
Restricted Sections


Gateway Setup Files (main and includes files) can be configured to contain (show) only specific sections.

Each file contains a Restricted sections, that contains the list of sections that are allowed or not allowed in that file depending upon if the Restrict flag is selected. If Restricted sections does not exist all sections are allowed.


You can specify restricted sections using the Restrict setting in two ways:

  • To restrict all sections but allow the selected ones.
  • To allow all sections but to not allow the selected ones.

When a top-level section is allowed (e.g. Database logging) its sub-sections (Tables, Items) are also selected. In cases when only the sub-section is allowed, but not the top-level section, only the sub-section is modifiable and the top-level section is empty.

If a restricted section exists in the include file, the Gateway sends an error message and the setup is not applied. By default, all restricted sections are hidden by default in the Gateway Setup Editor. They can be shown using View -> Show restricted sections.



Top level section contains settings to restrict/unrestrict particular sections in the setup file.

Mandatory: No
Default: (Everything is unrestricted)
restrictedSections > restrict

A Boolean flag determining whether to restrict or unrestrict sections:

  • true — all sections are restricted.
  • false — all sections are unrestricted.

You can this list any exceptions in restrictedSections > restrict > sections below.

Restricted sections are greyed out in the Gateway Setup Editor and users cannot select or modify them. Unrestricted sections appear as normal.

Mandatory: No
Default: true
restrictedSections > restrict > sections

List of paths (setup file sections) that can be specified as exceptions to the general rule of restrictedSections > restrict flag.

Mandatory: No
Default: (No sections means no exceptions)
restrictedSections > restrict > sections > section

A place (wrapper) where the name of section that is an exception to the restricted sections rule is specified.

Mandatory: No
Default: (No sections means no exceptions)
restrictedSections > restrict > sections > section > path

The name/path of the section that is an exception to the restricted sections rule. It is a dropdown list of all sections present in that setup file.

Mandatory: No
Default: (No sections means no exceptions)