, for example for pulling out metrics from CloudWatch or asking for your billing cycle.


Geneos specific variable. Frequency of sampling specific to the AWS Cost Usage sampler. If checks are executed manually, the value is shown as 0.

Note: The default configuration of this integration is to perform manual sampling. This is because Amazon charges for each request that you make, for example for pulling out metrics from CloudWatch or asking for your billing cycle.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID String AWS access key ID. Use this variable if you want to connect to AWS environment with environment variables instead of AWS CLI.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY String AWS secret key. Access and secret key variables override credentials stored in credential and configuration files. Use this variable if you want to connect to AWS environment with environment variables instead of AWS CLI.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION String AWS region. This variable overrides the default region of the profile that is in use. Use this variable if you want to connect to AWS environment with environment variables instead of AWS CLI.
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN String Specify a session token if you are using temporary security credentials.

AWS Command Line (CLI) output formatting.

Example: JSON, text or table.

AWS_PROFILE String Name of the AWS CLI profile to use. This can be the name of a profile stored in a credential or configuration file. If you want to use the default profile, then input Default.
AWS_CA_BUNDLE String Path to a certificate bundle to use for HTTPS certificate validation.
AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE String Location of the file that the AWS CLI uses to store credentials, for example, access keys.

Location of the file that the AWS CLI uses to store configuration profiles.

Metrics and dataviews

The sections below list metrics and example dataviews available with the AWS integration.


This sampler provides a list of your available Amazon Web Services and metrics you can display for them. For getting a particular set of Amazon CloudWatch metrics, specify the service using the DRILL_AWS_SERVICE environment variable in your toolkit configuration. To see the sample metrics configured with this integration, see Custom CloudMetrics.

Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds


Column Name Description
Services Services available for your AWS account.
Available Metrics Metrics available for each service.

Custom CloudMetrics

This sampler provides a sample list of Amazon Web Services available with your account and metrics you can display for these services. You can create additional samplers with services available in your Amazon account using the DRILL_AWS_SERVICE environment variable in your toolkit configuration.


This sampler shows your backed up Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) within your account. It is also used for creating new EC2 instances bases on a pre-built AMI using custom commands.

Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds


Column Name Description
AMI ID ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Image Name Name of the AMI.

Architecture of the AMI.

Example: 32-bit (i386) or 64-bit (x86_64)

OS Platform Platform on which the AMI is based.
Location Location of the AMI.

Current state of the AMI.

Example: available.

State Reason Reason for the current state. For example, if the state shows as terminated, the reason can be: volume limit exceeded.
Root Device Name Name of the root device volume.
Root Device Type

Type of the root device volume.

Example: Amazon EBS or instance store.

Creation Date Time and date when the AMI was created.
Owner ID ID of the owner of the AMI.

EC2 Instances

This sampler displays information of your running Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. It is also used for starting and stopping the EC2 instances by using custom commands.

Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds


Column Name Description
Instance ID ID of the EC2 instance.
Name Name of the EC2 instance.
Instance Type

Type and model of the EC2 instance.

Example: t2.large, t3.small, m5.xlarge.

Instance State

Current state of the instance.

Example: running, stopped.

State Reason Reason for the displayed state. For example, if the state shows as stopped, the reason can be: user initiated shutdown.
OS Platform Platform on which the EC2 instance is based.
Public IPv4 Public IP of the EC2 instance.
Private IPv4 Private IP of the EC2 instance.
Elastic IPs Static IP of the EC2 instance.
Interface ID Resource identifier of elastic network interface.
Availability Zone Availability zone within the region.
Key Name

Name of the key pair used to launch the EC2 instance.

Security Group (Group ID) Name and ID of the security group assigned to the EC2 instance.

EBS Volumes

This sampler displays information of volumes running with the EC2 instances. It also shows their capacity.

Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds


Column Name Description
Instance ID - Volume ID

ID and name (in brackets) of the EC2 Instance to which the volume is connected.

ID of the volume (indented).

Device name Name of the root device volume.

Volume size.

Unit: GBs

Volume type

Volume type.

Example: gp2 (General Purpose SSD), io1 (Provisioned IOPS SSD)

Device state

The attachment state of the volume.

Example: attached — this means that the volume is attached to an EC2 instance.


The state of the attached volume.

Example: in-use.

Attached date The time stamp when the attachment initiated.
Delete on termination Indication whether the volume be deleted when an EC2 instance is terminated.

AWS Cost Usage

This sampler displays information about your EC2 costs. By default, it shows 30 days of cost. You can override this value using the AWS_COST_DAYS variable.

Headline field Description

Elapsed time for the Toolkit plug-in to run the script.

Unit: seconds


Column Name Description
Service Name of a service linked to your account that generates costs.
Amount Amount due.

Currency in which the costs are displayed.

Further reading

To learn more about setting up the AWS monitoring samplers on a Gateway, see the Amazon Web Services Monitoring User Guide.